AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, Got some rain today, and now it's a little chilly.
I always decorate for Fall, so have been going through my boxes, kind of fun for me.
Here are the numbers for tonight.
B-10 N-43 I-19 G-55 O-70
G-57 I-22 B-7 N-32 O-61
B-14 G-59 I-29
GOOD LUCK, I'll check back soon, Jen
I have a zig zag line bongo, but no straight line bingo. My N column is still not showing up, except for the ubiquitous "free".
The Harvest moon was covered with clouds last night and early this morning. Maybe we'll be lucky tonight. It's a wondrous sight when it's cloudless. Good luck to us all.
Good evening everyone. It was a great day with the weather. The cold front came in and it is in the 70's and the humidity is really low. There is a lot of wind, but I don't care because it is bringing cool weather. The hot weather will return this weekend.
I had fun today in the knitting and crocheting class, saw old friends I haven't seen for awhile.
Got a few more numbers but none are lining up yet.
You have a great night and see you tomorrow.
No Bingo here yet. Sounds like you had fun Jen. I spent the morning working on the fridge. If my work on it doesn't hold up, I might have to get a part for it. So far it is working, but we shall see. It has been in the 90's here lately. Today it was in the 70's. Nearly got frostbite. 😊 Good luck all.
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