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Good Morning to the Front Porch and Welcome to May 2020 Goodbye April 2020.
Hoping everyone has a great First Day OF May 2020.
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Please note that May - June is CLOSED to new postings!
PLEASE USE Morning Roll Call!!! JULY - AUGUST
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Hi it’s 80* and rain continues off an on, and will continue for 3 days.
Like blizzards I think I enjoy a wild thunderstorm passing through my area.
Did hear about Bournemouth, and watched them on BBC, bunch of twits, packed like Sardines on the beach.
Language my cousins used was harsher, Scots and Brits still living in UK.
We used to visit pre-pandemic, that’s not going to happen for a long while. Neither are the Canadian contingent 2021, maybe if changes are made.😇
Spent the last couple days trying to talk my cousin in NH through removing “t the app” off her cellphones. She finally switched parties, the app, t and her in-laws popping positive, sent her over the edge.😷
Time to clean my rain coat found it, after 2 years in mud room. Think I’ll need it for the next couple of days, and don’t want to wear the Burberry, more of a Lands End squall type.
Time to play
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Tuesday am, rain and more rain.But, finally get to begin doctor tag again.
Coffee is calling, mask is ready and I think I’m ready. Tired but, ready decided when I woke up at 5 to stay up.
Think I’ll switch to Bustello Expresso to feel more human or awake. 110 lovely miles to Dr. and back again.
Enjoy folks
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Good 🌞 morning Everyone may you all have a Wonderful Blessed Sunday !!!! And @LaDolceVita thank you very much 🙂
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Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this very sunny Sunday morning in June, 2020! May everyone have have a nice day with a pitcher of ice ice tea or lemonade in your refrigerator.
- Perfect Lemonade Recipe
- Prep time: 10 minutes
- Yield: Serves 6For more intense lemon flavor, grate the zest from one fresh lemon and add the zest to the simple syrup as you are making it. Once the sugar has dissolved in the water remove from heat and let the zest seep in the simple syrup for several minutes, then strain out the zest when you add the simple syrup to the lemon juice.
- 1 cup white, granulated sugar (can reduce to 3/4 cup)
- 1 cup water (for the simple syrup)
- 1 cup lemon juice
- 2 to 3 cups cold water (to dilute)
1 Make "simple syrup": Place the sugar and water in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer. Stir so that the sugar dissolves completely and remove from heat.
Juice the lemons: While the water is heating for the simple syrup, juice your lemons. Depending on the size of the lemons, 4 to 6 of them should be enough for one cup of juice.
Combine lemon juice, simple syrup, water: Pour the juice and the simple syrup sugar water into a serving pitcher. Add 2 to 3 cups of cold water and taste. Add more water if you would like it to be more diluted (though note that when you add ice, it will melt and naturally dilute the lemonade).
If the lemonade is a little sweet for your taste, add a little more straight lemon juice to it.
Chill: Refrigerate 30 to 40 minutes.
Serve with ice, sliced lemons. Enjoy!
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Hi, Everybody!
I can't believe it...I got a notification this AM that @DaveMcK had posted something. This is the first notification I've received in weeks! Hope they keep coming.
@LaDolceVita ...yes, thanks, it was a great birthday!
@DaveMcK the virus...Earlier this AM, Chuck Todd said, "The US blew it." Meaning we were doing so well with flattening the curve, and then too early we started re-opening things and people got carried away, and became irresponsible, careless, and selfish. Such a waste!
Oh, Dave, I like your idea of having a nice cool glass of lemonade on a hot day like this one!
As for me right now I need more coffee first!
Coffee first! And hurry!
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Morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this very early Sunday June, 2020! We are looking at an other days break in the rainy weather today! It will be around 85* this afternoon. I'm not very happy with the major uptick in new cases of the deadly Virus.
Post from a Facebook friend from England with some strong thoughts about those that are not taking pandemic seriously!
It might be the case that those who flocked to Dorset yesterday represent a lumpen minority. Trouble is, that’s all it takes.
“It doesn’t matter what we do these vile idiots will ignore rules,” tweeted Vikki Slade, the leader of Bournemouth Council, who justifiably described the behaviour of the hordes the heatwave brought to her town as “disgusting”.
She was conversing online with Laura Miller, a Conservative from DorsetCouncil, who reported being sworn at and spat at. “We are trying everything we can – signs, road closures, ticketing, education – you name it but it doesn’t work. They don’t care,” Miller said.
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Good afternoon to everyone on the Front Porch for some afternoon relaxation with a cup of coffee and a very low calorie snack! Happy Birthday @catwoman500.
Hoping you are up after your afternoon nap and ready to face the rest of the!
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It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood 70* and thunderstorms rolling through mountains.
I slept in comfort 8 hours and feel human again. Lawn mostly done🤷♂️, it’s no longer 12” high.
Coffee’s made and I can breathe and move without melting, it was steamy yesterday.
Laptops are still chugging away they can work, I’ll stay home today.👍
I’m going to attempt to clean house, starting with contacts on the stereos. I’ve reworked every solder joint on them, replaced melted caps And mid-cuss remembered that I’ve had them since 1968 and at least 2 speakers awhile longer.
Really hope cleaning knobs and switches makes my Sara’s return to life, almost like my niece’s boyfriend who touched them.👎🏻 He was allowed to leave house unbroken.🤣
Time to mix the Murphy’s and clean floors, tired of looking at dirty 18” heart pine boards, ugh.
What’s a haircut? 1 and 1/2 years, I’ve forgotten, it’s a familiar term but, can’t recall.
I beginning to feel like I could be in a rock opera.🤣
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Hi, Porch Peeps!
Warm and breezy today. The humidity should be dropping soon, so they say. I anticipate open windows later.
Went to Wegman’s this AM as I wanted to get some Pecorino cheese…not the hard kind that you grate, but the softer cheese, and Wegman’s is the only grocery store around here that you can find it. It’s not exactly in season yet.
I had a delightful time wandering around…it’s a huge store and recently moved their tiny wine/beer section from a corner of the store to the central part and it’s so much bigger and really looks nice. Of course, this being PA we still have to pay for the alcohol separately from the groceries.
Speaking of alcohol…the rubbing kind…I finally saw some there, but at $14.99/bottle, no way was that going into my cart! Holy cow! it was less than 20 oz.!
Just got this from NBC news…
Visitors from states with coronavirus hotspots will have to quarantine for 14 days if they set foot in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut, the governors of those northeastern states said Wednesday. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Washington, Utah and Texas have high enough infection rates to warrant the quarantine, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. |
Since we are seeing that things are getting better in this part of the country I guess they want to keep it that way. Yikes!
My friend who has been “stuck” in her FL condo since Feb has to fly into Trenton, NJ to get home to PA eventually. Sure hope she has no trouble.
This year just can’t get any weirder!
@Frozenoem ..."Shinin, Streamin', Gleamin', Flaxen Waxen?" 😸
Summertime and the livin' is easy.
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Hi, Porch Peeps!
I just spent almost 2 hours on my porch with two of my good friends! We kept socially distant, of course, and had the best time catching up in person. These are 2 of my Game Night Girls who came over to bring me birthday gifts. What a birthday! Better than a normal birthday when I usually do nothing on the day itself. Such a lift to the spirits. 😸
I also received calls from 3 more friends and a text from another. I feel so blessed! What a great day in the midst of this messy year!
I hope you all are safe and are enjoying your day!
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Howdy Doody, Porch Peeplers!
Well, it seemed to take all week long to get here, but it has arrived and.....
I'm so happy it's F-R-I-D-A-Y!
First things first, I got up super early this morning and opened my windows to let in the freshest air of the day--before my neighbors arose and the traffic started moving en masse. The birds of all kinds are in concert and the sun has already fully graced the cloudless sky. But the most delightful sight so far today occurred when I opened my side door to catch that first breath of air and to gaze at the sunrise. There in the grass near my driveway and just outside of my door sat a young bunny rabbit--whiskers moving, ears straight up perky, hurriedly eating grass. Such a sweet sight. Love bunnies!
And to you @catwoman500,
Just read that your birthday was yesterday. So glad you got to visit and celebrate it with some friends. What better way to break the solitude and isolation of the past few months. Happy belated Birthday! Smile!
I'm literally trying to figure out what to do first today. Yardwork, continuation of the garage cleanout, fill the bird feeders, make a quick trip to the tractor supply store for more feed, or should I do "the" most important first thing first.....
Yep! Of course, coffee wins out! First things first!
Excuse me....
Aaaaahhh, coffee.... When a sip just won't do!
As usual I hope everybody out there on the Porch is blessed and fairing well today. I pray you and your friends and family are healthy, happy, and whole. Please stay safe!
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Hello, Everyone, Happy Friday!
@OscarE1968, @Frozenoem , @DaveMcK , @LydiaN586309 ...Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!
I haven't talked that much in months! After I posted yesterday I received more phone calls.
I went to bed exhausted and feeling great. I slept until 8:30!
What is usually a normal old day turned into something very special and I appreciated it so much! It wasn't even a milestone birthday, but I think everyone is more aware of their friends now that we can't see them and it sure feels good to have that connection. 😸
Have a great weekend!
It's summer. Let's go camping!
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@catwoman500. You're very welcome and may you have a wonderful weekend as well 🙂
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@catwoman500 Glad you had a nice birthday during this trying time! Warm and humid here with rain in the evenings keeping the ground muddy but the garden is happy. I am busy doing chores most of the day but the urge to go and do something different does hit me once in awhile. Not happening for a while yet though. @OscarE1968 welcome to the porch.
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🥳 Happy Birthday 🎂🎁🎊🎈🎉
Re: Alcohol the rubbing kind, I use for cleaning computers, it’s been on back order for a month.
Have been using the bottles of funky off brand after shave collection from grands. People have been wondering why there computers smell different. Gonna be weird when I hit the Patchouli or Tonga stash.🤣
Alive, well and comfortable only 79* today and sunny.
My shoulder is back where it should be most of the time, magic of green bands. Won’t fix same shoulder again for 5 years and I don’t want to be a one-armed cane user not Mr Miyagi🤣
Next week begins hospital tests again, PT again, life and normalcy - total 💩shoot.
At least when I do go to hospital on 30th will know whether I had/have COVID, annoying thought since Dec or Jan. Hospital and Dr’s require tests for entry, and ride share/livery requires mask, gloves, etc.
In the meantime masks, gloves, PPE and sanitizers. Had to double check next appt on 📆 and almost freaked, it’s been a long time 5 months here.
In lighter news TX just paused reopening due to 11,000 cases in 2 days. I just want food on hand in case of another shutdown.
Time to play, wonder if I can have these long flowing locks braided. Not using my barber until I learn positive or negative, beginning to feel like life is “12 monkeys“ the movie.
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Morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this very early Sunday June, 2020! We are looking at a one day break in the rainy weather today!
Hoping all of the Father's and Grandfather's out there are having an enjoyable and restful day today! Be safe and stay well!
Father's Day picnics will mostly be virtually celebrated this year!
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@LynneS930241 Welcome, you are the only one posting from the west coast. Lucky you, no air needed.
@Frozenoem I hope your night temps stay cool. I do OK if mornings & evenings are cool. I do most of the outdoor chores and walking then.
Even though I am mostly confined to my house and land due to care giving responsibilities I am starting to get tired of zero social life. Would like to chat & have lunch with my friends and could really use the excitement of a day trip somewhere. 😐
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Hello, Porch Peeps!
Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.
We had some storms yesterday and it's getting steamier. It's only in the 80's but in the next few days we will see the 90's again.
@LaDolceVita ...Ditto about the no social life. We move to the green phase next Friday, and already some places are having outside seating and service. I'm just hoping to get out for lunch with friends sometime this summer.
In the post office on Friday there was a guy with no mask. I'm surprised the girl behind the counter didn't say something. If it had been one of the regular employees, I bet he would have been told to leave. I wasn't going to say anything....he was a big guy! HA!
At the driver center on Thursday, one little old man was asked to go get his mask when he came in without one.
As always, enjoy your day and stay safe!
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A very humid day here 92* and climbing still, for next 2 weeks hot temps.
Scattered showers nothing has hit village in awhile, Need rain, there is a hint of a breeze.
Time to buy eggs from hardware store, wonder if the goats are producing feta, yet.
My hopes for relief from heat were raised (falsely) when watching TV and reported blizzard was approaching and temp’s dropping to -30* overnight.
Then I remembered, I was cleaning out old DVR tv shows, hopes raised and dashed in an instant.
It’s the height of the glowing eyes at night that worry me. Polecats to Moose and all in between, only one Bear in town when I was out walking. Last night it was a 1000 lb moose
I admit took a hasty retreat to someone’s porch, I prefer black bears. It ‘s hard to judge brain worm infected in the dark.
Think my “real id” will have to be passport card for awhile. No poisonous creepy crawlers too cold👍except ticks they will ruin your year.
Saw the airlift of bus on my weather app, basically “this bus” was used by loggers and some hippies, before I moved up country. Now it’s a way post and a road was named after it , if you pass it you could be on the way to pond. And in a pinch you can use for shelter.
Only 5 more months or so, to Winter. Last night overnight temps dropped to 70*, a moist night.
Enjoy your day, think I’ll play in the root cellar , I know that’s cool🤣.
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hi! I am just learning my way on the aarp chat. This site is amazing the uplifting and concern you all show is lovely. I checked out another forum just now it was definitely not uplifting. I am in central ca. and the weather has been great. I too have not put up my airconditioners(Yeah on my electric bill). I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay safe
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Welcome, and the other group is an in moderation site for me, need to keep my blood pressure down.
Occasional forays in and then back out again.
Yesterday it hit 100* in the shade of North side of house.
The hike was required practice for 10 mile hike in July. Can’t send city dwellers out with a map, on unmarked wildlife trail.
Took me 10 years here to find it, Maine directions are trees, right dead falls 4 miles(From ‘38 twister), patch of scree, school bus and rocks that look like bears vs the real ones.
Besides promise made, and needs to be kept. Pond is too small to land float plane on, and nothing else will get back there. Even asked friend with ultra lite 2 seater/hanger🤣.
I’ve scoured satellite imagery, maps, picked the brain of retired and active wardens for other ways in and hoofing is all that will work.
Now I need to find or buy duct tape to seal AC, keep those pesky bugs skeeters out.
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@LynneS930241 ...Welcome to the Porch!
We really are a congenial and caring group! 😺
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Greetings, Porch Peepers!
Not much going on here. The weather is hot and humid. Nothing unusual for my neck of the woods. Staying inside and cool so I can breathe. Binge watching some favorite TV shows missed during the week. Eating light. Hydrating a lot. Resting.
Let me join everybody in welcoming you @LynneS930241 to Our Front Porch. Now, it's your porch too! So have fun.
I'm glad to read that for the most part everyone's doing okay. Congrats Dave on your and the missus' negative COVID-19 results. Guess we're all following the plan and thus staying safe and healthy. That's a good thing! Keep up the good work y'all!
Anyway, for all the daddy's out there, I just want to acknowledge you all on your special day. So...
And to everyone else on Our Front Porch...Happy Days and Godspeed!
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Hi, All,
It's Monday, a brand new start to a brand new week. Hope it goes well for everyone!
Right now it is 88, feeling like 91 with humidity on the rise.
@MsStretch ...Wow, 10 years for your photo update. We have to have ours done every 4 years here in PA.
Bummer about Stellar. Hope he turns up soon. 😿
@Frozenoem ...LOL about the blizzard! 😺
Have a great week!
It's Monday. Safari so goodie.
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Afternoon all 90* and definitely humid and temps climbing.Thunderstorms will be rolling through again.
Cooling off the house, through the magic of temperature setting on Window AC. Yesterday I remembered why AC is a love/hate thing.
Like to be cool but, where is the happy temp. Happy is still being able to use my fingers on Keyboards vs locking up and howling. Could be worse, I might join 20K COVID-19 in 2-day spike 👎🏻.
The grass grows when rain hits, and need to hack down the front and side grass, before it pours.
Gotta keep the neighbors happy with manicured lawns😎.
I keep hearing Thunder in the distance might not happen, watched 20 kids go down common driveway to neighbors house, and expect to see pile coming back.
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Good morning, Porch Peeps!
Today we have 67 degrees with rain this morning. We are at 100% humidity with a high of 75 later in the day. What a difference a day makes. But I really don't mind the rain or the lower temps. Those ninety plus degree days were draining when having to go out and about. So I can forego the sun for a few days.
@Frozenoem, you mentioned your grass growing and the need to take a hack to it. Well, at least your grass in growing. Mine is pretty much burnt and it seems I have a sea of seedling trees popping up all over. Or maybe they're really just weeds. Either way, after the rain and the ground dries a bit, I'm gonna mow the heck outta all of it! Vrooom!
@LaDolceVita, I'm with you on the vitamin regimen. Not only am I taking mega doses of vitamin C, D, and Z, I taking a multiple vit, B-12, fish oil, calcium, glucosamine and....X, Y, Z. Just trying to cover all the bases. Smile.
@catwoman500, I love that cat pic. Hat ready for the weather, cool drink in one paw, and a donut in the other. A cat after my own heart indeed.
And @MsStretch, I sure hope you find your fur baby Stellar on one of your nightly "walkabouts." I had a feral cat who for months called my yard home and then he suddenly stopped hanging around here. Didn't see hide nor hair of him for a couple of months and then he reappeared. So I hope Stellar makes her/his way back home.
Well, yesterday was Monday and my first day of the week back to work. It was a super l-o-n-g day for me. And although I generally try to keep upbeat and positive, seems like this....
Everybody enjoy the day and keep on keeping on. Stay safe.
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