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Honored Social Butterfly



Good morning everyone on this FRIDAY morning October 1st, 2021. 


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Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem , 🤣 at nephew's Covid test, especially with the dog.


You may remember Dora, our drunk scarecrow who got wiped out and dragged into the street by a bomb cyclone, and we kept stitching her back together with zip ties until alas... it was time to just let her go and we buried poor stinky Dora in the nearest trash bin.  Well, we stuck up another scarecrow last night.  This one is sitting on a potty seat.  Then the heavy rains and roaring winds came.  Surprised Blondie is still hanging in there, but her boobs have sunk into her now enormous pot belly.  She's also got the obligatory wineglass and bottle AND this time, a black cat is hanging on to her leg.  Will try to get picture after she dries out a little.


@catwoman500  and @Frozenoem , hunker down, looks like mayhem is headed in our direction.  Those darn pesky bomb cyclones! 🌀  Wind pretty powerful here.  Was just walking down driveway when branch hit the ground in front of me.  Yikes!  Only about a 3-footer, 3" diameter, but from the distance it fell, that would have hurt. 🤕 Actually, it might have been longer since a couple of pieces bounced around when it hit.  I didn't stick around to analyze the situation. 🏃💨


@RosemaryF433825 , so glad to hear all is going well with your gallery and festivals and best of all, you're having fun. 👍

Honored Social Butterfly

43* and missed the Nor Easter, it was coastal👍, Leaves still on trees up here, should prove interesting for travel today? If I make it to doc’s today.



Can’t forget Dora she started half of my family down the path of skeletons on Halloween 🎃, beats pumpkins and paper mache👍.


My niece sent me this from Scituate, MA with her friend Rod an excellent and silent rider for all trips near and far.

He doesn’t make the list of allowed in HOV lanes though.🤣



Time to prepare for the maybe trip to doc’s.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

Good Morning!  Apparently, I am missing out on "Dora," and have developed a strong hankering for photos of this lady.   (Darn, but I am ALWAYS the last to know about everything....). 😥

Honored Social Butterfly



Perhaps Stretch will post pix of Dora version 1 (old Dora) and new Dora v .2.0 in the future. I thought I did a screen grab to show the kids but , can’t find it any where.


Saw picture around 4 years ago, elsewhere.🤔




Any pix of version 1 or version 2 Dora. A well anchored version so, she doesn’t blow away (tent stakes perhaps) through her lawn chair.


55* presently and back to square one on test.😡



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey Porch Peeps,

Happy Halloween Eve Day!

Trick or Treat! I got the trick….

“Goblins” hit here last night. Sump pump went nuts. We didn’t have a huge amount of rain, but as I was going to bed, there was a motor-like noise in my bedroom that was horrendous. Seemed to be coming from the sump pump. It was so loud and didn’t sound right. Texted my stepson at midnight knowing he wouldn’t get it until this morning, and knowing there was no way I’d be getting any sleep. It was like the pump was stuck “on” and wouldn’t go off. I didn’t know what to do. It seemed to quiet down later so I texted him not to worry. I’d see him on Monday.

Long story short, he actually drove up here on his day off to see what the problem was. Soooo glad he did. Here, the guys that did the heater modifications had jammed the lid back on the pump and pinned the float so that the float could not go back down and the pump was actually constantly running…could have burned out or caused a fire! It was red hot. So my worry and sleeplessness was a credible thing! 😨

@MsStretch ...I agree with @Frozenoem  about the Dora pix. It would be great to see them again and one of Blondie! 😸


Hope everyone is worry free this Halloween weekend. 🎃


I need coffee or a nap.I need coffee or a nap.


Bronze Conversationalist

Sorry about your "sump!"  They are great when they work, but the darn things can overheat!  Been there and have the T-shirt.  Ugh!   Glad it didn't start a fire...yikes!   Here's a pillow for ya.  Sounds like a nap is in order for you today!


Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem ...Sorry to hear you were "under the weather" in more ways than one. 🤒

Love the covid test lawn scene! 😸


@MsStretch ...Yes, I remember Dora! Blondie sounds like a real cutie! HA!

Good timing on avoiding that branch. Ouch! That would not have been good at all. 😲


Hang in and hold on, everyone!

puppy with starbucks foam on nose.jpg


Bronze Conversationalist

Darling pup photo!   Hope life is treating you well, cat woman!

I got my Covid booster yesterday.  Got jabbed by a different gal this time, and

she left my arm pretty sore.  But otherwise, I am good to go once more.


Hoping this is the end of the Covid shots before my body starts leaking from the inside out with all these pinpricks!  LOL

Bronze Conversationalist

Good Morning everyone!!!!!

It's a brisk, 33 degrees here this morning with the windchill.  We've already gotten plenty of frosty nights.  My tomato plants look like they should be in a horror movie, and my beautiful flowers look like they got run over by a truck.  😥. The leaves that should still be on my trees are already laying on the ground, although the neighbors have trees that are lusciously golden!!  And so we are heavily into Fall here.

This morning, I go to the funeral services of a very dear family friend.  I may have spoken about her having Lewy Dementia disease, and spending a lot of time at her bedside.  It will be sad to lose her, but joyful that she has her freedom back!

I will be getting my Covid booster shot before I come home from the city today, too.  LOL. I feel like one big pin cushion!!!

The Fall Festival I was in turned out very profitable.  Now, I'm getting ready for a Christmas Art Festival happening in just a couple of weeks.  I've done the show for 7 years, and it will be a really busy time.  After that, another Christmas Festival at a nature center...which will be really busy as well.  And then have a couple of big open houses at my gallery in between.  I may even get in an extra show.   It's's crazy...but it's fun!

I hope this posting finds you are all well....and happy....and enjoying life!



Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi there, Porch Peeps!

Storms overnight here bringing the roller coaster temps back down again. Yesterday it was in the 70’s. Today, not so much. 61 right now. Of course I’m sitting here shivering because the doors and the bedroom windows are open…stepson is tearing up the carpeting and hardwood in the old part of my bedroom. The floor didn’t look that bad, but there was no way he could ever match it, so a new floor is on tap. Things are coming along. Heater guys may show up today to modify the venting for the addition.


Saturday my little kitchen TV died. I was at a loss. Realized I’m addicted to having voices in the background. (better than in my head, right? LOL) 🙀 Stumbled through the weekend and Monday morning after finding the local news shows and other on air programs right here on the computer. Yesterday I did get to see the Today show…my morning staple, on the computer. So when stepson arrived I decided to call the appliance people that I usually use for stuff like that. Needing a new washer and dryer eventually, so was going there anyway. Saw that they had a small TV on their website, but decided to call first to check. They don’t keep the small ones in stock. The guy suggested Best Buy which I had already checked out earlier. I went back to the Best Buy site again and this time saw a 19” TV for less than $100, with free same day delivery, so within 4 hours I had the new TV! My sanity has returned, as well as the voices. 🤣

@MsStretch …yes we are becoming stronger, powerful, and invincible! Hear us roar! Never thought I’d be happy to be receiving all these shots.


@RosemaryF433825 …glad you are getting your booster today. Your festivals sound like fun. I used to love to visit local events like that when I could walk better.


@Frozenoem …My friends did see the snow on Mt. Washington. They also took a dog sled ride that they thoroughly enjoyed.


You all have a good day!

Time for more!Time for more!



Bronze Conversationalist

Hey cat woman!

The voices in my head...and the occasional meow demanding a cat treat....are what keeps me sane!   🤗

Glad to hear you are doing well and the house is coming along!!

Honored Social Butterfly

43* and raining have a possible Nor’easter coming tonight, just wind and more rain.


Spent the weekend in pain following by slight case of flu. Gotta love these new shots. Honestly never had any side effects until the last flu shot.


Glad to see everyone is on track for shots, beats the alternatives. 

Not to worry about voices in the background, since 2020, think we all are exploring background noise. For me it’s been podcasts on my cellphone, also available in computers.


Re-runs of Jean Shepherd shows from 50’s to 2000’s, with commercials and news, from the dark ages.




Hate short USB’s and can’t find the stubbies, it’s back to the Timex until it surfaces again. Found 10 others that won’t fit Fitbit.


From nephew in W. Palm we get his lawn art, not political . Just Covid test.



Think I’m going to start a fire, cheaper than oil.👍



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Bronze Conversationalist

Love the pic of the lawn art, Froze...except it rather looks like the guy is get one of those "icepicks in the eye lobotomies."  lmao


0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , thanks for the info.  Geez, after I get my booster, I'm gonna feel absolutely invulnerable! 💪

Bronze Conversationalist

I figure I can now leap tall buildings in a single bound, MsStretch.  Ooops!  Guess I spoke too soon...................................................................🤕

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Got my flu shot (extra dose for 65+ < is this new?) on Wed. and the next day, boosters for Moderna and "mix & match" got the final official blessing.  So it will be back for another poke.  Got the chills Wed. night and had to lay it on the flu shot.  Agree with @Frozenoem , 1st time I felt any discomfort after a jab other than the obligatory sore arm OR Shingrix. 🤢


Barely looking like fall around here. 


@Frozenoem , USB cord still plugged in?  Maybe?  Those shortie little Fitbit cords are easy to lose.  Be easier if one size fits all. 

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey there everyone!

@Frozenoem …I do love the bleach drinking skeleton! As for Mt. Washington, my good friends just came back yesterday from a leaf peeping early birthday excursion to the White Mts. and surrounding areas, so I will be talking to them soon. They did an ATV ride while they were there, visited some general stores which they liked better than the Vermont Country Store.


@LaDolceVita …Is the strobe thing normal? I can’t be close to anything that strobes…brings on what they call ocular migraines. No pain, just a nuisance, but they last about 20 min with a squiggly line like a backwards “C” moving usually from the center to the outside of the eye. I can get them for no reason at all, too, but the strobing thing is one trigger. Eye doc says no one has an explanation for them.


@MsStretch …the flu shot for us “elderlies” LOL, is supposed to be better because it protects us from a larger variety of flu strains. Found this...

“High-dose vaccines include 4 times as much flu virus antigen…the part of the vaccine that stimulates the immune system…as standard flu vaccines. This can give older people a higher immune system response against the flu.”


With my covid booster, the reaction for me was the same as with the second covid vaccine shot…sore arm started late that night, but didn’t even last 24 hours. Flu shot just sore at the injection site for a while after I got home. Agree that Shingrix was the longest lasting pain.

You all stay safe!

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Honored Social Butterfly

Morning it’s Saturday 47* and cloudy, finally got my booster shot and the flu shot to boot.


Today will be spent between ice packs and hot packs, only time I’ve felt discomfort after shots. 

Time to find my USB for Fitbit , charged it yesterday and today no clue, where I put it. Rechargeable batteries do die, and I’m to frugal to buy another watch, have 3 in the drawer already🤣.


Knew I forgot something, from 3 days beck and the Rock Pile, aka known as Mt. Washington around 40 minutes to the bottom, another hour to top, it’s beginning to look like Winter👍.





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Morning folks.  I am still alive too, just busy trying  to be efficient and get ready for the upcoming move.   Trying to catch up on all annual exams so I do not have to worry about finding new practitioners for awhile.   Enjoying the great fall weather too.  

@catwoman500   The doctors in our area and beyond have become part of a "group",   with all specialties and a local hospital included.  It is like a factory for medicine, with us on the assembly line. 

Honored Social Butterfly

Monday and temps are cooling off, heard the dirty word of the season-

Snow before Halloween, WT heck.

Only flurries fell up the road👍.


Guess that means move #4 for some of the woodpile, is coming in today.🤣 Keeps you warm the year round. Cut, split, stack to dry, and move to garage before house, and burning.


Tempted to post neighbors lawn Halloween display, I think it fits the Season and is only missing a spotlight under its posterior end.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem   Nice image there.   Great weather continues,  garden still putting out peppers and okra.  I will miss this nice long growing season next year along with some local friends and shops close by.  I expect the quiet & solitude will make up for it though.  BTW both eyes doing very well now.  When I read in the evening there is a strobe effect from the lamp which is on my right.  Kinda distracting.

Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem , yup, saw the approval on the ½-dosage booster for Moderna, so guess I'll get that with the flu shot when available.  At least, we won't have to jump through hoops trying to find it, schedule it, get it like we did the first go-round.


@RosemaryF433825 , I hear you about getting shot up enough. 😏  Seems like just yesterday I was getting jabbed every month and here we go again. 

Bronze Conversationalist



For those still interested, YES, I AM still alive and kicking!  Well, maybe not kicking so high, but definitely still alive!

My busiest part of the year has already been underway, so I haven't had time to be sociable, I'm afraid.   But I hope all of you are doing well, and being healthy, and all other good things!!


I see by the latest posts, that a big HAY BIRTHDAY is owed to Ms Stretch!  Hope you had a lovely one!  (I can't get my darn  key to work, sorry)


I also see you all are talking about the booster.  I wasn't going to get mine.  I've had two Covid shots, a Shingles shot, and a flu shot and figured I'd been shot up enough, but my doc INSISTS that I get one.  So I'll be standing in line one of these days again.


Have to run.  Sorry.  Wish I could hangout with you for awhile but duty calls. Take care.  Well wishes all around to you!


Honored Social Butterfly

Morning definitely 63* and cloudy, spell check is going me fits today.🤣



Glad your alive and well.



Before I forget looks like you’ll soon get your Moderna booster.

Moderna booster approval 


I finally put a mailbox on the street (Rural Route land) and it takes a month to get mail from POBox to Street, I’m beginning to believe talk about PO and T’s dude in charge.We’re talking an entire mile in distance.


Guess it’s time to online change addresses for analog subscriptions.


Re: Acorns thinking on using a hard hat and knee pads and maybe strapping on a pillow, have to pass 6 mighty oaks on walks about town🤣.When old growth acorns fall their in the 100’s and worse than ice for walking.


Enjoy all


And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem , beautiful picture and pond.  Everything still pretty green around here, but haven't been up in the mountains lately.  Hard hat country though; acorns falling fast and furious.  It's dodgeball with the cats on our walkabouts.


Understand we may not see as much red, because of the warm autumn nights.  Need a little chill at night to make them pop. 🙁

Honored Social Butterfly

Afternoon peeps,

Thursday, well I’ve discovered I’ll be stuck in 4 G land for a month, courtesy of this pesky heat monitor, I can’t get it to link with my antenna booster on roof. And electronic wizard at company are not helpful. No salmon on the fly until it’s shipped back to TX.


Presently comfy 72* and clouding up for rain tonight. Autumn temp’s start tomorrow👍.


Guess I’ll be working or cutting the grass in stead of cooking in  or on the cook stove tonight.


If phone ever completes charge I’ll be trying to set up booster for Phizer and flu and pneumonia. 

My photo from today for Maine colors, valleys and my foothills , are close with no cigar yet. Next week maybe, to be absolutely honest I’m in no particular hurry for Winter to start.🤣

Here goes and enjoy the day.from the pond.







And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , the new norm at doc's offices.  Move them in and out.  Like an assembly line.  Definitely no more chit-chatting.  Heck, I remember when doctors made house calls!


@Frozenoem , just hit the big 7-0 myself. 👵  My first SS check hits the bank next month.


Did the early voting thing for governor here in VA almost 2 weeks ago.  Signed, sealed, delivered (scanned). ☑


Still standing by for word/approval on Moderna boosters.  Latest is that the FDA says Moderna boosters do not meet all the criteria, possibly because first two shots remain robust in its protection.  I'm good with that.  Boosters would contain a half dose of the original shots.  Still need to pop down for flu shot though. 💉

Honored Social Butterfly



To be 100%, I miss the old Siciliano GP, that made house calls and taught kids how to make Spaghetti with Sauce, as he was treating his patient at the same time.


My new cardiologist actually came closer than 2 feet with mask, last week.

Told him so, assembly line is right.


Had to delay booster for Phizer and Flu , etc. Stuff hit the fan in Apple land today. With another 0-day to iPads and iPhones. 

You might like to do an update if not running 15.0.2


Found link -15.0.2  





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

👍 Just updated to 15.0.2 today. 


Disturbing to hear about probs in Apple land.  Have seen no anomalies myself. *Knocking on wood* and 🤞.

Honored Social Butterfly




When Apple gives two 0-day patches, within the space of a week , I tend toward paranoia. Their starting to impress like Windows maybe🤣🤔🙄


Yes, they update with more frequency than Androids but, they leave you guessing about Why until Hacking and Security sites , release the information.


Patch, patch - I’m all patched out, for now.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
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