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Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month

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Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month

I did not get my stimulus check deposited in my accout as stated it would be. I went on the IRS site and the response was they had no information for direct deposit!  Well you have been depositing my SS check every month in my checking account, did you check there??? I filed a federal return and owed some money, but have not paid yet because of the extension. I filled out the form on the website for the stimlus check  along with the bank info they asked for, so that was yesterday, we will see, but not all of us  on SS are not automatically receving the check in our account as stated. You would think we would get ours first!

Susan Sheppard
Periodic Contributor

@GailL1this is a sibling I lived with temporarily that was not my caregiver. She claimed me on her taxes without cause. She did not have my permission but does know mine and our siblings social. I know she found a loophole if I lived with her long enough (being disabled) that she could possibly claim me, but I squashed that idea quickly. So, I know for a fact I never gave permission for this, and she will be reported.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@EbonyW807299 wrote:

@GailL1this is a sibling I lived with temporarily that was not my caregiver. She claimed me on her taxes without cause. She did not have my permission but does know mine and our siblings social. I know she found a loophole if I lived with her long enough (being disabled) that she could possibly claim me, but I squashed that idea quickly. So, I know for a fact I never gave permission for this, and she will be reported.


Actually it doesn't have so much to do with "permission" as it does to proving the % of support they may give to the other person.

The term "dependent" means a "qualifying child" or a "qualifying relative."

IRS Publication 501 (2019) - Publication 501 (2019), Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Info... 

Go down to TABLE 5 -That is a good starting point.  This information & applicable eligibility test might be able to tell you if the sibling did or did not do something shaky.

Table 5. Overview of the Rules for Claiming a Dependent

Screenshot_2020-05-16 Publication 501 (2019), Dependents, Standard Deduction, and Filing Information Internal Revenue Service(1).png



It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Regular Social Butterfly

@EbonyW807299 you should contact your local law enforcement and they can escalate to Federal as this involves federal funds.


There is no assistance available for you here at AARP (I'm assuming that is why you joined yesterday).


Contact your local law enforcement.



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
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Periodic Contributor

@WebWiseWomanI was only looking to see if anyone else had similar problems with a possible solution, which helped. It helped me find out my own particular situation and go through the motions to get it sorted. So, I am happy I found information but upset that so many people are just not getting the help they needed.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@WebWiseWoman wrote:

@EbonyW807299 you should contact your local law enforcement and they can escalate to Federal as this involves federal funds.



HOW ??   Got to prove something illegal has taken place 1st.

NO dependent older than 17 years old gets any $$ added to the EIP.


Dependency on income taxes is proven by relationship and various test on support - I just posted an IRS link about this in my reply to @EbonyW807299 on this issue.

It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Periodic Contributor

@GailL1ok. I was claimed on her taxes as a dependent, which I am Not. She also reaped financial gain from that. That is illegal and I am going to provide information to support it. Her false claim leads to.....wait for not getting any stimulus. That is very clear cut in the terms of who will and will not get any stimulus. I really don't feel the need to clarify this any more, or any longer. I'm taking it up with the IRS.

Periodic Contributor

@GailL1I looked over all the information you posted and boy, none of it fit my situation. I was never dependent on her for what the IRS mandates, I actually helped her while I was there. I will make sure that not a single thing can be construed as, well maybe she has a claim. But, thanks for the info, it will help me make my position stronger.

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Honored Social Butterfly


I will just add one more point -

Yes, it is the correctness (or not ) of the actual (2018/2019) IRS tax filing where there could be (or not) a problem and that will be the source which will have to be investigated.  Don't hold your breath - could be another one of those hurry up and wait situations.


I would imagine that after all this is over there's probably gonna be quite a number of "tax" filing questions from many people.  Opened up a new can of worms for the IRS, so to speak -


People should understand that when they don't file a tax return on their own, claim themselves, whether or not they owe taxes, then all kinds of claims could possibly be made for them. 

One thing the IRS does stay up on is when a person's SS # is used on more that one tax return where there is a self-or dependency claim - you only get one or the other.


As an example, Take a child that has income - the parents or guardian has several ways they can file where this child with income is concerned - but the child, parent or guardian has to decide where the actual "claim" for the child gets put - on who's return and which claim status.


Good luck in solving your dilemma -



It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
Regular Contributor

The Social Security Administration did update their information yesterday for people with SSI and those who also have a representative payee.  It appears now that payments will go out at the end of May.  It seems that this is also true for those of us who receive SS retirement.  Whether we should believe it or not is a different question!

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LeighG227172...I looked at the updated SSA info, and nothing has changed for those of us on SS or SSDI who began receiving benefits before Jan. 2020, filed no taxes in '18 or '19, and have no qualifying children..."You should have received your $1200 payment by the end of April in the same way you receive your Social Security benefit."
Regular Contributor

Yes I understand that.  I simply said that the information in  general was updated on 14 May.  This is particularly true if you receive SS or SSI that is paid to a representative payee.  All of that information is new.  It does imply for people like you and I even though is says that we should have gotten paid at the end of April, that the goal now is end of May.  Don't expect anything literal or etched in stone from SSA or IRS. 

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May 14, 2020


I collect Social Security Disability as my only income. It is directly deposited to the same bank account I have had for over 5 years. I have no dependents who I can claim nor can others claim me. Since Early April (if not sooner) I have watched this stimulus money process and I have to stay it has and will continue to give many eligible recipients an economic depression. I have not got any money yet, The Get My Payment tool has never worked for me even after trying to go on it every day and in so many ways. I have my 1099 SSA and that should be all I need based on my circumstances. I just found out that either way, I will now have to wait for a check in the mail which may take months. I will not even tell my story of how I could use the money as so many others are in more of a desperate situation. The check will have Donald Trumps signature and will come with a long letter made to look like it came directly from him and it simply praises his efforts and his administration. This is SICK! To use a much needed benefit to tout himself with this being an election year and to STALL money as a result in my opinion is another obstruction of justice crime. Congress passed this Cares Act and he as president must sign it that is a formality. It is then your actions and words that speak louder than signing a piece of legislation and can be used against him now.               

Trusted Contributor

vp6108979...If you feel that strongly about it, simply send the check back. If you need the money too much to return it, then cash the check and use the money...and be thankful you received it, no matter whose signature is on it. But please, don't turn this forum into a political one. I come here hoping to see posts from someone like myself, who has been waiting for weeks to receive the stimulus, whether it be a check or direct deposit, who finally received theirs, or something other than "Payment Status Is Not Available". That will give me a bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, myself and others here will eventually receive our payment. If I want to read political rants, there are thousands of sites and forums I can go to for that, for both political parties. Please folks, lets keep our comments about the stimulus and keep our political views out of it.
Trusted Contributor

The IRS is responsible for distributing the money via check or DD and they are also the ones that are moving the goalposts further and further away. First it was the 29th of April, then May 5th, then the 13th, now it's on into June. If anyone is obstructing the stimulus it's the IRS because they are the ones handling distribution of these payments.


It's a Crime for the IRS to keep giving millions of Social Security recipients False HOPE with ever changing dates on when the payments SHOULD arrive. Everyday people checking their bank accounts and the mail with nothing to see. As far as I'm concerned Abraham Lincoln's name can be on the check just send it to me like they said they would.

Trusted Contributor

Some of the reason others are giving for the lack of payment at this point in time are kind of ridiculous.

1. It's a crime-Its not a crime when they are still handing out millions over the next few months

2. A conspiracy -are you stating that the IRS, SSA and others or planning to make sure you are getting it last or never at all? 

3. How come we have not been paid when someone else I know already has? - Some one will get it first- someone will get it next-some will get it on time and others will get it later then thought.

4. Its not the person sitting in the White House or Pelosi on her panel (whos to make sure that people are supposed to be getting their checks. The IRS is handling this in a somewhat structured manner. If you already knew that on 4/24 they were doing 5 million checks a week for the next 8-12 weeks then there are 10's of millions to still receive their stimulus check. You just happened to be one of them for reasons no one here can tell you exactly why. Is it fair? Depends are the eye of the beholder. It could be wrong bank number-changing addresses 3 times in 5 years-filling out one of the programs that the IRS said that certain people SHOULD NOT fill out that caused more lateness to getting your stimulus much later then anticipated-you are out of the country-You were used as a dependent knowingly or not- Your mistake or the IRS caused it by filling out the wrong forms or incorrect DD numbers-bank refused it and so on. There are probably 100 different reasons why. Next week comes another 5 million or so checks. They can not print out 25 million checks in that time period. Maybe the problem was not giving SS (that by the way is almost totally closed down because of the virus) the monies to pay SSA people. The reasons are not something against you as political or radical. Call it bad luck if you wish. Yes a better job could have been done. It was not something that was planned back in January. Basically signed around April 1st. Now if you think that 180 million payments will go off perfectly smooth that will never happen as humans make mistakes. I


I myself waiting 3 weeks before I could get a word out of Get My Payment then got a Apr 29th date and received it that morning. I knew of 6 other people all with different banks got the same date and all received it. Also take into the consideration someone has hacked your account and has your monies instead of you. Checks have been stolen in the mail probably in the thousands. There are more things that can go wrong then right. If I were in your shoes at this time I would not be a happy camper myself. Some so angry that they will make up things like a person on purpose is not paying them. Trump sits in the WH and rubs hands together knowing that Joe Who has not gotten their checks yet. Those are just conjectures made up by some because of their unhappiness. Everyone hopes others are getting their stimulus monies ASAP. Again someone will get first and others will get last. Not everyone will get theirs at the same time and that has been explained. You cant get a hold of the IRS because there are 10 million people all trying to and not enough people to answer all those calls. Hang in there because you will end up with your monies hopefully sooner then later. 






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Honored Social Butterfly



I agree with most of what you have said, Alan.  It is a lot for the IRS agency to do and it can't happen overnite - there are different circumstances for everybody and they have to muddle through each group,  checking, verifying, adding dependents if need be.


This is not like other stimulus payments in the past where everybody got the same amount.  This one is based on income with an added amount for dependents less than a certain age -

That is why they had to do the tax filers 1st - They had to income / dependent qualify those folks and get their funds outs and then mark by SS# any other groups to which they may be in like Social Security Retirement, SSDI, Railroad Retirement.


Without a law change, the SSA could not issue these funds - because the eligibility for the EIP is still based on income and the SSA does not have that info - the IRS does have that info from those required to file tax returns and supporting documents. 


There is still gonna be mess ups or potential mess ups just because we all have different types of situation and those will have to be reconciled.  We continue to move, change financial institutions, get divorces, make more or less income, file taxes or not have to. 


At least they have made any reconciliation pretty simple - it should all work out by the time we file taxes for 2020 in 2021 - it should also be relatively easy to get back any money that wasn't paid per eligibility, unless actually fraudulent - then we shall change the abbreviation of the government

entity in charge of the correction from IRS to FBI.   😕




It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Periodic Contributor

    I think the biggest problem is being told the most needy will receive the stimulus package first. SSI, Railroad, Disability...etc. Then comes the waiting, followed by dates that keep getting pushed back multiplied by the inability to get a single answer. My disability has been deposited in the same bank for years, no dependents, not a dependent. So for all of us the need to be heard (outside of the normal frustrations) is more than glitches, conspiracies and griping just to gripe. I'm glad you got yours, but the rest of us would like a solid answer to 'why not us'.

Trusted Contributor

Yes. There are those out there who could care less whether or not we receive the stimulus. All you have to do is research an organization to determine and see who they were and are affiliated with and support. I say this because someone posted that certain organizations should be helping us.


Go back 4, 8 and12 years. Research on who they were and still are cuddling up to and you will have your answer as to why they are offering no help whatsoever. Don't get too frustrated because that's what they want. The picture of frustration is what they're after; everyday looking at your bank account and the mail and seeing no stimulus. They feed on that.


Don't give them that satisfaction. Keep on keeping on. We're still here and we Are going to make it just as we have been doing for decades now.

Regular Contributor

"Payment Status Not Available" Well I'm so shocked to see that again this morning (sarcasm). I really don't want to be the only eligible person to NOT get the stimulus payment. For anyone out there that might think you can get any help on here about your stimulus payment, that the IRS or anyone that can help us reads these comments, I say NOPE not on here. It's just a place to vent our frustrations with other like souls together and maybe share any news of some possible help. Well let's see what tomorrow brings.😎

Trusted Contributor

RichardD753001...You're right. No one reads these comments except all of us in the same situation. I just keep reading, and taking a sliver of hope from the very few that say they received a check in the mail or a direct deposit. The IRS and SSA couldn't care less about us. Even AARP doesn't seem to care or they would be looking into the problem and telling us something. Hey, if you want to save yourself some time tomorrow, I can see into the future and will tell you now what tomorrow will stimulus and Payment Status Not Available. Seriously, I hope you and many others, including myself, can post some good news on here tomorrow and give others some hope.
Regular Contributor

@J221, I would not bet against your physic powers, you got that one nailed.
Now if I owed the IRS any money you betcha they be all over me.
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Periodic Contributor

I  received my stimulus check today, I was surprised, I don't know why others are not getting theirs. maybe it will just take some more time. My check was put into my direct deposit as was mentioned when I checked the Get my payment app.  I hope that those that have not received theirs yet will have them come real soon. We could all use some good things happening right now.  A pick me up like this is just some good news we all need right now.   stay home stay well.  Nila.😀

Trusted Contributor

NilaA565900...Which are you on? SS, SSDI, or SSI?
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Thank you for following up with me.  I get the standard SS.


Bless you,


Gregory Grant

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Periodic Contributor

I have been on SS forover 12 years, using the same bank and bank account number.  ????

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Hi and thanks for the many AARP members who have responded with their own experiences of not getting a stimulus check.  I feel so much less alone on this now.  Thanks for reaching out to me.

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Thanks again,

Gregory Grant
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Periodic Contributor

It's  great news for you! I have a question for you ... were you always getting the message .. Payment Status not available ?

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Good question!  Yes, I always got that message; so, I finally asked my bank about the needed routing number and sent that in.


Gregory Grant

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Periodic Contributor

How and where did you send in the routing number?  I read that if you were already receiving direct deposit via Bank for your SS you shouldn't ?  Am I missing something here?  Thanks


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