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🤗 WE are thinking of YOU! Please Stop By To See Us :)
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WE cry, rejoice, talk, share!
Whatever YOU need, WE are here for YOU.
***YOU are a very SPECIAL person and WE want to hear from YOU***
Grief & Loss Team 🤗
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I'm not sure I received a current posting about Beatlelover KT who stepped away from this site last year. I think there were a number of encouraging words to KT and I hope is she doing ok. While most folks posting comments are well-intentioned, there may be a few that have issues. I am happy to say that I don't remember seeing any myself. On the other hand, I have been very self-reflective over the last 2 years, so I may have missed a nuance or two. In my view, unless someone is really out of line, I would give grace to anyone posting and understand that they are probably in pain and could be lashing out in what they perceive to be a safe zone. I don't know and hope those individuals seek grief support to help them work through their issues. This site is effective for open comments but does not take the place of professional grief support. That is why I joined several grief groups, most of which were helpful in some way. Sue
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Nicole @Nicole439658 , I saw a post from 9-15 in an Email but don't see it here. I'm glad that you got some good news from your Medicare prescription coverage. Perhaps things are starting to settle in with your new coverage. I had my fingers crossed that it would happen for you soon!
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Two days ago I posted under the “How are you doing” thread, which has gotten buried under the other threads. It was to let everyone know that I wasn’t doing well and would be stepping away temporarily to focus on my mental health. It has been brought to my attention that it could upset some people and I was made to feel that I was not wanted on this site anymore. That person knows who she is. I have always thought I gave good advice and my presence helped people but apparently I was mistaken. I appreciate all the help I’ve received along the way on this forum. If I’m mistaken in these feelings, that person could answer my PM and see how I feel. But not the case so I will be stepping away permanently. There is no worse feeling in the world to feel that you and your contributions are not welcomed. God bless you all 😥
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Beatle @BeatleloverKT ,
I appreciate that you let us know what is going on with you and I'm very sorry to see the rest of your post. I respect your self-assessment and effort to care for your needs by taking some time away. Just to let you know, I have always found you to be very caring and supportive. I wish you all the best and you will be missed.
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I am so sorry to hear this. YOU have always been there for me. I am confused by how your presence would "harm" us. I have received nothing but kind words from you and I have NEVER seen anything negative or hurtful. I am so confused about this. YOU need to do what is best for you. If it is stepping away temporarily or leaving the site permanently, then that is what you must do. YOU and your well being are what matters most. No one should be attacking anyone on this site. We are all so vulnerable and are doing our best attempting to express our emotions to those that we think really care. At times we may be angry or appear to be complaining but we are all simply "processing" the pain and going through a roller coaster of emotions. I would hope those on this site know this and would forgive our flaws. I will miss you and will keep you in my prayers. ❤️ Beatlelover KT, you will be missed.
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Hi, I am very sorry to hear about your experiences and feel the need to step away. I have done so myself over the last 2 years. I would keep my options open because you may feel differently or realize that person does not have the power over you to make life decisions. My biggest challenge and there have been many has been how to process all the interactions I have had. Some good, some temporary, some indefensible, and more. It is hard to except when one is grieving. I have learned that just because someone lost a loved one does not make them empathetic or caring person. In fact, I have met many hostile and bitter widows. That was a great blow to me at my most vulnerable time. Live your life the way you want and remember you have already made a difference to us on this site. Please reconsider about dropping out permanently. We need and want you to be part of our lives. Your friend, Sue
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Beatle you do what is best for Beatle. YOU have been a loving, caring, very helpful friend to us all. Sad that there are those in society filled with HATE. How sad and lonely it must be for these people. Glad that I have nothing to do with them. We are here to help each other through one of the most difficult times in our lives and the majority of people on this site have done just that. Sharing, Caring, Loving people. We are all going through major changes in our lives, some very new and frightening for us BUT we walk through these challenges together. As long as there are people like you in this world, I know there is hope. Take care of yourself. YOU have nothing to feel bad about. YOU my dear are the one we love and will miss. ❤️ You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
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@BeatleloverKT There are times when we must focus our energy inward to take care of ourselves. You know best what you need right now so of course I support your decision. Your presence and contributions have been beneficial and will be welcomed once again when you are ready to send your energy outward.
Sending healing thoughts and comfort.
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Nicole @Winter2024 , I had to set up a temporary kitchen in my guest room during my renovation. That meant my Keurig was on a table next to my bed. That is the closest I could come to having a butler. Maybe it would work for you! 🤪☕️
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I would say I'm about 75% done with my project. I think you are justified in being afraid to begin a renovation before selling and with other issues that you have going on. You never know what problems they will find when they rip something out. It's just like it is on those HGTV shows! In addition, when they are working, you lose your personal space and your house becomes a kind of obstacle course. Then there is the unknown of when the workers are going to show up. I'm only doing mine because I plan to stay here. If I was moving, I would leave it for the prospective buyer to do the way they want it.
I don't know if that was the kind of helpful you were looking for but it is what I can say from my experience.
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Evening all, I got back from Ohio for my wife's memorial last Saturday. It both sad and uplifting at the same time. My family got through it and my kids delivered some very special comments about their Mom. We did not share our comments prior, but the words nurturing, strong, funny, bold, loving and caring came out in all of our comments. It was a needed step for us to move forward. One special item was my son (youngest at 28) found a memory box with note cards for the guests to write down their favorite memory of my wife. Later that evening, after the event was over, my family was sitting outside relaxing and we took turns reading from the stack as we passed the cards around. It was so touching and special. I suggest that you all try it at a memorial too.
So up next for my journey is a few birthdays and the holidays. I'll be ready...
Take care y'all, Bill
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Bill @BillH490171 , This sounds beautiful! Our family read all of the Email and social media tributes to my husband after his celebration of life service. It is very special to hear about the happy times your loved one had and how they touched other people's lives.
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I'm sorry about your allergies Nicole
Yes, I know lots with allergies. I believe they have allergy shots now that work good. Expensive. But if people have Medicare, probably can do. Also those over 55 should get Shingles vaccine. You get one. Then six months later another one. Medicare again should cover it.
I never got a reaction from flu shot before. Must be old age thing. lol.
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Nicole @Winter2024. Can't you just get the flu shot at a pharmacy or Publix with your Medicare? Do you think it might be risky to skip it?
Interesting about the pneumonia vaccine. I just got one last Friday and the pharmacist told me I was done and wouldn't need anything further.
I acquired allergies in adulthood and they aren't fun. I did the shots years ago. My allergies took a hiatus during the pandemic and so far I've been managing by taking an antihistamine at night. I hope you find something that gives you some relief!
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So sorry Nicole @Winter2024 that you are going throught this with your switch to Medicare. I have faith that this will eventually get resolved and thing will become easier.🙏🏻
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So glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself. Still waiting on tests results. They said some would require more time to translate, so I will be patient. I am using the walker and that is helping to alleviate the pain on the side I injured in the fall. My grandson came to visit and is returning to college this weekend. He made my day for me. Allergies are REALLY bad this year. I guess it is due to all the rain. Sleep tight.🛏💤
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Thank you Nicole @Winter2024 . Yes today I have had a lot of people here and they have made some progress. I hope it continues!🤞
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Good morning! Have been busy since returning
from KY. I’m still unpacking. Haven’t even been
to the food store yet! Very busy day yesterday
along with trouble on the forums. Lost a bid on a
condo in Lancaster, which has me very bummed.
My leg is better but has a huge lump there. Doesn’t
hurt to walk so I’m watching it. Wishing you all a
blessed Tuesday 💜
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