AARP Eye Center
Be on your toes today!
Happy April, Porch Peeps!
I have mixed feelings about April Fools day. As a kid I loved trying to fool my parents, but as a teacher, I dreaded the corny first grade tricks the kids tried to pull. LOL They thought they were so clever, but we teachers inwardly groaned and outwardly had to act like we were so surprised. 😲
As we head into another Easter weekend, things have changed a little since the very strict quarantine days of a year ago, but we still have to be careful.
I hope you all stay safe if you are visiting with loved ones and friends this holiday. 🐇
Afternoon it’s snowing and 32* in Maine, just another day in Paradise 20” base in mountains.
Despite snow I was almost tempted to open the Windows last night. Resisted the urge.
On the 13th I’m looking forward to final shot of Vaccine and semi-return to normalcy. Getting tired of wiping down computers, drives, network cables, etc. Just for a 5 -20 minute repair.
Yesterday - Lupines
Today snow this weekend more on the way. As close to an April fools day or just another Maine spring.
Hi @Frozenoem I had thought about retiring to Maine, but changed my mind once I found out about your winters/lol.
Maine is rather large and with many temperatures and climates.
I enjoy forests and 90% of the state is forested, I’m surrounded by several million acres.
If you enjoy ocean or coastlines (more than CAlifornia) we have that as well.
Winter is a mere 3-5 months, regardless of mountains or coast.Sometimes we get hammered, sometimes not so much.
I still enjoy the people and population wise we’re tiny
1.329 Million. I’ve moved from mountains to ocean and discovered mutual friends from my hometown, 8 hours away.
For the moment I still love my mountains, snow or not.Lakes more than ocean, their warmer.😆
My nephews from FL are trying to find a township to buy up here, go figure. Friend from CO also seeking Maine for housing prices. Guess it all depends upon your wants and desires.
Hi @Frozenoem I moved from Florida to Virginia February 2015 and thought I was DYING = lol, no winter clothes. Then got all EXCITED it was Spring that March until a SURPRISE late snowstorm hit. Hmmm, I was camped out INSIDE while I watched others outside. 6 years later, you could not pay me to move back to Florida and the high air conditioning bills. Now it is too HOT for me/lol. But I hibernate like the bears during the winter. So GRATEFUL I retired last July 2020 = no more digging my car out to leave for work or digging it out to leave work. And the ice on the roads, parking lots, sidewalks. Lol, did my share of slipping and sliding and keeping salt and a shovel in my car. Maybe one day I will visit Maine with my daughter once this pandemic leaves.
@catwoman500 luv your post!!! I never did any pranks but been pranked a few times at my job. Have an awesome day 🙂
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