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Honored Social Butterfly


FB_IMG_1546036171423.jpgGood morning to everyone on the Front Porch! Welcome to 2019. We had an overnight snow to ring in the new year. Going to be a slow day today. 



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Not envying you Northerners, I must truthfully admit.  About an inch or 2 on my front porch here in VA, but now it is sleeting.  Went out to blaze (i.e. shovel) trails and take sustenance to all the fur kids scattered about in their winter havens on the property and about busted my butt.


Another feral, a black tom, Boz, has decided he likes the nice, dry, heated quarters up around here and moved into igloo in greenhouse and ousted the matriarch from there.  Boz is not a stranger.  He's been showing up maybe once or twice a month for several years, but he never sticks around.  AND he's not fixed.  The fact that he's decided to make his winter encampment here is totally upsetting the status quo and I was forced to shuffle around igloos, kitty cabins, and huts.  Running out of 'safe' places, so looking forward to more spring-y weather; if for nothing else, I won't worry about the spoiled 'kids' freezing out there.


Everyone, let's be careful out there.

Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone here on the Front Porch! I am sitting here in the living room watching the Today Show, the new snow coming down and new snow being blown off the roof. I just finished reading notes from our group here on the Front Porch and thinking back to my first time here on the Porch in January 2009.

So happy to see the activity here this week.  

We have had people come and go over the years. I know we have had several pass over the years. May they all R.I.P.

Hoping everyone has a great day today!

FB_IMG_1491942989628.jpgFB_IMG_1522369109433.jpgWill this day come soon!Will this day come soon!



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Greetings,  Everyone!

I hope this morning finds each and every one of Our Front Porchers doing well.   Yes, I hope you all are just as happy as I am despite the continual shifts in weather and temperatures.  In fact, I just came in from having to shovel AGAIN because that's what a good and responsible homeowner must do for his or her neighbors "and" if you want to get your mail on a regular basis.   But, I find myself  feeling just a wee be like letting that good ol' groundhog in Punxsutawney know just how much I appreciate his ability to do his job (a job he only has to do ONE lousy day out of the year);  a job that I'm wondering why any clear headed person would give a glorified rodent to do!  At that, here's my imagination of me thanking our fine furry friend for his service.......


Disclaimer: I beg the pardon of animal lovers everywhere as I am one.  But y'all know ol' Phil deserves at least one good whack for pulling our proverbial legs and getting our hopes up!  "Whack!!!!"   There,  I feel better now. Smiley Happy

Recognized Social Butterfly

Greetin All,

Well, Millstone Mel, New Jersey's lazy ground hog got it Right. Mel is better known for not wanting to wake up on His Big Day until 11am. But, on a happier note, my local news reports that the stink bug population is way down. I am not a fan of insect. The weather's sure is changing, I saw Vegas got snow. LyndiaN586309, love all of your posts. Spring will be here. Like you I hope sooner than later. Sometimes, I see the flowers and birds but the temperatures say summer. 

Just picking up donations for all the weekly shares. Since Food not Bombs, is helping the local churches with the hospitality program. We need all the donations we can get.  The churches in Asbury Park NJ, are currently assisting over 100 people daily. Great idea from one of the Pastor's. I had no idea that Asbury Park had so many churches, great source of networking. Neptune churches are starting up their own hospitality program. I just hope the homeless situation all over this country comes to an end. It's just so disheartening, to see people live like that. Especially if they are veterans, the social worker part of the program has been a big help. I sincerely hope everyone is doing well and safe. Love all the posts and pictures.


Trusted Social Butterfly

Mornin'...ooops. Afternoon!

Just ran out to Starbucks for a skinny mocha. On the way back into the driveway I noticed one bunch of my daffoldils are up about an inch. Pretty sure the snow that is coming tomorrow won't hurt them. I hate it when we get snow later in March and the daffs are budding and then get all mushy. Cat Sad

Meanwhile the weather people are whipping everyone up into a frenzy about when, where and how much snow we are getting tomorrow. Glad I have no place I absolutely have to be. Already checked the wine and I have enough for my weekend wine time. Cat LOL

As always, stay safe and warm.  N.

Recognized Social Butterfly

Greetings All,

I have a great laugh today. New Jersey is under a State of Emergency, do to the weather. I am laughing because of this forum. New Jersey's dusting compared to the amounts others here have posted, is supposed to turn to rain. Many schools are closed, or closing early. BTW the snow just started, or roads around here are clear. Trucks were out all night putting salt, I think the other substance is called brine, on the roads.  Catwoman500, how are you doing in PA? Is your state under an Emergency also.  I really hope all is well and safe. Those of you with snow, I hope you don't get to much more. At least most Ares should not have drought conditions this Spring. Nancy


Honored Social Butterfly




Only believe the weather if bones go to aching, prior to snows.


Meteorology is not exact science, with US, European, etc patterns.


When 16-18 is expected, and 3 feet lands in the yard enough times, you donโ€™t follow 100%.


Tonight is a crap shoot, 6-8โ€ then it warms to above freezing or becomes sleet.


Same Sat-Sunday, same Tues-Wed, difference temperatures.Nights here are still below zero, or 10-30* days.


By March or May the tiger lilies will be back in bloom, as soon as snow melts. June at the latest.๐Ÿคฃ


Only definite itโ€™s 24* now, should be 10-15* tonight, and that suggests tempโ€™s are warming.


Gotta shovel 6-8โ€ falls, then 6-8โ€ off the roof, it all adds up until buried.



Iโ€™m avoiding that other subject until I re-learn breathing again, almost miss warmer climates with little or no snows.๐Ÿ˜‡



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


Well, Ms Chelli is getting a dog bed, not the heated on, I still have to find them. Just a large bed with what looks a deer head with antlers on it. The bed has a zipper for easy cleaning. I was on my way to the Post office and more donations showed up at my door. I took the other 20 boxes of them to my local ASPCA. Plus, other pet supplies. I have large rawhide bones, here,

I don't give to my pets

 I can include if Chelli likes them.

Just let me know. Hope the 2 of you are safe. Nancy


Honored Social Butterfly



33* and cloudy, it snowed. My weather predictor just kicked in .Wed may prove interesting unless itโ€™s Sundayโ€™s.


Dont give Chell raw hide or pig parts, intestinal distress. Still battling worms with her 5th round of treatment. Still picking up and examining, they arenโ€™t moving but, still there.


At 10* last night I was barely moving, let alone her worms.


On that cheery note, need to move, hip is screaming and magic pills arenโ€™t working.๐Ÿคฌ


Edit- took a walk had to check neighbors roof. 20* and sleet.

Find the front door?Find the front door?Odd, finally noticed pictures are sideways, regardless of size or pre-edit rotation.





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Good Afternoon, Everyone,

Yes, our snow started around 10 AM so I quickly gathered my trash and recyclables and was going to take them to the street so I wouldn't have to try to do it later in the snow, but then noticed in that short time the driveway was dusted. Back inside I went to put on my ice grippers! HA! I can't take any chances with these wobbly knees and back. Cat Tongue

@n566192l ...I had the news on all morning, but didn't hear of a "state of emergency" here, but a kazillion schools were closed as early as 7 PM last night! When I was teaching, this would have been a school day with maybe the kids having early dismissal. Of course teachers had to stay to the end of the school day no matter.  Driving home in a messy storm was not fun. I think the school districts made a smart decsion with this one, although I do remember one winter they closed schools and it never snowed a flake. Cat LOL N.

Recognized Social Butterfly

Thanks Catwoman500,

For your post about the daffodils, I noticed mine are up too. Some have moved to the middle of my lawn . Strange since I planted the bulbs by my fence. But, this being Jersey, I guess anything can happen.


Trusted Social Butterfly

@n566192l , Oh those travelling bulbs. I have crocuses that have popped up in the middle of my front lawn, either washed there or moved by critters. Always makes me laugh to see one lone yellow or purple spotch in the middle of the lawn come March.

Honored Social Butterfly

Afternoon all, 5* or 8* my thermometer seems cold and keeps saying low battery.The analog we wonโ€™t discuss thatโ€™s a blob of mercury.


Weather pattern here suggests every 3 days we will get precipitation in one form or another, usually snow.


About all the flowers visible at the moment is my Amarylis in the window, that should have 5 more blooms coming.


And on that note I need to finish cleaning out the windows again. The only sun entering is on Chelli at my feet from beneath the eaves.


South side is once more buried, the Good Fortune trees in Dining Room are blocked from sun and starting to look funky๐Ÿ˜


Might be time to trim the trunks, come the thaw/Spring.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! We started out today at -7* with a chance of more Winter weather tonight and tomorrow morning. 

We have visited he Decorah Bald Eagles (also known as Decorah Eagles or variations) a couple of times.There is a website featuring a live-streaming webcam trained on a bald eagle nest and family in Decorah, Iowa. The Raptor Resource Project installed and runs the live stream for research purposes.

Filmed in real time, the parents can be seen delivering a variety of freshly caught prey, feeding the eaglets, and protecting them from predators and harsh weather. With the help of infrared lighting, the nest is viewable around the clock during the nesting season, which typically begins in January or February, with fledge in June.

The Decorah Eagles became an Internet phenomenon and the most viewed live-stream of all time when the website reached 250 million views on Ustream in 2011, with roughly 2.4 million views per day.[7] Ustream began hosting the video feed in 2011, although the live-cam was initiated in 2007, and was used to provide footage for the PBS Naturedocumentary "American Eagle'" released in 2008.

Viewers missed the 2013 season after the eagle couple built and moved to an alternate nest ("N2"). Cameras were installed in the new nest and caught the 2014 and 2015 filming seasons, when the couple selected it again. Web photos are not from this year.

Web site:



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

See the source imageGood Morning Everyone!

It's 24 degrees right now.  It's overcast and cloudy.  But we've not had any new snow for days and days.  There's just patches of snow here and there  as most of the snow we had a week ago has for the most part mettled away.  The main thing is the roads and sidewalks are clear and dry.  Makes travelling so much easier.


Yesterday evening I scattered bird food in various areas around my backyard and today I've been blessed with a variety of birds--bluejays, cardinals, sparrows, etc.  I can hear them singing right now.  Although it's been years since I had a pet dog, I consider the birds which I feed daily like my "free"  pets (meaning their not bound in any way and are free to come and go as they do).

Bluejays -- my favorite local bird!


Anyway, I hope the groundhog's prediction holds up and Spring will arrive a little bit earlier than the calendar says.  But in any case, I hope everyone's weather has kinda settled down; no more extremes.


So Front Porchers, enjoy your Sunday!   

Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! Hoping everyone has a wonderful weekend. We are having another cold spell with temps in the single digits. We have about a foot of new snow on the ground from the last few days snowfalls.


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

I know I'm a little late, but I still wanted to wish everybody on Our Front Porch......

Image result for animated happy valentines day

We now have only 33 days til S.P.R.I.N.G!!!    Stay warm and be safe. 


Recognized Social Butterfly


You always find something great to share with all of us โค๏ธ. Sometimes, I go through the old posts and just watch the flowers bloom. Dave, is great too. All the pictures and little saying so clever. Like you I want Spring. It was 43 today, but the flowers, smells. New life. Thanks all of you for helping me get through the Winter. Stay well, save and warm.  Nancy

Honored Social Butterfly

Afternoon all,just heard the plow go by at 13* and partly cloudy.


Barely saw the top of itโ€™s cab, over the snowbanks. Which suggests we may be getting flurry action later.


Enjoy your Valentineโ€™s Day with your significant others.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


I added cow hooves and jars of peanut butter to your box today. Plus gift cards should be mailing them out over the weekend.

Honored Social Butterfly


Thanks , Chell will appreciate it.


Re: Me , Chelli opened fridge and partially opened a bottle of Chimay guess what Iโ€™ll be ๐Ÿน in 2 more twists.Magically appeared at my feet, after shoveling an hour.


Thank heavens she failed to open completely, flying corks danger! Re-seated cork for moment and itโ€™s still stuck.


Another round of tests upcoming. I live my brain says Iโ€™m 30, my humor 20 to 12, and my body keeps asking if Iโ€™m certain Iโ€™m not dead , yet! Then I move Iโ€™m alive๐Ÿคฃ.


Feel, lasagna coming and Chimay for dinner. Chell has been spoken to on subject of ale bottles.


And 1-2 weeks to Feeling human, again. 





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


Ms Chelli sure is a joy. I love all the different personalities each ๐Ÿ• has. They are just great. I truly hope you get good news following the tests. The worst part is usually waiting for the testing day. However, this year seems like you are busy just trying to leave your house. I loved the picture Madea. Is this an unusual snow year for Maine?  I visit Rhode island periodically, my brother went to college there. I have friends that went to URI. So since I don't trust my brother, with my 1975 van. I drive us. I know he would sell the van in a heartbeat. But it's a classic, with a stove, couch, great for picking up ๐Ÿ•. Just stay safe. Nancy

Honored Social Butterfly



Mornng - unusual snowfall not really. Sleet and rain is highly unusual for this area in winter.


Itโ€™s a comfy 17* and snowing at the moment, normal snowfall is 110-120โ€. The sub-Arctic conditions and snows starting on Columbus Day or Day of Mourning is really unusual.


Especially If leaves are still on the trees, when winter snows begin. Usual snow is after Thanksgiving or Christmas.





My train of thought is now gone, dangerous watching T when trying to get weather๐Ÿคฌ.


โ€™75 van with stove, Westfalia? Curiosity piqued. Roadtrek, Leisure Craft? Have had a few over centuries - May be pipedream for now!


Slight weather update after 8 hours of might snow or rain๐Ÿคฌ.

All snow!

Her run, may be shoveling for weeks.Her run, may be shoveling for weeks.

Last year would have been tunneled out , this year, donโ€™t know.๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคฃ!



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem   I loved Chelli opening ale.   Cold for ale in Maine right how imo?   I am thinking and pulling for good test results for you.  Terrible to fall at those temps and in that snow and it must be slippery too.


 I fell 2-3 times walking at homestead last week, just kinda pitched forward, no harm done.  Lots of leaves covereing ground, a whole different ballgame falling into that.  Like I posted previously, my head is comparatively very close to the ground already.



Honored Social Butterfly




Iโ€™m doing all I can not to fall, never walked this slowly in my life.Slow and me used to be dirty words.


Just want to return to hiking fast, sitting in house getting annoying, need answers. Cross country skiโ€™s old style taught me how to fall, right. But, that was in โ€˜88 when I was in slightly better shape.๐Ÿคฃ


Neighbor up road keeps telling me at 6โ€™10 itโ€™s a bugger falling and getting up the taller you are.

Heโ€™s right.


Just want my balance back.Time to shovel Chell needs her run back 31* and sunny, might make it 3โ€™ x 15โ€™, should keep me upright and her from jumping or stepping over the fence.



Had a โ€˜78 Travelcraft back in the 80โ€™s, gave me perpetual scare of Chevies. 2 transmissions worth.








And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


My van is a 1985 VW Conversion, Subaru. I never owned anything as large as yours. Glad the two of you were able get out of the house. We are looking at snow midweek, as Catwoman500 posted. It's 42 now, yesterday 60 . Ms Chelli picture looking at all the snow, reminds me of women waiting for their men to return from the sea. Well , if it's any consolation to you, I am too short for my height. How everyone is doing well and enjoying your day.

Honored Social Butterfly



A VW with a Subaru engine? Got it. Understand desire to keep vehicles small, where I generally ended up going moose tracks and logging roads, vehicles started to get smaller.


The Travelcraft was 27โ€™, replaced with tent , to 4x4 Pickup with Truck Camper in bed of Same 20โ€™ Of comfort @ 25 mpg.

Jist watch That first step when walking the dogs.


26* sunny and seem to have snow shed off roof, feel buried.Steel roof and steep 11/12 pitch roof snow falls off easily. Going to be another day for shoveling, need to gingerly get to windows buried.๐Ÿคฃ




Neighbor dug out my garage, and front door this morning, might get to open doors by Spring. With surprise delivery of firewood to front porch, garage doors still frozen.


The ice is making things harder on cleanup, but, at least it works for insulation atop the snow.


Itโ€™s the way up here, when my snowblower was able to leave garage, Iโ€™d blow out his driveway. Power outage in summer, extension cord to his house to run appliances 3 days.


Need Caffeine and then a little more room for Chelli on her run, that picture was her run she now has 3โ€™wide x 9 foot deep just not cutting it yet.


Generally is snow blown out 300โ€™ x 60โ€™, seem to have lost that with the ice buildup between layers, and 5โ€™ deep snow.





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly

Just over cast and 36 here in Shrewsbury Township, NJ. I am getting all the vegan stuff ready for today's share. I was able to pickup some great donations this week. Since, the weather has been changing, Food Not Bombs, has been providing meals 4x a week. Part of the hospitality program with local Churches, is food, a safe warm place to sleep and get help with any resources available. I am off to drop off the supplies I picked up. I just hope everyone is doing well and is safe. Nancy 

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, All

Another nice-ish day here. It's 42, feeling like 36 with the sun in and out. The sky looks weird...lots of moving dark clouds.

A weather event, probably snow, due here on Wednesday. Not sure what the accumulation is supposed to be, but heard it was changing to rain as it ends. My friend wants to cancel our  already previously postponed breakfast. HA!

Robins have been congregating on my lawn since January. Haven't seen any cardinals for a while though. The other day, aside from the cold temps, it sounded like summer outside. So many birds chirping.

Hope you snow area people are OK. N.

Recognized Social Butterfly

Greetings All

We are experiencing the same weather as Catwoman500 posted. I did have an owl land on my outside table this morning. My ๐Ÿ• let me know, the owl was there. So, I kept them in the house until the owl decided to do what he wanted to do. I do have a family of blue Jays , in my ๐ŸŒฒ. They like to dive bomb my neighbors ๐Ÿˆ. There's some kind of large nest on the polls at the old Fort Monmouth . Epster, tried to help me figure out what type of bird made the nest. Other than that, just taking the non vegan donations to a local church to be given out today. Stay safe and warm and enjoy your holiday. Frozenoem, I forget the post office was closed today. Will send out tomorrow.


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