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Recognized Social Butterfly


A Tale of Two Cities

While recently visiting my daughter’s family in Fort Worth, TX, I attended a festive Christmas concert at Nance Elementary School. There were no mandatory Covid-19 restrictions; only a handful of people wore face masks, hundreds of celebrants (unvaccinated and the vaccinated) freely mingled before and during the concert and caroused afterwards in the auditorium where they ate plentiful amounts of finger food. No one was concerned that this gala event could turn out to be a super pandemic spreader: I saw many people of all ages shaking hands and hugging.

I abided by Covid-19 decorum: I wore a mask (as did my son-in-law in support of me) and kept as much distance from other people as I could muster. No one seemed to mind that I was masked and aloof. Uninhibited good cheer dominated the evening. 

During the first week that my wife and I returned to Honolulu, we attended a harpsichord concert at a Lutheran church. What a change from Fort Worth! Vaccination status and IDs were required to enter the church. To avoid the temptation to mingle, very few people arrived early. Once inside, everyone had to and did wear a mask before, during, and after the concert.  There were no trays of food, and social distancing was the norm, except for a few people who intimately knew one another. And the emcee explained that the intermission would be brief (no more than five minutes to minimize social interaction). The concert itself was live streamed to accommodate those people who, because of Covid-19, were hesitant to attend in person.

Very often I say Vive la difference when contrasting the life styles of the people that I meet either on my walks in Waikiki or on bus routes in the city. But I am not sure if I can wholeheartedly say the same vis a vis the avoidance of safeguards against Covid-19 in Fort Worth and the scrupulous maintaining of safeguards against Covid-19 in Honolulu.

I can only pray that no one at the Christmas concert in Fort Worth becomes severely ill from the pandemic. The same applies to the people at the Lutheran Church concert; even the fully vaccinated can contract the potentially deadly virus.

As a final reflection, I must admit that I saw more of the Aloha Spirit in the Fort Worth extravaganza than I did in the sedate Honolulu concert setting. And perhaps that joie de vive in Texas will be as much of an antidote to Covid-19 as any series of variously effective vaccines administered in Hawaii.


Recognized Social Butterfly

Isn't this just what we have to question and identify in the US?


TG you are all safe and I personally think that is why you and Hawaii should be recognized as HEROS!


The Texas end of the trip isn't surprising as the governor has made statements obvious to anti-masking and even vaccinations. Nothing anyone can do about that state right now; just pray if you have a belief.


MHO is now, we need to move on to saving as many as we can; provide transportation for covid boosters for us who need it; encourage boosters for everyone; take care of everyone we can and do not judge those who fell victim to the anti-booster movement.


Thank you!



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That is quite a contrast.  It is a hard time for everyone as the rules and information keep changing.  When I do go out, I wear two masks (instead of the one mask and face shield I used to wear) though I have had my third shot, because of my autoimmune, and I still don't feel "safe" from this thing.

Like you, I hope no one at the Christmas Concert became ill and were able to have a good time without consequences. 

Is it true that the cockroaches in Hawaii actually fly?  - I'm not saying it's not worth it to live in such a beautiful place, but... do they?

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
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