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Honored Social Butterfly



Good morning everyone on this FRIDAY morning October 1st, 2021. 


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Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem , I definitely see why Katahdin is usually closed during the winter and why thru-hikers are in a hurry to get done by October at the latest, since conditions and closures are dicey after that.


Wreaths Across America is following the same Covid restrictions as last year, and unfortunately, I did not score a ticket in time at my preferred cemetery this year (Quantico where hubby and mom and dad are resting). 😞  Ah well, I donated some wreaths and asked that 2 of them be placed on their graves.  I'm sure hubby, mom, and pop will understand. 😉  Arlington still has slots open, but think I will pass on fighting the traffic/metro that day.

Honored Social Butterfly



The only change to “Wreaths Across America “, here are they will be stopping in Hancock County for their trip to DC by the 18th of December, it’s a slight change.


It’s now been 3 years?? since I’ve seen cousins resting place or “The Wall”, I think he’d understand.

First my balance went, then Covid restrictions.


Hope that changes next year, still feel funky not going. 









And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

@LaDolceVita , I have multifocal lenses, and yes, indeed, they warned it might affect my night vision and showed me pictures of what it might look like.  It did show a halo-ish effect, but it didn't appear to be that debilitating, so I went for it.  However, after the first lens, I saw starbursts!  That was disconcerting.  In fact, I kept putting off getting the second eye done to give my eye time to settle and adjust to the 'new' vision to see if I could live with it.  Ultimately, I went with multifocal in the other eye. I don't like driving at night... period.  I think it also has to do with getting older and our eyes are slower to react to bright lights than when we were young whippersnappers. That, and those darn bright white LEDs! 😎


@catwoman500 , a new bedroom in time for the holidays! Even if it's in your head, I bet you are doing the happy dance.


Did the #optoutside thing on Black Friday and went for a walk in the (state) park.  Quite brisk and windy, but beats those dreaded BF crowds.


Still a dash of color late in the seasonStill a dash of color late in the season


@Frozenoem , haven't seen the white stuff yet, but gear standing by as bushwhacking season begins in the mountains!  Hit a couple of obscure cemeteries and homesite on Tuesday.  Snow at higher elevations, but daylight hours limit our time for exploring this time of year.  But sometimes snow helps to make old fieldstones pop out and lighter snow will fill depressions (burials).


And last but not least -- Dora.  Neighbor got her a Santa mask and suggested we tie her down so she doesn't blow away (again), so we did.


Ho ho ho, my ...Ho ho ho, my ...


Honored Social Butterfly



I know Winters coming and the temps say it’s here, 26* feels like 13* balmy degrees. To early to pull out the pacboots but, definitely cool enough to pull the winter pants out. Expected low tonight is 4* with windchill around -30*. Feel a big fire tonight coming.




Google anti glare glasses for night time driving, they work wonders, mine were gifted by neighbor, work day or night.


Even work to cut the glare of my 1200 lumen headlamp, that puppy produces the same light as newer cars. 🤣


Spent the day up near Katahdin, me thinks the mountain is definitely closed to hikers. The lake would be Moosehead me thinks🤔.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

Hello everyone!


It amazes me to think that Christmas is only 3 weeks away!  Every year, I think one more week drops off the calendar to bring Christmas that much sooner.


The weather has been very pleasant, in the 40's and 50's, with not even a hint of snow.  And just talked with my road crew man, and he is happy not to be plowing yet.  However, we could very well get SOCKED with bad weather the longer the nice weather stays.  But that's ok.  I have all the necessary things to keep me warm...warm kitties, blankets, a new pair of long undies, my lumberjack hat with ear flaps, hardy gloves and mittens, and the car has been winterized.  I am good to go!


Still doing Christmas Art Festivals...two more weekends left, and my second Christmas Open House yet to come.  Sales are good, and making a lot of new future clients and new friends.

Life is good.  I am blessed.  I hope you are too.



Honored Social Butterfly



30* presently with white fluffy stuff falling from above, town plows just drove by. Beginning to think this one won’t be turning to rain. 

Not real happiness until they bring out the big 20’tall Cat plow, but, with the 15’ tall plow out, kids young and old are getting their hopes raised.Yep, I’d be one of them🤣.


Think it might be time to check the weather again, need to play atop local mountain today, it’s just smoother driving when snow starts filling in the ruts.

And the Bombardier tracks can float.



Almost forgot these pix🤣





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly


Good morning everyone on this Wednesday morning December 1st, 2021. 

goodbye november hello december.png


We are opening the month here with an expected high in Madison of 48* today. May everyone have a blessed day today!




Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Today is a time when many Americans gather with friends and family to give thanks for their many blessings.

The Thanksgiving holiday is a tradition that dates back to November 1621 when Plymouth colonists celebrated the bountiful harvest they had grown with the help of the Wampanoag Indians.

The celebration grew and now is a major holiday and the official kickoff of the Christmas season.

  1. Here are some of the holiday quotes to mark Thanksgiving 2021:







Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

@catwoman500   The cortisone shots, funny I was just remembering my stepfather getting those and the wince that would accompany it.   I hope you get approved for the gel shot.  The dreaded knee replacement surgery  works out really well for some folks.


@Frozenoem  and anyone post cataract surgery.  I still do not like to drive at night, see a kind of halo around lights.  I am wondering it this is caused by the led lights or perhaps the triplex lenses I have.  Perhaps the regular lenses are better for night driving. Not that I am thinking of exhanging them!    Just wondering if this is normal.  Otherwise I have very good clear vision.  I did have a problem in the early hours one day in that sort of gray winter light, I could not see the pavement as I was turning.  Good thing I was on a familiar road. 🙂

Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning 25* and missed my 3rd storm of month, dang. Snowblower and shovels at the ready. Must be a born in NE kinda thing, still enjoy snow, less on the ice.




LED’s have sometimes caused problems with vision and halo’s or auras at night. Best guess try out different sunglasses to cut the glare. Ask your optometrist for suggestions. Or check the racks at WallyWorld for amber lenses, then look at led light. After my first surgery, discovered I preferred lcd to led TV’s/monitors, less discomfort in viewing.

And on that note need to get shopping done, followed by. Finding my snowshoes, weatherproofing my pacboots, etc.






And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello, Porch Peeps!

Cloudy and cold here in the Philly burbs. Could see some flurries later…sure feels and looks like it. Oops, there they are! First flurries for us. Friends about 45 minutes away had a wee bit of snow last week.


@Frozenoem …you are certainly prepped for the cold and snow. I finally remembered to get my gloves out. Sunday when I went grocery shopping my hands were freezing. Have been using my fingerless ones here at the computer since there is so much going in and out of my house with the construction. Yikes.


My new bedroom and bathroom are almost completed. Furniture is back where it belongs. It is so nice not to have go to the living room to get a pair of socks out of the bureau drawer, but I’ve been so ingrained with the displacement, I still start to head to the living room for socks and other things. LOL The bedroom is huge and the floor is gorgeous. My friend said it looked like a dance floor. Oh, if I could only dance, but the cane is not a great partner. I have this urge to do the running slide like Tom Cruise, but know better... that I’d end up on the floor in a heap.


@LaDolceVita …My knee is a little better, but still not back to my “normal.” At least no stabbing pain constantly. I am using the walker much less, but still using the cane a bit. I want to get back to where I don't need the cane in the house. Confession…For years and years I have put off the knee replacement just because I’m chicken, deathly hospital-phobic, have never even been hospitalized, and there is no one here to help me do the necessary stuff to get ready for a hospital visit or afterwards. It's a little different when you have family to lean on.


So, everyone, happy end of November. Stay healthy, stay warm, and stay out of trouble. 🤣


Goodbye November Hello December.png




Honored Social Butterfly

Hey @catwoman500 


What works for me isn’t a matter of prepping, more like leave my gloves in one pocket and hat in the next. Bring on Winter👍🤣


Surgeries up here are still considered, not unless really required either 32 or 62 beds available in entire state. So, wall to wall and prayers are involved by most.


Can walk cane less in house except stairs , not that brave/dim? Aches and pains are covered by Salonpas , name or brand is questionable, and the woodstove.🤣 I still tip my hat to “@nl”

for suggesting and gifting me with a few packs of that, pre-pandemic.  Rest is furniture placement just in case.


Won’t be graceful if I fall over/down but, will get up again, probably cussing all the way.

Time to play with phones, computers, etc and why they don’t talk to each other. Took me an hour to figure out my old one. And now, playing with others🤬, hate Androids today😡.


Enjoy all


And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi folks.  Mostly still a glorious fall this year.  Did not bother gathering the leaves for the garden and every step feels soft.  Good thing, my right knee is giving me fits.  A pulled muscle turned into  joint pain a few weeks later.  @catwoman500  Just read your post about the knee,  yikes, this is my first bout with knee pain and it makes one feel disabled!   I did some exercise yesterday to stretch leg muscles, knee really hurt last night. Much better this AM.  Perhaps fatigue is a factor. 


Preparing for the big move, mentally anyway. I have packed very little in reality.


I missed the moon!  What a shame.  All is well otherwise, will be even better after the move 🙂

Honored Social Butterfly



I freely admit the idea of ever moving again, scares the 💩 outta me. Downsizing and packing up, are positively frightening.


For now my happiness still remains in Maine.👍


Maine Fall is one day it’s 60* next day it’s a plunge to 20* and snow.🤣 Then find myself hoping for that first 3’ snowfall to insulate the foundation.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my online friends!!  I hope to catch up with all of you sometime in December.  It's been a crazy time of year for me...what with vending at Christmas Festivals and my Open Houses.  Attendance is not as high what with people still being careful with Covid, but that is understandable too.  One of the festivals I was a vendor at required masks the entire time...which was rough during setup and tearing down, but we all got through it.  

Enjoy your holiday with family, friends, and whomever you celebrate with!  

Blessings to all!


Trusted Social Butterfly

Happy Thanksgiving Eve Day, Everyone!

@LaDolceVita ...yes, the knee pain is bad. I did end up getting an appointment within an hour at the orthopedist. had no clue where I was going, but Stepson put the directions on my phone and I only got lost once. Got a shot of cortisone, but it really isn't lasting. Next is the gel shots if insurance approves. This is a whole repeat of about 10 years ago, except that back then, the cortisone worked for a long while. Have been using my mother's old walker and it is ungainly, but really helps the walking. I have to be able to use just the cane tomorrow when I go out for Thanksgiving. 

@Frozenoem ...I agree about not ever wanting to move again. Frightening thoughts of having to pack up all this stuff. YIKES!

Cold here, too, but never as cold as you guys up there.


Hoping everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. 


Pre Thanksgiving talk.jpg


Honored Social Butterfly



I admit it’s cold last night went to bed temp’s at 70* in house. Woke up to 30* in house and 12* outside with no power.


After convincing myself to leave bed, started fire and warmed house up, set the bleeder valve in basement. Keeps water pipes from freezing on cold nights.


Power restored at 2 pm, warm house again. Even turned on the fan at back of stove to blow heat vs. just radiate heat.


Today it’s 20*, think it’s cool out. Tomorrow it’s a warmup to 40* yeah!


Re: knees exercise through the pain helps, least for me. Less cussing after the first 40 knee bends, then I can take my walk or bring in more firewood.


Now I need to setup some toys for Christmas hopefully only my stuff in future, I’ve finally grown weary of tech gear.🤣



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

A nice warm day yesterday turned into a chilly rainy night, but by 3 AM, it turned clear and just plain cold and I was out there.  In my robe wrapped in a sherpa blanket, I went out to see the Beaver Moon eclipse at its max at 4 and it was awesome!  Yes, indeed, the shadow made it look red. 


Had to go out to the street because of all the trees invading my view and as I was standing there oohing and ahhing, I felt something furry brush my legs.  Yikes!  😨  But, sure enough, the shed kitties thought we were on an early morning walkabout, I guess.


And speaking of trees, the leaves are finally coming down in earnest now.  Just piles and piles of them.  FLOOP!  


Yep, @Frozenoem , retirement is great.  I helped with Christmas prep this year, but did not go out on install, simply because I wasn't feeling it and I had that option.  Ho ho ho.

Honored Social Butterfly


I missed the moon it was too cloudy and raining, maybe in another 500 years.


I’ve been having many Woohoo moments of late - my property taxes went down👍and had to order new 📱 , low power mode only lasting 8 hours with cussing.👎🏻.


Retirement is still a little tweeting bird, I’m hoping it happens, sleeping in is nice. Looking forward to not answering emergency calls 24/7/365.


Want to discover how long it takes to fill a TB of storage on new phone, with tunes as soon as my Bluetooth 5.0 is replaced in quad receiver.🤣


Just as soon as I recall how to do it, pandemic seems to have wiped some of my memories away.


Gnawing in stomach says that 4am wake-up call for assistance, can’t end soon enough. Think I’ll eat breakfast.🤣

and start a 🔥 fire.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly


Good morning everyone on this Monday morning November 1st, 2021. 

I am hoping everyone here has a blessed Monday morning as we start to close out 2021.

It has been an eventful year for sure as we mark around 5 million deaths world wide from Covid-19 since it's outbreak in March 2020. The world is torn by should we get vaccinated or not. Should we have to wear a mask out in public or not. Should our youth have to return to school or not.

Is climate change real or is it a normal weather cycle. 

This is not the forum to debate these challenges but we all know they are out there facing the world’s government bodies. 

May you all have a blessed day and month ahead of you.








Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Social Butterfly

Good morning to all you Wonderful People here On The Front Porch 🌞 Hope everyone is doing well !!! Haven't been on much due to the Covid, I unfortunately got called back to work lol 😒. I just hope it ain't permanent. Wish everyone a Awesome Blessed Friday and hope to rejoin you all soon.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi there, Peeps!

whatcha doin cat.jpg


Not much new here. It’s been cold but sunny. That may change this week with some rain in the forecast.

Things are moving along slowly here. My house is still topsy turvy, but stepson is here today putting the fixtures in the new bathroom. He was up on Saturday to do the bathroom cabinets. Painter ran into a snag last week with the old part of the bedroom walls. Tile guy and he watched, stunned, as the paint rolled on and then on the down stroke, the paint rolled off! Seems the paint put on back in the 80’s was maybe oil based or something, and now those walls have to be completely scraped before the new paint can go on. So, the ceiling, windows, and all the rest of the trim in the bedroom got done, but he’ll have to come back for the bathroom painting and the bedroom walls when stepson takes care of the scraping.

Hoping I can get to the porch and get it cleaned so I can cover the furniture, but with so many things out there to trip over, I’m going to have a hard time. Porch has been a “waylay” station for cabinetry, plumbing fixtures, etc. I’m keeping my cool and not a bit worried that I won’t be able to get my holiday decorations up, not a bit worried, not a bit worried, she said with angst in her voice. 😵

November always used to go fast when I was teaching, but it sure seems to be flying even now…how did it get to be November 8th already? It was just Halloween.

Here’s hoping you all are doing well, and enjoying good weather.


Kitty perspective.jpg


Trusted Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK @OscarE1968 @RosemaryF433825 @MsStretch @Frozenoem 

Hello, all Porch Peeps!

It’s been a while, and November seems to be flying as usual. Hard to believe that it is half over already!


I finally got my porch cleaned up and “winterized,” with the furniture all under cover. I always leave one chair uncovered just in case we have a freaky warm day when I can sit out there for a bit. I left the little table out also because that holds the floodlight for my front door Christmas wreath.

Stepson was here for several hours yesterday working on scraping the old bedroom walls…not an easy task. The problem seems to have been caused by not only multiple layers of paint, but at one time there must have been wallpaper on those walls and the glue was never properly removed! So we are making progress. Landscapers are supposed to show on Thursday or Friday to finally grade the backyard that looks like a dump at the moment. Whew! What an eyesore. Of course we still have the dumpster and the Porta Potty gracing the property, so some things will still have to remain.


I hope all of you are OK and get a chance to check in here. Stay well! 😺


Time for more "meds!"Time for more "meds!"


Honored Social Butterfly





I live , my back has been forecasting weather events, And I’ve been sleeping👍.


January hopefully I become unemployed maybe. Only want to sit in front of woodstove this year.

My little friend the EKG has been returned to maker, and December I may get Official results back?


Friend translated my Memory card to English🤬aka non- Doc speak.


Stretch I liked Dora 2.0, scary thing she reminded me of neighbor. Blonde reminds me of either Chuckie or the Orange guy.🤔


Cat- Vinegar 3Monks brand straight and open windows, removed all layers of wallpaper from my horse hair plaster walls. No scraping was required👍Rooms aired out in 2 days, definite summer project.


Time to take a slog, it snowed last night kinda suggesting Autumn is over. Must be time to put spike on cane ,one end stag handle for close talkers🤣, and one metallic spiked one for ice or toes.






And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem @LaDolceVita ...


Sorry, @LaDolceVita , when I was doing the "@" in my last post, your name didn't come up on the list. This time I just typed in your ID name and it worked. 😺 Hope you are doing well and are enjoying cooler temps!


Froze, Guess that would be a summer project as it's way too cold to have the windows open except for tomorrow maybe...we're expecting some warm temps just tomorrow. Stepson should be back tomorrow to work on the walls in prep for the painter to try again on Monday.


At the moment (?) I'm barely mobile. My bad knee has decided to give me excruciating pain and it is very hard to move. Not sure what action I'll take as I've been putting off having the knee replacement surgery. It's hard, as a lot of you know, when you live alone and there is no one to cart you back and forth to all the appointments, etc. Don't have the kind of neighbors we did back when I was a kid, and most friends either live too far or have mobility issues of their own. So this will be something to think about for sure.

I did go out to gas up the car today. I go to the same station where I can call them to come out to pump it for me, thank goodness. Need to go to the basement for laundry, but doubt I'll make that trip today. LOL


Hope all of you are planning on a nice Thanksgiving with family/friends next week. 


cat ate the mouse.jpg


Honored Social Butterfly



Everything seems to be a summer project this year for most. Has been in the 20’s by night and low 30’s by day since Election/ Referendum Day.

Started fire last night and it was 90* in house, had to open windows and doors to cure paint on stove👍. So, beyond the good ol’ days of waxing cast iron cook stoves.


Guess we’re still lucky up here in Maine, neighbors are mostly friends. Either know me or had my ex as a HS teacher. Only get silent treatment from one person in town of 750, they moved in last year.


I think I’m going to start a fire and make some calls, looking forward to Woohoo retirement🤣.





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly


Hello November 2021.png


Happy day after Halloween, Porch Peeps!


@MsStretch …Oh that was a wonderful story of Dora and Blondie! Thanks so much for posting those pix!


Still not sure if any kids got my bags of candy. Left a box of 45 bags on a chair at the end of the driveway with a sign saying Happy Halloween. Please take a bag. (With the construction ruining my driveway, it’s too dangerous for them to come to the door) But, when I went down this AM to remove the barricade so stepson could drive in, the box was gone. Wondering if someone came along and took the whole box of candy bags????? This may be the last year I “do” Halloween, unless by next year the driveway has been redone.


Of course that wasn’t the end of my frustrating weekend… Saturday my big screen HD TV that I watch for 3 hours every night while I crochet in the cozy warm family room froze and I can’t do anything. I tried all the on screen tips, and rebooted, but I think I’ll have to call Verizon…maybe it’s the set top box…maybe the TV…who knows???? Just what I need…another expense. I’m such a creature of habit that it was hard to rearrange how I was going to work last night. I set up a TV tray table in the bedroom to hold my craft light and gathered the supplies that I thought I would need to crochet. Sitting in bed was not comfortable to work, but I had to have a TV, and sitting on a barstool in the kitchen was my only other option. So while I’m coping with that, I had something happen to my big toe …it cramped up and turned under. Did you ever have that happen? OMG! I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get a shoe on! I walked around a bit and it seemed to be OK and is still OK now…it didn’t happen again, but it was so darn weird! My foot looked like a claw. 😮

So…the pump, the TV, and the toe = 3 things…hope that’s it for the things happen in three’s! But if you count the missing cardboard box, that would start another set of three. UGH!

I keep wondering what will happen next. LOL

On a positive note, the tile guy finished up the wall tile in the new bathroom on Saturday, and it looks gorgeous! 😻


Today I’m going out for lunch to celebrate 2 friends’ birthdays, so that should be something pleasant to start the week and the month off.


I sure hope you all had a more enjoyable weekend than I did. 😄


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Honored Social Butterfly

Back by not-so-popular demand, here is the abridged edition of the Dora saga.


Dora sat at a flagpole between 2 driveways at the foot of the street.


The original drunk Dora. (Dora sat at a flagpole between 2 driveways.)  Couldn't even keep her head up. (2017)The original drunk Dora. (Dora sat at a flagpole between 2 driveways.) Couldn't even keep her head up. (2017)



Halloween came and went, but Dora stayed put through Christmas. (2017)Halloween came and went, but Dora stayed put through Christmas. (2017)




After the new year, a bomb cyclone hit the area and Dora bit the gravel.  She died with her head up her butt, but she hung on to her wineglass. (Later that night, her torso was blown out into the street.  It was dark, so no pictures, but I was LMAO as I had to drag her back before someone called the police.)After the new year, a bomb cyclone hit the area and Dora bit the gravel. She died with her head up her butt, but she hung on to her wineglass. (Later that night, her torso was blown out into the street. It was dark, so no pictures, but I was LMAO as I had to drag her back before someone called the police.)




Dora was just sort of ignominiously laid off to the side until spring rolled around when it was decided to try major surgery to save her.  Copious amounts of zip-ties and 18-gauge wire was used to stitch the old soggy girl back together. (2018)Dora was just sort of ignominiously laid off to the side until spring rolled around when it was decided to try major surgery to save her. Copious amounts of zip-ties and 18-gauge wire was used to stitch the old soggy girl back together. (2018)




Independence Day.  There was no holiday drunk Dora wasn't ready to celebrate. (2018)Independence Day. There was no holiday drunk Dora wasn't ready to celebrate. (2018)



Halloween rolled around again and Dora just kept getting soggier (or drunker). but Dora was still hanging in there. Giorgio was not impressed. (2018)Halloween rolled around again and Dora just kept getting soggier (or drunker). but Dora was still hanging in there. Giorgio was not impressed. (2018)




The funeral.  Dora hung in there for a couple more years getting soggier, stinkier, and probably home to countless critters when it was time to say our final merciful good-byes. (2020)The funeral. Dora hung in there for a couple more years getting soggier, stinkier, and probably home to countless critters when it was time to say our final merciful good-byes. (2020)



The reincarnated Dora or Dora II or Blondie. (Had to run out between the rain to get a picture on her throne.  Her boobs have suffered some obvious slippage. ) (2021)The reincarnated Dora or Dora II or Blondie. (Had to run out between the rain to get a picture on her throne. Her boobs have suffered some obvious slippage. ) (2021)



Dora II/Blondie at night.  Trees were lit last Christmas and we left them up all year.  LEDs and on a timer -- hey, why not?rDora II/Blondie at night. Trees were lit last Christmas and we left them up all year. LEDs and on a timer -- hey, why not?r



Bronze Conversationalist

OMG!!!   Just wayyyyy too funny!!  (Boob slippage is what every woman dreads later in life!) Ha!    Long live Dora II or Blondie, as the saga continuous....

Bronze Conversationalist



Beware of children dressing up in their true personalities.  Hahahaha!  (Just kidding, of course!)

No one can find my house, so I'm always safe on this weekend...although I do miss seeing the little munchkins.   Enjoy!!!

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