Deep Discussion, Chess, (especially chess variants), Coloring, Reading, Audio Books, Writing, Container Gardening, Sewing, Hanging Out With Peeps Online, um... I used to love coffee, chocolate and enchiladas until my digestive system made me stop, (although I do still have a little coffee in milk in the mornings).
Area of knowledge and what I know well:
The most valuable thing I know is understanding what I don't know.
I make a mean smoothie! I enjoy chess, coffee, deep discussions, audio books and hanging out with people online.
@EricC28201, Hello, Eric and thank you for the reply. I tend to agree with you about the difficulty in bridging the age-gap when it comes to this particular topic. Our own adult children do a lot of cringing at what seem innocent comments on the su...
@Rhymesometimes, I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner! Never did figure out the notification system correctly (though I did read through all of the help section.) I’m sure it’s in there somewhere and I missed or misinterpreted it. Anyway, I like your p...
I don't understand this move. I really think this subject matter was appropriately placed under "Lifestyle," rather than "Health."Also, it would have been nice to be notified that my thread was being moved directly, via PM, out of courtesy.
This is my breakfast. It's a yam, guys. A yam. A yam with a little honey on it sure, but a yam none-the-less. I have nothing against yams, I like them and, importantly, I can digest them easily. But I eat a lot of these. Come on, somebody send...
@EricC28201, Hello, Eric and thank you for the reply. I tend to agree with you about the difficulty in bridging the age-gap when it comes to this particular topic. Our own adult children do a lot of cringing at what seem innocent comments on the su...
@Rhymesometimes, I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner! Never did figure out the notification system correctly (though I did read through all of the help section.) I’m sure it’s in there somewhere and I missed or misinterpreted it. Anyway, I like your p...
I don't understand this move. I really think this subject matter was appropriately placed under "Lifestyle," rather than "Health."Also, it would have been nice to be notified that my thread was being moved directly, via PM, out of courtesy.
This is my breakfast. It's a yam, guys. A yam. A yam with a little honey on it sure, but a yam none-the-less. I have nothing against yams, I like them and, importantly, I can digest them easily. But I eat a lot of these. Come on, somebody send...
@EricC28201, Hello, Eric and thank you for the reply. I tend to agree with you about the difficulty in bridging the age-gap when it comes to this particular topic. Our own adult children do a lot of cringing at what seem innocent comments on the su...
@Rhymesometimes, I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner! Never did figure out the notification system correctly (though I did read through all of the help section.) I’m sure it’s in there somewhere and I missed or misinterpreted it. Anyway, I like your p...
I don't understand this move. I really think this subject matter was appropriately placed under "Lifestyle," rather than "Health."Also, it would have been nice to be notified that my thread was being moved directly, via PM, out of courtesy.
This is my breakfast. It's a yam, guys. A yam. A yam with a little honey on it sure, but a yam none-the-less. I have nothing against yams, I like them and, importantly, I can digest them easily. But I eat a lot of these. Come on, somebody send...