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Have you tried the keto diet?

If you've tried the keto diet, what did you think? Did you achieve the results you were hoping for? What were the positives and negatives for you?


Find out about the benefits and risks of the keto diet here.

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No, it sounds like it would be hard on the kidneys. And not enough fruit in the diet. I do fine just to balance the protein and carb ala The Zone Diet.

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What is the point of a keto diet? Lose weight quickly and then quickly gain weight? Earn ketosis? In my opinion, protein-carbohydrate alternation is better.

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 I dove into the keto world in January on a rather strict regiment with a maximum of 19 carbs per day. While I am extremely active, I found that my much heavier friends who were inactive dropped weight very quickly while I have only lost a total of 6 pounds in all of these months. I have continued on keto because I have lost all craving for sugar and unhealthy carbohydrates. I have upped my carbs to 34 just this week. I do not see myself withdrawing from this diet as I am enjoying the absence of sugar addiction.   I have learned to cook and bake healthy keto alternative foods, and I’m extremely grateful for these changes.

Periodic Contributor

I've not tried this fad but know a few people that have and have become huge fans and that's all they want to talk about.  Don't think my system could handle all the fat......and I like my fruits and vegetables to much.


Periodic Contributor

See prior post. This is not a fad.  This was used to treat diabetes before insulin.


1.  It's not a fad.

2.  If you think you need to give up fruits and vegetables to eat the Keto way, then you need to do more research. 


This is a footnote to my former post: I use nearly all of my carbs on vegetables, and I eat healthy fats. I toss salmon, chia seeds, and avocados in my diet regularly. Nutrition is never a thing to be abused. I feel as though I am eating healthier than ever as I record everything that goes into my mouth. (Awareness is a helpful tool.) I am horribly allergic to dairy, but I eat plenty of goat cheese and goat butter and sheep cheese. I use coconut milk in baking. I am free of cravings and of hunger! I create wonderful quick breads and cookies with almond flour and Pyure organic sweetener that keep me from feeling deprived.

Periodic Contributor

Please don't call it a fad. It has been around as a medical treatment for epilepsy since the 1920's. And before medical insulin it was used as an effective diet for diabetes.
Periodic Contributor

Tried once, the old "college try" since I'm fond of trying different diets to have personal experince in them. Tried going full ketogenic. For days was accompanied by fever-like symptoms, constipation, mental fog, and it could have persisted had I not gave into temptation and had fruit. 


I think many who believe they're in Keto are merely in a low carb diet, as going keto (removal of all but 5% of carbs, roughly 50 grams for most) is agonzing. 


Started keto diet a little over 2 months ago and have lost 32 pounds, l have more energy, less stress and don't get craving any more. It has also helped my complexion and dry skin problems. Doctor has me off my blood pressure medication and my arthritis pain has lessened. It works for me, recommend checking with your Doctor before starting a keto lifestyle. A lot restaurants have added keto friendly items to their menus. 

Regular Contributor

My wife and I have been eating what I call  "near-keto" for the past 3 years. We do eat lots of healthy fats (olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, Bulletproof coffee, etc.; about 45 to 50% of our daily calories are from fat) but not at the extremely high amounts (70+%) described in a true keto diet. So, we're not in ketosis but still see excellent results. We avoid processed foods, avoid anything with added sugar, avoid wheat-containing foods and minimize unhealthy carbs. Our health benefits have been amazing. We're in our early 70's and by eating this way we've eliminated severe back pain, no longer have acid reflux, no more agonizing migraines,  sciatica is gone, previously high BP and high cholesterol are now normal, arthritis is gone and all of this accomplished without any prescription meds. Also, my weight (6 foot male) has stabilized now at 159 pounds (was at 193  three years ago) and I've lost 6 inches from my waist. My muscle tone is excellent. I do moderate resistance excercise (10 minutes daily) and we walk 3 miles daily. We feel 20 years younger. For us, this type of eating equates to using healthy food as our medicine.

Social Butterfly

I’m the other way around.  I’m trying to gain weight and am on the milk shake diet!

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Although I think there is a benefit to avoiding too much sugar or too much carbs, I don't believe that getting most of your calories from fat is healthy or a sustainable lifestyle.  


"When a person goes off the ketogenic diet and regains much of their original weight, it’s often not in the same proportions, says Kizer: Instead of regaining lean muscle, you’re likely to regain fat. “Now you’re back to your starting weight, but you no longer have the muscle mass to burn the calories that you did before,” she says. “That can have lasting effects on your resting metabolic rate, and on your weight long-term.”"


This is especially not great for seniors since it's super important to support lean muscle mass.


I lost 80 lbs on a healthy balanced plan and have kept it off for 7 years.

Periodic Contributor

Great reasoning. I've found that people are more likely to go to extreme approach as opposed to moderate, as you have done. Don't find removal of large food groups to work with me at all. 


Unfortunately, many who may be initally successful like you said, will find themselves dealing with mental and physical fallout when it does not work 1-2-3 year down the line and it will be just another fad

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I had a great experience with Keto over a six month period. Even though I never actually reached ketosis, I did lose 30 pounds! 

It’s a really easy diet to adhere to as long as you stay away from prepared foods which can be a small challenge if you eat out alot. I cook at home which makes it a snap. There are thousands of recipes for snacks, entrees and sides available on any recipe app such as Allrecipes, NY Times Food, Epicurus or the many health web sites that focus on Keto.

All that said, I don’t believe Keto is a long term diet as I find it to restrictive for other nutritiants. Plus, eating so much protein and fat gets boring after six months.I now follow a more Paleo diet with 80%  vegetables as my primary eating habit.

good luck and good eating 

Regular Contributor

My family was on the Keto diet for three years, and came off gradually. We still return to it when not feeling well or when fighting off illness. I especially make lots of soups and stews in the winter that use bone broth or meat stock. We lost weight even though we weren't trying, and had to add more healthy fats to our diet to stabilize. And because we followed the GAPS version we continue to eat fermented foods and very high quality meats and dairy from pastured animals. My husband's heart disease seems to be much improved, my grandson is more healthy, and I seem to have detoxed from chemo ten years ago. Since going off the diet I did have a thrombosis, but my recovery has been good.


Doing Keto now. It seems the only way I am able to lose weight.



Yes and it is fantastic! I dropped 15 pounds in 7 weeks (hoping for more as I continue to stay on it).


Not only did I lose weight, it melted belly fat like I could not believe! I am rarely hungry and I never crave the food I cannot have on Keto.


I would recommend it to anyone!

Super Contributor

@dturley wrote:

Yes and it is fantastic! I dropped 15 pounds in 7 weeks (hoping for more as I continue to stay on it).


Not only did I lose weight, it melted belly fat like I could not believe! I am rarely hungry and I never crave the food I cannot have on Keto.


I would recommend it to anyone!

What's the difference between a keto diet and the Atkin's diet?  From what I can tell, they seem to be the same, just a different name.
Kathleen Molnar

The difference is Keto is moderate protein and Atkins was high protein. Keto is also about ingedients - avoiding processed foods, sugars, inflammatory type foods.
"Garbage in, garbage out" is as true for our bodies as it is for computers.

I started the Keto diet in Jan .2019.  I am a diabetic and was struggiling to keep my A1C under 7.0.  Today my A1C has dropped to 5.9 as of my last doctor visit.  I also have dropped about 15 pounds while on the diet.  If you are a diabetic or pre-diebetic, I would strongly reccomend this diet.  I get most of my information from Dr. Berg MD on his youtube channel.  


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