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Morning Roll Call - July and August 2019 CLOSED

Honored Social Butterfly

Morning Roll Call - July and August 2019 CLOSED


Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch! Welcome to July 2019. We had a strong Sunday morning storm to ring out the month of June on the Front Porch! Welcome to July 2019. Going to be a busy day tomorrow if we do not have more rain. Remember that May - June are CLOSED now.



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Recognized Social Butterfly


I had the lawn police here when I was in the hospital. I got a $250 fine. My landscaper cut the lawn,but the bushes where over 4 feet. Funny thing is I got fined for a lilac tree,  So, I don't have to pay the fine. I am sure you are going to miss your buddy. I hope you are doing well. Nancy

Honored Social Butterfly



Keep expecting to see her at my feet, or stretched out on the couch, then I remember.


Doc’s will be giving me tests up the wazoo,for foreseeable future.


She needs more exercise than I can give her for now but, didn’t make things any easier.


Had a oopsie with a picnics table to make me decide. Gravity and vertigo are a bugger.


Lawn police don’t dare issue fines, just gripe - country not, HOA. 





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

I have a couple of bottles of Wisconsin brewed beer in the refrigerator for supper with my burrito supper!


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Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

20 Beer Commercials That Totally Nailed It



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this last Sunday of July! We are looking at a partly sunny day in the mid 80's. Last week was one of my best week golfing in a long time! We also got to go to two Brewers games in Milwaukee with one loss and one win. We also had one great stadium burger each while watching batting practice while I sipped a very over priced beer. Oh well that's what I worked for from when I was 14 years old.  RETIREMENT!

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Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Recognized Social Butterfly


Thank you MsStretch for posting about Milk weed, I planted several various kinds today. At least this area is safe from my dogs, only deer and other wild life. I also put out the bowl with the pebbles for the bees. 

Great day here in New Jersey. Glad I got out . Hope everyone is doing well and is safe. Nancy


Honored Social Butterfly

And it’s 84* and sunny, we now return to your regularly scheduled programming.


Have been personally kicked off of easy PM’s for at least a week, on all devices. And I’m the guy still drawing pay for correcting these issues for others.




It’s on the list, and will make the done deeds, whether by foot or Segway to a point.


Frozen Rivers/creeks or boulders are no issue, have assortment of spikes devices on canes.


Still enjoy properly made cabins in the woods and want those photos.


Hope all enjoy the day, haven’t required A/C as yet, staying at 70* in house.


And was a beautiful 52* when I awoke, to birds and little blighters.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Recognized Social Butterfly


I am finally sending out more boxes on Monday. Frozenoem, just let me know if Chelli needs treats you too. Just packing them up today. I did find a box of orange vests for dogs. I only found size Large so far. Thanks everyone for your your posts about the orange vests. Brand is guardian gear. Stilling looking for more stuff. Donations came in while I was in the hospital. I did reach out to the rescue groups about the dry food. They where so happy. I have changed the drop off to the various groups. The groups are giving the new contract information . What a win win. Plus, the dog food companies are helping with a replacement generator that was destroyed by the storm in New Jersey. The Shelter, and rescues just do so much to help the animals. I am so happy.

Recognized Social Butterfly


I just saw 3 monarch butterflies, on a flower or weed by my storage space. I haven't seen them in awhile.  Growing up in SeaGirt, New Jersey, I lived across from the National Gaurd Field. I used to see hundreds of Monarch butterflies are every year.  They are a rare sighting these days. Anyone know why

Honored Social Butterfly

@n566192l, 3 monarchs!  Yes, rare sight these days.


Not too long ago, I was sitting on deck when a monarch started flitting around me, even alighted on my leg briefly!  I was enthralled, when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed I wasn't the only one watching the butterfly.  Indeed, 2 furkids were also fascinated.  Oh, heck no!  It must have made a ridiculous picture -- 2 cats chasing a butterfly and me chasing 2 cats -- but the monarch finally escaped unscathed, off to hopefully find some milkweed.

Trusted Social Butterfly

@n566192l ...I know I read about the reason for the decline in monarchs, but of course since I suffer from CRS Cat LOL, I had to look it up.

Tried to send a link, but the link doesn't work, so will try to coppy and paste here:


Dear EarthTalk: How are monarch butterflies doing today? They used to pass through my area in big numbers, but in the last few years there seem to be many fewer.—Bill Wright, Erie, Pa.

The monarch butterfly, royally adorned in black, white and reddish-orange and able to migrate as far as 2,800 miles, is a true wonder of nature. Each year monarchs travel from Canada and the U.S. to hibernate in the forests of central Mexico. But in recent years the monarchs have been in sharp population decline due to habitat loss, eradication of the plants it depends upon and other environmental factors.

The decline in monarchs has been going on for two decades, but the last few years have been particularly worrisome. Mexico’s National Commission of Natural Protected Areas reports a 59 percent decline in the area of forest there occupied by overwintering monarchs since December 2011. Meanwhile, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reports that overwintering populations along the California coast have shrunk from over a million individuals counted at 101 sites in 1997 to less than 60,000 at just 74 sites in 2009. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature, which maintains the “Red List” of endangered species around the world, recognizes the monarchs’ annual migration as an “endangered biological phenomenon.”

According to Monarch Watch, an educational outreach program based at the University of Kansas that engages citizen-scientists in monarch monitoring and conservation efforts, habitat destruction is one key driver in the monarch’s demise: “New roads, housing developments and agricultural expansion…all transform a natural landscape in ways that make it impossible for monarchs to live there.” Also, drought and record-high temperatures in North America in 2012 triggered an earlier-than-usual monarch migration. This disrupted the butterflies’ breeding cycle by drying out their eggs prematurely.

The hot weather has also reduced the nectar content of the milkweed plants that monarch larvae depend on. In addition, milkweed is becoming scarce due to farmers’ increasing reliance on herbicides. Most of the soy and corn crops grown in the U.S. are genetically engineered to resist herbicides. This means even more chemical spraying—and far fewer milkweed plants. Nectar producing plants that attract adult butterflies are facing a similar fate, further complicating survival for the monarch.

It won’t be easy to stem the tide of human development that threatens the species’ long term survival. In 2008 the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, set up under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) to help the U.S., Canada and Mexico coordinate on environmental initiatives, published its North American Monarch Conservation Plan to establish a conservation blueprint for the butterflies. Key aspects of the plan include the creation of incentives for the conservation of overwintering sites and the restoration of breeding habitat throughout the butterfly’s extensive range.

In the meantime, the Mexican government has worked with WWF and other groups and made strides in restricting logging in areas critical to monarch populations. And in the U.S., monarch habitat restoration work in California and other parts of the U.S. have helped provide the butterflies some relief. Whether these and other efforts are enough to rescue the monarchs remains to be seen.

CONTACTS: WWF,; Monarch Watch,; Mexico’s National Commission of Natural Protected Areas,

EarthTalk® is written and edited by Roddy Scheer and Doug Moss and is a registered trademark of E - The Environmental Magazine ( Send questions to: Subscribe: Free Trial Issue:






Honored Social Butterfly

84* and sunny. A/C on.


House was cool until friend came in to clean the rugs. Might be time to turn temperature down on furnace 170* water, for best use in Winter, radiant floorboards.


Re: Monarch Butterflies and Bees both owe their demise to Roundup


Ah Roundup pesticide, safe according to T’s WH and EPA.


So much for science, studies, research, etc. Show me the money instead and it’s safe enough to drink🤣


Comment above is purely my humble opinion.


*edit- at Camp Roundup and most pesticides are banned, in wildlife preserve. Have a picture floating around the house of dogwood tree covered in approx .  100 Monarchs from last year.😎 Tried to find it but, it’s on slide 35mm, my last roll of Kodachrome or Ektachrome.


And on that cheery note I need to set up someone’s home entertainment and bring it into the 21st Century with BLuetooth to a 1970-ish amplifier, they might be able to hear the TV and record from their iPads, streaming to 8track, reel to reels, etc.


Note: If anyone ever moves label both ends of cords, vs giving 200 patch cords etc to someone to hook everything up again.🤣And save those manuals.


Expect to be seeing patch cords in my sleep for days.






And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem ...Maybe it's the wine, but when I read your post I started to smile and thought of the song by Simon and Garfunkle:

"Makes you think all the world's a sunny day
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph.
So mama don't take my Kodachrome away."

I do have a Nikon, but it's a digital of course. Cat Wink N.

Honored Social Butterfly



Have one Nikon digital and have had for several years (2002-3) Coolpix.


But, sometimes you just want to exercise the old school 35mm or the old 120/220. Also Nikon And Nikkormat.


Hmm, wine now there’s an idea.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

You all sound so upbeat and with it this morning!  Up on the nature stuff and the tech stuff and I can barely keep up.  Did not know that about the monarch butterflies, although I do know there is a bee problem.  I have a doomer view of all things environmental summed up by something like "we will keep doing what we are doing until we cannot and then we wont".  I guess everyone has read about the European heatwave? 


Our August weather looks very good in the southland.   The next 10 days will have (hopefully) night temps in the high 60s, one day of 90, the rest high 80s.  Not really too bad but have to close windows today & turn AC back on.  Humidity will go back up Tuesday and house has gradually heated up the last 2 days,

Honored Social Butterfly

81* and yes, A/C is on.




If you want to try overpriced but, worth every penny, try a Chimay Ale made by Trappist monks. $7 to $10 for a bottle @ liquor store.


Warning - you may feel very good after imbibing.😇




Blame it all on to much reading, and to many interests, 15 years to deep doo doo if scientists (real) estimates are correct., vs the orange guys T. (IMHO).


Pulling out of the Climate pact may have screwed everyone. Methane releases in Siberia as permafrost melts. 


Have a friend in UK and FR temp last week was 45* Centigrade or approximately 122* F. That’s hotter than Hades in a land with out many Air Conditioners.






And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly



@Frozenoem  Even though I was in Miller ( beer ) Park I had a Blue Moon with a slice of orange. Wisconsin is loaded with mini breweries and brew pubs. Yet some of the best beer was when I was stationed in Germany. Moninger was a great one and we could get it delivered to our apartment in one liter flip top bottles and 12 to a case.



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly



My happiness in Holland for 3 months was Heineken Orange, my wife didn’t even mind when I couldn’t find Cordon Negro Brut on our anniversary.


”happy wife, happy life”🤣



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK , @Frozenoem ...



I do love a Blue Moon with an orange slice! Of course when I was in Hawaii, back in the 70’s, I had to try a Primo (Our beer begins with p). Primo draft is still brewed in Hawaii (Kauai), the bottled is now brewed in CA.

In San Francisco’s Korean Town I tried a Sapporo beer from Japan, now brewed in Wisconsin, and on a Holland America cruise to Scandinavia I really liked the Grolsch. My favorite and “go to” is Harp lager from Ireland, brewed by Guinness. A tour guide suggested that to me back in 1997 when I said I don’t like the dark Guinness, and it has been my favorite since then.

And, funny… being from PA I never have tried Yuengling!


My dad was a baseball fan, and I remember all the radio beer commercial jingles from when I was a kid, especially Schmidt’s… Schmidt’s will ring a bell for ya; Schmidt’s of Philadelphia; Schmidt’s the full taste beer.

And Ballantine… Hey, Get your cold beer, Hey get your Ballantine, hey, get your cold, cold beer. Get your bright cold Ballantine beer. I thought they were saying, “Cobia,” and couldn’t figure out what they meant.Cat LOL

Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning everyone on the Front Porch on this sunny morning in July of 2019.

Hoping everyone is enjoy this milder weather we are having now. 

We were in Milwaukee to see a couple of Brewers games. They did win the second game yesterday. 

I will be heading out for golf soon. It will perfect weather today. Hoping you all have will have a great remander of your week. 


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

Looks like we will have about 5 nice days before the return of the beastly heat.  No AC needed!  I actually felt a chill in the hallway this morning from having windows open all night.   Long pants & long sleeved shirt this AM.   Hope you are all this fortunate Smiley Happy.



Trusted Social Butterfly

Good Morning!

@LaDolceVita ...I hear you about the cooler temps! So nice not to have the AC for a few days. Waking to my birdies chirping outside is the best. Then the lawn guys came while I was still lolling in bed, and the smell of the fresh cut grass was intoxicating!

Without the humidity I feel like doing more! Maybe I will vacuum and tidy up the front porch!

Let's roll on and have a great day! N.




Honored Social Butterfly

I can breathe with no A/C 54* and sunny warming up later today.


We’ll have the heat back on from sunshine later, after weekend but looks like we’ll get good sleeping weather of 50’s at night.




A question for a Smokey’s hiker, have you been to Mayna Avent cabin. maybe 2 miles up trail from Elkmont.


It looks like easy hike and making some plans for the area in another year - perhaps.


IF I can get myself to remain upright 🤣, and plans for a camper workout.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem wrote:




A question for a Smokey’s hiker, have you been to Mayna Avent cabin. maybe 2 miles up trail from Elkmont.


It looks like easy hike and making some plans for the area in another year - perhaps.


IF I can get myself to remain upright 🤣, and plans for a camper workout.



I actually have not done a lot of hiking in the Great Smokys (mostly the Blue Ridge of VA  i.e. Shenandoah NP), but Avent Cabin looks like a great place for easy hike and camping trip AND it has cool chimneys and artifacts nearby to explore!  Not to mention close proximity to other trailheads.


Beautiful setting.  Imagine it in summer or better yet, fall!  (Although I prefer winter, easier to explore and see and find cool things without pesky bugs and snakes looking to join the party.)

Honored Social Butterfly



Compared to AT it looked like an ez trail 4’  (packed) vs shale and dirt 1’ foot wide AT trail.


Scary part looked like a tree trunk bridge (1 log wide) with a split rail handrailing over brook.


Which suggested late Autumn or Winter hike, frozen brooks are easier than non split tree trunks for crossings.


And that pesky snake issue, haven’t played with them in ages.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem wrote:



Compared to AT it looked like an ez trail 4’  (packed) vs shale and dirt 1’ foot wide AT trail.


Scary part looked like a tree trunk bridge (1 log wide) with a split rail handrailing over brook.


Which suggested late Autumn or Winter hike, frozen brooks are easier than non split tree trunks for crossings.


And that pesky snake issue, haven’t played with them in ages.




At least the bridge has a hand rail!


Bridge to Avant -- proceed with caution and hang on to the rail!Bridge to Avant -- proceed with caution and hang on to the rail!

[Photo by Julie Dodd / Friends of the Smokies]


Lord knows I have crossed many a creek on a fallen log sans railing.  Trust me, the days of just blithely skipping across logs effortlessly are loooooong gone.  I use the skoosh method.  Straddle and skoosh (wriggle, crawl, cling tenaciously).


Frozen creeks are good, but beware icy boulders.


This seems to be a hidden treasure not all that far from main trail.  Definitely worth a look-see.  Fascinating history and background.


You must go for it, @Frozenoem .  I stuck it on my hiking to-do/bucket list for when I am in that area.


Honored Social Butterfly

Image result for hello

Front Porchers!


Well, here's my update.  I found eight hours of relief in that I had to go to work and am now nearing the end of my shift right now.  It's been a relief from the heat and darkness of my house.  And it's been nice to be able to get online.


When I left home for work this afternoon, the power was still out. All while enduring this inconvenience, I really have been thankful for my mega-sized hot water tank as I've been able to take long, hot showers daily even without power. So if I had to sweat, at least I could get clean and dry for a bit.


@Frozenoem, I will be getting one of those phone chargers you suggested; maybe two.  I really was trying to conserve the power on my phone and was able to make it through the night with it until I could charge it in the car during the day. So the kind of charger you suggested would have been great and will be if there ever is a next time.


@catwoman500, thanks for your concern. McDonald's definitely is NOT real food!  But as they say, any port in a storm--literally.  @MsStretch, life has been indeed a Beach for me for the past three days.  Happy to hear your water line problems were fixed and your furkids are okay...hydrated and all.  And @LaDolceVita, be assured, I only slept in that hot house because I was just too pooped to going anywhere else. But sleep I did. And hopefully when I get home tonight, the power will be back on.  Got my fingers and toes crossed. 


Will update y'all in the morning.






Honored Social Butterfly



There called blackweb power banks, size is about the same as iPhone.


And really for best results exhaust them to 25% before recharging in USB port, wall adaptor, etc.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning, Front Porchers!


When I got home last night, the power was on! Yippee! The air conditioning had cooled the house beautifully.  I can refill my very empty refrigerator.  And will be making a trip to Walmart to get that phone charger! So very happy this morning.  Just a little deprivation and how we find how much we really have to be grateful for. And I am G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L today!  Smiles.


Hope everybody on Our Front Porch is doing well this morning.  Wishing everyone a great big beautiful day!




Honored Social Butterfly



Give it a try, the power pack think between cellphones and laptopsit just easier having power always in purse or jacket pocket.


Kinda like combo jump starters/ cell phone and flashlight packs in glove box.


60* and raining, gotta get going .



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
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