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Honored Social Butterfly

Getting calls from your own phones?

Getting phone calls from your own phone? Don't answer it!



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Bronze Conversationalist

I have received e-mails sent evidently from my e-mail name, but I don't recall receiving a phone call from myself.


However, I have one rule for phone calls from numbers I do not know: I don't answer it. To help with that, I have a general ring tone (tune) I use for everybody, but I assign a special tune to each of my friends, family, and certain groups, like doctors, dentists, car rental agencies I use, and such.


Sometimes, I advertise to sell something, either on a local network classified section, on Facebook marketplace, or neighborhood Web site. While my ad is up, I sometimes violate my no-answer rule. These days, I actually get more text message responses than phone calls on such ads, though.


My action plan on a number I don't know and one who does not leave a message is that I check the number in a search on line. If I cannot find a reasonable link to something or someone I feel is legitimate, which is almost all the time, I do these steps:

  1. Record a complaint about the call on
  2. Block the number on my phone.
  3. Remove the record of that number from my call history.

If the call just says Unknown or the like, I can't do much about that. I could block all unknown callers, but I can't know ahead of time if somebody I know must use a borrowed phone.


Because of doing this, I usually get less than a half-dozen such calls a week.


As for picking up the call and remaining silent: Just about any ambient noise can let the caller know it is a live number - somebody coughing in the other room, a car driving by the house, a radio or television on in the background, clickety clack on a computer keyboard, a meow from a pet cat, or a woof from a vigilant dog, even a neighbor's dog! I prefer not to take that chance.




Regular Social Butterfly

This is so darn alarming....left message stating from the social security department.  This has to be stopped somehow!!! If technology companies/phone service providers are making the huge sums of money from all the people using telephones, one would think they would help do something to stop this!

Social Butterfly

Yes its truly unreal & has become a real issue for all to deal with


Months ago I got call on my cell phone from my own cell phone number was freaky it left a message was Scam about fixing lose windows on computer Call to fix... so this was wild reported to my state's Attorney General  

Also realized I don't call my own cell number so blocked my own number to stop the calls

BUT just over a week ago I got the freakiest call on my cell phone Very Upsetting & truly don't know how they get/got numbers from my contacts Anyway the caller ID showed call coming from my Mom's number in my contacts She passed away Dec 2015 I've left all her info & pic in my phone no message was left .... but it caused my heart to jump & really freaked me said I've still not been able to figure out how they'd know is number I know or have in phone Anyway I blocked her old number Also called her old number was young person got her number year ago & hadn't called this just further confirms they had my contacts list or something in order to do this

Has anyone experienced this? Calls from contacts not coming from person you know? Have a clue how this happens? Any ideas? Thanks


I still get scam calls on home number also but every since I've done what read from AARP over year ago I answer say nothing wait till hear a click & no longer get calls from that number anymore... article read said number be removed from list if say nothing vs letting them go to voicemail they'll know its active number

Its crazy & I believe Attorney Generals are working on ways to stop Robo Calls they are frustrating

Sad that we once could trust Caller Id was great thing when began but bad guys figure way to abuse the system 

Be grateful for any thoughts on my questions Thanks everyone

Enjoy your day 

Ginger  :  ) 

Regular Social Butterfly

@gm5271 wrote:

Yes its truly unreal & has become a real issue for all to deal with


Months ago I got call on my cell phone from my own cell phone number was freaky it left a message was Scam about fixing lose windows on computer Call to fix... so this was wild reported to my state's Attorney General  

Also realized I don't call my own cell number so blocked my own number to stop the calls

BUT just over a week ago I got the freakiest call on my cell phone Very Upsetting & truly don't know how they get/got numbers from my contacts Anyway the caller ID showed call coming from my Mom's number in my contacts She passed away Dec 2015 I've left all her info & pic in my phone no message was left .... but it caused my heart to jump & really freaked me said I've still not been able to figure out how they'd know is number I know or have in phone Anyway I blocked her old number Also called her old number was young person got her number year ago & hadn't called this just further confirms they had my contacts list or something in order to do this

Has anyone experienced this? Calls from contacts not coming from person you know? Have a clue how this happens? Any ideas? Thanks


I still get scam calls on home number also but every since I've done what read from AARP over year ago I answer say nothing wait till hear a click & no longer get calls from that number anymore... article read said number be removed from list if say nothing vs letting them go to voicemail they'll know its active number

Its crazy & I believe Attorney Generals are working on ways to stop Robo Calls they are frustrating

Sad that we once could trust Caller Id was great thing when began but bad guys figure way to abuse the system 

Be grateful for any thoughts on my questions Thanks everyone

Enjoy your day 

Ginger  :  ) 

Imo, why aren't our legislators doing something to the whole tech industry to help prevent/stop this??? Oh I forgot, it's about who's who in society, no?

Honored Social Butterfly

We have.


We also get scams were they use our area code and the first thee numbers from our neighborhood and names of people in our neighborhood.


Its at the point we do not answer unless we know the name that shows on our caller ID...we just let it go to our answering machine....most do not leave a message..

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