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Let's Write a Story Together

Let's write a short story together.  It can be what ever we want it to be.  It can take on different colors, characters and themes.  I will keep track pull all the pieces together as they come in so we can have a complete story to share with all participants.  Deadline for completion, August 31,2020.  No more than 100 words per post please (you can submit less) and you must start up/connect where the previous writer ended (has to tie in). You must wait until after at least 3 post are submitted before you submit again/add to the short story.  Here we go, have fun with it.


I'm going to start with a very generic story line just to get us started.  Let's see where this takes us. PS, don't worry about edits, this is for fun and we can work on that when the piece is finished as well as add a title. Oh, one more thing.  To keep the post from being too long, just post your addition, again, all the pieces will be put together once we end on August 31.


Short Story (no title yet):

Once upon a time, there were five friends.  All from different places and of different races. Even still they were able to bond and build a true friendship. It wasn't always easy, but then, relationships worth building often come with peaks and valleys. 


They would laugh, joke and kid around and at times have serious conversations about life.  If asked, they would describe their relationship in a variety of ways, but when all the jargon was scraped away, it all boiled down to true blue do or die friendship.


Looking at them, one would never think they could be friends.  One was














Bronze Conversationalist

Whatever happened to this endeavor?  Is it time for it to be resuscitated? Are you all still visiting this forum? Would love to see an active exchange of  thoughts and fantasies here.

Social Butterfly

@DeahWA  I agree.  There clearly are some gifted writers.   ---  Christine

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Social Butterfly

I think, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, that I introduced a conflict that might lead to violence and no one wanted to go there. Fine, write the story out of a violent scene. I didn't write you into a corner. Have something or someone save the day. Have a cop stroll by.


There has to be conflict. Man v. Man. Man v. Nature. Man v. Himself.


Something has to happen, conflict, romance, danger, suspense, something. 


I wrote the last 2 posts. Anyone can pick it up and take it anywhere they want.


If I'm wrong and I screwed something up, let me know. I promise to play nice. 😎



Thank you so much, covfefe, and good night!
-- Anna Kendrick
Social Butterfly

something unprintable. Rennie was still talking trash. Enough, thought Charlie. He lifted Reenie off the ground like a bride crossing the threshold and carried her into the alleys and byways behind the tents still screaming. They went to ground behind a very smelly elephant tent. Charlie was worried about the others. Reenie wanted to hit somebody. Charlie talked her down.


The rest of the group had their own problems...




Thank you so much, covfefe, and good night!
-- Anna Kendrick
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Social Butterfly

 One day their friendship was tested when…

They were walking all together to a concert in the park just off Main St. As they approached the gazebo they began to hear angry voices. A few band members and some guys that helped the band set up were drinking. When the girls got close the drinkers started in with wolf-whistles and a few off-color comments.


The group ignored them and walked on by. This upset the beer buddies. Their comments turned lewd, then racist. Charlie looked at Doreen. He was outnumbered and they were a little drunk. The look on Reenie's face showed she was having none of it. She began walking toward the gazebo. Charlie looked at sky and said a short prayer. This was a bad idea but Reenie was going in and no way she was going in alone if he could help it. He trotted a few steps to catch up.


A few band members and their pals put down their beers and walked toward Charlie and Reenie. They were smiling. Charlie didn't like the situation at all. He quickly stepped between Reenie and trouble. He looked at the guys coming at him and said...





Thank you so much, covfefe, and good night!
-- Anna Kendrick
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Social Butterfly

While Joyce and Antoinette hid and laughed.


Charles Emerson Seaton was called Chet by his family. His mother, Ellen Shelby-Seaton (of the Charleston Shelbys) once met the jazz artist Chet Baker. Ellen started calling Charles "Chet" while he was still in his crib and the name stuck.


Charles hated it and told everyone to call him Charley.

Charley fell hard for the girl from across the tracks. Her name is...





Thank you so much, covfefe, and good night!
-- Anna Kendrick
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Trusted Contributor

…Doreen. Charley thought Doreen was a beautiful name but knew better than to call her by that name.  While his lips spoke Reenie, in his heart and head it was Doreen.

Joyce, Reenie, Johnny, Charley and Antoinette were the best of friends and stuck by each other. This wasn’t always easy.  At one time or another they would each have to deal with ugly looks or mean words regarding their friendship. 

Antoinette would always say “the hell with then”. “We don’t need them; we have each other”.

 One day their friendship was tested when…

Social Butterfly

Johnny was often teased that he considered 3 girls to be his best friends. People around town gave them odd looks when they'd go out and about on main street. Johnny and Reenie were always playing pranks on unsuspecting people, while Joyce and Antoinette 

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Trusted Contributor



Hi y'all.  This is so much fun to me.  Anyway, since it looks like there are only a few of us (to date) on this story writing journey, hopefully not the last, I was thinking we should increase the word limit to at least 150 and see how that goes.  So far we have three contributors and three friends, we still need two more added to make our 5.  Join us, if you ever wanted to write, here's your chance.  No judgement just sharing and caring.  


Thank you so much to the two who have already joined in - I really appreciate you both. 

Regular Contributor

I like to write short stories, mostly things that have happened to me or someone i know; I can identify a lot with that character on the TV Show The Waltons: John Boy and the narrator, Earl Hamner. As i go through the day, im assembling the occurences in my head; its pretty simple: when i get home, those who live there ask how was your day? And i can recall several things that may have had an impact on me. Oh, im sorry, i just butted in! Hey, this is my first day on AARP, excuse me, Im Wendell Bowen from Ky. I also have two books that are ready to be published: they are children's books, they're short.I just need to work out the money part.


Wendell Bowen
Social Butterfly

One was a crazy happy go lucky Native American, who had struggled with alcohol but overcame it with the help of his best friends. They knew his struggles, coming from a broken home, but he was always there for them. People often wondered how such a diverse group of people could come together the way they did. It all began in grade school when Johnny met 


It all began in grade school when Johnny met...


...Doreen — but woe to the guy or gal who called her by her full name. No, she went by Reenie, both at school and at the other side of the tracks, where she lived with her father and her four brothers, which might account for the fact that she didn't take nothing from no one, no how. Despite her tomboy nature, or perhaps in spite of it, she had a heart of gold as big as her club foot. That's probably why Reenie's best friend Joyce never quibbled when she asked to borrow a pair of shoes for a dance, knowing full well the left one would come back as stretched out and misshapen as...

Trusted Contributor

...a sweater meant for “dry cleaning only”, but thrown into the dryer, due to carelessness.


Although Joyce was Reenie’s best friend, Antoinette ran a close second.  Antoinette was girly and would tease Reenie about her tomboy ways.  


Antoinette’s mom died when she was young. She knew of her father but rarely saw him. You have to spend time with a person to know them and time was something Antoinette’s father never had.


Even though Antoinette didn’t have any blood family to surround her, she had her five friends who provided love, support and put her in her place when needed.

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