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Honored Social Butterfly


I was wondering if an administrator such as @AARPLynne or @AARPsneed could research this for me.


I receive SS Retirement and have for years.


I direct deposit that retirement check so SS has my direct deposit information.


I receive a 1099 for that retirement.


I filed my Federal taxes for 2019 already, owed money, sent a check to pay it, and the Federal Government cashed it already.


Upon reading the various scenarios on the stimulus "frequently asked" questions page, I do not see a scenario that applies to my situation.


When I use the "Get My Payment" inquiry, it says I am eligible for a payment but they have no information on my direct deposit.


My understanding was that if you have direct deposit information filed with SS, then the IRS will deposit your stimulus into the account to which you direct your SS. If that is the case, then why am I getting the message that they have NO direct deposit information?


Additionally, almost everyone I know has received their stimulus already. What gives??????



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Regular Social Butterfly

Hopefully my update will help...


I worked and filed tax return for 2018


I retired in Dec 2018 and began receiving Social Security Retirement in 2019 (due to gov shutdown missed 2 months).


I received the "stimulus" Thursday in my account registered with the SSA. I still show "Status not available" on the stimulus status site (due to info not available) so figure that's still the two government systems can't share info yet.


Think as long as one really qualifies (based on TOTAL income) they'll receive theirs within a few weeks if receiving Social Security Retirement; I have no idea for others.



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: โ€œIf Iโ€™d known Iโ€™d live this long, Iโ€™d have taken better care of myself.โ€
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Social Butterfly

I just checked my payment status and here is what it showed.





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Social Butterfly

@nctarheel     I did the same as you, I filed my tax return, I made my small payment online, I know it has been received.


Last week I went ahead and added my bank and DD information on the IRS site and now it says I will get the stimulus payment to my DD but does not give a date. I check it every day to see if there has been a change.


Posted by,
Texas (USA)


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Honored Social Butterfly



Same as you - SS Retirement - Direct Deposit. 

Pay taxes every year and thus file a return - IRS does not have my Direct Deposit info.

I checked the IRS - Get My Payment Website today,  it told me that I was getting a check and the date it was mailed or the date it should come - I forget which.  And it did.

Now I have to practice my e-deposit skills since banks/credit unions around here are drive thru madhouses - lobbies are either not open at all or they are open only by appointment like for closings and the like.


My nephew and his wife did a refi closing and the parties had to take turns signing the documents - and they had to bring their own pens. :smileywink:


Bet you get a check and not a direct deposit.

It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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@nctarheel AARP canโ€™t confirm which method of payment an individual will receive their stimulus payment from the IRS since there are many variables. The IRS will either use the direct deposit information from the SSA or will mail you a check based on the address with which you filed your 2019 taxes.


Here is more information on the general timing of stimulus payments:


If you have any outstanding questions, consult the IRS guidance directly:

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Honored Social Butterfly

@nctarheel AARP canโ€™t confirm which method of payment an individual will receive their stimulus payment from the IRS since there are many variables. The IRS will either use the direct deposit information from the SSA or will mail you a check based on the address with which you filed your 2019 taxes.


Here is more information on the general timing of stimulus payments:


If you have any outstanding questions, consult the IRS guidance directly:




I was not asking you to confirm how MY stimulus was coming; I was asking to confirm whether the process relating to those who filed Federal taxes, had to pay, gave no direct deposit info to the IRS(because they had to pay) but did have their SS retirement direct deposited.... whether the IRS is going to use that SS direct deposit information to direct deposit one's stimulus.


No variables, just whether the IRS is going to use SS direct deposit information????


Neither of the links you provided address that question.


The reason I ask is that I have my SS direct deposited so SS has my info, but the IRS web site says it does not have my info.

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Honored Social Butterfly

@nctarheel  wrote

The reason I ask is that I have my SS direct deposited so SS has my info, but the IRS web site says it does not have my info.



I don't think the IRS computers are currently talking to the SS computers - I am not sure if they legally can when it involves direct access to a person bank account without specific permission from the holder for the stated purpose.


According to news reports today, you should be able to  still put your Direct Deposit info into the IRS "Get My Payment " website if your payment has not already been configured to a check.  This will speed up your stimulus payment and get it to your DD Bank.

IRS - Get My Payment 


Step by Step Instructions here:

C/Net Finance 05/02/2020 - Get your stimulus check sooner with direct deposit. Set up payment with I... 


It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
Periodic Contributor


They sure did screw something up

 They said,(IRS) "I'm not even in there  system & they cant find me no where. But social security said everything is fine on there end & that the IRS must of screwed something up.. bcuz I got my monthly payment.. please help if u have any information..  please if u kno something that can help me send me a email n I'll give u my number to text me or just straight shoot me an email ( 



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Periodic Contributor

Your absolutely on point .. I still haven't recieved my stimulis payment n have SSDI  n direct deposit.  Rhe payment portal is telling me not available.  N the big thing is, I called the IRS n they told me I'm not even in the system AT ALL... then I called social security n they said everything is fine on their end.. n my regular monthly payment came in just fine.. they said (social security) that the irs must of screwed my info up.. but y just me , I dont understand..





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Honored Social Butterfly



The IRS has a new page that covers some of the different circumstances of how these payments work and how they will be sent out to different categories of non-tax filers.  The page was updated on 05/01/2020 -


IRS - Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here Tool Scenarios page updated on 05/01/2020 


The IRS is 1st working on those for whom they have the most recent info - tax return filers.

They know all the details for these folks from the 2018/2019 tax forms - the individuals, filing status, income status, dependent status and age, address and if there is direct deposit (or draft) info listed on their return - all the things that affect the amount of their stimulus payment and how it will be sent - check or Direct Deposit. 


For NON(tax) -filers for which there is data that will affect the amount of their stimulus money, like eligible dependents (see each of the scenarios covered in the IRS page link), the IRS has given the opportunity for these specific NON-filers to enter that information into the IRS file so that their stimulus check is correct in amount. (See the different Scenarios in the IRS link).  They also can enter their Direct Deposit info at the time that they make these changes known to the IRS.


This window opportunity of making changes has now closed except for SSI and VA benefits who have an extension to May 5, 2020 ( see this link below)

IRS - Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here - updated 05/02/2020 


Many folks on SS, SSDI  will have none of these changes and thus will fall into SCENARIO 5 from the IRS.  This is what it says from the IRS link on the different scenarios -

Scenario 5

"You're retired and receive Social Security benefits. Each year, you receive a Form SSA-1099 from the Social Security Administration showing the amount of your benefits. You have no dependent children or grandchildren. You're not claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer for 2019. Your gross income is below $12,200 and you don't need to file a federal income tax return. The IRS will automatically calculate and issue you a $1,200 Economic Impact Payment based on the information listed on your Form SSA-1099. You won't qualify for any additional payment because you have no dependent children or grandchildren. Do NOT use the Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here tool to register with the IRS. "


NOTE the last sentence in the quote !!!!

People in this scenario, probably the majority of those making comments here on this board, are in this category and they only need to wait for their payment. 


When this batch of stimulus receivers (Scenario 5) is processed by the IRS, I do not know if you will receive your payment by check or Direct Deposit - my best guess would be by check sent to the address on your last 1099-SSA, 1099-SSA(SM), 1099-RRB.  But they could get (legal) permission, I guess, to use the Direct Deposit route from the SSA database.


When the IRS finishes the stimulus payments to

  • tax filers - last one on file for 2018/2019
  • non-filers who have given this extra info which affects the amount of their stimulus payments
  • They will then begin to process payments for those in Scenario 5 - those NON-tax filers who receive a 1099-SSA, 1099-SSA(SM), 1099-RRB.  When this payment amount is uploaded and calculated by the IRS,  I will assume that it will then be shown on the individual's IRS "GET MY PAYMENT" file and it will tell you how & when the payment is coming and the amount. ($1200).

I hope this helps you and others here -







It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Regular Contributor

It's also funny how they give a link to the "non-filers" to use but the first thing it says on that portal is ..,.

Do NOT continue here if:
You receive Social Security retirement, disability (SSDI), survivor benefits, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Veterans Affairs benefits. The IRS will automatically send you an Economic Impact Payment.
It's clear that it is just another stall tactic.
0 Kudos

We also receive Social Security Payments.  We filed our taxes and owed money.  From what I understand under these circumstance if you do not provide your direct deposit information you will receive a check.  When they send that check will depend on your adjusted gross income starting with the smallest amounts.  


I checked our status on the IRS site with the "Get My Payment" tool shortly after that tool was available.  We had the same situation.  It said we were eligible but they had no direct deposit information for us.  I entered the banking information and we have since received our stimulus money into our checking account.  So if you don't provide that bank information you will receive a check in the mail.

Honored Social Butterfly



Excuse me if I jump in and add a bit -

I have posted several links throughout the month of news items on this matter substantiating what you posted but after I started thinking about this, I have come to the conclusion that this has become a real "government" processing fiasco.  Reasons are below:


1.  This isn't like other stimulus payments in the past since eligibility is determined by income and any dependent eligibility.

2.  I do not believe that the Social Security Administration has the legal ability to share personal info such as the Direct Deposit info with the IRS. 


A person on SSDI receives their (lone) benefits just as a person who has retired and drawing SS Old Age benefit HOWEVER some of those SSDI beneficiaries get an added amount in their benefit IF they have dependents - spouse and/or dependent children.  Neither of these group may have to file taxes based on their taxable income.  


For those SSDI beneficiaries with dependents,  the stimulus will have to add in the $ 500 per dependent to their stimulus check - thus the reason to give this info to the IRS.  Same is true of those on SS Old Age benefits if they have eligible dependents.  I believe the deadline is today to enter this info into the IRS site.


The 1099-SSA, 1099-SSA(SM) or the same form for those on Railroad retirement government plans says NOTHING about the (other) income which beneficiaries might have - which could be over or under the stimulus eligibility standards and whether or not the income is even taxable.


There are many SS beneficiaries whom like you or I have no need to give the IRS our direct deposit info since we usually have to pay taxes every year.  We may authorize them to draft our bank account but that is for a specific amount and time period; not to keep on file for other purposes.


This seems to me to be a "government" processing fiasco that has not been thought out too well and thus I can see the time dilemma which they have in getting out these type stimulus payments.  The right hand doesn't seem to know what the left hand is doing or even can do within legal standing.  Add in the techno problems and I can see that this may not turn out too well with some getting less than what they are eligible for and perhaps, even some getting more.


Seems to me that we need clearer explanation in the process from the Treasury as to just how this is suppose to work between the IRS and the SSA.  The info thus far given does not seem to have any logic since we are all individuals with different circumstances in this regards.









It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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