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Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month

Periodic Contributor

Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month

I did not get my stimulus check deposited in my accout as stated it would be. I went on the IRS site and the response was they had no information for direct deposit!  Well you have been depositing my SS check every month in my checking account, did you check there??? I filed a federal return and owed some money, but have not paid yet because of the extension. I filled out the form on the website for the stimlus check  along with the bank info they asked for, so that was yesterday, we will see, but not all of us  on SS are not automatically receving the check in our account as stated. You would think we would get ours first!

Susan Sheppard

Several of us on this site tried calling the same number on the same day this week.  It was this Tuesday.  The phone number was 800-919-9835.  Only one contributor, GilM464084 was able to actually talk to a IRS rep and posted the information received on this site for us all to read.

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@LesterL757565 Thank you. 

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Yes I am non filer on SSDI direct deposit and have not received payment yet. From what the IRS told a contributor on the phone, SS folks will be receiving their payments on the same day this month that they get benefit payment. For me, that is the 4th Wednesday, which is next week. Hopefully, that information will be correct.
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   If the contributor said that thew IRS told him that people on ssdi ans ssi would get there stimulas payment on the same date as they get their benefit deposited..I"m sorry but thats a bunch of B.S. I get my benefits direct deposited the 3rd of every month if its on a sunday i get it that sat before. I got my monthly benefits on my regular day and still have not recieved my stimulas check at all.Ive been on ssdi for 10yrs same acct same direct deposit info nothing has changed.i dont make enough to file any taxes what they give me after working my whole life is a joke to live on. So they lied you dont get your stimulas check the same day you get your regular benefits...Wonder if i'll ever get one. that number is totally automated crap theres no way you get to talk to anyone it hangs up on you after its done even if you wait on line even if you hit 0.I'm calling the irs tomorrow again I didn't get thru today.I'm done with all this runaround crap.

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I knew I had seen parts of it somewhere when I was skimming the comments. For those of us who still have not receive a stimulus let's hope this is not another round of false hope.

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Still no joy for me. I got my regular SS DD today (third Wednesday of the month) but the Get My Payment still tells me to go fish, which I do plan on going tomorrow. Cheers


Me too. Low income SS/DD every third Wednesday for fifteen years with no change to ANYTHING.  No other income all that time so no filing.  No address, phone or bank acct. # changes so I should have been one of the easy ones for them.


Enjoy the day and have a good catch!!!!

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Periodic Contributor

I haven’t got mine either on ss for 3 years with direct deposit. I need it everyone else got it
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haven’t received mine either on SS for 5 yrs with DD

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Everyone else didn't get it. Many of us are still waiting, and wondering when they'll get to us. All we can do now is wait. Good luck to you.

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Periodic Contributor

All the posts are a fountain of information but I don't consider any of us still waiting "low priority". I'm not upset, angry etc about not getting my check when everybody else did. What I am tired of is the I get "free money" mentality. My SSD is not free money every month. At 40 yrs old I had already worked 25 yrs and except for a couple of those yrs, full-time work. 31 yrs of putting money in the system I had to go on disability. What I get is barely above poverty level and I still pay taxes into the system every time I walk into a store, get gas, put tags on my car etc. I've been getting my SSA Form at the same address for 6 yrs. Nothing has changed. Try paying rent, gas, electric, food on $1100.00 a month, I have no life, no vacations, can't afford a movie ticket. That money is just as important to me and I deserve it just as much as a tax paying filer and with the other programs are possibly still being paid by their company or receiving unemployment. 


You don't tell people your getting it but oh, wait a sec your low priority so when we get around to it you'll get it. And telling all of us "don't do anything" if you get SS, SSA, SSI etc is not a true statement. I doubt I'd be getting anything if I hadn't been proactive in "why" and "what do I need to do" to get mine. Just saying - don't sit and wait check if there is anything you may need to do.

Trusted Contributor

I said now in a few posts that I hope this isn't political. That would be extremely unfortunate because we don't need that right now. If people are doing this for political reasons it's not going to sway my opinions in certain situations one way or another. Some think it's because of who's in the White House. While others may think its because of the current crop of politicians who want to get back into the White House that has something to do with this. You never know. Everyone has a right to their opinions. I'm still waiting as millions of others are.

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Periodic Contributor

I thought I had posted this earlier- I spoke to the IRS rep at 8:30am on the West Coast.


OK. I am PSNA, NON-FILER, SSDI DD SINCE 2017 and just finished a phone conversation with an IRS representative.

Here's the play-by-play:

  1. Called 800-919-9835 and listened to short message and then hit a prompt to wait for live agent.

  2. On hold listening to pre-recorded info from February 2020 for a out 3 minutes, line rings twice and call disconnects.

  3. DEEP BREATH- Repeat Step 1.

  4. After hitting prompt, immediately get ringing sound a LIVE rep answers and recites scripted introduction notifying caller that she can only answer generic questions and does not have access to taxpayer info.

  5. DEEP Breath. Wanted to go off, but remain calm- representative listens and says I will transfer you to a representative that has ability to access your personal information.

  6. Transferred and informed wait time will be less than 10 minutes and about 7 minutes later I hear ringing and LIVE rep answers.

  7. He accesses my info- Name, DOB and last address and explains that


I RECEIVE MY PAYMENT IN THE 4TH WEDNESDAY OF MONTH SO I WOULD RECEIVE Weds, MAY 27 and be able to see the scheduled payment on GMP beginning Sat., MAY 23.


Apparently, because SSEC schedules monthly payments in a variety of ways (I receive the 4th Wednesday of each month, others the 2nd or 3rd Wednesday and still others on a specific day each month) the first planned DD on April 29 was intended for recipients with usual monthly payments scheduled on specific days 29, 30, 31, 1, 2 and 3. Then beginning May 6, May 13, May 20, May 27 the DDs would match with the same week u receive your monthly.


Due to poorly written IRS communications and the SSEC, as well as the media reporting that payments WERE NOT LINKED to the date/week we normally receive monthly benefits (when they always were) panic set-in with many using the non-filers method.


The agent explained that if you jumped to the non-filer system- your payment will be sent 21-28 days after the IRS accepts the return and sometimes in less than 21 days. He also said that info should be available on GMP beginning the 21st day (and again sometimes earlier, but no later than the 28th day).


Hope this helps.


I wrote email to my Congressman Lloyd Doggett about this issue about a week ago. Today I got a call from a woman on his staff, who was well aware of the problems SS recipients are having in getting their stimulus deposits from the IRS. Doggett is on the House committee which is responsible for overseeing the IRS in its delivery of the deposits/checks.  She said she got my information, and others with similar problems, to Mr. Doggett and that he and his staff contacted the IRS about the issue.  The IRS apparently prioritized delivery for folks who both filed taxes and were employed full time.  People on SS and/or fixed annuities, perhaps working part time (like I do), were of low priority in getting the relief money - she said Doggett was dismayed that the folks who needed the most help were last on the list. She also gave me the 800 number to call, after I told her that the website just responds "That information is not available at this time" or some such.  I plan to try calling the number tomorrow in hopes of at least contacting a human on the other end. Getting ahold of someone at the IRS seems to be no problem if you OWE tax money, but when they owe you it's as if no one is available. The number, as has been mentioned, is 800-919-9835.

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Just as we suspected, we're Low Priority. Those 2 words explains everything. But your post was very interesting and informative.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@CassTech71 wrote:

Just as we suspected, we're Low Priority. Those 2 words explains everything. But your post was very interesting and informative.

How could the IRS determine an income priority except by a tax return which many entitlement beneficiaries don't file?


entitlement - A Federal program or provision of law that requires payments to any person or unit of government that meets the eligibility criteria established by law. ...

Social Security, VA benefits, Railroad Retirement, Supplemental Security Income

It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Honored Social Butterfly



That is not exactly true -

  • The IRS DID pay out the Economic Impact Payments based on income, from the lowest income to the highest that qualifies for the payment. 
  • But the ONLY actual income that the IRS knows about are for the people that FILED a tax return.
  • Social Security benefits are not based on income; they are based on your 35 years of earning and paying into the system. 
  • Therefore there are people who get SS benefits who have little income and also those who have an abundance of income.  The IRS can only go by the income that is reported to them - meaning those who file a tax return.

The IRS tackled sending out these Economic Impact Payments 1st to those who were the easiest - meaning those who filed a tax return because they had all the necessary information on those tax returns - they had the income, they had the dependents and the age of the dependents, they also had their validated SS# and the filing status - married filing joint / head of household or single.


Past those tax return filing people, the IRS had to ask for information on dependents from all the other groups eligible for the Economic Impact Payments.


You said  . . . .she said Doggett was dismayed that the folks who needed the most help were last on the list.

Her explanation makes not sense and if he feels that way, you need to find another Rep that can think about how the government works within agencies.  Like I said, just because you on Social Security does not mean that you "need" anything.  Same thing with VA benefits - income is NOT a qualifier for the benefit - not even considered - it earned by service or death from service.


In the initial planning stages of how all of this was going to be done, the IRS and Treasury wanted people that did not file a tax return to fil out an "informational return" listing income, dependents, address, direct deposit or other mode of payment information.  That way the IRS could have prioritized these stimulus payment by income.  BUT advocacy groups including the AARP, I believe,

said that type of filing would be too difficult for seniors so the IRS/Treasury had no choice than to go by the information available under these other benefits - SS Retirement, Spousal, Survivors, SSDI, RRB, VA and Supplemental Security Income - but this info did not include income.


Many of the employees at the IRS have been under "a stay at home order" furlough due to the Pandemic and have only recently gone back to work - so communications have been limited.

I believe your Congressman and his staff also just returned - in fact, some have yet to return.


It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna

Just Google Lloyd Doggett - he's been representing me for 40 years as an Austinite and fellow graduate of University of Texas. He's a liberal, as am I, several years older than I am. I had no problems with Doggett when he was a state senator, when he fought Tom DeLay back in the early 90s to try to prevent gerrymandering - it obviously didn't work, unfortunately (Google Killer Bees and Tom DeLay). He's now been my District rep. in Austin for some decades. That I could contact his office about this issue and get a real response within a week testifies to the fact that I have a real congressional representative - no, I have no problem with my Congressional rep.  As to why IRS can't give me or my wife timely relief from the COVID19 stuff, well, I have my theories, given the current resident of the White House, etc.  Sorry to be a little passionate in defending my local Rep.  I'll post my experience with calling the phone number once I give it a shot.

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Just to clarify my own situation:


I am a retiree from the University of Texas at Austin, and get an annuity from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, upon which I pay taxes and file. It doesn't make me wealthy by a long shot, but is my main income. I started getting SS about 2 years ago (I'm about to turn 68), and have had no problem getting direct deposits from either them or TRS over the years. I also work part time as a musician locally, as both a church musician and occasional classical singing gigs - the income is taxed and I file. So, that means the IRS is well aware that I'm a tax payer - I hardly ever get refunds of any sort - and the SS Administration, a part of the federal government, has had my direct deposit records for at least 2 years. TRS has had it for 12 years, since I retired. It is a mystery to me as to how IRS cannot even give me information as to WHY I'ms still waiting for my relief check after 6 or so weeks, when younger people around me got theirs weeks ago - and they have full time incomes. Just saying. Sorry about the COVID issues for the IRS employees - join the band. But it is frustrating that the website not only gives me no information, but that I have to contact my Congressman for any hope of asking a human employee of IRS - where is my money?

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Honored Social Butterfly


All I can say, is since you are a tax filer, it just depends on when they got your tax return and processed it AND IF you gave the IRS your Direct Deposit info on the return or later using the IRS - GET MY PAYMENT  tool..


The IRS processed 2019 returns that they had received and processed 1st before going back to the 2018 returns.  The Direct Deposit info had to be listed on the return for any refund and this differs from giving the IRS access to draft your bank account for taxes you might have owed.  This is because of legalities in banking industry.  Government agencies cannot cross over unless specified by law.  The CARE ACT gave permission by law for the sharing info between the IRS and SSA for this purpose.  But each group is being processed separately -


Tax Filers with Direct Deposit Info (lowest to highest income)

Tax Filers paid by check (lowest to highest income)

Tax Filers who have added Direct Deposit info per the IRS tool

Social Security Retirement, Spousal, Surviviors, SSDI, RRB with Direct Deposit info

Social Security Retirement, Spousal, Surviviors, SSDI, RRB with SSA and Direct Express info

Supplemental Security Income and VA Benefits with Direct Deposit/ Direct Express info on SSA or VA files

Then last but not least in line are those entitlement beneficiaries who have Representative Payees


If the IRS did not have your DIRECT DEPOSIT info for a tax refund, then you should have done as asked and given them the direct deposit info on the "Where's My Payment" IRS tool.  

If your payment has not already been scheduled, you can add your Direct Deposit info for the IRS.

Check the Get My Payment IRS tool.


If your payment has been already scheduled you will be paid either by check if the payment is initiated via your tax return or processed by your SS benefit where you do have direct deposit info - "GET MY PAYMENT" FAQ 


Where Did The IRS get my bank information and what if I need to change it?

(updated May 15, 2020) 

If Get My Payment indicates your payment is pending or has been processed, you cannot change your bank account information.

Your bank account information for your Economic Impact Payment is usually captured from:

  • the most recently filed tax return if you received a refund by direct deposit in 2018 or 2019, or
  • the bank information you provided on our Get My Payment application, or
  • the bank information you provided on the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool.
  • If you elected to split your refund between several accounts, you cannot use Get My Payment to indicate which account to use for your Payment. We will deposit the Payment to the first bank account that you listed on Form 8888, Allocation of Refund. If your direct deposit is rejected, your payment will be mailed to the address we have on file for you. 
It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Honored Social Butterfly



Thanks for posting your conversation - Sounds reasonable

SSA - Schedule of Social Security Benefit Payment 2020 


So when they said that the EIP (Economic Impact Payment) would be paid just as you receive your regular benefits, they were talking about more than just how the payment is made - they also mean when they were paid too.


VA benefits and I believe, Supplemental Security Income, are paid on the 1st .

It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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The payment calendar shown is the normal payment calendar that was published at the end of 2019.  It has nothing to do with EIP payments.  Yes they've said that it would be paid in the same way we receive our benefits.  That would mean by direct deposit.  It has nothing to do with the date that EIP payments will be made.  I get my SS on the 3rd of every month.  That date has come and gone a couple of times since the CARES Act was passed.  Get My Payment finally worked for me and told me that my payment would be made on the 20th of May by direct deposit into my checking account.  Payments are made whenever they get to them and are not tied to our usual payment date each month.  It was a nice theory, but not real.  It also ignores the large number of SS retirement recipients who have direct deposit, yet have been sent paper checks.  There is no neat and tidy tool that has been printed that says anything about payment dates for Stimulus payments.  SS said that people would be paid by the 29th of April.  Well that didn't happen for many people.  The last think I expect from the government, any government, is action based on what's logical and makes sense.

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LeighG227172...Well said and spot on. Glad to hear you finally got a date on the tool, and hopefully got your payment today.
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Thanks, I'm glad you think so.  Sometimes I'm just a bit blunt.  And yes, I did receive my payment today as I was told by Get My Payment.  To be honest, I never thought I would actually see it.  I hope everyone else gets theirs soon.

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Periodic Contributor

Yes,  that was my take from our conversation.


He said that the the the public guidance from early April was based on a hopeful and perfect matching of the IRS and SSA databases. The variety of inconsistencies with names and addresses not matching, joint returns, old addresses, closed bank accounts, dependents, etc. they were overwhelmed and wary about being too specific. 


It's been frustrating for everyone.


I actually moved from NY to Oregon in January and updated my info with SSA,  but my last IRS return had a NY address. After not receiving the DD on April 29 or May 6, I used the non-filer program because the guidance kind-of suggested that step.


He confirmed that my address was updated to Oregon last week and gave me the 21-28 day time frame for payment. Expecting it June 3 with the info in GMP database May 30 in an ideal world.


While he could not say with any certainly that if had I done nothing that the address issue would have delayed my DD from being sent during the last week in May (due to the fact that my 2019 SSA-1099 and last tax return had my former address), it illustrates another situation which could result in a variety of outcomes.


The agent was very sincere and his reasoning appears solid, I would not have posted if I felt otherwise.


Look, my feeling is they are doing their best and they were right to prioritize taxpayers/tax filers first. I mean they pay taxes and were the most straight-forward to deliver and captured the vast majority of eligible recipients and bulk of the $$.


There has been so much misinformation, fear mongering, political grandstanding, power-grabbing, pc- correctness, etc. (form all sides) leading to so much division in our country is it shameful. It's a stressful and scary time for everybody, but we will survive- we're Americans, it's what we do.

Honored Social Butterfly

@GilM464084 wrote:

Yes,  that was my take from our conversation.


. . . . . Look, my feeling is they are doing their best and they were right to prioritize taxpayers/tax filers first. I mean they pay taxes and were the most straight-forward to deliver and captured the vast majority of eligible recipients and bulk of the $$.


There has been so much misinformation, fear mongering, political grandstanding, power-grabbing, pc- correctness, etc. (form all sides) leading to so much division in our country is it shameful. It's a stressful and scary time for everybody, but we will survive- we're Americans, it's what we do.

I totally agree - adding that "money", sometimes very needed money . . . . adds more emotion.

There is gonna be a lot of reconciliations for one reasons or another - Definitely not an easy task.

It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Based on those calculations, I should have received my payment on April 29th. I'm still in the dark as to when I'll get mine. My SS is deposited on the 3rd of each month. Meh!
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Honored Social Butterfly


The 2020 Calendar of SS benefits which I just posted says this at the bottom of the page -

Social Security benefits prior to May 1997; or if receiving both Social Security and SSI, Social Security is paid on the third of the month.


Your Economic Impact Payment may be within the SSI category - and those are coming along with the VA Benefits.


This is a screen shot of some of the calendar - 


Screenshot_2020-05-19 Schedule of Social Security Benefit Payments 2019 - EN-05-10031-2020 pdf(1).png


Screenshot_2020-05-19 Schedule of Social Security Benefit Payments 2019 - EN-05-10031-2020 pdf(2).png


Screenshot_2020-05-19 Schedule of Social Security Benefit Payments 2019 - EN-05-10031-2020 pdf.png



It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
Trusted Contributor

I'm already back to living as I did before there was any talk of the stimulus. For the most part I only check my checking account to see if there's enough funds to either buy what I need or what dent I put in the funds just as I always do. And if I do check to see if the stimulus is there it's almost an afterthought to do so. I'm not checking it 4 or 5 times a day but I would not discourage those who do because we all need it.. Of course I check the mail but that's routine. I was done with the frustration over a week ago. I know some may say this is easy for you to say but I haven't received mine either. But to let it drive me half out of my mind? No way.

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And please do not think I am trying to be cavalier with my previous post. I've been through all the frustration of using the Get My Payment and the Non filer's tools. Going back and forth to the SSA and IRS websites, trying to call them. Checking and rechecking my bank account when I'm at home and when I'm out and about. So I understand.


But I concluded that I can't and won't let this put a cloud over my whole day everyday. Especially in these times because it is not healthy to do so. So everybody let's keep our heads up and as I wrote yesterday when I was in boot camp in the U.S. Navy the motto was, all we can do is hurry up and wait.




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