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- Re: Stimulus Check when you have Social Security D...
Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month
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Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month
I did not get my stimulus check deposited in my accout as stated it would be. I went on the IRS site and the response was they had no information for direct deposit! Well you have been depositing my SS check every month in my checking account, did you check there??? I filed a federal return and owed some money, but have not paid yet because of the extension. I filled out the form on the website for the stimlus check along with the bank info they asked for, so that was yesterday, we will see, but not all of us on SS are not automatically receving the check in our account as stated. You would think we would get ours first!
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I have tried to use the Get Payment tool but when I get the option to enter my bank account information, there is a question that stops me. It asks did I get a refund or pay and the new t question is how much. I can't check either because I didn't pay anything and was not due anything. If I checked either and put in zero for the amount, it would not take it. Is there another site that these people, who do not file, but are getting the deposit dates for their money to be put in the bank?
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The info you are stating above was for the non-filer link which the IRS said for those collecting SS, SSDI or SSI not to use.
But if you are collecting SSDI, you will not be getting dd, you will be getting a check. They shut it down and updated it like two days ago and it tells me a check will be mailed out to me on 5/1/2020 at the last known address the iRS has on file for me. Luckily I have not moved.
Those on SS are getting it dd.
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*** Does anyone know what could be the problem here? ***
I'm getting SSDI by driect deposit ( disability ) and have been for many years. I went to the "get my payment" portal on the IRS's web site to find out when they will direct depost the payment in my account.
I put my current information in and it comes back telling the information I put in doesn't match their records. I checked to make sure the formating of the information I put in was correct and unless I missed something, it was. Is there some formating nature to this portal that I don't understand? Does it need to be all upper case or lowercase, ect?
Since I moved in the last 2-3 years I tried putting in the old address where I lived 2-3 years ago, same response.
Back during the Obama administration when they were giving out stimulus payments, I received one to my bank account I had set up with Social Security.
Does anyone have any idea as to what the problem could be?
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I am going to guess.
1. Your group could be coming next week
2. Information put incorrectly by you or IRS
3. If you do not get DD it should be a check
4. IRS just has the wrong info and Soc Sec number. It takes one letter or number to mess things up
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So for whatever reason, it does not matter if you get SSDI via direct deposit, you will be mailed a paper check UNLESS YOU FILED TAXES in 2018/2019. Remember the Treasury and the SSA are two different entities so they do not have shared information on their computer.
Would some of you rather have waited several more months for the Treasury and SSA to communicate to each other each individual person's banking info?
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The tresury department knows all the information that they need to send it out to the stimulus impact checks. Since it's the tresury department that makes the checks and not the IRS. Social security recipient's will get it direct deposited right into their bank account.
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Then I seen two days ago it said I requested direct deposit but nothing else. Then it was down for a few hours while they did maintenance bc there were many glitches and after they fixed it and updated it, it now tells me a CHECK WILL BE MAILED OUT ON MAY 1st, so no dd and that the IRS would be using the last address they have on file for you.
So if you moved, that could be a problem. Luckily, I have not moved and my last taxes I did, I checked to make sure they had my apt. number which they did.
So it seems that those with SS get dd, but you can expect a paper check. I would try again tomorrow maybe it is a glitch again OR they don't have the proper information for you. It may have went out, but now they will get it back.
But it says once the Treasury mails out (or dds) the money, within about 15 days, we will be getting a letter confirming that we got the money and if there were any problems, etc. but I guess if they have your wrong address, it will take a bit longer.
No, some man said you had to use a number sign to put in your apartment number, but I typed the word Apt. and got my information. Try again tomorrow, but I'm betting they have your old address and don't expect DD. It seems anyone who is on SSDI is getting a paper check thus far.
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Ive had exactly the same issue, at least
We get this message now. Two days ago and
Seven prior, i got no information.
I hope we are in the batch of 4/29-4/30
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has anyone else tried the irs/get my payment PORTAL since they've fixed it for ssdi?? Well I have &I keep getting (not avalible) but just about everyone else is getting their date for theit direct deposit for April 29th. so am I the only one??
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THE ONLY PEOPLE ON SSDI GETTING IT VIA DD are those who have had, for whatever reason, filed taxes in 2018 and 2019. ALL OTHERS ON SSDI WILL BE GETTING PAPER CHECKS.
Hopefully, you are at the same address that you last were when you last filed taxes. It also stated on the IRS site that once you see payment is in progress, like me, there is not way to go back and change anything.
Before they did maintenance on it, it said for me I REQUESTED DD. But after 4/25 when it was up again, it then stated I would be getting my check MAILED OUT on 5/1/2010 at the address they have on file for me.
Try again, but don't use the pop-up fields, Delete them and put in the information it requests (street address, not city or state) and it asks for your zip code.
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Does anyone know what time they update the system each day? I was able to enter my banking information and got a confirmation that I was eligible for the stimulus and it would be direct deposited into my bank account (gives the last four digits). Then it said a date would be added when the system updates. That was yesterday.
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The UE system crashed because close to 26 million people applied. Be thankful. Not even sure why we got it and I dont want to hear "I worked for 50 years and paid taxes."
This is for those people (over 60% in NY CIty) who suddenly lost their jobs, have no INCOME coming in and UE has not even kicked in for them and they are cash poor and even the food bank are running out of food to give them.
So they are the people that should and did get it first. I live in NY. You have no idea what we went through and are going through. We are forced to wear masks, even in my apt. building. It is hard to get meat and other items.
I saw a man on TV who just suddenly lost his job with no warning bc the virus spreads unbelievably quick and in a matter of days we had people dying in the hundreds. I had to stop watching bc I could not handle it anymore. I was cryning non-stop.
So this man was in tears bc he suddenly lost his job, no UE has been sent out to them yet and he gets up early to wait on a line for a food bank which is now running out of food.
So please, I get upset when I see people in our position WHO STILL GET MONTHLY BENEFITS every month and can still put food on the table. So please, stop complaining and you will get your money and PLEASE REMEMBER WHY YOU ARE GETTING IT.
Be thankful you are alive to get it. I plan on donating a portion of mine (and I am on a fixed income) to one of the pantry banks bc I live in NY and we have lost over 18,000 people that died alone and all this happened in a matter of weeks.
A female doctor who was at the front line of seeing the enormous amount of people who caught the virus and were dying every day. She got the virus herself, and then was planning on going back to work.
But she took her own life. These doctors, nurses and other medical personnel (especially in NY) are witnessing deaths at a rate they never saw and they are human. They are going to suffer mentally from PTSD just like those in wars.
And these people died alone. I cried when I seen on TV that they had no more freezer boxes to carry out the dead so in a NY hospital, the died were covered with sheets and lined up against the hallway.
This in NY and the stupid stupid people in other states who think their freedom is being denied after being asked to do a two week shutdown are stupid.
Because people with NO SYMPTOMS can be carriers and one person alone can infect another 20 people.
So just take moment that you are alive to even get this and stop worrying about the exact day and time and for those of you who can, please donate whatever you can afford to food banks that literally do not have enough food for those who are cash poor right now.
We are the lucky ones. Try to remember that.
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Amen!! Well said. But I'm changing it to blessings.. and not luck. Let's all do the same.... pass along some blessings... it will make you feel better.
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I think between around 10 P.M. EST to 1:00 EST. If it is out just wait a couple hours and you will get in. Maybe there will be a new update.
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It seems (I was on another board) only those getting SS were getting it dd to their accounts. People on SSDI all seem to be getting paper checks and mailed out the first of May or a few days after.
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I think you are right on SSDI getting checks instead. Most SS are getting DD unless different circumstances as filing late, change of address etc. I am supposed to get 4/29 via DD. Sometimes things happen that do not seem fair but that is the world we live in. Fair has a different meaning to everyone. I waited 3 weeks to finally able to get a word from IRS portal. I hope your check comes soon and your able to deposit it.
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"I think you are right on SSDI getting checks instead."
Why would the IRS send all of the stimulus payments to Social Security recipients by direct deposit and those on SSDI ( disability ) checks by mail even though it states on the IRS's web site all of those will social security and SSDI would receive their payments the same way they receive they benefits?
Why would they do that? ( remember, where not talking about SSI )
The same SSA-1099 that those on social security receive is the same SSA-1099 that those on SSDI receive.
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No, i. Look at your SSA-1099 FORM. You see also see SM at the bottom (that distinguishes us from those who are collecting SS benefits).
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It said WE HAD TO DO NOTHING and however, we receive our benefits were the same way we would receive the stimulus check.
Then the day before they updated it on 4/25, all it told me was that I had requested direct deposit.
Then the day after they upgrade it I got this message:
"Payment Status
We scheduled your check to be mailed on May 01, 2020 to the address we have on file for you".
Everyone I know from another forum board who get SSDI are receiving paper checks. People receiving SS are getting it dd.
So for whatever reason (unless someone on SSDI had to file taxes in 2018 and 2019) they they are getting it dd. But if you did not file taxes, assume you will also be getting a paper check like me since I have not had to file taxes since 2017.
Ours are bit different. My 1099 did not have any banking information and it made me wonder how the Treasury was going to get my information. The Treasury and SSA are two different entities so they don't have the information that SSA has for our banking information. My 1099 actually is different in that actually says on bottom SSA-1099 SM. (Note the SM at the end).
So expect to get a paper check. Luckily I last filed in 2017 and have lived at same address for over 20 years. So I feel for those who are getting SSDI, have not had to file taxes in several years and have moved. because the Treasury will not have their new address so will send it to the old address.
I don't know why they did it this way (I don't work there) but they did. Those on SS are getting it dd and those on SSDI who have NOT had to file taxes in 2018 or 2019 are getting paper checks.
Don't kill the messenger!
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Tim / others concerned
I do think some SSDI are getting direct deposit on 4/29, 4/30 with
reg SSA people. I have the same input problems on the"
get my payment" app as you, but I now think they have my
info from SSDI, I just cant view it like others. Those that always
get checks will get them, this time as well. I don't know how
they do people that load to prepaid or Direct Express cards,
I would think it would also be DD to them as well.
I think there is some people that confuse SSI and SSDI. SSI
checks mostly are going out.
I'll know most likely this time tommorow, if my DD posts, and I will
post here if it does. Don't be surprised if yours is there too!
The posts starting Wednesday on what people are getting(DD or
check) and when they actually get it, will help assure others.
Good luck to all!
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I know what the IRS said, but it is not working like that and you will see once it is updated. IF YOU ARE GETTING SSDI, ONLY AND HAVE NOT FILED TAXES IN TWO YEARS, YOU WILL BE GETTING A PAPER CHECK AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE BIG DEAL IS.
In the end you are getting the money. Check again when they are done updating it and let me know what it says.
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I have been collecting SSDI, not SS benefits for over three years. Last time I filed was in 2017 but I owed nothing. I have dd from the beginning three years ago where my SSDI goes into. My checking account information has remained the same and yet under the Get my Payment it told me (and has not changed) that I am getting a paper check MAILED OUT on 5/1/2020 and that the Treasury will be using the address they have last on file for when I filed taxes. Luckily, I have not moved. No money was deposited into my checking account (only one I have) on 4/29 but I was not expecting it to since the information told me I would be getting a paper check mailed out tomorrow and give it a few days until I get it.
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Empathy and recognition of the people that need it more and being sympathetic to them.
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But not true. They updated it on 4/25 (its a massive amount of info they have to put in) and then it said I would be getting a paper check mailed out on 5/1/2020 to the last address the IRS had no file for me. My last tax filing was in 2017.
I know of NO ONE (except they filed taxes in 2018 or 2019) and who are on SSDI get it dd. SS people are getting it electronically deposited. SSDI are not UNLESS they filed taxes in 2018/2019.
Obviously, it is much easier if the IRS already has your banking info. The iRS and the SSA are two separate entities.
So if you get SSDI and have not filed any taxes in 2018 or 2019 expect to see that you will be getting a paper check mailed out.
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This is what the IRS is saying on their web site:
"You are not required to file a tax return and will automatically receive a $1,200 Payment if you received Social Security retirement, SSDI, survivors benefits, SSI, Railroad Retirement benefits, or VA Compensation and Pension (C&P) benefits in 2019. You do not need to contact the IRS, Social Security Administration (SSA), the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) or Veterans Affairs. The IRS will use the information from your 2019 benefits to generate a Payment to you if you did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019. You will receive your Payment as a direct deposit or by mail, just as you would normally receive your federal benefits."
If I receive my SSDI by direct deposit that's how I should receive my stimulus payment, right?
That's what it's saying, right?
Is the IRS lying to us here?
Anybody that is saying otherwise is saying the government is lying to us.
Why are those coming on this forum and saying that people getting SSDI will be receiving paper checks just because the IRS told them that THEY will be getting a paper check?
How does what's happening to them translate to: it's happening to everyone?
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