AARP Eye Center
Hi everyone,my kids are coming over Sunday,we are having a non traditional meal,my grandaughter is making Lasagna with all the trimmings .
Here are the last numbers for this game>
B-13 B-6 I-23 I-27 N-39
N-35 G-49 G-57 O-62 O-68
I-20 B-10 G-50 G-47 O-72
GOOD LUCK,enjoy your weekend,Jen.
Jen, not so "non traditional" for me; following Lent, G'ma always made HUGE lasagna meal as our first meat dish in over 40 days... consider she was the Italian immigrant who would not allow us to speak Italian outside her home, or in her home if someone was a guest who did not speak Italian {...} I so miss those wonderful times...
I needed one for the bonus game and two for a coverall.
Everyone have a wonderful Easter weekend, whether you celebrate it or not.
Stay safe and don't eat too much.
Jen, there's nothing wrong with lasagna for Easter and I am sure everyone will enjoy it.
Good evening everyone. I lost by 3 but I did win the regular so can't complain.
Jen that Lasagna sounds good. My son and grandsons will spend Easter Sunday with my son cooking steaks on the barbecue and bake potatoes.
I am getting ready to go to church for the Good Friday service. Please sign me up for the next game.
You all have a great Easter weekend and see you all on Easter Monday.
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