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Periodic Contributor

Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month

I did not get my stimulus check deposited in my accout as stated it would be. I went on the IRS site and the response was they had no information for direct deposit!  Well you have been depositing my SS check every month in my checking account, did you check there??? I filed a federal return and owed some money, but have not paid yet because of the extension. I filled out the form on the website for the stimlus check  along with the bank info they asked for, so that was yesterday, we will see, but not all of us  on SS are not automatically receving the check in our account as stated. You would think we would get ours first!

Susan Sheppard
Trusted Contributor

So your family members got checks. Why, I thought everybody was getting dd? How many handles are you using to repeat the exact words "Annemarie blasted me on one of my questions, talked mean and used profanity."

If you are going to create a different handle to state that: "I hesitated to put my concerns as someone named Annemarie blasted me on one of my questions," and "I was mean and use profanity" and " I did not think that was allowed in these site" verbatim.

So you use "easyed598" and "lfm1201" and have copied the same exact wording. You are on and the same person.

Posing as "lfm1201" you posted the same info today, 4/29/2020 at 07:07 am and then posing as "easyed598" you posted the same exact info today, 4/29/2020 at 07:17 am.

I think posting as different people, WHEN YOU ARE IN FACT ONE AND THE SAME PERSON, is not allowed on this site.

Very easy to find this out.

Same person using two different name handles. You did not even have the common sense to realize you repeated the same exact wording under two different names.

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I have stage iv breast cancer that is lungs and spine which is why I receive SSDI. I live in NY and they have stopped my treatment (which involves injections that must be given monthly). My cancer center has now been turned into a hospital for patients from the hospital that do not have the FLU. So they had to make the cancer center into part of their affiliated hospital.

So the ONLY ones the cancer center can treat now are those who are receiving intravenous chemo. That is because they are stage i, ii or iii and still have a chance of eradicating their cancer but since I am stage iv breast cancer and it spread into my organs, I am considered (and others with stage iv) as incurable.

So since they can only treat a certain amount of patients, they are only treating the ones that still have a chance and not treating us for now. I get it though. If they can only treat a limited amount of people, than it is better to treat the patients that still have a chance of beating the cancer.

My palliative team was sent to work at the hospital with the FLU victims. So without those injections, my cancer is spreading and I can feel the pain.

But I have no choice and quite frankly, it makes sense to make to treat those who can beat the cancer and not waste their limited personnel and resources on those of us whose cancer will never be gone.

So those are my circumstances. Between that and seeing and hearing every day, the thousands in NY dying. From having no family and not driving and having to wear a mask if I go outside, it is getting harder and harder for me to even get food.

I may have gotten a bit angry yesterday bc I was in alot of pain but it did really also bother me and maybe bc I live in NY where I am close to the situation, that nobody on this board seemed to even acknowledge why we were getting those checks.

It happens on forum boards and I am not banned but realize I may have come off as very rude. But Pain and seeing what is going on here in NY and seeing people not realizing why they are even getting this money makes me upset.

I would give anything to go back to just worrying about my cancer. I know if I get the virus, I am not coming home from the hospital as my breast cancer is in my lungs and I have no immune system anymore and I have no family or friends that live in NY.
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Honored Social Butterfly

Just a handy-dandy tip for when you are replying to a specific post.  When you hit Reply and are taken to the textarea for typing, click/tap on Quote at the upper right of the textarea.  The post you are replying to will appear and will clear up any confusion as to who, what post is being refered to.

Trusted Contributor

@MsStretch wrote:

Just a handy-dandy tip for when you are replying to a specific post.  When you hit Reply and are taken to the textarea for typing, click/tap on Quote at the upper right of the textarea.  The post you are replying to will appear and will clear up any confusion as to who, what post is being refered to.

MsStretch thank you for sharing. 😉



It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for part of me went with you the day God took you home!!
Trusted Contributor

@craftn56 wrote:

@MsStretch wrote:

Just a handy-dandy tip for when you are replying to a specific post.  When you hit Reply and are taken to the textarea for typing, click/tap on Quote at the upper right of the textarea.  The post you are replying to will appear and will clear up any confusion as to who, what post is being refered to.

MsStretch thank you for sharing. 😉



Thank you. I did not realize that. This aarp forum board on the checks is totally different from a past one last week on aarp about the money. Testing it now LOL


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Trusted Contributor

Okay. Sometimes it is hard to tell whom it is for. We are all unless opting out getting threads of info. 

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Periodic Contributor

If you don't enter the infor as to what the IRS

thinks is right, after like twice, it locks you out for 24 hours.

You will get that MESSAGE AFTER IT DOES.


I can't explain it for doing that, But I've tryed for 3 days

and it never let me in. I got my DD today, though, so

I have no need to try anmore.


Prior to three days ago, I gave me the message, that

they could not verify that I was eligible for it.


So as long as you get the entered information does not

match, they have something in their system about you.


I guess you just wait, and keep trying every day, they aren't

taking calls about anything.

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Trusted Contributor

To lfm1201 and everyone....


Sending prayers to you and yours!!! Heart


Blessings to all.....



It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for part of me went with you the day God took you home!!
Periodic Contributor

I agree with you about yhat one lady poster.  She

was confident she alone knew everything about DD,



You will see the posters today, further support this.


As to your question about just 2 days ago entering your

information, if they said they would be depositing it later

date, they will.  As to when, I don't know, but keep checking

"my Paymet" statue daily.  I would think you would be in the

next batch of them. Its been 2 weeks ago, the first ones 

went out, today was the second.

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Trusted Contributor

@JohnS96203 wrote:

I agree with you about yhat one lady poster.  She

was confident she alone knew everything about DD,



You will see the posters today, further support this.


As to your question about just 2 days ago entering your

information, if they said they would be depositing it later

date, they will.  As to when, I don't know, but keep checking

"my Paymet" statue daily.  I would think you would be in the

next batch of them. Its been 2 weeks ago, the first ones 

went out, today was the second.

I am sure some on SSDI may have gotten it by dd, but although I had all the info that was stated on the IRS site and told I would get it the same way I do my benefits , I am getting a paper check mailed out on 5/1/2020.  I am seeing others on SSDI asking why they did not get theirs yet.  IRS is mailing 5,000 checks a week and next batch will be mailed on 5/8.  So it seems that many on SSDI are questioning why they are not yet in the system under the Get my Payment (although mine stated since 4/25 it would be mailed, there are many others on SSDI who did not get it dd and are questioning why.  I am just assuming that the IRS found it too time consuming to cross check with SSA as to my banking information which is NOT listed on my SSA-1099.  Doesn't matter if it is a check or dd, we will still be getting the money.  

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Trusted Contributor

I am wrong? Well,l why since I have lived at the same address for years and have had the same banking infor since I was 20 and am now 60. I have had my SSDI backpay and every payment every month is dd into my checking account on the third day of every month.

From everything the IRS site said, I expected to get dd also. But I did not, I got a notification that I am getting a paper check mailed out to me on 5/1 at the last known address the IRS has on file for me.

And I collect SSDI and nothing else and have not filed taxes since 2017. Even today the IRS site still states I would have or should have received it dd but I am NOT.

Do you think I make this up for no good reason? I am talking about SSDI.

Also, the IRS site once you have information that your payment is in progress, there is NO way then to update your information or change your address, if you have moved.

So I would like to see how many people on SSDI actually received it deposited today. UNLESS they filed taxes in 2018 or 2019 bc they get extra money.

I would like to see if people checked today who get SSDI on my Get my Payment and if the information tells them they are getting it via check.

Seriously, you think they picked one person to do this to. I know from another forum board those on SSDI also got updated info that they are getting it via mail.

I am NOT WRONG, but you can choose to believe what you want. The site was updated so it should show how you get it, and if you get SSDI and it is not in your account today (and you have not filed taxes for 2018-2019), they will be getting a paper check.
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Periodic Contributor

And I know I made several spelling error in my previous

post, I'm so use to "spell check" app, that doesn't work here.

🙂 🙂 🙂  Everybody have a great day, and first weekend of 



I do agee to donate your time as you can, helping out

in this tough time.  Many business people are donating

food , supplies, cash, and supplies.

Trusted Contributor

Near San Antonio they gave out 10,000 food items to thousands of cars lined up near the food bank. Not sure how many of them had not gotten their stimulus yet. This week millions of SS-SSDI-VA and others received in DD. That being said there are 5 million a week over the next 12 weeks getting checks depending on income. Some filed, some had to change DD too late to get DD, change addresses, add dependents, filed them too late to get DD. Some thinking for sure DD but it was changed for various reasons. I got mine this morning DD @ 3:44 A.M. into Wells Fargo bank. It is from the Treasury. Happy to hear many of you got yours early this morning. 

Periodic Contributor

MAY ! ,  

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Periodic Contributor

I was wrong about the : first weekend in march,

I corrected it right away. sorry

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Honored Social Butterfly

P.S. I hesitated to put my concerns as someone named Annemarie blasted me on one of my questions, talked mean and used proP.S. I hesitated to put my concerns as someone named Annemarie blasted me on one of my questions, talked mean and used profanity. I did not think that was allowed in these sitefanity. I did not think that was allowed in these sites.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keep on posting and don`t be intimidated.-There is a Report inappropiate content at the bottom of each post. I  suggest you use it and Anniemarie should earn a  well earned temporary ban.

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Trusted Contributor


Do not make up stories. Talked "mean" and used "profanity." Yes, I got fed up bc people were forgetting the reason why they were getting this money.

But you are lying when you said I use profanity so unless you can copy and show me the post, where I used profanity, then do not state that.

Sad that none of you, none of you, even mentioned the reasons we are getting this check.

Please go ahead and post the comment in which you state I use profanity. If you cannot, then stop lying please.

Just because people do not like the information I provided, They are angry. I was trying to let people know that collect SSDI so that they do not get upset when the money is NOT in their account on 4/29.

I am not the IRS. I know what the IRS stated and it still states the same thing, but it did not happen.

Adult acting like a child. If I used profanity, please then report me bc I did not.
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Trusted Contributor

Annemarie...from your post..


(Sad that none of you, none of you, even mentioned the reasons we are getting this check.)


You shouldn't be judging, you do have a harsh way of typing your words and not just in this post.

Everyone GM...

Please call an H&R Block and get your answers from them, please!!

You all know that what you read online is not real so please call.


Have a good day and please take care and stay safe!! 😉



It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for part of me went with you the day God took you home!!
Trusted Contributor

@craftn56 wrote:

Annemarie...from your post..


(Sad that none of you, none of you, even mentioned the reasons we are getting this check.)


You shouldn't be judging, you do have a harsh way of typing your words and not just in this post.

Everyone GM...

Please call an H&R Block and get your answers from them, please!!

You all know that what you read online is not real so please call.


Have a good day and please take care and stay safe!! 😉



So in an ironic way, you are also judging me by the way I feel and write my posts and that I genuinely was upset, and except for a few posters who mentiond why we were getting this in the first place and that others needed to be taken care first thus maybe a delay in us receiving out money, nobody had mentioned the obvious reason why we are getting this extra money:)  I have toned it down:)  LOL   

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Trusted Contributor

@AnnemarieK743874 wrote:

@craftn56 wrote:

Annemarie...from your post..


(Sad that none of you, none of you, even mentioned the reasons we are getting this check.)


You shouldn't be judging, you do have a harsh way of typing your words and not just in this post.

Everyone GM...

Please call an H&R Block and get your answers from them, please!!

You all know that what you read online is not real so please call.


Have a good day and please take care and stay safe!! 😉



So in an ironic way, you are also judging me by the way I feel and write my posts and that I genuinely was upset, and except for a few posters who mentiond why we were getting this in the first place and that others needed to be taken care first thus maybe a delay in us receiving out money, nobody had mentioned the obvious reason why we are getting this extra money:)  I have toned it down:)  LOL   

Annemarie I know you're in pain as you have stated before but sometimes how you say what you say comes out downright rude.

God is the One to judge us, not me nor you, I said what I had to say to you!!



It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for part of me went with you the day God took you home!!
Trusted Contributor

Maybe I did but I live in NY and unless your state has seen thousands of people dying and every morning you are waking up to hearing another 600 died last night, another 500 died last night, you cannot understand it. And I was watching it non-stop and crying non-stop bc every number is a person who died alone.

So I am "judging" others when I get upset that no one seems to understand why we are getting this money yes. Because I watched a father from NY on TV who was near tears. He suddenly (like thousands) lost his job. If you think the IRS is screwed up, the UE system crashed because it was not set up for 26 million people to apply. None of these people have gotten any money yet and are cash poor.

The father said he gets up early every morning to wait on a long line for a food bank bc he cannot buy food for his children and then the next day you hear they are giving less out bc they are running out of food.

So yes, it upsets me that nobody seems to remember why they are getting this money. It is not a bonus or a scratch-off win. It is because (elsewhere also in US, but nowhere like NY). NY is in total shutdown mode. The amount of people and businesses it effects is horrific and you realize how bad it is.

After 9/11 (and i worked downtown that day), it was scary to return back to work to seeing soldiers in the street with heavy powered rifles and police with dogs and trying to get into your work building and having to wait on a line to get all your bags scanned. And being terrified while on the train, that maybe the planted a bomb or sitting in a McDonalds and wondering if a bomb would go off.

But we learned eventually how to deal with it. It was the new normal. This is 100x worse. This has surpassed the no. of people we in US have died in WWII. I had to stop watching it because I was crying non-stop. I guess I expect others to have the same empathy I have and realize why I am getting this money.

I don't beat around the bush. I have been like this always. And sorry, but it does make me sad that people don't seem to realize why we are getting this money and wishing and thinking others do deserve to get it first.

I got angry with a friend who is getting paid her full $75,000 and working from home as a legal secretary. She was angry bc they gave her a project that would take her five hours to do. I reminded her also, that unlike others, she was still getting paid. She no longer had a two hour commute from NJ to NY each day and that nobody from her family has died from the virus and that I was sure others would love to be in her position.

I could have been more polite but the cancer pain was bad and I am angry bc there is nothing I can do about that but I still stand by my remark that it is disheartening to see how quickly people forget the cause of this money.

I think I read two posts from people who said they others needed the money more than us bc we are getting benefits and we would get our money and we should realize others were in worse dire circumstances. I just thought and still think it is sad.
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Trusted Contributor

@AnnemarieK743874 wrote:
Maybe I did but I live in NY and unless your state has seen thousands of people dying and every morning you are waking up to hearing another 600 died last night, another 500 died last night, you cannot understand it. And I was watching it non-stop and crying non-stop bc every number is a person who died alone.

So I am "judging" others when I get upset that no one seems to understand why we are getting this money yes. Because I watched a father from NY on TV who was near tears. He suddenly (like thousands) lost his job. If you think the IRS is screwed up, the UE system crashed because it was not set up for 26 million people to apply. None of these people have gotten any money yet and are cash poor.

The father said he gets up early every morning to wait on a long line for a food bank bc he cannot buy food for his children and then the next day you hear they are giving less out bc they are running out of food.

So yes, it upsets me that nobody seems to remember why they are getting this money. It is not a bonus or a scratch-off win. It is because (elsewhere also in US, but nowhere like NY). NY is in total shutdown mode. The amount of people and businesses it effects is horrific and you realize how bad it is.

After 9/11 (and i worked downtown that day), it was scary to return back to work to seeing soldiers in the street with heavy powered rifles and police with dogs and trying to get into your work building and having to wait on a line to get all your bags scanned. And being terrified while on the train, that maybe the planted a bomb or sitting in a McDonalds and wondering if a bomb would go off.

But we learned eventually how to deal with it. It was the new normal. This is 100x worse. This has surpassed the no. of people we in US have died in WWII. I had to stop watching it because I was crying non-stop. I guess I expect others to have the same empathy I have and realize why I am getting this money.

I don't beat around the bush. I have been like this always. And sorry, but it does make me sad that people don't seem to realize why we are getting this money and wishing and thinking others do deserve to get it first.

I got angry with a friend who is getting paid her full $75,000 and working from home as a legal secretary. She was angry bc they gave her a project that would take her five hours to do. I reminded her also, that unlike others, she was still getting paid. She no longer had a two hour commute from NJ to NY each day and that nobody from her family has died from the virus and that I was sure others would love to be in her position.

I could have been more polite but the cancer pain was bad and I am angry bc there is nothing I can do about that but I still stand by my remark that it is disheartening to see how quickly people forget the cause of this money.

I think I read two posts from people who said they others needed the money more than us bc we are getting benefits and we would get our money and we should realize others were in worse dire circumstances. I just thought and still think it is sad.

Annemarie I guess this post was for me, especially the judging part.

I will keep you in my prayers in regards to your health issues and for God to touch your heart!!

Sometimes getting angry only makes things worse, instead try a little prayers!! I'm just the messenger.



It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for part of me went with you the day God took you home!!
Trusted Contributor

If someone is telling the truth of a matter then I do not see that is a huge problem. There are some posters posting questions that can not be answered and seem a little ludicrous. Can get to anyone with such questions.

1. Where is my Money?

2. How come I have not gotten my check? 

3. I tried to put info into Get My Payment and it states it is wrong, how come? 

4. How come SS are getting stimulus? 

Not only are some oblvious to why we are getting a stimulus but have zero idea what happens when:

1. You have the wrong DD and bank

2. You changed addresses 3 times in 2 years

3. I have not worked for the past 4 years do I get money? 

Some are so simple they have already answered their own question in the posting: Example. The IRS stated they are sending my check out on 24th. Then they state. I have not gotten it yet (It's Sunday the 26th and of course they are not getting by then). Then ask does this mean I get it on the 24 or they sending on 24th? It appears to some that simple common sense can answer their obvious questions. At this point there might be some exclaiming did you fall on your head or something (this is not cussing whatsoever and though it might be a little direct and to the point I do not see such harm as to throw someone off this post.) Some asks questions that can not be answered other then speculation at best. Some make statements as to they are not getting money because of child support and trying to make the rest of us feel bad about it. It's their personal problems in life causing these actions and there is nothing one can do here about what the law is and what's to take place in such situations. One used F bombs left and right about his own personal problems and only makes others understand why these people are in the situations they are in the first place. Many of such questions needed to be asked to a professional as to the whys or how's. Most peopld try and help others here and that is nice. Somethings you just need to let slide because they are really not that bad. Let's just say that some will get their DD and millions will be paid by check no matter what program they are in. Some that were promised DD will get a check. That is clear. We are all more or less in the same boat as to the virus situation. Some with worse leaks then others. Lets hope this ends soon and we can all go back to living a normal life. 

Periodic Contributor

I get social security disabilty (SSDI).

I have not filed taxes in many years.

I could not access "Get my Payment" for days

and even now.





This was the full $1200 advertised to SSA and SSDI"

people to Direct Deposit.


I understand SSI are getting paper checks with others

at the rate of 5 mill. checks a week.


Some late info inputers may wait 20 weeks for theirs.


IRS TREAS states they have until the end of the year

to send all checks, but I doubt any will wait past May,

June, July.



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Periodic Contributor

My wife and I both recieve Ssdi I finally got my Dd date of 4/29 but when I check on my wife using the check my payment feature her stays is still unavailable 

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Trusted Contributor

Hopefully you receive $2400 instead. If you filed jointly you would for sure. If you did not file and married I am not sure what the process is. I guess you'll have to wait and see. Maybe she goes into system later. Even after this week there will be 10's of millions not received it yet. IRS touted they paid 90 million but dont say there is another 70 million yet be get it. Good luck. 

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