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Trying something new

Hi, my name is Dee. I am new at this. I would like to join pen pals, but I dont know how. Is their anyone who can help me start another chapter in my life and show me how to get started.  Please be patient.

Super Contributor

Good Morning, Dee

Thank you for kind thoughts; I am merely getting over the side-effects of my third booster (Pfizer this time) and a flu shot.

I was extremely tired and had a very low-grade fever the first day after, was simply tired (no fever) the second and have found myself tired still this morning, which is disappointing and annoying in equal measures.

It's different for everyone I've heard and am assuming my autoimmune is what's dragging things out a bit for me. Even so, it's not bad, just fatigued and sleeping a lot.

My husband and son will be getting their third shots in the next couple of days and I would like to get up to par already so I can take care of our monster (I mean our adorable one-year-old Boxer) while they both rest.

It's very nice to meet you as well. 🙂 --(LOL, I hope the above is what you meant by sharing my experience.)

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
Regular Contributor

Good morning, Tamar.  This Dee and as you can tell by now, i am a early bird. Ive been thinking about you with my heart and if you dont mind said a little prayer of comfort for you. Yes thats exactly what I meant by sharing.  Thank you for feeling comfortable enough to do it.    { autoimmune }  I do understand. You were brave booster and flu at the same time. WOW... keep me posted.  Dee

Super Contributor

Hello Dee,
I missed this yesterday; there's -- I have not yet figured out the alert system when "watching" a thread, if there is one.

I'm laughing at myself a bit as my name is "Tamara," and I've apparently type-od and misspelled my freaking name.  LOL

Doing much better today, Monday, which is good because my husband and son got their Covid Boosters and flu shots today.  It's likely I'll be taking care of our Boxer tomorrow while they both rest.

Thank you for your good wishes and kind thoughts.  🙂  
I hope you are doing well.  Actually, how are you doing?  🙂

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
Regular Contributor

Good morning! glad to hear your feeling better. Im doing fine. thank you for asking. I made a point of getting out of the this weekend. This Pan **bleep** it, has me a little stir crazy. LOL..Every year, I take my family on the port jefferson ferry for our Dickens Festival. Theres ice skating, Santas workshop, horse carriage rides, tiny tims train station and the christmas parade. Not to mention holiday picture taking. Everyone dresses in character. So much fun. Theres yuletide favorites everywhere you go on the island. Curiosity shops, you can sing along with the carolers, theres a living nativity on the lawn, and christian jazz. We made a full day of it. I am sorry about mispronouncing your name.Tamara where do you live? And what do you do for fun? and yes i am a early bird. so nice to hear from you again. Dee


Super Contributor

Good Morning, Dee

Your excursion to the Dickens Festival sounds like a Christmas Wonder scene from a movie. 🙂 Glad you had a nice time.

You needn't apologize as I am the one who miss"pronounced" my name, not you. 😉

I live very near DC and it is early for me here as well. Currently I am in bed, warm and curled up with my lap top, not at all looking forward to taking our Boxer out for his 09:00 walk in the freezing cold. But my husband and son had their Covid Boosters and flu shots yesterday so I'm on deck, as it were.

I'm already looking forward to being back. lol

I like to read, listen to audio books, play chess, adult coloring, sew, really enjoy a deep, "thought experiment" kind of discussion... I can't remember the rest; it's in my profile, although I’ve noticed that, when clicking on a person’s name to bring up their profile, the information about them, such as what they like to do, isn’t available. I can’t figure out how to get there, although there must be a way otherwise why record the information?

In any event, I’m glad you had fun and hope this finds you well.

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
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Good morning, Tamara                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hows the family feeling?  I dont envy you walking your boxer at 09:00 in the cold. I know how cold it can get since , I was born in ct. I have to say our weather has been mild. When my children were younger, I bought them a rottweiler, from a breeding farm in Tenn. We had him 10 years. He passed away from cancer and I have never been able to get another dog. When you have all boys, over the years you can end up with a menagerie of pets.  I also have not figured out how to navigate to a persons name to bring up their profile.                                                                   I like chatting with you, so its O.K. In my feeble attempt at trying to cultivate these dangerous curves of mine, a.k.a. watching my weight,  today is cardio and strength work-out class. I believe you only once, but if you do it right, once is enough.                                                                                                            Keep smiling!                                                                                                                                          Until next time.... Dee

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Social Butterfly

@JonetteS936924  Thought I'd jump in and answer your question.  It take a while to figure things out on the site.  ( I'm still learning, and it's been a year! )  If you want to look up someone's profile, you just check on their name. i.e if you wanted to look up Tamar's, you just click on @MedusaE76171 Then you can see their bio, and other info.  I'm glad you two have connected!

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Thank you Christine....                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Dee


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Social Butterfly

@JonetteS936924  Happy to help.  There have been so many who have helped me in the past year.  Hope more people will connect, and start some interesting dialogue, and make some good friendships along the way.

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Regular Contributor

Good morning, Christine. How are you? This is harder than I thought it would be. Making new friends for some of us is not easy.  Hope your having a great holiday.                        Dee

Social Butterfly

@JonetteS936924  Dee, Making friends is a challenge for many, including myself.  I did get burned once a few months ago on line. Someone was responding to something I had sent, and sent some pretty nasty things. AARP did get him off the site.  It's really the only time someone was unkind in the year I've been on this site.  So I am still a little leery about posting too many personal thoughts.  My nature is open, heart on my sleeve.  But that experience still lingers.  

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Regular Contributor

Thanks, I would never post anything personal like that, but good to know.           Again thank you Christine. until next time , Have a great day.     Dee

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Regular Contributor

correcting my typing error.. LOL .I believe you only LIVE once, but if you do it right, once is enough. Quoted by Mae West


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Super Contributor

Hello, Dee

This is going to be short because the Covid booster is apparently not finished with me, but I wanted to join Christine in welcoming you.


I am also very new here and have so far found it a fun and warm place. I hope you enjoy it also and get the opportunity to make lots of friends.


I think the outreach work you do is excellent. To reach beyond yourself in such a way and make a real difference, changes the world one ripple at a time.


I enjoy crocheting and sewing also. Hope this day finds you in good health and feeling well.

Best, Tamar

People will stop asking you questions if you answer back in interpretive dance. - Meme
Social Butterfly

@MedusaE76171 aka Green Hair Goddess,  I'm sorry sorry the booster is kicking you in the behind.  I'm going to try and get in next week for my booster. Hope you get the rest you need and can enjoy your weekend.  

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Regular Contributor

hi, its Dee. How are you? I havent done the booster shot yet. Please let me know about your side effects. Im trying to build my courage up to go forward and get it done. 

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Social Butterfly

@JonetteS936924  Hi Dee!  Welcome to the AARP  online community. So glad you joined us.  There are so many forums to check out. So much information, entertainment and connection opportunities.  Are you still working or are you retired?  What do you like to do during your free time? Hobbies? Interests?  

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Regular Contributor

Hello, thank you for the warm welcome and response. I retired two years ago. Living my best life. Well right now, we dont have alot of options trying to be safe. I love to read,  puzzles ,writing letters. which I feel is a lost art. Im presently enjoying a book called " The stranger in the life boat by Mitch Albom. Im 67 years young. Twice a week I go to our senior center to work out. Im learning Tai Chi. Basically just trying to navigate thru all the changes or as everyone is saying " the new normal.... also in my free time I teach. It was nice talking to you. hope to hear from you soon.   Dee

Social Butterfly

@JonetteS936924 What is it that you teach during your free time? I'm a fan of Mitch Albom.  Currently reading Fuzz by Mary Roach.  She's a science journalist that gives you a humorous take on fascinating topics. Sounds like you are keeping yourself busy. When the new year starts, I hope to find a way to go back to volunteering in a safe way.  Are you interested in pursuing that?


My quick intro, I'm 58, retired, married for the second time last year.   I have two grown daughters. Workout at a gym doing Zumba classes, rowing machine and the stair climber. Enjoy reading, sudoku, Mexican train (dominos ), Rummikubes, Quiddler, Boggle, crocheting, writing limericks- competing in an online contest. My husband and I recently started participating in AARP's weekly trivia game on Thursdays.  Current thing we are streaming is the tv series Suits, enjoying that. 


Take care, Christine

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Regular Contributor

Hi Christine. Thank you so much for your letter. Your actually my first pen pal. I teach Theology. Things you should know about me. I live in connecticut. I love it here. I participate in an outreach program here. We feed the homeless, provide warm clothing and trying to be helpful in any way I can. I live alone. Love trivia. Writing limericks? Now thats interesting! How did you get into that? I also enjoy crocheting, sewing and working out. Until next time.  Stay safe,  Dee

Regular Contributor

Hell-o Tamar, Thank you so much. Nice to meet you. Are you not feeling well? I am so sorry. May the time pass quickly, while your under the weather. Ive had both of my shots and will be getting the booster soon. Would you like to share your experience with me?  Feel better, Dee

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