AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, Well did any of you get to watch the Solar Eclipse? What I saw here was really awesome, had my special glasses too! Missed the first part because of cloud cover, but I saw the rest.
Here are your numers for tonight>
B-4 N-40 I-16 G-57 O-72
G-53 B-9 O-66 N-35 I-20
I-27 O-63 B-1
GOOD LUCK, Gotta fix up something for supper, check back in a few, Jen
6 numbers tonight and my card looks like a roller coaster Ha!Ha! Saw the ellipsis on Tv It was cloudy here and we only had a partial.Good Luck all and for those of you that saw the ellipsis nice.
Couldn't see from here, too far away, it just got a bit dark and we did have a cloudy day anyway. I have seen it get darker before a bad T-storm. I'm glad you got to see it.
I got 3 numbers but nothing great. Now back to my dinner.
Good luck to everyone.
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