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Periodic Contributor

Stimulus Check when you have Social Security Deposit every month

I did not get my stimulus check deposited in my accout as stated it would be. I went on the IRS site and the response was they had no information for direct deposit!  Well you have been depositing my SS check every month in my checking account, did you check there??? I filed a federal return and owed some money, but have not paid yet because of the extension. I filled out the form on the website for the stimlus check  along with the bank info they asked for, so that was yesterday, we will see, but not all of us  on SS are not automatically receving the check in our account as stated. You would think we would get ours first!

Susan Sheppard
Periodic Contributor

I never said that I didn't think it wasn't a big deal. You have no idea who I am. All I have is my Social Security and worked 48 years in NYC for this benefit. You think I'm better off than you? Well guess again, I need to pay bills too. Quit being "snippy" to me. You are just as much deserving of this stimulus as I am. I worked hard for 48 years to get my social security. Try averaging out over the 12 months what you made and go to unemployment. Not unless you were making money off the books. Nasty person you are.

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Has anyone on Social Security ( or disability ) who did not file a tax return in 2018 or 2019 received their stimulus payment yet or am I the only one in the country who has not? In terms of "when" I've read the term "soon". But what does "soon" mean?

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Soon is the excuse norm others use to make you think you are getting it soon into your DD account. Soon was last week making you think no later then this week. Soon yesterday which was the same soon as on Monday now leads you to believe it again is a ruse and like so you can get out of telling millions they are not really getting it soon. The only ones I know that have gotten DD on SS, SDI or others had filed this year early and gotent their stiumuls a week ago. The 8 or so I know that are just wating for soon and all with DD have not received a thing like what was promised. What is really meant is some day you will receive it. Maybe you will have to jump through hoops to get when its just a DD that SS deposits into your bank each month. All someone needed to do was ad $1200 to those accounts and received it sometime way before soon would be. The commisionor lies and makes it sound like its already in your account or at least soon. Soon is what every news media and other sites that think they know the process and say you all soon should get this into your DD account. Well soon which was last week, now this week and short order to be the next weeks then what will the excuse be? 3 weeks to gather up SS DD accounts and deliver the stiumuls rather then making soon excuses. They will be seind out checks any day but the DD are still in limbo because? The only real reason is someone is not doing what they say they promised to those with DD. I am thinking now that the DD will turn up being a check soon sometime in the future. Makes no sense to make out 70 million checks that can be lost, stolen instead of a DD one push of a button to your bank account. Face it people lie and really dont care when you receive it. You get it when you get it and soon. 

Periodic Contributor

Common sense tells us why we have not gotten the 1200 dollars yet. I read in a few articles that the DEADLINE for those trying to get the 500 dollars per kid was Wed. at 12:00 noon. So what does that deadline tell us ? That they were not going to send out ANY CHECKS to Social Security recipients until after that deadline, else why have the deadline? 


They didn't want to send out all the 1200 dollar checks and have others saying, well where is my 500 dollar portion for my kids ? So they just posted a deadline, and now since that deadline is passed, our checks should start being delivered. 


I have a plan to get me a nice 65 inch TV with mine and to spruce up my bathroom with the money left over. 

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Periodic Contributor

AlanS702720, you are so on point.  That's exactly where I'm at.  You summed it up perfectly.  Can't believe what you hear or what the IRS or their minions tell you.  Just hope I get it because I know and you know, we can surely use it.  And they wonder why we don't trust Government.

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Trusted Contributor

For those on Social Security...

People receiving Social Security benefits are also set to get the $1,200 stimulus payments. The Treasury said earlier this week that about 80 million Americans would see the checks directly deposited into their bank accounts by Wednesday. 

For those on receive SSI.....

The Treasury said SSI recipients would see the money directly sent to them by early May at the latest through direct deposit, paper check, or Direct Express debit card.

Democratic Sen. Sherrod Brown of Ohio had advocated for the change, and he praised the decision in a tweet.

"Glad the IRS is listening to us," he said on Twitter. "People should not have to jump though bureaucratic hoops to get their stimulus checks.

It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for part of me went with you the day God took you home!!
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Trusted Contributor

Please click on the link and read::::::


I posted the same a couple of days ago but I guess you missed it. Being upset is not helping, so please calm down.


Have a blessed day everyone, stay safe and healthy!! ❤️



It broke my heart to lose you but you didn't go alone, for part of me went with you the day God took you home!!
Honored Social Butterfly

@craftn56 wrote:

Please click on the link and read::::::


I posted the same a couple of days ago but I guess you missed it. Being upset is not helping, so please calm down.


Have a blessed day everyone, stay safe and healthy!! ❤️



From the link posted by @craftn56 , it says "The Treasury said [SSI recipients'] payments would arrive by early May."  Please, do not assume you have been "forgotten".

Periodic Contributor

This site only applies to receipents of SSI and SSA with dependents. It says nothing about the timing of social security receipents without dependents. The IRS get my check will not work for me. I have friends on SSA who have gotten stimulus checks. I can't find any information online about this issue.

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Social Butterfly

@cb2616   What site are you talking about? Have you gone to the IRS web site and used what is available there?


I just used the Get My Payment link to give them my direct deposit information. 

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My problem isn't that I didn't receive my stimulus, but that I got it by snail-mail, not direct deposit, despite receiving SS benefits by DD since the beginning fo 2019. I can find NO way at all to correct the IRS from sending me 'whatever' by check, rather than by DD. They messed up a refund on my 2017 taxes, all because I had to enter the 9th digit of the bank routing number by hand, as the online form wouldn't accept but 8 digits. I called the IRS at the time. They said the IRS 'has the right to refuse to send refunds by DD' if it deems any little thing on the form is 'suspect', such as, 8 digits of a bank routing number being filled in online, and the last one by hand. Even though the numbers were totally correct! The IRS refused at that time to do a d*mn thing about it! My bank is NOT even close to local; I do everything online, but checks, I am forced to snail-mail to them--NOT good. I wonder if they'll even receive what I mailed them today? I trust the USPS about as much as I do the IRS... 😞

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Still no info from Get My Payment IRS site. It does not work. If your a non filer and just waiting for a simple DD into your SS account like promised they give you zero info. We were told by this week there would be a DD deposit in to accounts. No one I know has gotten such a DD unless they filed or added dependents. There is nothing to be added. Just send it to DD account that millions of us already have set up for years. The soon has been stated week in and week out. The sites putting out such information plus the SS commisioner lying out his mouth at least 3 times the past 10 days that these DD deposits are being made. Gives impression they are happenig now. Then soon comes out of his lying mouth. Should be fired. Its a discrace. 3 weeks and the IRS can not get the SS numbers of accounts to process? There is no other info to give the IRS but just to find out when, what and where are these monies going to be in our accounts. It gives you no information. It even states those on SS, SSI, SI, Va and RR there is no info. I mean wth. You can not ask them why, you can not contact them. SS is closed yet SS commisioner says soon for the past 10 days? Its one lie after another and then every media, or sites say go here to get your payment. Its a joke. It does not work, period! You can not get what you were promisses  or even a reason why your not. 

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Periodic Contributor

If you bothered reading, like I did, you would see thee was a DEADLINE of 12 noon Wed. where the 500 dollar for kids under 17 had to be noted, thus all DD Social Security Checks were held up until that deadline, then they would start going out, of course after a little bit of the Gov. adding some of the info they got in to the checks going out. So, if there was a deadline e Wed. at 12 and you expected your check before that, its on you who didn't comprehend what the deadline meant. 


I read in the Wall St. Jour. last week that the DD SS Checks would all arrive by early May at the latest, so its obvious the start in late April. Come on man, you know Gov. never does anything fast, LOL. 

Trusted Contributor

Bit rude but not totally true information. For those on SSI, they are extending the date for them to apply if they have children under 17. ONLY FOR THOSE ON SSI. Not a set date yet but sometime until mid-May. All others have expired but they can get next year.

But those on SSI can still update their info. They have to send out over 100 million payments. They did a fine job considering the circumstances and this unprecedented task while there is a pandemic going on.

PLUS, realize we are all still getting monthly payments. Yet millions have lost their jobs (I live in NY and thousands have lost their jobs, have not yet even received UE which crashed bc 26 million people applied) and these people are cash poor and waiting in line in NY and other states for food pantries so they can feed their children while they wait.

They are in much dire need of the money than us first. We still have money coming in, they do not. Try to remember the reason we are getting this anyway.

This is not a bonus or a scratch-off win. I feel for those families, many whom live check to check and cannot feed their children. Hopefully, they can now.
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I just have straight SS and DD. No dependants nor taxes. What I have to do with anything else is beyond me. I was told 2nd week DD would be in for SS, period. Then told different things each day and week. All needs to be done is send it to my bank DD. The IRS site is useless becaue you can not enter unless you file some taxes. There is no tax to file. So last wee it was soon, then this week it is soon maybe next week and it goes on until you wait for a check that supposed to be DD because that is what was relayed in the first place. I would be surprised if you had SS and no taxes to get stiumulus since most of us have not. The DD is run by SS where we ALL get our monies each month. 

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Honored Social Butterfly

Alan posted-I would be surprised if you had SS and no taxes to get stiumulus since most of us have not. The DD is run by SS where we ALL get our monies each month.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I pay  IRS taxes and collect SS (both got my DD info).I imagine one of them is why I got mine so early.

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That is exactly why. Those that filed early usually give their DD numbers to the IRS. IRS does not have SS DD numbers and supposed to be getting from SS this past 3 weeks. SS only people can't use the Get My Payment site. It keeps saying not to because it has zero info to give. That and others that use SS are like over 60 million people. Those that had extra income and filed got their monies unless they had to add dependents to the filing. They are on a different schedule now. Straight SS with DD (since now everyone has DD on SS) are not getting it put into accounts like promised. There is nothing other then the IRS not being able to perform duties to supply those with DD and SS people. So all of us are in limbo not knowning when or how to get it. The SS director is a clown and liar coming out 3 times past 10 days and acting like we are already in the process and soon. How many times can one state soon and be wrong everytime? All 8 people I know from all different banks in same situation have not gotten any deposit into their DD. The chat sites are full of them wondering the same thing as millions as to what the facts actually are other then changing them every day and only being a speculation at best. There is no one at IRS nor SS that can give you what you need to know. SS is mostly closed and IRS not answering phone which would be millions anyway. You were in the right spot at the right time. You filed early and IRS got your DD# so off it went to you like it was supposed to. Now other site is touting 88 million paid. Well that is fine except there is another 70 million that does not have it yet. 

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Honored Social Butterfly

Please do not panic yet.  The wheels of government go round and round and round...


From AARP: What Is the IRS Timeline for Sending Stimulus Checks?


In particular, please note:


End of April

At the end of April, adult Social Security retirement, survivor and disability insurance (SSDI) beneficiaries who did not file tax returns in 2018 or 2019 will receive their payments if they receive their benefits via direct deposit. (Nearly 99 percent of Social Security beneficiaries use direct deposit.)

Early May

The Treasury Department has announced that adult Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients will receive their payments by early May, in the same way they receive their normal benefits. If, for some reason, your bank account information was incorrect — if you've changed banks, for instance — the IRS will send you a paper check instead. Weekly payments will continue until all eligible people get their payments, according to the Ways & Means timeline.
Trusted Contributor

That schedule has changed many times. Here is what else AARP has pointed out which is incorrect:

What if I don't get my stimulus payment?

Start by checking the IRS Get My Payment web tool for determining whether your payment has been issued. The IRS only updates the tool once a day; you won't get anything but frustration by checking several times a day.

1. No one with SS, SDI, VA, RR can get into now or ever Get MY Payment. Read below on their site when you get ready to enter. There is no information for SS, SSI, RR ect so basically do not bother. 

2. The section of they update everyday is a lie. 4/17/2020 and no updates until Tuedsay 4/21/2020. The updates also do not change the fact that SS peoples can not get any information so going there at a later date if you have no payment (which we dont to this day)(try entering your SS number and address). You will get the same no information since day one, zero. So it has been a revolving door that certain millions of people can not get into a place they wish for information. SS closed, no contact. IRS no phone, no contatct, IRS portal, no contact for SS persons. Unless of course you filed taxes then they have your info. SS has it and IRS was supposed to perform duites as getting it and DD into our accounts. Not a check but DD as stated 100 times. Yes the wheels go round and round but end up in the same place as started from getting nowhere nearer then before. IRS site is useless to 10s of millions, period. Thanks for the next info which we will all be waiting for our soon to be soon DD into accounts. 

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Check today.  I get SSDI payments and have not filed taxes for two years.  I, have from the very beginning of my payments three years ago, have had it directly deposited into my account.


The IRS stated that however you get your benefits deposited, is the same way you get your stimulus check.


But apparently for all who get benefits but have not filed taxes in two years, they are getting paper checks.  


So today it was updated and told me I would be getting a check MAILED out on May 1, 2020.


Yesterday, they had it down for several hours as they updated it so my information was updated yesterday and today at least I know when it is being mailed out and have an idea of what to expect.


It stated that whatever address they have on file for you will be how it will be mailed.  Luckily, I have been at same address for over 20 years in Brooklyn.

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"But apparently for all who get benefits but have not filed taxes in two years, they are getting paper checks"

How do you know this?

Where does it say that on the IRS's web site?

How does your getting a paper check mean everyone one SSDI is getting one?
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Trusted Contributor

Oh, and once it shows that you are getting a paper check or payment is in progress, IT IS TOO LATE AND THERE IS NO WAY TO UPDATE THE INFORMATION. (It says that on the IRS site). I don't make these things up for fun. Sheesh.
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Trusted Contributor

You will have to wait and see for yourself. Can't argue with someone who is so blinded by the fact that he wants it to be dd and it is not going to be UNLESS you filed taxes in 2018 and 2019.

Doesn't matter what the IRS told us (they do not have access to the same info the SSA has).

Because I am also on another forum board and ALL THOSE WHO GET SSDI are getting paper checks. Except those who filed taxes for 2018 or 2019. Plus if you look at your SSA-1099 statement, on the bottom it actually says SSA-1099 SM (That distinguishes us as getting SSDI, not SSI).

You will see. You are getting it via a paper check. Hope you are at the same address that you were the last time you filed taxes because that is how the Treasury will determine where they are mailing your CHECK.
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It seems but not sure that SSDI is getting stimulus last or much later then others. I know of SSDI getting DD but they filed taxes in Feb. Not sure of a reason other then the IRS does what they wish. I think SSDI is on another file other then SS. There is some polictics too which could matter. I can't give hard cold facts but it seems listening to others SSDI are mostly getting checks. The later the process goes the more likely getting a check then DD. They are sending out 5 million checks per week starting next week. I am getting DD on 4/29 and just got the info early Sunday morning. There was zero anything until then. 

Trusted Contributor

You are SSDI which has a different schedule. You will get checks. SS gets DD and on the 29th of April. Not sure if because of DD type number or you filed or add dependent or made money during a year above SSDI. I know one SSDI and they got 2 weeks ago because they filed early in the year. It went to there bank. Good luck 

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I get SSDI but for three years now and from the beginning it has been dd.  The Treasury said however you get your benefits you will get your money.  The only income I have is from my SSDI.  So although I got an SSA-1099 statement (in January), all the SSA-1099 shows is your social security number and the amount SSA paid out to you in prior year.


It has not banking information on it so I was wondering how the Treasury was going to get my banking information.


Yesterday it stated I requested direct deposit.  And then today it says I will be getting a check mailed out on May 1, 2020.  


I wish it would have been DD, bc I live in Brooklyn, NY where we have to wear masks in any store, public transportation.  I do not drive, have cancer in my lungs and my immune system is crashed so I have not been really going out in public except in rare instances and walking there.


I will now have to pay car service (I do not drive and have no family or friends that live in Brooklyn) so I will have to have car service take me to a Chase and deposit it and then drive me home.

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Trusted Contributor

That is sad being disabled and living in one of the most dangerous places in the world as the virus goes. You have a few other options.

1. Make out deposit slip and have someone goes to your bank and deposit it.
2. If you have smart phone, tablet, iPad you can through your bank deposit it by either picture or check number
3. You might be able if you have none of those devices to have someone else use their tablets and such do it for you. 
4. If you do not have on-line banking I am not sure you can do it via phone to your account. 
I would call your bank if none of these options above work for you. Good luck
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Thanks for your reply.  I am disabled in the sense that I have stage iv advanced breast cancer which spread to my lungs  and my spine.  But I am able to walk, see and if you looked at me you would not think I was ill because when you are diagnosed with stage iv breast cancer, they do not bother doing chemo where you lose your hair and get sick.  Those people are actually healthier than me because they still have a chance of killing their cancer.


I get treatment at a cancer center which is basically meds and injections that only work a short time before the cancer spreads again.  So basically they try to prolong your life as much as they can with a good quality.  But the side effects are horrendous.


But because I live in Brooklyn, they had to take people out of the hospital that did NOT have the flu since the hospital was overrun with flu patients (we were using hotels, central park, etc.) so the only ones the cancer center can treat (they also transferred most medical personnel to the hospital) is those who are getting intravenous chemo because they still have a chance of getting their cancer eradicated.


The sad thing is that the Gov. was on today (every single day) and we are getting better.  Last night only 452 people in NY died from the virus and that is the good news.


It is like you are in a movie.  People wearing masks, waiting on lines to get into stores, only being allowed to buy a limited amount of meat, toilet paper.


I fear catching the virus (I live alone Thank God) bc if I go into the hospital I will not come out bc I have cancer in my lungs and my immune system is shot.


But I have to go on living while I can so I guess I will mask myself up, glove myself up and wait for a bus and and take the bus.  Terrified but it going to be like this for a while so I have to learn to get over my fear and just deal with it.


Even in my building NO ONE is allowed to walk in the hallways without a mask or the laundry room and they have the doorman in kind of lucite cube.  


I don't have anybody to ask to use their phones.  NO friends or family in Brooklyn and in apts. in Brooklyn, people basically keep to themselves.


So I will have to get over my fear and use the bus.  Although we are doing better (only 452 deaths last night), we are going to be living like this for a while so I have to just get over my fear.


Toilet paper and Lysol wipes are almost impossible to get.  It is crazy. You feel like you are in a movie. 


But the sad part is all those people that died with no family present and the family cannot even have a proper burial it has to be a virtual burial so I am glad enough to be alive.  I did not live my apt. for almost a month until I ran out of food.


Peapod, Amazon Fresh and all those places are booked up until the end of May so even getting food is a big deal.  Thankful I do not have children to worry about.


So I should not be complaining.  Nothing will ever be the same.  People WILL NOT be shaking hands or hugging.  The fear is seared in our memory if you live in NY where it is very congested.


So we will learn to adapt.  And if this is the way we have to live for a while, I will have to get used to it.  I just am more nervous about the virus than the cancer.  But this is not in my control.


Thanks for your reply.  It will be my first time on public transportation in about three months or a bit less.  

0 Kudos
Periodic Contributor

Thanks Anne & Alan, I guess I don't really know whats

going to happen with mine. I was encourage the first

error message I get now in the "get my payment",

as it does appear they have some kind of info now,

on me. The difference some have gotten about DD

first time, then check to mail on the second day of

checking, makes me wonder what i'll get.  Luckily,

If its a check, I can go thru the drive thru across the 

street!  Most bank branches here are closed lobby,

drive thru only.  If I had a smartphone I could do

mobile deposit.  Oh well, maybe it will be DD for you

regardless of what it says, and for me to.

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Honored Social Butterfly

Got mine 10 days ago.

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