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Share your concerns about Social Security

1)     In the article,  Social Security Fears, many Social Security myths are addressed. What concerns you the most about Social Security? 

Super Contributor

They know that at your age you will have a problem changing jobs..  ie They;ve got you and they know it!!  Your employers are real A__Holes to do this to you..

Honored Social Butterfly

@lori65202 wrote:

No one ever does anything about age discrimination.  I just found out a couple days ago at work that everyone was upgraded in their position ($2/hr. more) EXCEPT ME.  I am almost 63 years old and, even though I do the same work as the rest, they did not upgrade me.....

Post doesn't make sense. It one thing to not get a job in the first place because you have been discriminated against, and won't know it. But if you're telling the truth, then my understanding is that this is illegal and you have to call them on it. Are you telling us they told you that you're not getting a raise because you're too old??? 

"...Why is everyone a victim? Take personal responsibility for your life..."
Periodic Contributor

Of coure not, they are not going to tell me it's "because I am too old", they will come up with another excuse "Your job isn't as skilled as the others" which is a total lie, on many levels.


In Response to Re: Share your fears about Social Security:
Will we ever see an increase in our Social Secuirty again to help the rising cost of living. Darlene Krake
Posted by 19krake66

 There will be a slight increase for 2012 in SS and I'd bet a larger increase for your Part A&B medicare...

In Response to Re: Share your fears about Social Security:
In January 2012 all Social Security recipients will receive a 6% cost of living raise.  I am on Social Security Disabilty since the age of 56.  My check isn't all that big to start with.  That will give me a raise of about $20 per month and then of course the cost of Medicare is going to go up also in January.  My medical supplement already went up $17 and my RX coverage is going up another $10 starting in January.  I'd like to know how the government considers this a reasonable cost of living raise when everything has gone up much  more than the measly 6% in the 3 years that we did not get a raise! How would all those big shots in the senate feel about a 6% raise in 3 years?  They wouldn't like it a bit!  But they don't hesitate to kick the elderly and disabled in the teeth when their down.  THEY took OUR money!  Now they don't want to pay it back so they sit around thinking up ways that they can keep from giving it to us. 
Posted by LaVonne57

The COLA in January will be 3.6%, not 6%.  The formula for COLAs was established a long time ago (I think in the '70s).  The formula requires no increase when the inflation rate is 0 or less.

In Response to Re: Share your fears about Social Security:
I have been on SS Disability for the past two years, and I am currently 62 years old. My husband will be retiring in the next two years from a company that I have been on his medical insurance. All I can find is that 3 months prior to me turning 65 that I should plan on applying for Part B and Part D. When he retires he will go onto his Medicare but I will not be of age yet to get these other parts for mine. Will I be able to apply also at that time for the other parts that I do not receive or do I have to wait the next two years to be placed on full Medicare? Without calling the SS office the directions are very confusing.
Posted by juneen5230

If you have been on SS Disability for over one year, you can apply for Medicare NOW if you want it. All parts, A, B, and D. But once you sign up, you MUST start paying for your Part D. You will be penalized for life if you do not select a medication plan and start paying Part D premiums as soon as you get on Medicare. You might want to wait until husband actually has a retirement date, then apply for Medicare a few months before that date.

In Response to Re: Share your fears about Social Security:
Will we ever see an increase in our Social Secuirty again to help the rising cost of living. Darlene Krake
Posted by 19krake66

Social Security recipients will get a 3.6% COLA beginning in January.

The only answer is to get rid of all the politicians.

I would like to see the source of that "fact" about $245.  If that were to happen all us elderly would clog the streets until the politicians couldn't get through without running over us.

And Golfnutoo, you are damn lucky we don't have a republican president - another George Bush! God help us if that should happen. Hold your breath and pray Obama is reelected, and that the next time we get a chance we will throw those obstinate and restrictive republicans out of office also! 

In Response to Re: Share your fears about Social Security:
To keep SS solvent we should demand an immediate end to Obama's cuts in the SS taxes paid by current workers.  Is this part of a plot to kill SS by cutting funds available for payments?  Everyone knows the SS fund is in trouble.  He is only making it worse.  I paid FICA and my employer matched it every year.  Now when the economy is in trouble OBAMA cuts the money available to make SS payments. 
Posted by Golfnutoo


In Response to Share your fears about Social Security:
1)       In the article,    Social Security Fears , many Social Security myths are addressed.  What concerns you the most about Social Security? 
Posted by AARPMiller

 Loosing my disability benefits

In January 2012 all Social Security recipients will receive a 6% cost of living raise.  I am on Social Security Disabilty since the age of 56.  My check isn't all that big to start with.  That will give me a raise of about $20 per month and then of course the cost of Medicare is going to go up also in January.  My medical supplement already went up $17 and my RX coverage is going up another $10 starting in January.  I'd like to know how the government considers this a reasonable cost of living raise when everything has gone up much  more than the measly 6% in the 3 years that we did not get a raise! How would all those big shots in the senate feel about a 6% raise in 3 years?  They wouldn't like it a bit!  But they don't hesitate to kick the elderly and disabled in the teeth when their down.  THEY took OUR money!  Now they don't want to pay it back so they sit around thinking up ways that they can keep from giving it to us. 

In Response to Re: Share your fears about Social Security:
I have been on SS Disability for the past two years, and I am currently 62 years old. My husband will be retiring in the next two years from a company that I have been on his medical insurance. All I can find is that 3 months prior to me turning 65 that I should plan on applying for Part B and Part D. When he retires he will go onto his Medicare but I will not be of age yet to get these other parts for mine. Will I be able to apply also at that time for the other parts that I do not receive or do I have to wait the next two years to be placed on full Medicare? Without calling the SS office the directions are very confusing.
Posted by juneen5230

Dear Juneen5230,   I have also been on SS Disability for the past 2 years and I am also on Medicare part A & B with a RX supplement and I am only 58 yrs old.   As long as you are on SSD you are eligible for all of this in fact you were eligible as soon as you started collecting SSD.   I am surprised that you did not get any information sent to you from the Social Security office.  Medicare is taken directly out of your SSD paycheck. 


you have to wait 2 years before you can get medicare if you are on SSDI. 

0 Kudos

To keep SS solvent we should demand an immediate end to Obama's cuts in the SS taxes paid by current workers.  Is this part of a plot to kill SS by cutting funds available for payments?  Everyone knows the SS fund is in trouble.  He is only making it worse.  I paid FICA and my employer matched it every year.  Now when the economy is in trouble OBAMA cuts the money available to make SS payments. 

0 Kudos

I just began receiving my SS "benefit" payments. SS is not a benefit. It's money that We've paid to SS all our working lifes. I'm 64 and have been paying into SS for 48 years, not as long a some but, longer than the most. I'm outraged that I will be taxed on my "benefits." My wife, who is younger than me, will be making more than $30,00 per year causing my SS to be taxed. Some of you talk about not getting increases which is a just argument. How about not taxing our "benefits" at all. Like all taxes, it's money that we have been forced and coerced into paying. Now illegal aliens will be receiving money from SS. What a ripoff!!!  I just want MY money back.

Yours in solidarity,

Ripped Off Ron


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Info Seeker

Unfortunately, it's *not* your money once the government gets it. I know that's what they always imply, but legally, it isn't. 


U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Americans have no contractual rights regarding Social Security benefits. In 1960 (Flemming v. Nestor), the court said, "To engraft upon the Social Security system a concept of accrued property rights would deprive it of the flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever changing conditions which it demands".


The government will either stiff us outright or, more likely, cowardly politicians will pretend to honor their promises by printing so much extra money to write the checks that the dollar will be worth pennies.


GOP Front runner Cain's 999 plan calls for abolishing Social Security and Medicare (New York Times, 11/13/11). Perry has called SS a ponzi scheme and unlawful. The GOP is against SS and Medicare by principle and would love to abolish/privatize them, as soon as they get in power, whether it be 2012, 2016, 2020, etc. And I don't believe their promises of not affecting those currently 50 or greater. They have a proven record of flip flopping and it is often a part of their plan. SO this issue is not going away; it is dangerous for us, and is dangerous for future generations.

Should they get elected and abolish/privatize Social Security and Medicare, it will be a stupendous, catastrophic, disaster for the 10s of millions of poor and disabled elderly. Their only choice will be to wheel themselves out to th the trashcan and wait to die. This is the GOP plan for America in the 21st century, whether we like it or not. The day they get the power will be the day they begin their dismantling project.

What is out only rational response? Is it to wheel ourselves out to the trashcan to die in misery? Of course not! We must therefore demand the Right To Die via a $99.00 Death Drug (we don't want any ahandouts). This is our only rational response because this "Dead Deal", the opposite of the New Deal, of the GOP is coming and nobody can stop it. Therefore we must do the only rational thing and demand the Right to Die. This is the unavoidable future of America.


It really irritates me when I hear these idiots in Congress say " raise social security taxes." That is the WRONG ANSWER. The CORRECT answer is "REMOVE THE CAP ON THE WAGES!!!"

   For instance, Michael Bloomberg made approximately $4 billion in each of these years: 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. But guess what, he only paid approximately $8400.00 in social security taxes each of these four years, due to the wage cap of approximately $123,000.00. This info on Bloomberg came from Forbes magazine in 2013. Now, if the wage cap was removed, he would have paid $286 million(7% of his income) per year into the Social Security Fund, leaving him $372 billion each of these four years. The Social Security percentage that Bloomberg paid on his yearly income was approximately 0.00021%.

   If the wage cap was removed, I don't think Social Security would ever go broke!!! Remember, President Linden Baines Johnson took all of the Social Security money out of its separate fund in 1964 and put it into the General Fund. That is another reason why Social Security is in dire straits.

  I urge all voters to write and/or call your Senators and Representatives to remove the Social Security cap on wages, NOT raise Social Security taxes. Also remember that Congress does not pay into Social Security. Also remember that when Senators and Representatives retire, they still get their salary of approximately $173,000.00 per year!!

   Maybe some economist could calculate how much money would go into the Social Security fund if the wage cap was removed on a yearly basis, based on all current wages. ALL Social Security money should be put back into its own separate fund, so it is not accessible to Congress!!!



@GetRealQuick wrote:
GOP Front runner Cain's 999 plan calls for abolishing Social Security and Medicare (New York Times, 11/13/11). Perry has called SS a ponzi scheme and unlawful. The GOP is against SS and Medicare by principle and would love to abolish/privatize them, as soon as they get in power, whether it be 2012, 2016, 2020, etc. And I don't believe their promises of not affecting those currently 50 or greater. They have a proven record of flip flopping and it is often a part of their plan. SO this issue is not going away; it is dangerous for us, and is dangerous for future generations.
Should they get elected and abolish/privatize Social Security and Medicare, it will be a stupendous, catastrophic, disaster for the 10s of millions of poor and disabled elderly. Their only choice will be to wheel themselves out to th the trashcan and wait to die. This is the GOP plan for America in the 21st century, whether we like it or not. The day they get the power will be the day they begin their dismantling project.
What is out only rational response? Is it to wheel ourselves out to the trashcan to die in misery? Of course not! We must therefore demand the Right To Die via a $99.00 Death Drug (we don't want any ahandouts). This is our only rational response because this "Dead Deal", the opposite of the New Deal, of the GOP is coming and nobody can stop it. Therefore we must do the only rational thing and demand the Right to Die. This is the unavoidable future of America.

@GetRealQuick wrote:
GOP Front runner Cain's 999 plan calls for abolishing Social Security and Medicare (New York Times, 11/13/11). Perry has called SS a ponzi scheme and unlawful. The GOP is against SS and Medicare by principle and would love to abolish/privatize them, as soon as they get in power, whether it be 2012, 2016, 2020, etc. And I don't believe their promises of not affecting those currently 50 or greater. They have a proven record of flip flopping and it is often a part of their plan. SO this issue is not going away; it is dangerous for us, and is dangerous for future generations.
Should they get elected and abolish/privatize Social Security and Medicare, it will be a stupendous, catastrophic, disaster for the 10s of millions of poor and disabled elderly. Their only choice will be to wheel themselves out to th the trashcan and wait to die. This is the GOP plan for America in the 21st century, whether we like it or not. The day they get the power will be the day they begin their dismantling project.
What is out only rational response? Is it to wheel ourselves out to the trashcan to die in misery? Of course not! We must therefore demand the Right To Die via a $99.00 Death Drug (we don't want any ahandouts). This is our only rational response because this "Dead Deal", the opposite of the New Deal, of the GOP is coming and nobody can stop it. Therefore we must do the only rational thing and demand the Right to Die. This is the unavoidable future of America.

I feel people coming to this country from where ever, should NOT be allowed to collect social security benifits. Most imigrants have never put anything into the system, but are allowed to collect off of the hard working people as myself, who is now being told i have to work years longer to collect. I have worked for over 40 years now , and the age limit continues to climb upward , so we can continue to pay for unwanted outsiders to come and be allowed by the law to collect.

0 Kudos

I feel people coming to this country from where ever, should NOT be allowed to collect social security benifits. Most imigrants have never put anything into the system, but are allowed to collect off of the hard working people as myself, who is now being told i have to work years longer to collect. I have worked for over 40 years now , and the age limit continues to climb upward , so we can continue to pay for unwanted outsiders to come and be allowed by the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to benifit. Awlful 

0 Kudos

DD, you're listening to incorrect information. The only person who can collect s/s benefits without paying in is a spouse who was married ten years or longer. They are allowed to collect 50% of their spouse's benefits, while that spouse collects 100%. No one who has not worked at least ten years and has at least 40 credits is drawing social security. It's a myth perpetutated by the far fringes of one party and it's only meant to bring in votes and enrage people.


The age limit is not climbing at this point. The revamping was done by President Reagan in 1983 and the age hasn't increased since that time. He set the birth years and the time we'd be eligible for full retirement benefits. That should be enough info if you'd like to do research on his entire restructuring of s/s. He also added in that at certain income levels, 50% would be taxed and at a higher income level, 85% would be taxed. None of this has changed since 1983.


DD, you're correct on the candidates who want to eliminate both programs. There are others and they all belong to the same party. Let's all choose carefully when we vote so we aren't voting against our own best interests. Keep in mind which party started Social Security and Medicare and which party is trying to abolish it. Stop listening to what you hear at the coffee shop or on certain news channels. Do your own research and listen to the speeches of the candidates, go to their websites to see what their plans for our generation are.

Adopt an older pet. Help them remember what it feels like to be loved.
0 Kudos

I have been on SS Disability for the past two years, and I am currently 62 years old. My husband will be retiring in the next two years from a company that I have been on his medical insurance. All I can find is that 3 months prior to me turning 65 that I should plan on applying for Part B and Part D. When he retires he will go onto his Medicare but I will not be of age yet to get these other parts for mine. Will I be able to apply also at that time for the other parts that I do not receive or do I have to wait the next two years to be placed on full Medicare? Without calling the SS office the directions are very confusing.

You should start receiving Medicare in your third year of SSD eligibility. For SSD recipients, it is not based on age.
0 Kudos

This is in reply to post 9 from Juneen:

You become eligible for Medicare effective with the 25th month of SS disability entitlement, regardless of age. So, you're either already eligible, or will be very soon. There is no charge for Part A of Medicare, and enrollment is automatic if you're already receiving benefits. You'll probably want to apply for optional parts B & D as well.

0 Kudos

In Response to Share your fears about Social Security:
1)       In the article,    Social Security Fears , many Social Security myths are addressed.  What concerns you the most about Social Security? 
Posted by AARPMiller

That  we do not get cost of living increase, we just get by and when we don't get that increase we have to give up something to make ends met and it is not buying a new car. 

Are they ever going to stop the freeze on SS. I am living on $40.00 a week after the bills are paid. thats not much for drugs food Gas for car  and anything extra. 
D.L. Anderson
Periodic Contributor

Did your social security check fail to come?  Don't buy the political stuff or AARP's hyperventilation on the subject.  The current administration is not going to affect your SS check.

0 Kudos

I am trying to live on $1,218.00 a month. I have nothing left after I pay my bills. I was married for 21 years to my now EX- husband. When can I claim on his SS ?
0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@vc79014255 wrote:
I am trying to live on $1,218.00 a month. I have nothing left after I pay my bills. I was married for 21 years to my now EX- husband. When can I claim on his SS ?

Here is some reading material that should answer all your questions.


From the AARP:

AARP 09/09/2013 Social Security Mailbox - 
 Divorce and Social Security Benefits


There was a good blog advice / help article in the Huffington Post just the other day about this:

Huffington Post 08/20/2015 Retirement Planner: Benefits For Your Divorced Spouse


and here is the Social Security Administration page on just this subject:

Social - Retirement Planner: Benefits For Your Divorced Spouse





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