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Honored Social Butterfly


FB_IMG_1546036171423.jpgGood morning to everyone on the Front Porch! Welcome to 2019. We had an overnight snow to ring in the new year. Going to be a slow day today. 



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
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Social Butterfly

Are you kidding?  I love winter.  The colder the better.  I wish it would snow again and soon.   Enjoyed shoveling snow after our last ten inch blizzard.  It’s great excercise.  It’s great when you step in a snow drift and the snow goes down in your boot and soaks your socks.  I’m planning on making a snowman as soon as my back recovers from being wrenched from the last one I made.  I also love the water raining into the living room from the ice dams on the roof.  Kinda like having your own waterfall.  I also like the looks of the lawn in the spring where the salt killed the grass and left a brown border.  Ouch!  -#*&@=/. I just stepped on a sharp piece of rock salt that somehow got into my boot which caused me to jump around and fall on the ice and I heard something crack! Ahhhh, you just can’t beat winter!

Honored Social Butterfly

@2Papa wrote:

Are you kidding?  I love winter.  The colder the better.  I wish it would snow again and soon.   Enjoyed shoveling snow after our last ten inch blizzard.  It’s great excercise.  It’s great when you step in a snow drift and the snow goes down in your boot and soaks your socks.  I’m planning on making a snowman as soon as my back recovers from being wrenched from the last one I made.  I also love the water raining into the living room from the ice dams on the roof.  Kinda like having your own waterfall.  I also like the looks of the lawn in the spring where the salt killed the grass and left a brown border.  Ouch!  -#*&@=/. I just stepped on a sharp piece of rock salt that somehow got into my boot which caused me to jump around and fall on the ice and I heard something crack! Ahhhh, you just can’t beat winter!


Don't forget the benefits of ice.  It's great for honing balance skills.  If you're looking for a challenge, add in some gusty polar vortex winds to increase the difficulty.  Ice is also optimal for stretching those stiff muscles.  Leg goes one way; other leg stretches in opposite direction.  Amazing the number of muscles you can target.

Honored Social Butterfly



You might be right on core strength and balance during 41 mph winds I finlly finished that Joy an hour ago. Have been excercising every 30 minutes since 2pm,, just finished at 9:30p.

Shoveled out 30 foot long x 4 foot wide x 7 foot down path for oilman, atop  12 foot pile.


-16* F outside with 41 mph gusts my cell tower went down to 171 mph gust on Mt. Washington. I may be going dark for awhile.Only stove  piped once, extricated by shoveling up.


Left shovel and steps for oil man, just in case of trouble. Expect sleep soon, typing my missive that didn't send from cell.Still prefer cell to laptop, except tonight.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


I sent the box out today. My Aunt Eileen, gave me some suggestions on what to send. Remember I told you she's a nut. She told me to include Spam. So, spam is a coming. Plus, other stuff. Just  hope it helps 😊. Plus maks you laugh 😂



Honored Social Butterfly



Thanks spam is great!

sleep didn’t happen, had to feed stove all night, lost power.


Chell is warm wool blanket and couch. Me -wool watch cap, insulated pants,Sorel’s and Bean parka, it gets downright nippy at -26*.


Warming up -22* and sun is up👍 No rest for the weary, can’t sleep until furnace works. Found another must have for outages in garage, battery operated fan to move woodstove heat to kitchen.


2-3 more hours before I might get to sleep. 



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem  To be w/o power at those temps sounds rather scary.  I wonder how the very old or sick manage? 

Honored Social Butterfly



Wood stoves backup, generator backup, neighbors backup, friends and relations backup.


You live in most any rural area, backup plans abound.  Can’t open door to go out and not really into stepping over a 7 foot fence, call a neighbor. If close,


Neighbor, friends or relation backup is for who has power, wood or generator - and want to stay at my house.


Warming up now -11*, Need electricity to sleep. Neighbor takes on new meaning up here or anywhere else.


Never know when you need a jump or shovel. If really out in the puckerbrush you hope you have enough supplies on hand to survive, just in case.


Have been there, done that before as has pretty much everyone, I can think of.


Time to call and get update on power my area🤣. Don’t really want To brew another pot, only 4 cylinders of gas on hand.😇 Percolator Or French press for woodstove - backups.🤣



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly


I’d enjoy a 10” snowfall blizzard, it’s the 3’ and 18” one with temps in the -20’s such as tonight that is making me restless.


That and I need to ensure woodstove keeps going as I type by candlelight, actually led battery powered lamp.


Power seems to have gone bye bye, for an unknown length of time. Makes me dream of a beach somewhere, shouldn’t take more than a week to lose my pasty complexion.


Only thing tanned? Is called windburn 40 mph from shoveling that pesky snow plowed in by the rascally snow plow guy, AGAIN. All 100” this year over and over and over again.


Hope your back recovers soon, to enjoy the 18-24” coming on Sunday if you live in the Northeast Corridor.🤣


Invest In Sorel’s Thicker soles, heavy felt liners you won’t notice rock salt or tree branches plunging into your flesh. And curious why you weren’t wearing a pair of bibs tucked in your boots.🤣



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!

What bugs me most is my birthday is in Winter!  How do you celebrate when there is a Polar Vortex or a snow forecast of 20 inches?  I was born in a huge snowstorm so I guess that is how it goes!

Anywy, Winter is giving you the blues?  As long as I am inside and the storm stays outside, a good hot cup of cocoa with marshmallows (or better yet, whipped cream!) will warm you up.  Pair it with a nice lap cover, a good book, or movie, and Winter will seem miles away!

Honored Social Butterfly

Afternoon delightful 17*, storm has ended , now for the winds.



Born in a blizzard here. On birthday I spent mine in front of the woodstove, with a dog at my feet think it was -28*. No doubt it was another blizzard that kept me in. And a small jug of Chimay ale, made by Belgium Trappists.



I’m set a stack , of Benjamin’s for Chelli would be nice. 😇

I’m getting better at making food last, Think it’s the desire not to leave house when the gales blow through.


Somewhere on my street is my flashing from bay window, or it could be in Upton hit by 45 mph gale last night or morning.


Need to shovel Chell’s walk no longer a run, then take a walk.

Spikes will be deployed on cane.


Think it might be brisk later need to do now. High winds called for tonight 50mph.



If you have a cell smart or otherwise you could subscribe to


Aarp may strip the website don’t know. Alerts to phone or computer on food recalls, weather, medicine, etc. FREE!


I joined them back in 2000, when working elsewhere and traveling.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, All,

Sunny and 36 here, feeling like 25 because of the wind. I went out for breakfast with a friend this morning and I can honestly say that was the scariest wind I have ever been in, in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Coming out the door of the diner, I truly didn’t think I was going to get to my car without being pushed to the ground. Then I had to stand there for at least 45 seconds and hold onto the car before I could try to open the door. I was really scared! Once I got in the car, of course I was safe. At home, there was wind, but nothing horrific like that! I’m wondering if the diner, being across from an empty airfield had anything to do with the wind just sweeping right across the highway to the restaurant. That was wild! Cat Surprised

Earlier this morning I had to walk down the street to bring back my errant trash can and lid. Just hoping the power holds. Wind is supposed to subside later this evening. WOW! N.

Trusted Social Butterfly

@catwoman500   You poor thing, I know wind can be scary.  At least you did not fall!  I ws caught in a wind episode when I was 6 years old, I will never forget the feeling.  Had difficulty opening the gate to the yard.

Honored Social Butterfly

Image result for good morning gifs animated


Good Morning, Everybody!

I hope everyone out there on the Front Porch is okay and doing well.  The weather continues to change from day to day.  So I'm just going with the flow.  All last night and into the early morning, it poured down heavy rain.  As usual the sump pump pumped all night and I'm thankful for it cause the moment it stops banging, I know I've got trouble for real.  At least, my basement is dry.  But on the outside, I've got small pools of standing water in my backyard.  This is a new occurrence which I must figure out how to correct because I don't want to have a marsh back there and I can only see it getting worse if I don't do something about it.


Anyway, it has warmed up here.  Temps now around 47 degrees.  But the weather-boogyman predicts falling temperatures with freezing rain and/or sleet later on tonight.  These great flucuations in weather makes for a basis for flu and colds.  that's why even though I've seen some folks out there in T-shirts and shorts, I'm hanging onto my winter coat and other warm duds.  Having already been super sick and for such a long time at the beginning of this winter, I'm not looking to go through that again!  I'm feeling so much better now and I just wanna hold onto that.


So to all Front Porchers, Image result for animated have a great day gif and a blessed week ahead!






Trusted Social Butterfly

Good morning, Folks!

43 right now and the rain has slowed down We may get to 50 later. The rain started around 7:00 last night but luckily was light enough that it didn't spoil Philly's big outdoor event. They had installed an ice rink at Lincoln Financial Field (Eagles football field) and last night the Philly Flyers played the (boo hiss...Pittsburgh Penguins). Other than the fact that the players could hardly see, it must have been an exciting game. When I got in I saw that the Flyers were down 3-1 and the next time I looked, they had tied it up and were in OT. All of a sudden we scored and that was it. WE WON!


Last night was girls' Game Night and we went to dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant and then back to one girl's house for games. It was still only lightly raining by the time I got home around 10:30.

And like @LydiaN586309 , my sump pump was going during the night, so I'm assumng it was raining harder then.

Now we are supposed to get some real wind later today and tomorrow. I hate wind!

Gotta get more coffee and get ready to do my Ebay listings.

Ya'll take care! N.

Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! We are getting rain, sleet and snow tomorrow.  Our weatherman came up with a good description of what we will be getting this weekend.  He called it a " mixed cocktail". We have some ice collecting on the trees.  The high temp will be in the upper 30's this weekend. 

Photo of our amaryllis in full bloom. 



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone here on the Front Porch! An you think you have snow in your area. Well Flagstaff, Arizona has had 33.1"s in one snow fall braking the old record of 31.0"s set in December 30, 1915. We have had 47"+ here in Madison in total so far for this Winter of 2018-2019. We are expecting a mixed bag this weekend here. Our amaryllis in full bloom.

Hoping everyone has a great weekend!




Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Recognized Social Butterfly

Greetings All,

I saw a post on Next Door some had posted from Facebook, about a lost 🐕. I contacted the State Trooper watching The Big Sexy, to see if he was in the area to help. They were. Plus, Dave the Troopers have both Mr Pickles and The Big Sexy sporting Red today. The Big Sexy , found the lost pup. He was over by the Donkin Donuts on RT 35 in Eatontown. Just glad all have been United and safe. Our snow is gone, temps are 40, but a lost pet is scary. On Next Door , there have been posts of coyote sightings in that area. Remember, that someone miss took a white deer as a goat. Not really sure if coyotes, can be found in New Jersey. Just collecting donations for the shares.To night is one of the hospitality shares at The Second Baptist Church in Asbury Park.

Frozenoem, I agree 💯 with you about the rawhide bones, I was unaware of the pig products. Chelli is very fortunate to have you as her human. Dave, I love all the pictures and stories you post. I recently learned about the Blue Comet, a🚆.  Hope everyone is doing well and that you have a wonderful day and are safe. Catwomam500, I hope you are enjoying the warmer temps.  Nancy




Honored Social Butterfly



I do give her treats but, in moderation- bully sticks last more than 2 minutes, 20 minutes. She may get one per month, maybe two. 


Nutro treats, antler, greenies for teeth.The girls got  jaws.The first day I had her went through 4’ chew she found in 2 minutes, 3 minutes later it ran through her.


30* and full sun, need coffee and time to clean carpets. I actually feel like moving today.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Clouds continue here but it not too cold so it is bearable.  My household has adopted intermittent fasting, 16 hours  w/o food,  partly as a solution to Daisy's weight problem partly as a solution for the rest of us.  I find myself a bit headachy in the morning and the dogs are ready to eat when I start feeding around 1PM. 


@Frozenoem, @n566192l  I hate to mention this, there seems to be something wrong with everything we eat, drink or give our pets to eat.  Here goes.  I saw a segment on Tv news (in the days when I watched TV news!)  that was about the greenies not being digestible and causing death in some cases.   As for rawhide, I used to give it to my dogs when I did not know better until one day my beautiful border collie mix  Becky got one stuck in her throat.  We were on our way to emergency vet, a half hour drive,  when my friend who was holding her was able to extract the piece from her throat.  Becky lived to age 14 and passed due to kidney failure in 2012.  What a lovely smart  girl she was. 

Honored Social Butterfly

26* sunny, expecting snow in my future on Sunday 10-18”.





I don’t have issue with sticking my hand down dogs throat to extract birds whole or large chews. Takes a few months to develop that trust level with abused dogs. Raised from pups are easier.


Only greenies Chell gets are large for big dogs.No choking problems.


Rawhide American made none of the Chinese crap , boiled in antifreeze or glycol the same. That’s how they get bacteria out, and make the pretty knots.


I also tend tend to get notifications from my Dutch Shepherd group, for all recalls on pet products, same comes regularly on my email alerts.Morning, afternoon and evenings alerts for dogs and people for recalls.


Chelli enjoy eating marrow bones, uncooked. Kong’s stuffed with Peanut Butter - store brand.

Not, name brand. Reason some 100% natural butters contain bad chemicals listed as natural, or worse not listed on ingredients , would need to check with vet for ingredient messes with pancreas or kidneys think it could be xylitol. Jiff  or store brands are acceptable peanut butters


I do check regularly what she can eat safely. Yak cheese good.

Petco yak treats good, 100% natural no additives.Chell has allergies. Unless DoctorsFostersmith sell it she doesn’t eat anything else.


Exceptions are made after I check brands and ingredients.

Guess that means you check the ingredients and stay uptodate on everything that goes in and come out of your pet.🤣


Her reward for not stepping over a 7 foot fence with 5 feet of snow in yard, a bully stick. There were 3 deer on driveway cutting through yard at time.

Bully stick rewardBully stick reward








And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem  I did not know about unlisted ingredients on peanut butter.  Never heard of yak cheese, just reading about it now. Do they last a good while?  Bully sticks do not last too long for my gang.   We cut the 12 inchers in half to make it  somewhat more economical.  If you get a recall notice about something in fairly common use, like dog food perhaps you could pass it on?   I am aware of xylitol, especially since that is I something I use. 


A beautiful day in my corner of the world.  Will be 57 and sunny.  The ground is totally saturated, lots of rain last night.

Recognized Social Butterfly


I get emails from Dog Food Advisor/ Dog Food Recalls. Some products have to much vitiam D. I  hope this helps. Just going to walk the dogs. I have the Share at 3. Hope everyone is doing well and that you are safe. 



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Honored Social Butterfly



When I see them I usually put a warning out, either here or dog land on boards.


Keep anything with Xylitol in it away from your dogs and cats, if you make it. Even a lick is bad for them.


Now, it’s a lovely 20* and still snowing here, supposedly only another 12-18” coming when it stops tonight.


Need firewood from porch, then shovel front door and Chell’s walk out again🤬. Arctic cold front coming again for the week, going to get frosty -10 to -20* overnights.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


Finally finished the stuff so UPS can pack tomorrow. Then I will take to the Post office and mail it to you. With all the snow you are getting, is there anything else you want or need sent. Just let me know. Most people ask for Taylor Ham, or Pork Roll. There are even Christmas ornaments, with the above. I just wanted to let you know the offer is there.




Recognized Social Butterfly


I have so many HABA here, just let me know the brand of shampoo, body wash etc

 I will send you . As I have said before, my friends are Food Brokers, the ACME by me is closing. So, instead of throwing the items out, they are being moved to the storage space at Fort Monmouth. 

Trusted Social Butterfly

@n566192l  @Frozenoem  The information overload sometimes becomes so great that I sometimes ignore newsletters and even warnings in my mailbox.  However I pay attention to my friends here so it does help if you spread the word.


Another beautiful day reminiscent of Camelot.  Willl be low 60s and sunshine.  Folks in the east and midwest, your time is coming.

Trusted Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK ... Here you go...Hello! Cat Wink


Happy Friday, Everyone. It's 41 and cloudy right now. Man, did our snow melt fast! I am running the pool cover pump right now as we are due for more rain this weekend. So happy that it is warm enough to run it. No ice on the "pond" as I call it and the hose is ice free, so am able to get some water off.


Not much exciting going on...Did my normal bi-monthly errand to the bank, Fresh Market, and of course Starbucks. Got 40 extra stars for buying 2 mochas this week. Oh, the little things that thrill us! Cat LOL Next Starbucks purchase should be free! Wahoo!

Hope everyone is managing in the snow that you may have. Gotta go clean a little bit. Have a good one! N.



Honored Social Butterfly

With so many comments about hard Winter conditions for the remainder of February. I think we need a little change of pace here on the Front Porch. We were shopping in early January and I found some amaryllis bulbs with pots for half price. Here are some photos of of the white flowers.  


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper