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- Re: Stimulus Check when you have Social Security D...
Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month
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Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month
I did not get my stimulus check deposited in my accout as stated it would be. I went on the IRS site and the response was they had no information for direct deposit! Well you have been depositing my SS check every month in my checking account, did you check there??? I filed a federal return and owed some money, but have not paid yet because of the extension. I filled out the form on the website for the stimlus check along with the bank info they asked for, so that was yesterday, we will see, but not all of us on SS are not automatically receving the check in our account as stated. You would think we would get ours first!
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@AlanS702720 Who are you replying to about taking a picture of their check and trying to deposit it?
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A person that has no way to travel to their bank except car service in a high concentration area of virus in the NY area. Just suggestions. She stated getting a check and no way to get to bank. I gave options as to how to do so by smart phone, tablet or ipad which stated she had none of those.
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I do not know what she uses to reply on here. I have already communicated with possible ways to get a check deposited. She is in NY somewhere and this is the first I have heard of her problems. She would need to call or on-line her bank and see what is offered. I do not believe she has a check just yet. No transpertation plus the city is more or less lock down because of virus.
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I had put in Apt. 5H and I got my information updated this morning that a check would be mailed to me ON May 1st. Not sure why you think putting Apt. would not make it work.
Yesterday, it told me I had requested direct deposit and then today it tells me they are mailing me a check out on May 5th.
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Someone else stated they had a problem with putting in address. I have no such problem. I have gotten my info late last night being depsited into bank account on 29th April. The other person I checked the same thing but different bank. If you are SS you should be getting DD into bank and info is now finally into the IRS site after 3 weeks.
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I put no caps. Also do not have an Apt # just your SS # street address(no city or state), down below your Zip code. Mine came up perfect 2 times in a row. Never had any info until late last night. Never been locked out either. I should have the check in bank by early morning on 29th this coming week. The IRS loaded them sometime late last night. I think around midnight here. I had checked hours before but got email from poster around 1 a.m. that it now works. Most of us can now rest in peace knowing after 3 weeks there is an answer. Good luck
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Did it tell you it would be direct deposited into your account or did it say a check would be mailed to you. Just curious. MY SSDI has been paid into my account via dd since it started three years ago. Glad I did not move as the IRS is going by whatever information they have on file, so if some people have moved since they filed taxes, it will go to the last address they have on file.
I have been at same address for over 25 years.
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It is going to our banks. It left the last 4 digits of bank account numbers. Not being mailed. DD on the 29th of April.
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All I know someone emailed me after midnight last night that they got there info. I proceeded to log in info which had never worked before and got my payment date. Also did another for a friend and theres came up to at their bank which is different back to mine. 4/29 was the date give and account last 4 lettes of my bank. I did it twice and both times came up. So it was finally working which 20 times before did not. Good luck
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You are correct. The first time Get My Payment at IRS worked. After tonights update. I check for both myself and someone else. Both getting it on Apr 29 at two different banks. Bank numbers check out. Finally! Tomorrow morning millions will be happy when they check the site. Hagn.
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I worked for a company that did something similiar to what is going on right now between two agencies and checks coming in. Definitely did not work for the IRS or SS. Once you filed with the IRS, it negated you in qualifying under the ss/do not file/having the DD on file. For those wondering why if you had to pay taxes and used a direct withdrawal from your account, that is not the same as them having your direct deposit information. It's coded differently in a different area. They do not have the time or resources/man power to wonder and check if someone qualifies through ss or another means. They are going strictly off that you filed a return.
I'm guessing that their system when requesting those names/info from ss cross references those that have filed a return and those will not be sent over from ss. The IRS does not have the manpower to check through the whole ss list to see who has filed a return, so guessing there is a cross reference that would eliminate security numbers of those who filed a return already with the IRS.
My adult daughter definitely qualifies as she was paralyzed 2 years ago due to an illness, receives SSD and has not filed a return in 18 or 2019. Her info still says, unable to determine eligibility. Me on the other hand, will be a toss up but definitely not expecting a check. I was working with the IRS before all this happened due to a failed business and tax issues. We were working on me getting my 2018 and 2019 taxes filed. He had put me on the do not collect list until this was all straightened out as I do owe some. I retired 2 years ago and my income with my retirement and ss is 40K. I haven't filed in 2 years, I get the 1099 from ss but should file. It's a crapshoot for me. I wasn't expecting one so it's all good.
It's extremely time consuming to do all the cross checking and if they had to do that, people would not be getting checks for a year to two years. So I think they are doing it straight forward. You filed a return, they aren't looking anywhere else. That's my guess. I'm also understand why everyone qualifies even if you didn't lose your job (within dollar limits and legal status). If they had to request info from everyone with proof that you lost your job/income, people would not have gotten checks for years. So it was an everyone thing with the above stipulations.
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Anyway, it is getting mailed out on 5/1 to the last known address they have for you. I feel for some who may have moved. It will be that much longer. Plus 15 days after you get your payment, the IRS is going to be sending a letter to confirm that you got or if there were any problems and who to contact.
But if they have the wrong old address for those on SSDI, then the letter is going to go to wrong address also. They will eventually get it, but it will be very delayed.
They did have over 100 million ones to do so I did not expect them to try and find my info. I was not sure why they kept saying online that we would get it the same way we got out benefits but this is an unprecedented task for them and considering what is going on, they did the best they could on what I am sure is an antiquated system.
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Well wouldn't you know it the last 30 responses from AARP all went to my spam file. If its not one things it's another huh. I hope it works out for you. We are not having the virus problems in my county that most are getting and I know NY is horrid. Hang in there and hope your check comes soon.
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I, too, received my stimulus check by mail (April 23, though it's dated April 24). I've been receiving my SS benefits since Jan 2019--by direct deposit! I DID file taxes in 2018--owed a small amount. Didn't supply bank info, as no refund would be coming. Also filed in 2019, even though I owed nothing, as I wanted IRS to have a 'record'. Now then--I was due a large-ish refund on my taxes back in 2017, provided all correct bank info for direct deposit (have done it a few times before and it always worked) but they didn't honor the direct deposit--refund came by mail, because their idiot software wouldn't allow me to enter 9 digits for bank routing, only 8, thus after I filled out my paper form online and printed it out, I put that last digit in by hand, very neatly. THAT kept the stupid IRS from honoring the direct deposit! Am I being totally dissed by the IRS now, all direct deposit info totally disregarded because of THEIR error on my 2017 tax form? Or is it because I send in paper forms, don't do taxes online, since IRS will NOT allow me to sign up for an account with them as I have no 'smart phone' and do NOT want one? My bank isn't local--USAA is in San Antonio TX and I live far north of that, in TX. I truly despise the IRS. WHEN are they going to have some way for me to CORRECT their STUPID mistake from back on the 2017 taxes? For that matter, what about Social Security? THEY have no problem sending my monthly benefit directly to my bank! I am sick and tired of being LIED to. I swear, federal gov't employees must all have extremely low IQs!
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Are you sure the Get My Payment link isn't a scam? I tried entering both my own information and my husband's information for both 2018 and 2019 tax returns, in all, 4 different attempts. Each time, it said the information I gave them didn't match what they had on file.
And yet our records show the IRS received and deposited our tax payments for both years.
The AARP article didn't say anything about the Get My Payment site being restricted to SSI recipients. This looks like another inept attempt by the current administration to dupe the taxpayers into thinkiing the government is doing their job.
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I never said it was a scam. I just stated that SS, SDI, VA, RR and others can not use the site whatsoever unless they filed taxes. Which means you can not find out with your SS number, address and zip code what your status is even though we all have DD accounts at banks. Your not even supposed to use the site unless you filing a tax form. People on SS, SDI, VA and others millions do not need to file taxes unless working and making lots more money. So in millions of cases there has been no DD into accounts that stated would be. Now some are saying next month when before they were saying this week and now its soon when it was soon before. Thats the point. No one knows and only speculating as to when this is going to happen. If check are going out the end of this week then whats the point of having DD and not geting it before the checks get to people. It makes zero sense.
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It seems to me there is no set up at the IRS site to find out when you might be getting SS, SDI, SSI and other that have not filed but have DD. They keep saying there is no info. Get My Payment is not for anything but filers or filers to be. Which leads me to believe that the IRS has no DD info for 10's of millions on these programs. If you end up getting your stimulus what good is a site that tells you already have it. Zero idea when these are going out to those with DD next week or next month. Yet some have gotten their stiumlus monies belonging to credit unions and such before even Wells Fargo or Chase banks have. Not sure of the reaons for this either. Is there a concrete time when we might be receiving this information or stiumulus via DD?
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I have not any stimulus check- SO- does that mean I will NEVER one ?? That is just like the Goverment-- scrthe retired people-- they dont count anymore. Thank yo- you sorry goverment-- for nothing.
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I'm in the same boat as you. I've been collecting Social Security for 10 years and it's my only income. Haven't filed a tax return since 2011 (for 2010 Earnings) because Social Security is my only income. I've been to the IRS website looking for a status and they keep telling me that if I receive social security benefits there's no need to do anything. I still haven't received my Stimulus Check and it's April 18. The IRS site takes you in circles first telling you have to file a 1040 and then telling you, you don't have to do anything. How screwed up are they. Mnuchin says that the IRS will access Social Security's SSA-1099 for information. It's obvious that they haven't. WHERE THE HELL IS MY STIMULUS CHECK and why are they sending it to those who filed tax returns first and I've noticed that friends of mine on SSDI who filed returns got theirs already. What good is AARP if you can't look into the fact that Retirees who have no other income are being told they don't have to file and then told they don't have to do anything, and then told to go into the Non-Filers to see where the payment is and then told that information isn't available. AARP is suppose to be our advocate in times like this, so where the heck are you.
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You got that right !!! no stimulas check!! The goverment says that you are retired-- NOW- JUST DIE and go away !!! Thank you goverment- You will have a nice warm place in HELL !!
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Magda... Thank you, well said. 😉
I have posted a link several times in regards to this but I guess some don't want to click and read...
Have a blessed day everyone.
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I'm not sure what link you're talking about but as I previously posted the link that was posted on here took me to an article that only dealt with SSI and SSA with dependents. It did not speak to SSA without dependents.
You may not think it's a big deal not to get a check but some of us are low income and were working to supplement our incomes. I boarded dogs which is now not happening because people are not taking vacations. I should qualify for unemployment under the self employment clause but there is no way to fill out that form to qualilfy since my income was seasonal and should be based on a 12 month average. I get the feeling maybe some people are feeling snippy about those of us who are concerned that we haven't gotten promised checks. Just wanted to clarify that some of us may need those checks to pay bills, etc.
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And you have no idea who I am. Why would you stoop to calling me a "nasty person?" I didn't call you a name or say anything bad about you. I said how I feel. This is why I hate these forums. There's always someone who takes everything personal so I'm out of here. BTW, before you call people "nasty" maybe you should look in the mirror.
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But you begrudge me for being single and on Social Security asking me why I think I deserve it. That's what I call "nasty" and greedy.
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