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Happy Monday, Porch Peeps!
@MsStretch ...I also got a chuckle out of your Walmart Covid excursion. It reminded me the "Walmartians" emails we used to receive with all the photos of the odd ducks at Walmart. Sure hope you never end up in one of those photo "essays!" LOL 😹
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Horrors! 😱 Yes! I remember those Walmartian photos!
Thanks @catwoman500 , my nightmare just got worse. 🤣
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@Anonymous , interestingly, my neighbor, also fully vaccinated, says she doesn't plan on getting rid of a mask anytime soon. The mask has helped her hold her allergies at bay against all the pollen, plus she said she hasn't been sick once, not even the sniffles. Good point. And we both agree there's a certain freedom in not having to look your best behind a mask. 😷
@RosemaryF433825 , it's a conundrum, especially for small business owners. BTW, congrats on the reopening. Maybe you can take your cue from fellow neighboring small businesses. The CDC caught everyone unaware with their announcement. They made it clear that if you are fully vaccinated, you don't have to wear a mask, but because this country does not have nor likely to have a vaccine passport system in place, how do you differentiate? It boils down to an honor system, and seriously, what anti-vaxxer is going to wear a mask when no one else is? That just leaves them open to taunts and derision from those who have gotten the vaccine. Perhaps, you can put up a unobtrusive sign that says "Maskers always welcome here" or similar. No outright requirement, just a suggestion to make them feel it's their choice. And even if you are fully vaccinated, maybe you can still wear a mask to make others not feel like a pariah by wearing one.
Bottom line: this thing isn't over it. Oh my gawd, look at India.
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Tuesday morning, the mask stays for awhile here! Allows me to breathe vs inhale black flies.
The stores subject to change still have signs up for no mask get out. If nothing else Mainers can be polite🤣.
I’ve had both shots but, it’s the anti-vaxxers that still have me leery. I live in a former R section of my county, with a few holdouts.
I haven’t had any allergies, colds, or Covid and I’d like to remain that way. Still dis-infecting computers before working on them, and still getting hermetically sealed recoveries( hard drives).
Time to look human and get out the door, it’s mowing time.😎
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Thanks for the suggestions, MsStretch.
I already had a very tasteful and artsy sign printed up that says masks are required here and that I am limiting the number of customers at one time. At the very few times I managed to be open last year, anyone who came in automatically had on a mask. So it was never a problem. I like your idea "Maskers always welcome here" very much! I will most probably be wearing one myself. I don't think this thing is over either...not by a long shot. Again, thanks much! : )
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Went to Walmart yesterday to stock up on a few items. Walmart has removed all mask requirements. I have been fully vaccinated for almost 3 months now. CDC says I am good to go. Virginia governor following CDC recommendations and removed mandate for the vaccinated And yet, I still felt trepidation about going into a Walmart exposed. I should add that this would be my first foray into a store since the CDC changed their recommendations. Didn't quite feel comfortable leaving home without it, so put mask in my pocket.
Got out of my truck and immediately felt naked. As I was walking towards the entrance (I always park out in left field for the extra steps and elbow room), my confidence and resolve went by the wayside and I caved and put on the mask. Interestingly, once I was inside, I did not see one other maskless person. Old. Young. In-between. Everyone had a mask on. A year ago, this would have looked very differently when security guards stood outside offering masks to all those in non-compliance of the mandate.
Can't help but wonder if the real reason for me feeling uncomfortable is not necessarily because I feel threatened by COVID, but because I like the anonymity behind a mask and the freedom to look like hell. I suspect a little of both. I don't wear the mask outdoors (I also don't attend any large gatherings), but indoors? Walmart? Still gotta work on that.
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@MsStretch wrote:Can't help but wonder if the real reason for me feeling uncomfortable is not necessarily because I feel threatened by COVID, but because I like the anonymity behind a mask and the freedom to look like hell. I suspect a little of both.
@MsStretch I laughed like anything over the "freedom to look like hell"! That has never occurred to me. I actually feel I have to dress up a bit to compensate for the ugliness of the mask! It makes my hair stick out in odd ways.
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@LaDolceVita , my turn to laugh. I remember last year when they had early senior shopping hours at the stores on certain days and of course, I took advantage, but I don't do early AM too well (especially when it's still dark). Again, it was a Walmart. Woke to the alarm, slugged back a cup of coffee, rushed to get dressed, and headed out the door (albeit I was still a little sleep-fuzzy and discombobulated) when I realized I hadn't brushed my teeth. Ugh. Then I thought what the heck, I would have a mask on and I wouldn't be close to anyone. Then it hit me that I hadn't even brushed my hair! Again, I just blew it off thinking I'm not going to be looking at anyone and nobody is going to be looking at me. Good ol' self-checkout.
I am in the store on a mission to get in and out as quickly as possible and I passed a mirror and caught a glimpse of myself. I about had a heart attack. I definitely had bed head and it looked like I had tossed and turned all night. I am not talking any sexy, tousled, bon-vivant, just-out-of-bed look either. Oh noooo, I had errant pieces of hair sticking up in all sorts of unnatural angles and parts of my hair were flattened to my head. I was already anxious about being out in public during the lockdown, now I was out there looking like a monster! It just went downhill from there. In my haste to check out, I forgot to use my coupons, couldn't get Walmart Pay to work, and my items all spilled out of their stupid plastic bags, because I hadn't used my own bags since, at that time, some stores weren't allowing them and I couldn't keep track of which stores were and weren't.
Deep breath does wonders, I learned.
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@MsStretch I just read your Covid shopping story, it was easy to get frazzled while feeling like you are being stalked by a killer virus.
We have other things to worry about the last few weeks. Number one downer is my local Kroger pharmacy. We now have 30 min to 1 hour long lines waiting for RX pick up. There are many older people in line, some with canes. Three of the local Kroger stores are this way, with the drive through closed. I do not know how many other stores are affected, apparently staff walked out en masse. Mail is taking twice the time to get to destination as previously with much of it going missing. Personal experience with lost mail as well as reports from the mid west.
Cant complain about the weather though. No severe heat although not much rain. Have to water the garden daily. All is well otherwise.
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@MsStretch I just had to laugh at your latest posting here! I was thinking that if you looked like that at Walmart, you'd be fitting in with the majority of those who frequent the NE side of the city, here! If you try to dress responsibly and have taken the time to utilize some personal grooming before entering, YOU will be looked at funny! Hahaha!
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Good morning 🌞 everyone! Hope we're all doing well today. Wishing everyone a Wonderful weekend!!!!
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@OscarE1968 Hi Oscar! Good Afternoon to you (here!)
Not that I've been here all that much lately, but I haven't seen you around.
Hope you are doing okay, and have a wonderful weekend, too! Thanks!
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@OscarE1968 Flipping houses? I thought that would be an interesting activity! Do you buy ones that need a lot of work before selling them? Or do they require mostly minimal? I am doing well and really looking forward to reopening my business within the next couple of weeks... more so, since I've found some marvelous new artists whose work I'll have for sale in the gallery! Yes! I've gotten my shots and have tested negative for Covid. So I am safe and good to go, thanks for asking!
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I try to find homes that are 80% ready to move in, I upgrade the bathrooms, kitchen and flooring. If it needs it I'll upgrade the electrical service panel. I try to keep the cost down so most of the work I do myself and since I worked in construction for 30+ yrs, I have a lot of friends in different trades that charge me a lower price. I'm on my 18th house at the moment and I've already had 6 offers lol. That's great to hear you'll be opening up soon!!!! And so glad to hear you're vaccinated. I know here in Arizona, people have pretty much stopped getting their shots. I don't understand why it's so hard to convince people that they actually work. One thing for sure, I will keep my mask on till at least 75% of the state has been vaccinated lol.
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@OscarE1968 P.S. I got to thinking about my asking for "before and after" photos of your "flips," and I hope you don't think I was trying to vie for your attentions or anything. LOL. My intention is strictly honorable!
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Good morning @RosemaryF433825 Think nothing of it, thought never crossed my mind. Soon as i figure out how best to take before/after pics, I'll send you a f
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@OscarE1968 On your 18th house....and with 6 offers? How exciting! Perhaps it's the artist in me that sees so many possibilities in something like a home. Plus my gallery sells home decor art and textiles. Unfortunately, I don't have the capital it takes to buy flip homes. But I certainly can dream when I enter someone's home.
I don't know if you take before and after photos. But would enjoy seeing some if you do. They can be sent directly with my user name @, should the spirit ever move you.
I'm with you in keeping my mask on in public for awhile too. I'm not paranoid by any means, just being careful and thoughtful.
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Not only the CDC but the Governor of my state (several weeks ago now) has lifted the issuance of masks in public. Yet I haven't found one store, grocery, restaurant, church, etc. that isn't still asking people not to enter without a mask. Yep, even the Walmart still has their sign up to wear a mask also.
Hopefully, work on the addition to my business entryway will be done before Memorial weekend, and I will be reopening for the year. But I'm still rolling the thought of mask requirements around in my brain. I've had both my shots and tested negative for Covid, but what about other people who may be coming from other cities and states, as I am listed as one of the attractions in my state's tourism guide? Hard to know what is best at this point....
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Exactly @RosemaryF433825 !!! They say variants are oversees and I doubt our vaccines will protect us. Oh well, one day at a time I guess.
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Hi @MsStretch thanks for the latest for Virginia. I have to go next week to my local Walmart. I am fully vaccinated but keeping my mask on in stores. I never wear it in my car and giggle when I see drivers who do when they pull up beside me. Then July 1st is suppose to be when weed becomes legal. Nothing against this but already dealing with mask plus cigarette smokers 😭 Now to add recreational weed. Lol, my allergies will not be happy. Have an awesome day 😉
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Hi folks, it has been a while since I posted. We have had an extended spring, will be over tomorrow I think. Nights temps have been in the 40s and 50s with about 70 for days and it doesnt get any better than that! I will soon start griping about the heat. No news here, everything at a stand still including house construction. The furry and feathery creatures all doing very well. Diabetic Tigger is very well too.
Have been planning an outing while it is nice but that has not materialized. I am really ready for something fun, to see another sight other than the house and grounds. For fun I just watch prices go up, everything from food to books. Oh yeah, had a bit of fun not being gasoline secure, but I never quite ran out.
@DaveMcK What a beautiful baby!
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@LaDolceVita Good Morning!! Good news about your Tigger!!!
What a rough time to be trying to build a house, what with construction prices through the roof!! I feel you, for sure.
I took a business/pleasure trip last Thursday out-of-state, and felt like a freed bird. Amazing what a change in scenery can make one feel...more so after all this pandemic!!!
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Good Morning, Porch Peeps! ooops...just past noon now.
Apparently today will be our coldest day this week. It's 72 already and may go to 75. By Thursday the high will be close to 90! Yikes!
I'm freezing right now because the AC guy was here to do the maintenance on the system and of course had to run it for a while. I need to go out in the sun to warm up. 😸
The mask mandate is disappearing quickly...I think it may be too fast for people though. At the bank on Friday, all were masked; same at the grocery store yesterday. Out to lunch on Friday the mask signs were still up at the restaurant.
On Wednesday, several of us are taking our "recently diagnosed with dementia" friend out to lunch for her birthday. Sounds funny to say I hope I can stand the heat...we have to eat outside this time because her sister who is taking care of her is one of those who was totally freaked out by the pandemic, and was not going to let us take our friend out unless it was outdoor eating. This sister has finally begun shopping in a grocery store again. She had had all groceries delivered for over a year. Both have been fully vaccinated longer than I have, so guessing this whole fear is a personal choice thing. I do understand that some people will be gingerly creeping back to normality. I will certainly be cautious about giving up the mask entirely, but eating indoors at a restaurant has never been a problem for me. Not fond of bugs sharing my eating space. 🐝
I was going to pick my friend up and drop her off, but the sister is dropping her off at the restaurant and picking her up. ????? Not sure what that is all about.
@LaDolceVita ...Glad you never ran out of gas! Happy to hear that all is well in "Furville," too. 🐕 Hang on to those 70's!
I hope you all are doing well.
@Frozenoem ...snow gone yet? Mud arrived? Test results good?
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Snows mostly gone except higher elevations, temps in 70’s-80’s, mud is gone.
Tests are a crap shoot, maybe in another month or two or three.Put my rotator cuff back in socket few weeks ago👍.It’s still in place.
Need to stagger, than mulch.
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@catwoman500 , @LaDolceVita , and anyone else who lives in the Colonial Pipeline states, hope you're gassed up and/or hunkered down. Governor of VA declared state of emergency today and the panic buy was on. Neighbor said it was bad out there. After waiting in a long line, she pulled up to a pump, bought $20, pumped in 2¢, and it ran out. On to the next station which sits on an intersection and lines waiting to get in had traffic tied up in all directions. Of course, the price was already jumping up.
I had just filled up last week so I dodged the bullet. Probably will postpone (again!) visiting old friends in NC (now that we all are fully vaccinated) whom I haven't seen for over a year.
Hang tight everyone!
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Bit of a nip in the air today.
don’t live in a state hit by Russia’s hack of pipeline, and most around here , have their own gas tanks in backyard. Or run diesel.
Hope all have a lovely day, time to play pincushion at hospital, tests and more tests.
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Hello, Everyone,
I start to panic when I hear news about things being in short supply. Hoping that the gas thing is resolved by the weekend, and people don't start going nuts around here like they are elsewhere. I have enough trouble getting gas because I need to call the station when I get there to have someone come out and pump it for me. I don't need a billion other people at the station vying for gas. Right now I have more than half a tank, so hoping it gets me through the crisis.
Had an interesting thing happen when I got my credit union statement yesterday. There was a deposit to my checking account from the IRS in the amount of $3212! Obviously a mistake! LOL, Called the credit union and they checked it out and got back to me. Yep, bad news the girl said. They aren't sure how it was put in my account, but it wasn't mine. Duh!
Stepson came today to show me his updated floor plan for my renovations and to take some more measurements. I had to get up at the crack of dawn, so need more coffee than usual today.
Hope everyone has enough gas to keep them going. As for me, it's the coffee that will keep me going. 😸
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