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What games do you play to keep your brain healthy?

Playing brain games may lower dementia, do you play a game daily?  Here is a great article on this:


Share here what games do you play.

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  • so sorry.  it doesn't show the laptop in front them, but I'm sure you get the joke.

I play sudoku, solitair and Lumosity
Regular Contributor

I don't get the newspaper every day, but I enjoy doing the Jumble when I do.  Every night before going to bed I play games on my tablet until I'm sleepy.  I play Spades, Hearts, Solitaire, 7 Words and Scrabble against the computer.  I occasionally play Backgammon and Word Search on it, too.  I also bring my tablet to the doctor's office and other appointments to entertain myself while waiting.  I have these games on my smart phone, too, and I play them in restaurants and such while waiting for my friends to join me.  I'm heavily into genealogy research, too.  I research almost daily, and it keeps my mind ticking while searching for those elusive new clues!  : )

Periodic Contributor

I enjoy crossword puzzles as well as online solitaire. I too watch and play along with Jeopardy. Locally in the Washington DC TV viewing area, we have a high school quiz show, "It's Academic" on Saturday mornings which covers literature, history, art, mathematics and sciences. 

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I solve the Jumble and Cryptoquote daily.  Occasionally, I do the crossword puzzle.  And, I play both Solitaire and Mahjong online.  I play Trivia Crack on my phone.  Occasionally, I play HQ Trivia, but there's too much hipster clowning around, and they're not truthful about the questions being "progressively" harder.  There's three simple questions, then one bizzare question that about half the players get wrong . . . and get eliminated, then there are eight questions of varying difficulty, but by then you're just a spectator.  I also play along while watching Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune!

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Periodic Contributor

- Suduku - keeps me going .

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Social Butterfly

I do Sudoku puzzles daily.  After all, it is the puzzle sensation that's sweeping the nation!

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Trusted Contributor

I do online games.  I also love word search, Finding words on my game site.  They give you clues and you put the letters where they belong.  I play Bingo also.  I read magazines and lots of emails.  I do feel like the email keeps my mind going

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Periodic Contributor

@s166280s wrote:

I do online games.  I also love word search, Finding words on my game site.  They give you clues and you put the letters where they belong.    I read magazines and lots of emails.  I do feel like the email keeps my mind going

My favorite games all Mahjong games Solitiare


RUMMIKUB.... online and With Friends and I prefer to read lots

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My favorite is Rummikub both with my husband and online and I also play solitaire. Plus I love to read all the time.

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Periodic Contributor

My favorite games all Mahjong games Solitiare

Regular Contributor

To AARP Teri -


Can you please either add a version of the UFOV games you mention to your website,

with a link to adding more for payment since there don't seem to be any free ones?


Or, can you help AARP members get Double Decision from Posit Science at a reduced Senior Rate...?


If any AARP members also have this year's ALPINE Advent Calendar,

the Bear Run works effectively as a UFOV!

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Super Contributor

I like crossword puzzles & other word puzzles.  Sometimes I do Sudoku, but I'm more into words than numbers.  And I read a lot.  Books, magazines, whatever, to keep the mind engaged.


I actually love word games like Scrabble.

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Regular Contributor

I also do crosswords.  The harder they are, the better I like them!  I also am a voracious reader.


I also like Bejeweled Butterflies and Mine.  I play Free Cell too.

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Regular Contributor

I do like games, but I'm a big believer in sports - not only for your brain, but for providing other benefits as well.


I took up tennis in my late 40s, and it does a number of wonderful things: it's very social (have met a number of good friends through organized tennis); it keeps you moving; every point is a little different so you have to strategize the entire time you're playing (the brain part); it keeps you committed (you can't let down your partner by deciding it's "too cold" or you're "too tired"). 


One other thought is to try an Escape Room - that really gets the brain humming.  Here's an article I wrote about this: 


Jan Cullinane, author, The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement (AARP/Wiley)

Regular Contributor

I've always enjoyed playing Poker. After I retired I found a free online Poker site and have been playing now for 2 years. I've learned a variety of Poker games that I never knew existed.


PCH also has a number of games that I play occasionally.


But most of all, my lifetime philosophy of "Learning something new each day" probably serves me the best in the brain health area!



Can you share the website for the site for free games and learning new poker games?

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Social Butterfly


I’ve played all the games on this website. Mah Jongg and Sudoku probably are the most mentally stimulating to me. Although I like Monkey Gems and helping BenBen the monkey fend off snakes, him and me make a pretty good team.

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Bronze Conversationalist

My favorite game is Sudoku.  When I complete a couple 'hard' or 'evil' level ones in the morning, I seem to be more alert/keen the rest of the day.

Honored Social Butterfly

I play matching games, basically derivatives of Majhong. Almost every day. I probably have 15 different Majhong games on my computer.


That and carefully navigating interpersonal communication keeps me sharp as a rock. Er, tack. Tack. Yeah, sharp as a tack. 🙂



"The key to success is to keep growing in all areas of life - mental, emotional, spiritual, as well as physical." Julius Erving

I do crossword puzzles and word search .Online I play  Just Words, Letter Garden, Just Words, Majong and slots.  I play one game of something at least 2 times a day.

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