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Honored Social Butterfly


FB_IMG_1546036171423.jpgGood morning to everyone on the Front Porch! Welcome to 2019. We had an overnight snow to ring in the new year. Going to be a slow day today. 



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

We will have 79 degrees today, a record high for this day. I opened all the windows and even a turtle neck is too warm.  Looks like we return to normal tomorrow.  @Frozenoem  yes do take a vacation and mend.  The cold and staggering are not ideal!  At least you had a soft landing. 

Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! We are having our high of the day now at 46*. We have rain showers ending around noon. Tomorrow our high is supposed to be around 26* and around 1" of snow over night.

Well there was supposed to be a Super Bowl last night ! I will leave it at that. 


have had most of our snow melt with more to melt today. The ski hills 

here are not happy but I do not have to find someone too rake the foot or more of snow of the house roof. 


Have a great week!

My favorite place to visit in Summer. Another winter view. 



Cana Island is an island in Lake Michigan in Door County, Wisconsin, United States. The Cana Island Light is on the island. Cana Island is connected to the mainland by a causeway. The island is part of the Town of Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin. Wikipedia




Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Didn't see his shadow this morning in southeastern Wisconsin. No more 6 weeks of winter, only a month and a half.


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

Well, Folks, as for the PA groundhog’s prediction…


(CNN) — “Thousands of people gathered Saturday at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to watch a famous groundhog deliver his highly anticipated forecast.

Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his burrow around 7:30 a.m. ET and did not see his shadow, predicting an early spring for us all.

"Faithful followers, there is no shadow of me and a beautiful spring it shall be," a member of Phil's Inner Circle read from the groundhog's prediction scroll to the cheers and applause from the crowd.

In the past decade, Phil has predicted a longer winter seven times and an early spring three times. He was only right about 40% of the time, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which says the groundhog shows "no predictive skill."


Of course, I can’t see how he could not have seen his shadow since it was nice and sunny at 7:30 today. It’s all in fun, and I always hope those mean weird men of the Inner Circle who handle Phil get bitten again someday! Cat LOL



But Phil is more than a prognosticator... he can also be a bit of a diva, and he's been known to bite.

Of course Phil, being the celebrity that he is, is pampered and primed for his big moment. He’s not rousing from hibernation, unlike those long-ago animals from the Celtic customs upon which Groundhog Day is based. He lives year-round inside the public library. But he's not domesticated, either. And even if he isn't rudely rousted from hibernation on Groundhog Day morning, Phil has been known to wake up on the wrong side of the bed on occasion. LOL! N.

Trusted Social Butterfly

We went from the deep freeze to spring in 1 day.   I am not complaining as we had our share of cold weather this year.  If you have been around the Porch for a few years you may remember I complain when our winters are too warmWoman Indifferent.   Anyway, we will enjoy ourselves in the southland for a while, no rain and mild temps.  But the dreaded summer is coming.



Recognized Social Butterfly


Yes, very strange weather indeed. Today it's 48 here, and sunny. I have time to check out the Blue Comet, an old 🚆 before the Super Bowl. Enjoy your day.

Frozenoem, I hope you have warmed up too.🤣

Honored Social Butterfly



Warmed up 29*, and afraid I cooled down went in snowdrift, soft landing but, ribs and cold.


Tomorrow is roll of the  🎲 , feel like I’m 90. Thought this was over with, time for heat packs and ice and drugs, no rest for the weary.



wonder if nursing homes have Internet.

And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning,  Front Porchers!


Yesterday temps rose to a high of 55 degrees here!  Today it is supposed to be much of the same with a high of 51*.  For the most part, the snow has all melted away leaving wet streets and mushy, swampy even, yards.  But I'll take the "swamp" over snow anyday! 


Now, even though we all seem to be enjoying a reprieve from the harshness of winter and the groundhog gave us a good prediction of an early Spring, I'm still donning my winter coat and such as I'm not looking for a relapse of that awful cold I tackled with for the passed two months.


But since Spring is coming and hopefully a little bit sooner than the norm (MAYBE), I just want us all to remember what we have to look forward to in just about 44 days or less...... 


Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey, Peeps,

51 right now. Amazing! Made my post office run and felt like driving on forever.

It feels like even smells like spring! Cat Very Happy

My heater seem to have worked itself out of it's quirkiness. Never lost heat, but it was acting weird in the deep below zero and single digit cold days. Will call later in the week if it acts up again.

I'm actually looking forward to going out and bringing the trash can back from the street today. Maybe I'll do it without a jacket! HA!

Didn't watch the "Stupor Bowl." Looked more like a baseball score at the end. Cat LOL N.

Honored Social Butterfly


Your pictures are so beautiful!  The way the snow drifts....just wonderful!  And although I'm truly not a fan of snow, I can appreciate its beauty, especially when looking at a picture of it while warm and inside--snug like a bug in a rug.


And catwoman500, be careful about going outside without a coat just yet.  These great fluctuations in weather and  temperatures can be deceiving.  Glad your heater made it through the coldest days though.  Hope we won't see any more days that cold until next year!



Recognized Social Butterfly


I love the picture you posted ❤️. Can't wait to see the real thing again. No snow in New Jersey this year, just cold. But like you, temps are going up 57 today.

Enjoy your day... Nancy

Honored Social Butterfly






Honored Social Butterfly

We used to have to wait to hear what the weather-prognosticating groundhogs had to say until Groundhog Day, but thanks to social media, we get a preview.

According to the City of Sun Prairie, Wisconsin's website,

The Groundhog Day tradition in Sun Prairie, Wisconsin dates back to 1948, when Wisconsin celebrated its centennial year. For over 50 years, the Sun Prairie members and supporters have been proclaiming Sun Prairie to be "The Groundhog Capital of the World." This proclamation has caused reverberations from the halls of Congress, to the coal fields of Pennsylvania, and in the news media of the country. Groundhog Day is tied to Candlemas Day, a centuries old celebration day in Europe. Folklore states: "If the day is bright and clear there'll be two winters in the year."

Now for the real forecast from Jimmy! 

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Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning, Front Porchers!

Well, finally, the ol' groundhog,  Punxsutawney Phil, has done a good job and has predicted an early Spring this year.  And after this horrendous winter, in particular over these last few weeks, Spring cannot come soon enough!  Seems like this winter has squeezed in two or three winters all in one.  But in any case, my hat is off to Phil! 


It's 20 degrees here and so it's a heat wave.  So Porch Peeps have a great day today and enjoy the rest of your weekend. And remember we only have....46 Days til Spring!!!




Trusted Social Butterfly

I love Superbowl commercials & they are available already.   I will let my husband watch the game while I read a good book.. Woman Tongue

Honored Social Butterfly



Good afternoon to everyone on the Front Porch. Well we are above freezing wean afternoon temp of 24*. We will see temperatures over the weekend in the 40's and some rain. With the ground temperature we have from all below zero temperatures I'm not sure where the  rain and melting snow is going to go. 

Photo is of the ice covered Lighthouse at Grand Haven, Michigan. 



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Greetings, Front Porchers!

Despite all the extremes in temps and weather, we all made it through and out of January......alive!   Yippie!


It's warmer here today.  It's now up to a whopping 2 degrees.  Cold.  Yes.  But it is up from those minus 17* and such.  So I'm happy.  And like everybody's said,  I'm making it out in the artic air by donning layers and layers of clothes for my outsides and downing heaps of hot coffee to warm my insides.


Stay warm, dry, and safe and most of all, have a great weekend everybody!





Honored Social Butterfly

We’re having a heatwave up to 11* or -2* W windchill.


Still trying to open garage doors for wood, 3 days with no stove is making Froze a tad testy.


Not freezing but, not T-shirt comfy either for inside house.


With luck Monday - temp’s will rise above 35* and doors will open once more. Shovels broken out and salt, de-icer and sand will happen. Then doors will open again.🤣




The other joy of coffee is appetite suppressant, as Discovered while snowed in for 48 hours one year with only caffeine at work - Blizzard Of ‘78 in Cambridge.🤣


I was wired but, not hungry.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

Hey Froze,

A few days ago you mentioned in one of your posts about the "other joy" of coffee--that being  an appetite suppressant.  Well,  I don't know if it would work for me because it seems like each time I have a cup of coffee, it is followed by or accompanied with a full breakfast, a donut, a muffin, or some other such tummy-filling deliciousness.  But maybe I could try a just "coffee only" fast for a day or so to see if it would curb my appetite and  help kick-start my weight loss non-resolution, resolution.

Related image

Coffee jitters--another "joy" of excessive coffee drinking.

Honored Social Butterfly



Caffeine works for suppressing my appetite, your results may vary.


I can sleep or wake with coffee, no jitters, still.🤣 Appetite still can be suppressed by coffee.Tested that theory recently, didn’t want to stagger to store.


52* and back to shoveling might open door this century, and yes their broken again my ribs.


24 can be broken, and I’ve broken mine repeatedly, might be a tad short tempered after last 5-6 months.





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello, All

What a day today! 62 was the high with sun. Heart

Had no place to go so drove to Starbucks and the Dollar Store just to get outside.

Got home and worked hard on the clogged bathroom sink drain. Thought I was going to have to call the plumber, but at last after boiling water, Draino, and I fussed with it off and on for a couple of hours, there was that satifying gurgle and whoosh! I feel like I accomplished climbing a mountain! Cat LOL

Tonight I will watch some missed TV shows On Demand since I have no desire to listen to/see to You Know Who. Cat Frustrated N.

Trusted Social Butterfly


Happy February to all! Heart

Waiting for Punxsutawney Phil to make his prediction tomorrow. Cat LOL

It's a warm 13 now and no wind chill! We are having some light snow right now. It's not supposed to amount to much.

Having a problem with my furnace and have a call into the company but have not heard anything yet. Sure hope they can come out today. It will be getting warmer this weekend, but it's still winter and I am not a person who likes to be cold when inside.

Have a nice weekend, everyone. N.

Recognized Social Butterfly


Just over cast and cold 18 degrees, no snow. I heard on the news that it's over a hundred in Australia. Strange right? 

MsStretch I guess heated igloos are the cat's meow. So happy my neighbor is using them for the feral cats

Frozenoem stay warm up there.


Honored Social Butterfly

@n566192l wrote:


Just over cast and cold 18 degrees, no snow. I heard on the news that it's over a hundred in Australia. Strange right? 

MsStretch I guess heated igloos are the cat's meow. So happy my neighbor is using them for the feral cats

Frozenoem stay warm up there.


We are having comparable weather in VA.   Supposed to get up to the mid-60s next Tuesday!  *doing happy dance*


Yes, Nancy, those igloos are the greatest.  Makes my heart warm to hear your neighbor using them.  Even though my igloo and the other weather-resistant kitty houses are under cover (greenhouse, shed), the igloos can stand alone in weather -- snow, rain.  My wild kids have gotten good use out of the igloo for the past 2, going on 3 winters, since they took up residence.  Of all the cold-weather gear I have gotten for the kids, that has to be the best investment. 

Honored Social Butterfly



-14*presently But will warm up to 

+15* tomorrow at noon, think I’ll start a fire.




Ms Stretch is the user of heated igloos, I merely feel like the house is an igloo waiting to happen.


Everytime it snows and roof sheds snow, more white appears outside the 2nd floor window.


Need to rake a roof.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


We are at 5 degrees, with winds. Channel 12 News, says 57 on Tuesday. I just hope the firefighters putting out the Marcal Paper Mill fire are ok. The cold temps, winds and paper products maks things scary. Putting on coats for my dogs. Stay warm and safe. Nancy

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly



Good morning, Everybody!


It's really, really cold here this morning. It's 10 degrees below zero right now.  And I'm dreading having to go out to shovel.  But if I intend to get out today, I've got to first deal with the snow.   You see I am smack dab in the middle of the polar vortex and they say it's only gonna get colder before it starts to go in the other direction.  So I'm gonna hafta layer up (longjohns, sweats, double socks, etc.) before I venture out.  Ugh!




Yes, @MsStretch, I absolutely loooove getting in a warm bed and equally, I oh so hate to leave it!   And @catwoman500  I too wouldn't want to be without my electric blanket.  As a matter of fact, I just purchased this one just before the onset of winter last year.  What was I waiting for, eh?  In any case, I can't complain cuz I had a good night sleep and I feel ready to get at the day. Well, at least head-wise. 


@Frozenoem, I guess you are quite used to these extreme temps.  But still hope you and your furry companion stay warm and safe.


@n566192l,  you are such a busy lady; a blessing to your community.  Just be sure to bundle up.


Hey,  Dave!  Thanks for your posts and pics.


Going out to shovel now.  Then I'll be going to Mobil for more wood,  an oil change, and then off to work .


Wishing all Porch Peeps well. Stay warm and be safe!











Honored Social Butterfly

Lovely 10* and cloudy, got around foot of snow and it’s still coming down.


Expect this will be a long day, the oil fill can wait until tomorrow as can garage doors.


As long as Chelli can get out one door and I can get out front door- life is good. Pure powder has fallen, and ice is covered.




Not so much used to the weather as I dress for it. Very few people up here are in the height of fashion for going out in -10 to -39* weather.


  • Avoid longies of cotton, polypropylene only.
  • wool hiking socks
  • Sorel boots with 1/2” felt liners -40* rated
  • Snow bib insulated snowmobiles pants -60*rated
  • Chamois Or wool shirts
  • Or Turtlenecks
  • Hooded sweats or sweater
  • LLBean -60* Maine Wardens parka and hood
  • Polypropylene watch cap

That’s how you survive a Maine winter or cold snaps anywhere.

My Problem earlier in month was my boots split, after 28 years ownership.


Finally located new in my size as soon as I dig out again, it’s off to Labonville’s for another pair.


Until then it’s hiking boots Merrell’s and wool socks.And avoiding temp’s colder than -10*.

Won’t be playing in deep snow🤣



Not High fashion but, warm😁


*Sorel Glacier XT good to -100* Light as feather but, warm. Useful if you live in the Arctic or merely New England.


Fixed to TOS requirement.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem wrote:

Lovely 10* and cloudy, got around foot of snow and it’s still coming down.


Expect this will be a long day, the oil fill can wait until tomorrow as can garage doors.


As long as Chelli can get out one door and I can get out front door- life is good. Pure powder has fallen, and ice is covered.




Not so much used to the weather as I dress for it. Very few people up here are in the height of fashion for going out in -10 to -39* weather.


  • Avoid longies of cotton, polypropylene only.
  • wool hiking socks
  • Sorel boots with 1/2” felt liners -40* rated
  • Snow bib insulated snowmobiles pants -60*rated
  • Chamois Or wool shirts
  • Or Turtlenecks
  • Hooded sweats or sweater
  • LLBean -60* Maine Wardens parka and hood
  • Polypropylene watch cap

That’s how you survive a Maine winter or cold snaps anywhere.

My Problem earlier in month was my boots split, after 28 years ownership.


Finally located new in my size as soon as I dig out again, it’s off to Labonville’s for another pair.


Until then it’s hiking boots Merrell’s and wool socks.And avoiding temp’s colder than -10*.

Won’t be playing in deep snow🤣



Not High fashion but, warm😁


*edit for little more , ladies boots good to -100* Zero. Light as feather but, warm. Useful if you live in the Arctic or merely New England.




I also like silk or ClimateRight, rated frigid for base layer..  Definitely NO cotton anywhere.  Ditto on the wool interspersed here and there.  Also like my neck gaiters, great for pulling up to eyes for added protection.


Use Vasque cold weather hiking boots for my winter bushwhacking.  Keep my feet amazing warm and dry after those inadvertent slips off icy rocks during stream crossings.


I sometimes use Hot Hands or Hot Feet.


I like goose down, but not when hiking.  Down jackets don't mix well with greenbriar or other pesky thorny underbrush, but works during feral cat feeding and quality time.

Honored Social Butterfly



Forgot about “Hot hands” foot warmers, hand warmers and self-adhesive back warmers.


10 hours of joy or more. How I survived -35* with broken ribs and Rx. Available at sporting goods in Walmart land.


Thanks for the memory check on silk it’s been in the sports equipment room for awhile. Need to call ex to remind her, no chance of small fitting me ever.🤣.


Just trying to assist city or new country dwellers survive, in the arctic blasts. Part of my previous ditty was scrubbed by AARP, too commercial.


Guess it’s time to re-read my TOS, and I had thought I had had that battle previously with them.😇



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
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