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If your nest is large and on poles (utility) on Fort Monmouth wonder if it might be an osprey nest, which NJ had issues with in 2017. This look like your nest??
Or perhaps a Bald Eagle, you had some according to this link on poles around Ft. Monmouth.
If they’re anything like the bald eagles that nest in the trees above my old camp, movement is not allowed for progress? Or man?
During construction of new dike, 2 nests were removed and placed on new structures, man made.
Quickly abandoned by Bald Eagles and ignored, Think Mother Nature flipped the bird to modern thinking. Moving an established nest of more than 50 years in old growth pines wasn’t going to happen.The birds went back to my pines.
*Wish you and Epster joy in birding.😎 If you have pictures of the nest, perhaps @Msstretch can assist.
And no problem on packages, have been busy. Preparing.
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22* and sunny, flurries passed, there is a flurry/sleet event on the horizon but, it’s for Wed-Thursday here.
For me, hopefully will be non-event will be cold 0’s should make for powder.
At this stage paranoia reigns only when feet of snow are involved. The rodent lied for Maine.
It was bright enough today to require my shades, went for a walk. Remained upright need to prepare for mud season/and airborne frost heave season which should begin in March.
Frost heave season is when those lovely cracks appear across roads and your car goes airborne. Some are downright news worthy, fully loaded log trucks take air before roads close to stabilize.
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@Frozenoem wrote:
Frost heave season is when those lovely cracks appear across roads and your car goes airborne. Some are downright news worthy, fully loaded log trucks take air before roads close to stabilize.
@Frozenoem I tried to find a face icon to demonstrate what I thought of when I read that. Cannot find one to do it justice right now.
Lots of rain and the damp cold here. No sun again since Monday and I am not sure when we will see it again. When they talk of the sunny southland, it is the southwest they are speaking of not the southeast.
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@LaDolceVita ...Be careful. Let's try to keep that head as far from the ground as possible!
We had another nice day yesterday. It was near 60. Today, not so warm. it is sunny though, but only 37.
Snow is forecast for midweek...the night before my friend and I are supposed to finally get that cancelled breakfast in. HA! We'll see how that works out.
Last night my group did get our Chinese dinner in. YAY!
@Frozenoem...As pretty as your snow looks, I'd be sick worrying about how to get out! That is not for me. Good luck and be careful. N.
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@catwoman500 wrote:@LaDolceVita ...Be careful. Let's try to keep that head as far from the ground as possible!
@Frozenoem...As pretty as your snow looks, I'd be sick worrying about how to get out! That is not for me. Good luck and be careful. N.
@catwoman500 Haha your warning staement made me laugh! Chinese dinner in sounds pretty good but I take it the group still had to get out to gather together.
@Frozenoem That picture of Chelli looking at the snow is a keeper and I have kept it.
Have a pleasant Sunday everyone. We are fogged in, it feels cold & clammy even
though it is 49 degrees. Froze would be shedding his coat!
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Boy you have some serious snow amounts in Maine. We just got some mix of stuff, but the Governor called a State of Emergency. I hope your feeling better. You sure keep busy with mother nature. The 4 fur babies here wish you and Ms Chelli a great day. Please stay safe and warm..... Nancy
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Good morning to everyone on this Valentines Day on the Front Porch! Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. Originating as a Western Christian feast day honoring one or two early saints named Valentinus, Valentine's Day is recognized as a significant cultural, religious, and commercial celebration of romance and romantic love in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country. Click on the highlighted words for more information.
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Geez replying to myself, 19* cloudy and still snowing out.
If pesky weatherman is right will continue until 5 pm. Much as I’d love to give total snowfall amount that won’t happen. Even Hillbillyweatherman @ YouTube. was wrong. Fair warning he cusses, like most New Englanders this morning.
Seem to be trapped, until neighbor get’s to digging or I go out the window.🤣
Picture of my view, to neighbor’s porch is from inside, where I’m stuck. Snowbanks by the kindness of pesky plowdriver.
If I don’t escape today there’s always tomorrow.
Time for roof shed off steel roof sounds like 18” or small reindeer.
*edit- top step to my porch is 12”
18” of powder to storm door, got out time to dig out, after Caffeine.
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I feel almost guilty, its a beautiful sunny day in NW Georgia, about 50 degrees right now. But summer is coming and the Porchers up north will enjoy it much more than we will down here. Deer flies and skeeters, no see ums and those 90 degree temps .
Daisy being wached every time she goes near a food bowl. The other dogs wondering why there is no food laid out. It is hard enough to put one's self on a diet much less a little dog! @Frozenoem I am so embarrassed by her weight that I am loath to go to vet unless necessary. I will be watchful but it is not easy, given I have so little time to spare.
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We have to do what, we need to do for health of our dogs.
And on that cheery note, need to shovel out ms. Chelli’s pen , unless I miss my guess 5’ out there.
My going over 8’ fence won’t happen, Her run won’t be clear until Spring but, 5’x 10’ might happen today or tomorrow.
300’ x 60’ fenced in yard to explore, not until Spring thaw.
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It’s afternoon 18* clouds are coming in, and with it SNOW tonight.
Buckle up to all on Eastern seaboard, looks like fun in store for us.
I’m still set for being hammered with powder as long as it remains cold.
Awaiting my mug of coffee, no handle and 36-glorious ounces, yes, I have a problem jiva packs of French Vanilla.
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Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! Here we go again with a forecast of up to 8" of snow by tomorrow night. Most of it will be overnight tonight!
So much for the grond hogs forecasting weather so far! I did get the bird feeders refilled. We have from 3 to 4 pairs of cardinals every Winter's. Photos below are not mine.
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Hello, Our Front Porchers!
And Good morning All! It's a very sunny 14 degrees here. And we have absolutely NO SNOW!!! Yippee! Needless to say, that makes me so very happy. And on top of everything else, I am glad to report that we have only 39 days til Spring. Sunshine, no snow, and Spring in the not too distant future makes for a blissful day. So I'd like to share one of my favorite poems about mornings and my fav hot beverage. Here we go:
Happy Saturday, Everybody!
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Greetings All
Sunny and cold here in New Jersey. With the wind news says it's 16. Possible snow storm early next week, no real accumulation expected. Staying indoors today, I have to get the donations ready for tomorrows share. Stay warm and safe.
Dave I hope all is well in Wisconsin.
Frozenoem, I hope you are on the mend. Nancy
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I’m alive from the land of 4* sunny and very windy Maine, preparing for snow Tuesday.
Windy means chasing screens that blew out last night.🤣
And also the formerly dry town, with more ABC type stores.
That change happened 5 and 10 years back.After people started dragging stuff back from tax free NH your choice 2 hour NH packies of 30 minute packies.
We took a vote and now even , Walmart’s have liquor. Or here local convenient for more selection 5 years ago, we ceased to be dry.
And on that cheery note need to stagger.
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Another trip to the homestead on a warmish 50 or so degree day. Neighbors came by and one of them told us he had a deer stand on our place and that he would remove it. I was glad he volunteered the information as we had no way of knowing who it belonged to.
Took 3 dogs as we had to drive the pick up. The little dog, Daisy has gained about 10 lbs since the last trip, about 6 weeks ago. At the rate she is going she will not survive long. Very hard to put a dog on a diet, especially when there are other dogs in the house. The other dogs are not overweight. Daisy has an eating disorder, has eaten like a piggy since she was a puppy.
I need advice on helping her lose weight! We can no longer pick her up to put her in the truck and really have trouble getting her out. I put food out for all the dogs about 1PM, then I try and pick it up after they have stopped eating. I put food down again about 7PM. I give them high protein treats like cottage cheese, cheese, bully sticks.
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16* full sun, and awaiting Wednesday storm.
More walks for the pack, and depending upon skill set of husband or you make a ramp or buy one.
Have one in garage ex has dib’s on presently. Used it for 2 dogs that had shoulder cancers, and one that just couldn’t jump easily into the Ram. Did a you tube search and plans are available there, or I bought a “PetSTEP” my reasoning it also would work with boat entry with floats/noodles attached.
The PetSTEP design might be buildt for $30-40 for all parts/pieces. Vs $100 purchase price, wood will weigh more than 11 lbs😇.
your choice holds 150-200 pounds. Used it for a year on Truck Camper to make it easier on all dogs and people to get in and out. 6’ on ramp and step up to Camper.
Harbor Freight sells endpieces for 2x lumber to bolt ends on paid $15 for pair to use for house ramp. Firewood and moving stuff , that support up to 400 lb’s and had wood lying around for that one. Built ours from 2 -2x6’ and 1/2x12” long plywood, covered with carpet remnant or rubber.Like a ships browEr, gang plant or real ramp.
Can take picture of pet step or ramp in AM, fair warning ramp has been widened for wood cart.
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@Frozenoem Thanks for all the info. We tried some steps we had in the garage but she declined! A few weeks ago she could get out of the truck w/o too much trouble. She is still able to get in and out of the car. My spouse is pretty handy so he can make something. I think a ramp would be the be a better option. When she did finally get out of the truck she landed on her belly, her little legs just couldnt support her and she knew it in advance.
The problem is the weight, which must come off somehow. I am trying to watch food intake more closely. We already walk quite a bit. Her appetite seems insatiable. She is a rat terrier mix, would be quite handsome at 25 lbs, and I am guessing she is twice that!
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20* sunny and the storm is still coming-yeesh.
Separate then at feeding times for a bit, I had to do that for a couple of food aggressives and dieters.
Bully sticks or cheese were never an everyday treat, maybe once per week or after 10-20 mile hike runs.
Humans would cover 15 miles, dogs 20-30 in running and sniffing about.
Would be easier to judge weight gain vs fat, if you /vet give exact weight. my vet weighs for free.
Or human and dog if capable of standing with her on bathroom scale. Could be fat to is she fixed?
Suggestions from group perhaps either here or dog land.
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Hi, All,
33 and cloudy right now with another winter weather advisory for later today through tomorrow. Snow is bad enough, but they are calling for it to change to freezing rain. It snowed lightly all night last night, but the streets had been treated so they remained clear and it wasn't too much trouble to clear off the car to make my post office run.
Stopped at the florist to get my bouquet to make it cheery in here.
I never used to worry about the power going out when I was younger, but now that the old fogieism has set in, I realy really hate being cold. Have I mentioned that enough? Have a good day, everyone! N.
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If a relative black thumb such as me can keep an Amarylis blossoming since 1988 as Christmas house warming gift , perhaps you could give it a try.
Easier than bouquet’s and the gift that keeps giving, just stick in fresh bigger pot every 20 years or so, high in Vermiculite for water retention in soil.
Yeah, it used to be a brighter red, than it’s present orange but, still a little color when snow bound lifts the spirits.
The joy of fogey-ism, keeps on giving , Need to finish my shoveling of 18” or 45.72 cm of snow.
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Talk about some crazy beer purchasing/sales laws!
Wait, why can’t you sell Spotted Cow beer in Minnesota?
Bill Foussard is a big fan of Spotted Cow beer. Whenever he’s in Wisconsin, he stops to enjoy a draught.
But he won’t sell Spotted Cow at his restaurant in White Bear Lake, Rudy’s Red Eye Grill. He can’t.
“Not available,” he tells you. “Only in Wisconsin.”
But we actually knew that already, didn’t we? Earlier this month, felony charges were filed against two men connected to the Maple Tavern in Maple Grove: bar owner Brandon Hlavka and manager David Lantos. Their alleged crime: In April 2015, the two men bought 10 kegs of Spotted Cow in Wisconsin, brought it across the border and sold it at the Maple Tavern without a license.
But felony charges?
Don’t mess with MinnesotaFoussard, for one, says it was “stupid” for the barmen to try to side-step the state’s complicated liquor regulations.
“It’s a privilege to have a liquor license; there are a lot of rules, but you’ve got to follow them, go through the proper channels,” he said. “It might seem harsh — a felony charge — but you can’t mess around.”
Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman agreed. “We’re not picking on these bar owners. They know the rules,” he said. “If a bar owner violates the rules they pay a price. We’re not seeking a prison sentence, of course, but there will be ramifications.”
Freeman notes that he doesn’t make the rules, he enforces them. And law on this one is clear: State statute 340A.701, subdivision 2, says it’s a felony to: “to transport or import alcoholic beverages into the state in violation of this chapter for purposes of resale.”
In Wisconsin we can buy beer, wine, whiskey and groceries all in one place.
More about Minnesota's crazy law!

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Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! It is a wild winers day here in Wisconsin. We have had a mixture of rain nd freezing rain. This afternoon we will be getting some snow. Hoping we don't get an accumulation of ice on the trees and wires which could result in powr outages.
Hoping everyone has a great day!
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@DaveMcK...Sorry to hear you may have to play the old ice vs power outages game. Keeping fingers crossed that your power holds!
Even though we lost our mild temps…right now it is a cloudy and chilly 47, but certainly bearable, the ice in my pool cover has melted enough so that I could pull up some more of the errant cover and secure it with rocks, bricks, and flower pots. Also I rescued the vinyl water bag that had been securing that edge. It had blown into the pool cover water, had been frozen in there, and actually shattered when I grabbed it out today. Then I thought as long as there had been melting and hadn’t refrozen yet I should turn on the pool cover pump and hopefully make a dent (albeit a small one) in the amount of water in the cover. Hoping to run it for a few hours today. So now I’m back inside and warming myself up with coffee of course… Green Mountain Sumatran Reserve.
Earlier I had run to the Fine Wines and Spirits store to pick up some wine. Those of you who don’t live in a “Commonwealth” are lucky to be able to get your wine, etc. in most grocery stores. We have come a long way in that some (and only some) of our grocery stores now have a special section where we can purchase wine and spirits, and some have and allow you to purchase a limit of 2 six packs of beer, but you have to pay for that separately before or after you do your grocery shopping. In VA I remember they had ABC stores for purchasing wine and spirits. It sure would be convenient to just be able to get everything in one spot. N.
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@catwoman500 wrote:
Earlier I had run to the Fine Wines and Spirits store to pick up some wine. Those of you who don’t live in a “Commonwealth” are lucky to be able to get your wine, etc. in most grocery stores. We have come a long way in that some (and only some) of our grocery stores now have a special section where we can purchase wine and spirits, and some have and allow you to purchase a limit of 2 six packs of beer, but you have to pay for that separately before or after you do your grocery shopping. In VA I remember they had ABC stores for purchasing wine and spirits. It sure would be convenient to just be able to get everything in one spot. N.
In VA, you can currently buy beer AND wine in grocery stores and places like Walmart, Target, etc. But anything harder, yes, you head to the ABC store.
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Greetings All,
I only know of a few stores in New Jersey, where you can purchase wine and spirits plus food. But, I have seen drive through liquor stores in my state.
Over cast and 43 here.
Picked up The Big Sexy, yes that's his name. He is a presa canario, weighs 180 lbs . He is Big. So, I reached out to the State Troopes for help. Boy, life is so funny. I live on Barker Avenue . My house was built for the military stationed at Fort Monmouth back in the 40's. Since, we are a such a small community, The State Police patrol Shrewsbury Township. The Troopers are so eager to help, watch the deployed military personnel 🐕. Plus, I can have the Troopers speak with the dog owner to get permission. Everything is going to be able to work out. The 🐕 well get the care they need, the Troopers signed up for the program. What a Win 👏 Win. Hope everyone enjoys their Day. Nancy
Plus, The New Jersey State Troopers are spreaing the word to other Troopers in other States.
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Greetings, Porch Peeps!
Well, despite our having been blessed here with a few days of 50 plus degree weather peppered with intermittent sun and clouds and no snow, the enemy weatherman (yes, he is enemy # 1 in these parts) has predicted days ahead of a combination of freezing rain and artic cold and snow and overcast and just general dreary ickiness! But in the spirit of thankfulness, I am sharing this sunny greeting with great expectation for those days soon to come when we won't be fretting about these extremes of winter. Nope, we'll soon be complaining 'bout the extreme heat of summer, but at least the sun makes our mood better....generally!
Anyway, Mr. Happy Face Sunshine here gives us "sumpthin" to look forward to with a smile. Hope everybody is warm and comfy wherever you are. Enjoy every day and be blessed!
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33* and cloudy, I’ve decided vacay sounds good and that’s what will happen.
Time to sleep in and relax and mend.
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