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Honored Social Butterfly


Good morning to everyone on this 6th morning of December 2023.
Happy Birthday to all of our December Birthday members.
I turned 80 on December 1st


Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit and above all who learn from their mistakes. Be a winner this December.โ€



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
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1 comment (1/6/23) Happy Friday Other OLD People and have an AWESOME weekend! Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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Honored Social Butterfly

We will be going to our Granddaughter Edelins 10th Birthday party on Saturday. She likes bowling and loves pizza so we will be going to a place that has both.

Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Gorgeous furballs!

I was coming in the door from taking the trash out the other afternoon, and up runs this mostly white with a few patches of brown and gray kitty (teenager I presume). He/she came right up to the door as I closed it and meowed at me. Didn't notice a collar, but I told him/her that this wasn't their house. I closed the inside door and felt so guilty. Haven't seen it again since. Pretty sure it's not feral. We haven't had many roaming lately.  I'm thinking that is due to the foxes and other critters in the woods across the street. ๐Ÿ˜ง


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2 comments (1/4/23) Okay, since no-one asked how my Wellness Check went this morning, I will presume you all still luv me!/lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ Passed and will see him again in April. I did get a "kudo" from @LaDolceVita for a thread called "Feral Cats" = so she is alive and now I have stopped worrying for now. ๐Ÿ™„ Thank you for that "kudo" ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿค— Still got "jet lag" from my 6am alarm this morning for my 9am doctor's appointment. Grateful my next one is not until Monday for Walmart. Party Time. ๐Ÿฅณ Okay, Everyone - sweet Dreams ๐Ÿ˜ด  Nicole

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1 comment (1/5/23) @MsStretch , they are ADORABLE and so sorry for your loss. @LeeS4949 had sent me a "private message" asking the outcome. Thank you both for caring ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿค— Nicole ๐Ÿ™‚ 

Silver Conversationalist

You're very welcome. Glad you are are ok. ๐Ÿ˜ท

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1 comment (1/3/23) Hey @Frozenoem , just so you know, @LeeS4949 does NOT always get an "email" like he is suppose for this thread ๐Ÿ™„ so I had sent him an AARP PRIVATE MESSAGE with a "copy" of your post to him about Maine. Hopefully he will LOG INTO his computer at some point and see it. Well I have a Wellness Checkup with my doctor tomorrow at 9am. Luv seeing him but HATE that 6am alarm. ๐Ÿ˜ญ And we are expecting a storm. ๐Ÿ˜ญ Wish me and my Old Lady (2006 Hyundai Elantra) luck with making it down our hill in one piece./lol ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ That is my favorite thing to do, slide on down when there is ice in the morning. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Have not had our 1st snow here in Cave Spring, Virginia. Party Time! ๐Ÿฅณ Sweet Dreams ALL Community Board Members & Porchers. This old lady is heading get some zzz's around my Neighbors & Trains From Hell. Would wear "ear plugs" but I need to HEAR/lol ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ Nite ๐Ÿ˜ด Nicole

Silver Conversationalist

Good morning. Thanks for the PM,it worked!! Good luck with your wellness check today. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , maybe Eagles taking a 'break' before the really serious play gets underway.  I see all the teams in the NFC East clinched a playoff spot except for you-know-who. ๐Ÿ˜ž They lost to a team who had already been eliminated and now the Commanders join them when the Packers' win sealed that deal. ๐Ÿ™„


Shame what happened during tonight's game. ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ That is scary.  Hoping for a good outcome for Damar Hamlin.


@Frozenoem , ain't modern meds and side effects grand?  Being a little bit facetious, because I found out in the last year just how beneficial they can be. 


@Anonymous , that old post from several years ago is a blast from the past.  It was a pic of my indoor cat watching her favorite team (Pouncy Panthers, I believe) on Kitten Bowl.  I'd forgotten about that.  I still have Delilah, she's an old lady now.  Will post pics of the shed kitties soon, I promise.


Going on another adventure tomorrow.  Looking for an old abandoned logging camp not far from here.  Have to hone my bushwhacking skills since last winter was a bust for me.  So many old homesites and cemeteries to find... so little time.

Honored Social Butterfly

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11 comments (1/3/23) I am a big "baby" when it comes to pain @Frozenoem . Lol, you should see me when I had my "wisdom" teeth pulled out. ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ And yes, they "numb" but when it begins to wear off, sorry, but pain meds don't even "touch" my pain. Sending health your way. Nicole ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿค—

Honored Social Butterfly

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9 comments (1/3/23) Yikes @Frozenoem !!! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ And I need my caffeine โ˜•๏ธ. Lol, no longer "keeps" me awake. I guess at age 64 (65 this year) my body thinks it is "hot chocolate" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚. Luv you all, Nicole ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿค—

Honored Social Butterfly

Drink enough coffee itโ€™s good for waking up and going to sleep๐Ÿคฃ. Least thatโ€™s the way it works for me๐Ÿ‘.


Dark roast wakey, wakey!

Light roast sleepy time.๐Ÿ˜Ž



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
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7 comments (1/3/23) Lol @Frozenoem ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Hope you are right about the Eagles taking a break!

That is so scary about Damar Hamlin. Just read that the Bills-Bengals game won't be made up this weekend. So smart to stop that game. Who could have played after seeing CPR being administered to a player? So sad!


@Frozenoem fair you only shrunk an inch. I lost 2 plus inches and can really notice it when trying to reach something on a high shelf. I used to be the one in the grocery aisle who could help shorter, not so much. At the orthopedist, I asked the nurse to measure me again after she said I was 5'5"! The second time I got an extra 1/4", but, yikes, that is not my 5'7.5"! Guess in a group photo I would no longer be in the back row!


@Anonymous ...still can't drink regular coffee after 5 PM, so have to have all my coffee before that. โ˜•

Honored Social Butterfly

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1 comment (1/3/22) @Frozenoem , I use to "climb" the shelves until my "knees" went out./lol ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚ And NOT every "tall" person, including employees have wanted to help me. Sometimes I just "skip" the item and HOARD the next time I can get help. ๐Ÿ‘Œ Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Silver Conversationalist

I get it! Boy do I get it.

Honored Social Butterfly



Just scanned msgs, a Mainah by birth or other lands? That last bit was cleansed - for me higher elevation than now and from the state we love to hate๐Ÿคฃ but, in a larger town from whence I lived.


Just lived 40+ years Maine Western mountains, Lakes (Richardson & Mooselookmeguntic) and coast in Milbridge.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Silver Conversationalist

Nice to meet another Mainhah! I was born in Bangor and aside from some military service I never strayed far. Lived in Winslow for a number of years but eventually landed back within 20 miles of my hometown. Great to "meet you".๐Ÿ˜Ž

Honored Social Butterfly

@DaveMcK , good for you for sleeping in.  Nothing wrong with that. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I'm a master at that art. ๐Ÿ˜


@catwoman500 , glad your holidays worked out merry and happy for everyone.  I, too, hate driving at night.  I hate driving...period!  It's just not fun anymore, constantly on high alert for everyone around you. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


Greeted the new year with a First Day Hike at Mason Neck SP here in VA.  (Not like I missed a great Sunday football game or anything. ๐Ÿ™„)  Foggy morning (makes for an ethereal and eerie hike), but it quickly burned off.  Temps climbed (probably the warmest 1st Day Hike I've done in a looooong time) and more peeps came out, but, of course, you can usually find a trail less traveled.  Met a couple with a little boy and girl and they said it was their kids' very first hike ever.  Kids had their little backpacks and looked like they were having a ball discovering Mother Nature.  One of the happiest things I saw. ๐Ÿ˜„


@Anonymous , you asked me about my username last year.  When I was younger, I was 6' tall and it was a nickname that stuck.  (Of course, shrinkage has occurred over the years and I'd really have to s-t-r-e-t-c-h to reach that height now.)  But 'Stretch' is usually a masculine nickname, hence the Ms.  Old friends still call me Stretch.


Hoping to see the rest of the gang soon.  Hope everything is OK, @Frozenoem , been while since we heard from you.

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch   Never occurred to me that your name had special significance.  Mine should be non la dolce vita, as really not many seniors have a very sweet life!  There are sweet spots though, especially outdoors on a nice day!  I watch the sunrise and sunset every day. 

Honored Social Butterfly

I live, been busy making new noises when sitting, staring just generally moving. Still 6โ€™3โ€ for shrinkage height, only lost inch in height.


Have been busy discovering modern medicine and side effects of the same. 


After taking to friend from old SBA bbs on New Years he told I became Frozenoem back in the

โ€™80โ€™s. Reason being dabbling in original equipment manufacturing (computers,etc) and living in the tundra (western Maine & Western MA) ski slope land.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Not applicable

1 comment (1/2/23) Lol @Frozenoem ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ and so GLAD you checked in!!! ALL we need now are @LaDolceVita and @LeeS4949 ๐Ÿค” Nicole ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿค—

Silver Conversationalist

Lee checking in lol

Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...ditto on the "great" football game Sunday. ๐Ÿ˜พ Pathetic for the ๐Ÿฆ…'s I swear we never should have played on Christmas Eve. ๐Ÿค 's owned that one and then we never got good juju back.

Honored Social Butterfly

Yes I am a little late as it was a long holiday weekend so I'm posting now.


Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

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