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Honored Social Butterfly



I have decided to move to September from here as our posts were down due to Summer. Hoping you are all well!




Good Morning to the Front Porch and Welcome to JULY 2020 Goodbye JUNE 2020.

Hoping everyone has a great First Day OF JULY 2020.




Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

And good morning 64 sunny degrees and Iโ€™m conscious, woke up to the sounds of dueling chainsaws.


Today I get to play with changing  the inner tube on my firewood cart, have a bucket of very hot water boiling away. None of local garages or bike shops want to tangle with Chinese tires.


Iโ€™ve changed tires on bikes before, these are a royal pita.

Broke spoons for my old Mtn. Bike this one needs a pry bar and hot water to change tube. 

Time for another coffee, then tires, and then haul in some firewood.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

As far as the email issue goes I do not want emails from AARP  at all! I visit the Front Porch once or twice a day! I have way to many emails during these political times. I have to spend way to much time unsubscribing form unsolicited emails.

Hoping everyone has a restful day and an enjoyable Labour day weekend. Stay safe and stay well!



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly



For those born in September?  Here's what's great about September birthdays: 

1. September's birthstone is a sapphire, which is associated with loyalty, sincerity and integrity. 

2. You Septembe flower is the aster, which represents love. Aster alpinus is the only species of Aster (sensu stricto) that is native to North America; it is found in mountains across the Northern Hemisphere.

3. Those born in September are either a Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) or a Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22). Virgos are helpful, dedicated and hardworking. Libras are charming, lovable, fair and sincere. 

4. Your might share a birthday Salma Hayek (September 2), Beyonce (September 4), Bill Murray (September 21) or Will Smith (September 25).

5. On your September Birthday you might have been born on Labor Day if you were born on the first Monday in September. You could been born on September 13, which is Positive Thinking Day, or on September 21, International Peace Day. 



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly


This is called a faux pas, double post and I donโ€™t have any idea, why๐Ÿคฃ.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
0 Kudos
Trusted Social Butterfly

Weather really getting me down and tomorrow is the 1st of September.   Typical end of August with the heaviness in the air.  The much longed for change is supposed to happen next Saturday with night temps finally dipping below 70 and it looks pretty good onward. 

I am trying to get myself to buck up here. @catwoman500   Glad that  your life is returning to somewhat normal.  I get out more too.

Honored Social Butterfly

65* and sunny.




Re: @n566192l I just got off phone With her and she lives , just having trouble logging in, she will attempt later today or tomorrow.


Any other updates from Nancy will come from her.


I finally found happiness but, they donโ€™t ship to Maine๐Ÿคฌ, Where I live โ€œThunderbird and Booneโ€™sโ€ are considered grand cru class.๐Ÿคฎ


Need to perform magic in shipping.๐Ÿคฃ

Also need to call metal company again.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey, Peeps!

A cloudy day here. Woke up with temp at 64! Had to put a long sleeved shirt on to sit on the porch with coffee this morning.

It will steam up again later this week unfortunately.

So long!So long!


Trusted Social Butterfly

Good Morning, Porch Peeps!

Welcome to September!

It's cloudy and damp here, but reasonable temps for now. Started off at 66 and is now 72. Looks like just clouds today and then the rain moves in tomorrow and Thursday with 90's on Thursday...UGH! The weekend looks nice so far. Labor day! How did that happen? LOL

I'm ready for some activities, but nothing is happening on my schedule this week. It's not like you can just go out and create social events like we used to.

I see Halloween candy in the stores and wonder who is going to buy it. It's not like we are assured that the kids will be able to trick or treat. I'm certainly not going to load up with candy and then be stuck with it. I also hate to be the old lady who turns off the lights and pretends to not be home, but no way do I want to open the door for a bunch of germ carrying strangers. Was thinking that if they do have trick or treating I could leave a bowl by the door with a sign that says, "Please take 3." Would the bowl be empty in 5 minutes by little cheaters? LOL

Oh, well, that is a couple of months away. Maybe our borough will make some decisions by then.

Right now it's time to welcome September and coffee!

Stay safe!




Mmm, that smells so good!Mmm, that smells so good!


Honored Social Butterfly

Tuesday afternoon, my brain is offline today, 67* and sunny.




I admit Iโ€™ve left a bag of candy on the doorknob to porch a few times @ Halloween, wake up still stuffed or empty.


After last year donโ€™t know if Iโ€™ll bother, I probably will. Most kids go to parties and donโ€™t hit doors. 

Worse comes to worse Iโ€™ll eat it myself, sugar boost.๐Ÿคฃ


Time to track a 45 foot trailer, I want my roof, beginning to feel like itโ€™s coming from Rome,IT not NY. Found tractor with pallet hooks to unload whenever it arrives.


**Question to all still finding AARP email for community in Spam folder, do you use or have gmail addresses for that email account.


I have an idea for a possible fix๐Ÿคฃ.But, only if your notice goes to gmail spam folder or you use gmail app on smartphone.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem ...I am still getting absolutely no notifications from the AARP community: no notices of new post, kudos...zilch, nada, nothing. Nothing even in spam folder.  I have to continually come here to see if anything was posted. My email is a one and now I just come here on the computer, not via my smartphone or tablet. I even checked to make sure I had everything clicked in the notifications section. it's annoying. ๐Ÿ˜พ

Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , I posted about this issue in About Our Community one month ago.  Still no resolution or answer from the powers that be.  I finally set a filter on my Thunderbird email client (computer) to catch the AARP Community emails and send to Inbox or designated folder.  That works for the most part after several tweaks, but still doesn't answer what the underlying problem is.


Interestingly, one day I noticed on my iPhone's mail app that all Community mail was dutifully sitting in my Inbox.  (Not so on Android tablet.) Go figure, I can't. ๐Ÿคท  The fact that your messages aren't even showing up as a spam is a new one on me.

Honored Social Butterfly



As of today AARP Teri has admitted there is an issue, and they โ€AARPโ€ are working on a fix.



Guess weโ€™ll find out sooner or later what it is๐Ÿคฃ



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

63* dreary rainy day.





I tried the filter, I tried turning off gmail filters, AARP is In my happy snappy non spam addresses for contact book and clean addresses.


Everything I try works for 1-2 weeks and then sure enough it ends up back in spam.


Near as I can recall it all started after certificates started expiring, across the web? Everybody else has fixed AARP looks clean, I just donโ€™t know what to suggest anymore.


I keep marking messages as not spam, continuously remove from spam and donโ€™t know.


When coffee fails, itโ€™s Irish and brownies. Time to meditate on my navel, there must be something simple weโ€™re missing.

Post covid lockdown my brain is scrambled for a fix.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello, Everyone,

The muggy weather is creeping back in. ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

@MsStretch ...yeah, the no notifications at all is certainly a mystery that I'm not able to solve. When all else fails I turn to coffee...

Looks like it's always time for coffee!Looks like it's always time for coffee!


Honored Social Butterfly

Sunday afternoon all, 56* with 20-30 mph gusts. A little brisk but, still have leaves on trees๐Ÿ‘

It shouldnโ€™t be colorful until much later - autumn still out aways, end of October. Heat wave returns next week.


Still trying to get definite delivery date for my garage roof.๐Ÿคฌ Itโ€™s coming from NY, pita. 30 foot wide driveway and delivery company needs to fit semi down drive. Alternative delivery is down the road at active firewood plant, where they kiln dry wood and make pellets. Trying to find neighbor with pallet forks on their tractor just in case.



Will try to reach Nancy later today, I forgot got wrapped up in work and play.


It was worth a try with your immobilizer, frequent issue with most Flashing key Icon on dash turn out to be a blown fuse under the hood.

Had one car my VW Jetta TDI with chip in key and steering column an (immobilizer) it was the fuse. EZ fix after reading manual , then going to YouTube and google.๐Ÿคฃ




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

I have decided to move to September from here as our posts were down due to Summer. Hoping you are all well!



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

Good morning to everyone on the Front Porch on this Wednesday morning in 2020. We are expecting temps in the lower 90's with a chance of rain Thursday night.

tenor (12).gif118433865_10158202864780860_26781760440521974_n.jpgFB_IMG_1485440306708.jpgFB_IMG_1548812013647.jpgSunrise Lodge in Northern, WisconsinSunrise Lodge in Northern, Wisconsin

Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Regular Contributor

Good afternoon! My name is Sharon and I am answering July-August Roll Call. I live in Salem, IL. I am a 62 year old divorcee. I have one dog and I foster bottle fed kittens. Today is it 81 degrees and warm. I have one tree that is already loosing it's leaves. The birds are fewer and I see less squirrels out. 116042306_615309509418751_5073987425915507556_n.jpg109532138_615309539418748_6142387498002409813_n.jpg Have a great day!

Honored Social Butterfly

Hi @SharonWood1957 , looks like you have a co-foster mom.  Too adorable.


I am not a foster, but I am a caretaker of a TNR brood on the property.  A mom showed up with 2 of her babies in tow under my deck 4 years ago last spring.  Than two years later, some stranger black cat popped in and stuck around.  Other cats have cycled in and out, but the ones that stuck around were trapped and neutered.  They now have a dedicated outdoor shed, igloos, kitty huts, all with heated kitty beds for the cold winters.  Stellar, one of the original kittens, went MIA at the beginning of June and as I pored over the FB pages and other lost pet sites, I learned more about fosters.  Animal control in my county (VA) is a no-kill shelter and they frequently are looking for fosters for abandoned newborns, hurt or sick cats and kittens, etc. and I was amazed at how fast they are fostered out.  Sometimes, they ask for 'critical fosters' only because of a dire situation.  I am down to one of my own indoor rescue cats (she's 14), but I have been thinking that fostering might be the way to go.  I still am fiercely missing Stellar, indeed I am getting teary-eyed as I type this, but what a joy it must be to give cats a second chance at a good life.


But enough with this maudlin talk, welcome to the front porch from my lounge chair in Virginia.

Honored Social Butterfly

Sunday afternoon 73* and rain to my South, leaves on trees letโ€™s keep it that way.


Might be approaching time to pull ACโ€™s or actually open windows , subject to change 50โ€™s

by night.


How come Everytime I think it could be time to move, I see pictures of real estate in the area that brought me up here. Mountains, forests 4-500,000 acres or more, and lakes covering 16,000 acres or larger.


Guess maybe next year the decision will be made the only thing left to do is roof for garage, leave possible buyer with 100+ year roof.


My back works again๐Ÿ‘ Balance๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿป, keep it above -45* and Iโ€™ll stay. Below -65* I may disappear๐Ÿคฃ




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

Tuesday morning? 76* sunny and might be awaiting a thunderstorms and high winds.


When you live in mountains tend to take them seriously. Yesterday , thunderstorms and hail with rain. Lost internet , cell and satellite frequently.


Hope all have good day, Iโ€™m off to check friends dock damage on lake. Dock with heavy chains attached to Buick- Marmot- or Cadillac sized boulders seems to have been sunk and is halfway out in lake.







And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly


OIP (9).jpg

Good morning, Peepers!

It's wet, rainy, overcast here this morning.  The temperature is a pleasant 68 degrees.  The weatherman has predicted scattered thunderstorms throughout the day.  So my plans to mow and work in the yard will have to wait 'til another day.  Fact of the matter is, I'm way too pooped to participate in yardwork today anyway!


So I guess I'll clean out my refrigerator instead.  And maybe after I've had my morning cup or two of java, I'll feel motivated to take  a ride on my stationary bike for some sort of physical activity.  But then again, I already said I'm pooped.  So we shall see. But first.....................





I'm wishin' everybody the best.  Hope y'all are taking care of yourselves and your family and friends.  And I'm hoping to be able to keep on meeting here throughout these trying times and into the new year.  God's will.


Take care Peeps and remember to be good too YOU!


OIP (10).jpg



Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello, Peeps!

Happy National Dog Day!


Woke up early to a lovely day. When I heard the weather guy say it was 66, I "jumped" out of bed and opened all the windows knowing this will only last for one day. Back to the 90's tomorrow.

Yesterday the dentist office called. I had had my cleaning scheduled for 9/1, but they were calling to say my hygienist retired. Bookings were now into October, but they had a few cancelations for this week. I grabbed a time for tomorrow, so not being one who likes change, I will find out what this new person is like tomorrow.  I've been a patient at this dental office for more than 40 years and have seen dentists come and go, but this hygienist has been there for at least 30 years, and I really liked her. I have spent so much time at the dentist this summer because of the implant process I feel like a lab test subject.

Today I need to make a run to our Fine Wine and Good Spirits store. I finally am down to one bottle of the online order I got when they first closed the state stores back in the spring. I'm so glad the state stores are open again. It's nice to browse and see if anything is on sale.


On that note, I'm off for more coffee and then exercising.

Enjoy your day! Stay safe!


Enjoy all your furballs!Enjoy all your furballs!


cat on national dog day.jpg


Be patient...Caturday is coming!Be patient...Caturday is coming!



Honored Social Butterfly

Afternoon 58* and sunny, overnight temp 48*, I seem to have an appointment with AC removal today. Tempโ€™s will be in breathable range From here forward, at least in the mountains, the coast not so much.


Hauled in neighbors brow or gangway to dock yesterday, and found his dock an hour down the lake floating๐Ÿ‘ Through the magic of 135 horses, we hauled it back, and reconnected it to brow.


Heโ€™ll be importing family members for dock removal thankfully, Iโ€™ve declined without a winch itโ€™s not happening this year.Pressure treated wood is heavy.


Dinner out yes - I didnโ€™t cook ๐Ÿ‘

Gourmet chef from NH hotel /Camp owner prepared bear steaks with juniper berries, Julia would be thrilled. Good stuff, didnโ€™t require my Montreal spice. Wine I requested jokingly was on hand. Not a big fan of wines unless Margaux, my reserves were tapped long time ago.

Have a doggie bag to eat today leftovers, and a baked Alaska with my name on it. 2020 treat every meal like it could be your last, never can tell until a proven vaccine comes along.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

GRRRR.   Listen to his folks.  Went out to the garage to start my super reliable  20 year old Honda.   No start!!   Hubby drives up & tries, green key signal flashing.  Several phone calls later the verdict is we have to have it hauled to Honda dealer, for key immobolizer code to be reset or some such barbarism.    The dealership is 25 miles away, Honda will charge plenty to have this taken care of. 


Super humid here, the hurricane is nowhere near but the heaviness I associate with hurricanes is in the air.   Yuck and super yuck.   I am trying to be thankful for good health, happy dogs and everything else in order. 


Have survived a dental & a doctor appointment.   @catwoman500  good for you finally having some fun. 

Honored Social Butterfly

63* and sunny today.




If you have a Honda You might be able to reset car in your driveway.


to reset the honda element immobilizer, turn the ignition switch to the lock (0) position, remove the key, reinsert it, and turn the ignition switch to the on (ii) position again. the device may not understand the encoding of your key if another immobilizer key or other metal object (i.e. key fob) is near the ignition switch when the key is inserted.


Note: If you have another immobilized key for other vehicle (donโ€™t have it near Hondaโ€™s, during reset. Also avoid having a bunch of keys or fob near during reset. New switch is $70.


If you take to dealer, shouldnโ€™t cost more than half hour labor or free (depending).


When in doubt before getting upset google your problem, chances are someoneโ€™s had the same issue before. I admit thatโ€™s the first of many resetโ€™s that can be done with Hondaโ€™s.๐Ÿคฃ


Note 2- be happy your vehicle is older, new Promaster immobilizer van key is $500. Ignition even pricier. Not mine๐Ÿคฃ

Note3- it could be the ACGS fuse (if still flashing) found beneath hood, some are 15 amp blue. When googling put exact model and year of vehicle, so many Honda models. And do a YouTube search, just for giggles.

Now, it seems to be time to  find extra grounding wire for  new roof whenever it comes. Love ordering  mid hurricane, tornado season but, before blizzard season. January promises to be fun for New England, if Old Farmers is correct.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Trusted Social Butterfly

@Frozenoem   Did the reset stuff, no luck.   Dealer had to order replacement part.  Hearing similar issues from other folks, different makes of cars.   I guess I will survive with no car  for awhile.  Have you spoken with Nancy by any chance?


Weather note, it is simply horrible here.  Temps not bad just that awful thick soup feeling.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hi, All, Happy Saturday!

So hard to believe that August is ending already!


At the dentist on Thursday my dentist said she was going to overrule the periodontist and allow me to chew on the right side of my mouth. Of course I wonโ€™t go nuts about it, but boy, what a relief. Itโ€™s been 2 months of trying to eat on one side, cutting sandwiches with a knife and fork. She said she saw no reason why I couldnโ€™t reasonably chew on that side. I was supposed to chew on one side until I saw the periodontist again on October 8th. Thank goodness I had the cleaning and exam on Thursday.


@LaDolceVita โ€ฆso sorry to hear about your car. What a bummer!

Sticky, muggy feeling here, too. Tomorrow should be a great day, though.


Hate to brag, but I had more fun yesterday. I went to my good friendโ€™s place 45 min away for lunch and to meet the new puppy. What a lift to the spirits that was. It felt like normal times there for a while.

Time for more coffee and getting some work done.

You all take care!


Enjoy the heck out of today!Enjoy the heck out of today!



Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello, Porch Peeps,

Itโ€™s Sunday afternoon and the end/beginning of a/an new/old week. Who knows when one week ends and the next begins anymore? LOL

Soโ€ฆthis week had a couple of firsts for meโ€ฆ Three of us did go out to eat at a restaurant! For two of us it was the first time since the pandemic quarantined most of us.

We decided to go at 2:00, and it was a great decision since we were the only ones in the restaurant!

We could take our masks off at the table and we didnโ€™t need to put them on again until we got up to leave. It was such a relief that there was no stress. You know Iโ€™d been โ€œangst-ingโ€ about it. Now I feel like I can do this again sometime. One more step back to a bit of normal world.

Another first was my first Tater Tot! Now I know why kids are crazy about them. LOL.


@MsStretch โ€ฆI havenโ€™t seen any feral cats around here lately. We used to have several that would wander into the yard and make themselves at home on my chairs, table. I had wondered if the borough had done a round-up. This morning when I was closing my window to turn on the AC, a little gray and white furball squeezed into the yard via a hole near the bottom of the fence. He looked around, licked a foot and then went back through the hole. Guess there was nothing interesting in the backyard. Glad he didnโ€™t show up out front and scare the goldfinches eating the coneflower seeds.

Thatโ€™s all the excitement from this part of the Philly burbs.

Have a great week ahead and stay out of the way of Laura and Marco.


@SharonWood1957 โ€ฆwelcome! ๐Ÿ˜บ




Honored Social Butterfly



Welcome, only got your arrival message seconds ago, the joy of too many computers running.๐Ÿคฃ


Saturdayโ€™s are a day of rest around here - kinda.


74* degrees and a good day for breathing in Maine mountains. Which is what I must do, time to stagger/hike, I hope.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
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