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@catwoman500 Oops! I got the name turned around, cat! It's called the "HOAX BOMB LAW." (ie. bomb threats made as jokes or pranks.) I remember a long time ago seeing a notice in the airport that even joking around about having a bomb could get you in lots of trouble. (Sorry about the name!)
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No problem with warmth of cup, have an airpot from
Naval Exchange keeps my brew hot for 20 hours.
My cup is also similar 20 hours, just give it a rinse with hot water for 5 minutes.🤣
Airpot cost $30, cup only cost $40K or free with ‘99 Ram Diesel pickup, reality check.
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@catwoman500 Interesting that we have the exact same birthstone....! Ha!
As I was reaching your experience at the post office, I thought I recalled hearing that it is illegal to even JOKE about the possibility of having a bomb. And it is.
It's called the Bomb Hoax Law and it's very legit. Turns out the guy committed a Federal offense by his comment, and the post office should have notified the police. Truthfully, would have served the guy right!
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Afternoon all, put me down for DD French Vanilla Bean birthstone have been on a buzz since the 13th.
Today it’s 60, and put away my parka, tomorrow snow is coming🤣.Trees are budding, tiger lilies are putting out shoots.
Was your shot Moderna or Phizer, Ro? Some have reported sleepiness for Moderna.
Phizer no sleepiness or anything, course I drain a pot of caffeine per day. How to keep my hand steady when flooding a Printed Circuit the size of the E on a dime.
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@Frozenoem Hiya Frozen. My shot was a Pfizer one.
Now I have to wait thirty days and get my second Shingles vaccine. Not looking forward to that one...first one was a real bite! Arm was totally shot for 5 days after.
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Not mystery meat, I still can tell the difference between chicken and rats. Texture and meat fibers. There’s just something about the taste of crunchy KFC original.
Something similar to DC’s Americana hotel and whatever fried chicken place was in the basement and kept me full for 2 years in Pentagon City.
Prefer my fish , self caught salmon , oh yeah.
Ribeyes lightly encrusted in a Montreal spice , for no longer than 7 minutes in cast iron pan.
About the only weather issue for the moment is snow for Friday and Saturday. Closed my windows and brought in firewood, just in case of power outages.
Even dusted off off my Coleman’s camp stove and Percolator for DD French Vanilla. Bought 8 lbs with 20% discount.🤣
Think I’m going to fill up my wood box, now.
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@Frozenoem I remember when I was a kid and KFC came to town. I swear my Dad brought it home after work once a week. It was all so peppery and thick with breading. Bleah...I just can't eat it.
Of course, pork steaks with the fat left on and fried up in lard wasn't any better. But that's a whole other story.
Fresh-caught salmon? Licking my lips! YUMMM!
I just made a big chunk of prime ribs last weekend. OMG! It was so good with that special rub, it should be labeled as sinful ! (heh!)
Something I've been meaning to ask but haven't up til now, Frozen. What is with the "swing these hunks of glass, plastic, and silicon against the nearest wall" about, please? Thanks!
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It’s the joy of truncated sentences.Type one thing out and another appears.
I’d still like to swing these hunks of glass and silicone against the nearest wall.
AKA computers, smartphones, hard drives, etc. I’ve been doing this too long since 1968.
There was an explanation when I joined AARP a century ago.
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My neighbors/landlord (I live in a little house on the property) get their first dose today. Both under 65. Virginia has moved to getting all adults vaccinated.
@OscarE1968 and @RosemaryF433825 , I have avoided turning into a zombie yet, although the furkids and I are still running from them (via the Zombies, Run! app). 👾
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Hello and Happy Sunday to all On the Front Porch. Hope everyone is doing well as life slowly but surely begins to return to some form of normalcy. Happy to say I've had both my shots of the Moderma vaccine. Hope everyone has had the opportunity to get vaccinated. Wish you all a Beautiful start to Spring.
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@OscarE1968 Hiya, Oscar! And a beautiful start to Spring for you as well.
Good to hear you got both shots. I finally got my second one this morning. I haven't grown a third eyeball on my forehead, or an extra it appears I am surviving it well. Hahahaha!
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@RosemaryF433825 Good evening Ms Rosemary! Wishing you a beautiful start to Spring as well. Glad to hear you've had your 2nd shot and so far so good lol. I had my 2nd shot over a month ago and have yet to turn into a zombie 😅😅. Be safe and stay sane, have a wonderful evening ✌.
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@Oscar. Zombie? They never told me about the lookout for turning into a zombie...only about the third eyeball and the extra leg! Whew! Thank heavens you gave me the head's up! (walking away muttering something about always being the last to know stuff...) 🤔😬🙃
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- Morning today warm, Friday slush 3-6”. This afternoon my second shot-Yeah!
To be followed by KFC a bucket.🤣 Two weeks from now, hopefully can return to semi-normalcy.
Subject to change your covered for at least 6 months, after Moderna or Phizer.
Only problem is J&J, blood clots for the single shot, amongst some people. And then as @catwoman500 , suggested they’ve done so well, with spoiled vaccinations and talcum powder.. Not being given in Maine for now!
Time to get ready, several more cups of caffeine required, long trip ahead.
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Ewww....KFC bucket? Two pieces of chocolate cake..maybe. But no KFC!!
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Needed a hit of fried food, or is it pressure cooked?
Chocolate cake I prefer my own. I’ve lost 80 lbs, since March of last year.
Craved it, ate it and given a choice between KFC and Chesters from a gas station it won out.🤣
Now that Covid is taken care of for the moment, back to Dr’s for why. Or how can I lose that amount on 3000 calories per day.
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Good Morning…ooops, Good Afternoon, Porch Peeps!
Doc appt. this morning…felt like I was rushed. I see a difference with the new younger doc. She didn’t even bring up the recent blood work that she had requested until I mentioned it, and at that point I was standing and on my way out of the exam room! Got to the desk to pay and check out and I got a printout of the office visit summary, a prescription for the next blood work in 6 months, and a prescription for a bone scan which the doc barely mentioned as I (again) was standing and on way out of the exam room. Then when I got home, the office visit summary came again via email, and 2 min later, another email telling me there was an office visit summary posted to my online health page....overkill?
Liked it much better when the docs took their time and then afterwards, there was always a time to chit chat about ordinary things. I always used to feel like I was a human being rather than another appointment to push through.
The nurses at the vaccine place were like the old guard…I felt like they really cared. Oh, well…the times they are a-changin’. So annoyed I stopped at Starbucks for a “fix.”
Anyhoo, @RosemaryF433825 glad you can get your second vaccine! So frustrating when you see an open spot and by the time you fill out the forms, it’s gone. That happened to me several times in my quest to get an appointment.
@Frozenoem …so glad you didn’t go down the drain. As for J&J…everyone was expecting great things from them????…after all, they did SO well with the baby powder thing. LOL 🙄
OMG...what is that noise on my phone ?....oh, an Amber alert. Sheesh!
You all stay well!
Back to my Starbucks...
Hello, world!
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Hello @catwoman500 I've just wandered into this forum and found your post on what sounded like a horrible doctor's visit. This is why I've sought to avoid mainstream conveyor belt HMO type medicine for most of my life.
For years I went to naturopathic / homeopathic doctors, most of whom worked independently -- that is without any support staff, and in unusual settings such as a converted house, the back of bookstores, even in house calls. I got used to unrushed one hour long appointments that covered my whole life, not just that month's complaint.
My current MD also provides hour long appointments, does her own blood draws and ekgs, has no nurse, doesn't take insurance of any sort. and has an office in a building shared by all sorts of non-medical businesses. I pay a $75 per month "membership" fee once a quarter via recurring charge on my card, never get a bill beyond that, and can see her or get her advice via email or telehealth check in as often as needed for no additional cost.
While she has to recommend conventional pharmaceutical treatment plans to maintain her licensure, and will order wholesale priced meds to be drop shipped to her patients, she is also welcoming of my preference to use OTC supplements instead as long as those are working.
Her type of practice model is called direct primary care, old fashioned care with modern medicine, and it's a growing way to deliver true health care. I wish more doctors would return to patient-centered care.
And I hope your office visits get more helpful and pleasant in future.
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@catwoman500 Technology (ie computers, cellphones, etc.). has certainly changed our lives in all sorts of ways...and some not so nice, also. I remember taking my Mom for an eye appointment, and the doctor was so busy asking her questions and typing on his computer, his bedside manner was practically nonexistent. Luckily, I have a physician who totally looks me in the eye, holds my hand, and talks TO me. THEN, right before I leave is when she types the info into her computer. Sorry to hear you don't have a doc like mine. (I like your little guy in the pic!)
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Ready for some chocolate?
Happy Easter, Porch Peeps!
The Acme was dead this morning, so I was in and out quickly…not many people to socialize with. My favorite deli person was there, my favorite cashier, and customer service lady, so there was a least a little chatting. 😸
My one friend who I always meet there had texted me yesterday that her plans had changed and she couldn’t do her shopping today, so that was at least 20 minutes not spent catching up.
No Ebay sales today…guess everyone was too busy either cooking, churching, or stuffing their faces in their Easter baskets. That’s OK…it means I don’t have to rush around packing up stuff to ship before I leave for my drive to Easter dinner.
@DaveMcK …Why do hot cross buns always look so much better than they taste?
I sure hope you all have a lovely day.
You did a good job today, Bunny!
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Thank you @catwoman500 and back at you. Lol, LUV your dancing bunny. Be safe on the roads 🙂
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Happy Monday, Peeps.
Something I notice now that I'm old(er)...Driving makes me tired! Used to be I'd come home from an event at night and be too wired to fall asleep easily, but on Christmas and yesterday, Easter, after driving the 45 minutes up and back last night, I was very tired and sleep came easily. (It's either that or the extra food and stimulating conversation! LOL)
Anyway...have a good week, all.
We ate too much candy from the Easter basket!
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@catwoman500 I absolutely L-O-V-E driving! There's so much of the countryside to see! Sounds like all that extra food mellowed you out, cat woman. And the rocking of your vehicle probably lulled you into a sleepy comfort zone.
I love your pic of the fat little bunnies. Hope your week is a sweet one!
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Yep, I’m late 31* snow and rain and snow and rain with frost heaves in road suggest it’s warming up.
My lawn is appearing kinda a lovely shade of brown.Looking forward to temp’s in 60’a only in the mountains and 50’s on the coast.
One more week to happiness, 2nd shot, followed by 2 more weeks to semi-normalcy.
Think I need to treat my goretex before putting away the winter wear. REI for weatherproofing.
And more firewood for tonight.
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Hi, Everyone!
I'm back home after my successful second covid shot!
And as @Frozenoem said, 2 weeks more and I'll be considered fully vaccinated.
If possible, this time went even more smoothly than the first. Seems like there were less people there. I walked right in and up to the desk where they found my card and I was led to a table of 3 others. We waited a few minutes and the nurse pulled up her cart and was all over but the waiting. This time they advised us that there may be some some side effects, but so far I feel normal (if I am ever normal LOL) 🙃
Hope everyone is enjoying some good weather. It's sunny and 70 here! Some rain coming tomorrow though.
Take care!
Gotcha, Corona!
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@catwoman500 I'm happy for you cat woman. I wish I could say the same.
I got my first shot the third of March, and am still waiting to find an opening somewhere for my second. The hospitals are only giving out the first shot; no second one.
I have checked, rechecked, double checked, and even triple checked ALL the pharmacies in the city (of over 100,000 people), and no appointments available.
I checked the urgent care appointments. My physician isn't giving them out to anyone. Even checked with the Public Health Dept. nurses. No appointments available. Nada, nada, nada. I'm concerned because I'm sure there's a time limit as to when you should get the second by. It's bad news around here....
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"Raindrops keep fallin' on my head..."
Good morning, Porch Peeps!
We've got a very damp day here and it's in the chilly 50's.
@Frozenoem ...sure hope you found that drain plug. Whatever floats your boat is necessary! 😸
@RosemaryF433825 ...I don't understand why they didn't assign you a second shot the day you got your first one! As screwed up as PA was with their distribution of the vaccine and availability of appointments, as far as I have heard, every person who got their first shot was given their next appointment right then and there, no matter where the shots were given...pharmacies, clinics, mass vax sites. It doesn't make sense to send people off to seek and find their second shot on their own considering the second shots have to be given within the 3 or 4 weeks depending on the vaccine you received. I sure wish you luck with this! 😨 Let us know how you do.
Busy week coming up for this senior who has been staying home a lot...doc appt. tomorrow, hair appt. on Wednesday, and car in for service on Thursday.
Hope everyone is staying safe and is at least signed up for their vaccines.
I need more coffee right now to warm up...perhaps an IV of caffeine?
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