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Share your concerns about Social Security

1)     In the article,  Social Security Fears, many Social Security myths are addressed. What concerns you the most about Social Security? 


As a single woman in her late 50's I'm very concerned about the amount of Social Security that I will receive when I reach 66 years old.  How is the Social Security Administration handling the years since 2006 when many of us were unemployed for various years due to the economy and not able to find professional-level jobs?  Is it really fair to put "0s" in the calculation for those years since 2006 when we could not find full-time employment?  Why not take the top 30 years and give us a break??


In spite of laws protecting against discrimination, I believe it's alive and well in corporate America.  Federal laws have not been changed in years and are aimed at protecting those from age 40 and up, especially woman.  But, age 40 is very young in these times and corporations will hire all kinds of 40-50 year olds.  They are then able to say they are in compliance with the laws.  But those of us over 50 are having the most difficulty finding full-time employment.  How are we supposed to live when companies let go people over 50 yet we can't begin to collect Social Security until 62?  And at that age, it will be at a much reduced amount.  Even those of us who have saved for years (and saw much of it skimmed by Wall Street) can't take money from our IRAs until 59 1/2.  How do we earn a living to pay all of our bills during the gap period?  Don't say "part-time jobs" are available.  Yes, there are plenty of them which pay little and do not provide benefits.  That's something we did when we were younger but shouldn't have to face again until we actually decide to retire.  Instead, it appears the average citizen has to suffer so that other groups of "exempt" people don't have to contribute to Social Security.  


I have worked hard all of my life and earned a degree while working full-time.  Although I was married when I was young, I did not have children and do not have any now.  I supported myself and the companies that I worked for along with paying my fair share of taxes to federal, state and local entities.  We are in a different economic time and changes do need to be made.  But, the first found of changes should be aimed at people who have not been required to pay their fair share or to pay into the Social Security fund.  


In the past, it made sense to exempt government workers as well as teachers by not requiring them to pay Social Security taxes.  Part of that was because they made lower salaries than most and had their own retirement funds.  Well, guess what??  Most of those individuals make MORE than the rest of us now if you consider age, education, time worked.  And, they should be required to help support the Social Security fund which not only pays retirement benefits, but also pays disabled individuals, surviving spouses, surviving children, etc.  PLEASE!!  Why does everyone think they should be exempt.  We could go a long way at building the social security base if all of those exempt workers were at least required to contribute toward the benefits paid out to Americans for "non-retirement" purposes. (disabled, survivor benefits, etc.)  And, if not already being done, Social Security taxes should be levied on all jobs that are based in the US but are not occupied by American citizens as well as US company jobs that are shipped overseas.


Sorry for the lengthy rant but many things need to be discussed.  If any group of people can help get fair changes made, it will be the AARP!  

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Why, we have not had that income every yr. yet have had our social security taxed every yr.? There are supposed to be income limits. We always get a form, and we always fill in the taxes right and we always get taxed even if do not make the top income. Have always, every yr, paid taxes on my social security, disability income, and only one yr made the amount of money like it explains for this yr. so we have had my disability income always taxed even if didnt make the income that requires the tax plus the state of ohio, has always changed it every yr. and taxes us always more and they were not allowed to do that either. I am getting charged for someones income. or something is very wrong, but every yr. always taxed. That is by the instructions and receiving the forms in the mail and then i get double hit by the state on non taxable income.

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