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Why are in person support for widowed so hard to find in CT. Griefshare is good but can’t keep going back. 
All the hard things that we go through, need support and companionship with others. 

Bronze Conversationalist

So very sorry for your loss Michelle. If you feel a need for a group you're sure to find what works for you. Do you have a friend or neighbor recently bereaved? Maybe you can go to an exercise class together or get together for visits. The YWCA/YMCA offers many different venues. And groups on life transitions. The Y is a caring and respectful place and source of trusted information. You're sure to find support there.


Hi, Michele, condolences on your loss.  I understand your feelings on wanting additional grief support.  I think Amy has provided good information as a starting point.  I just completed my second session with GriefShare.  It was great but like you I am looking for more guidance as well.  My local hospice has a grief support program which is good.  I also asked the church sponsoring the GriefShare program for help in providing a Stephen Minister to me over the summer months.  As we learned in GriefShare, there is value in balancing quiet reflective time with socialization.  There are also some good exercises in the GriefShare workbook that you may want to look at again.  Grieving, at least for me, is a slow process, so be patient and keep the faith, as they say.  This forum is a good resource with many other kindred spirits.  I am glad you found us.  Have a good day.  Your friend, Sue

AARP Expert

@MicheleT465485 I'm so sorry for your loss, and you're right - it is so hard going through grief

and no one should have to do it alone. 


211 has a listing of grief support groups in CT - I don't know where in CT you live so I'm giving you the link to the entire list. CLICK HERE: 211 - Grief Support in CT.


Also, here is a list from the Psychology Today website that includes therapists as well as groups for various type of grief support. CLICK HERE: Psychology Today Grief Support in CT


If none of these work out, you can contact any local hospice organization and ask if they have a list of local grief support groups. 


Also - AARP has some great articles to help you as you are grieving (just click on the links below):


Coping with Loss One Step at a Time 


5 Surprising Truths About Grief 


I also found these support groups in CT focused on support for the loss of a spouse. CLICK HERE: Loss of a Spouse Support Groups in CT.

Do let us know what works out and if you need more help finding these just let me know! 


Take care,

Amy Goyer, AARP Family & Caregiving Expert

Author, Juggling Life, Work and Caregiving

Trusted Contributor

Good afternoon, my wife of 39 years passed recently and I'm starting to look at what benefits, groups, and connections exist within the AARP community.  I'm interested in both online and group meetings. I'm in SW VA near Blacksburg.

Thanks, Bill


Hi, Bill, my condolences to you on the loss of your wife.  My husband of 48 years passed in late 2021 so I know what you are going through. You are on the right track to seek guidance during the grievance journey (I prefer journey to process).  I personally have relied on this AARP Grief and Loss Forum, as well as GriefShare which holds many excellent sessions nationwide both in person and virtually. Just go to their website and put in your zip code.  Also, local hospices provide grievance counseling to all in an area regardless of whether your wife used their services.  I have found their programs to be good as well.  I have attended specific Loss of a Partner sessions as well as general loss workshops.  In addition, local churches and other religious organizations also offer support. They can be a good foundation for you if you are so inclined.  Amy from AARP may have other sources as well as well as others who post on this site.  Good luck to you and remember to take care of yourself.  Sue

Bronze Conversationalist

Hi @MicheleT465485. I am sorry to hear of your loss but welcome you to the online forum. I live in FL so I don't have information about groups in CT. Down here the group that seems to provide an abundance of support groups is the Jewish Family Service organization. They provide services to the community at large and there is no religious association required. Maybe an Area Agency on Aging or a hospice group could be other resources to check?

Honored Social Butterfly

Welcome @MicheleT465485 I am sorry for

your loss. I live in NJ so no knowledge about

CT. The funeral home and your church should

be able to help you. Hoping you find a group

that can help you on this sad, long journey 🙏


Honored Social Butterfly

Hello? @sandy  | @MarcyW882921 | mc6844

| @Anonymous | @BeatleloverKT | SueS788527 


Anyone available to assist Michele in the Grief & Loss Community?


Michele has asked where to go for in-person widow support in Connecticut. Is there anyone here that can assist with her inquiry? Thank you! 

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