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Songs That MeToo Might Blackball Today

Not trying to kick the hornets' nest, and hoping I don't get run out of town by all the more sensible villagers (because I would really miss you all) ... so I hope this will be taken in the manner in which it was intended. 


So I recently saw an Instagram  post bashing Al Hirt for putting out a record called "Music to Watch Girls By" back in 1967, using hashtags like "voyeur" and "SmashthePatriarchy" ... and I just thought, "Say Whaaaaat?" I mean, I guess I get it ... but now we're going to smash the trumpet player (God rest his soul) for covering a song 50 years ago about watching girls? 


So anyway, that song is my first entry in this new category. I'm sure there are other songs that in retrospect would be deemed much more offensive than this one, so I'm just interested to see where people might go with this thread, if anywhere at all!

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“Lightnin’ Strikes Again”, by Lou Christie. Google the lyrics to get a true appreciation of this song. Essentially Lou tells his girlfriend that he’ll marry her someday, but since she’s old enough to “know the makings of a man”, she should be patient for now while he kisses (etc.) every woman that moves because when “lightnin’ strikes again” he must do what a man must do. Great stuff! It still gets airplay!

Honored Social Butterfly

I Love You Like a Ball and Chain.  Eurythmics



Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
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1) “I’m a Girl Watcher”, by the O’Kaysons (leering at girls walking by, etc).


2) “I Put a Spell On You”, by Screamin’ Jay Hawkins (he doesn’t care if she doesn’t want him; she’s his anyhow because he’ll put a spell on her).


3) “Every Breath You Take”, by The Police (this guy is a serious, disturbing stalker).


4) “Take Good Care of My Baby”, by Bobby Vee (“and  if you should discover that you don’t really love her, just send my baby home to me.....”  [via FedEx?].


5) “He Hit Me and It Felt Like a Kiss”, by the Crystals. The title says it all. Ironically, it was co-written by Carole King!

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Honored Social Butterfly

The Night has a Thousand Eyes.  Bobby




This is in the creeper category if you listen to the lyrics.  But I like it. Hahahahaha 





Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
Honored Social Butterfly

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Honored Social Butterfly

So what would we think about Blurred Lines 🤔   


Huge hit!  Seventh best selling digital hit of all time



Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
Regular Social Butterfly

@nyadrn Yes it IS good to see you back on here! And yes, Blurred Lines is super creepy. According to Robin Thicke, the lyrics were written by Pharrell, which I was Unhappy to hear:

Honored Social Butterfly

@millineutron wrote:

@nyadrn Yes it IS good to see you back on here! And yes, Blurred Lines is super creepy. According to Robin Thicke, the lyrics were written by Pharrell, which I was Unhappy to hear:

I was really surprised that Pharrell turned out to be the writer. Thicke says it's been misinterpreted. Maybe so, but an audience wouldn't have their perspective in mind just listening to the lyrics. 

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
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Honored Social Butterfly

@MaVolta wrote:


@nyadrn - Good to see posts from you again!!  (are you watching The Voice? no thread started yet)

@MaVolta @millineutron 

Hi and thanks. I broke my left hand on vacation and I have not been typing as much. LOL.  


I did start The Voice thread 😀



Life's a Journey, not a Destination" Aerosmith
Regular Social Butterfly

@nyadrn wrote: 
@MaVolta @millineutron 

Hi and thanks. I broke my left hand on vacation and I have not been typing as much. LOL.  

Owww! That sounds painful! Glad you're better!


@MaVolta wrote:

Thicke says it's been misinterpreted.  


OK, Robin ... mmmm hmmmm. 

Honored Social Butterfly

Interesting subject, for sure!


This one is from the Broadway musical, The Most Happy Fella, 1956:

Standing on the Corner (watching all the girls go by) 


It probably was never noticed back in the day, but the lyrics are really creepy! (see link below)

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
Regular Social Butterfly

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Honored Social Butterfly

@millineutron wrote:


This one really bothers me, even though it might not be a MeToo thing: Under My Thumb -- The Rolling Stones




Yes, I'd say it qualifies! 

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
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