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Grieving During COVID-19



Grief and loss are challenging to say the least, when you throw in the pandemic as a factor it becomes even more difficult. I wanted to point you to a few different resources that might help. 


Sometimes, it's best to just let your feelings out in any type of setting. Whether that's here, a friend, a stranger or therapy. 


Hang in there, everyone! 🤗


This was my comment earlier today the Facebook page. I was guided here to participate on the discussion groups with those who may have similar experiences. 

Please help me understand 🙏 😢 losing my mom only after finding out her cancer returned when kept it from me. She ended up needing fluid drained from around the lung and ended up in ICU with a respiratory infection and I saw her every day up until it was time for her to go to rehab then home and start chemo. No Covid-19 none of that related to her illness but it at started to go viral. Visiting shutdown and the next 3 to 4wks I could not see her. She never made it home. I was told she had a heart attack, no heart conditions whatsoever. Was taken to a hospital the night before she was to be discharged and start chemo supposedly due to problems with oxygen. Within 24hrs she was gone. I cannot understand why what when how. Mothers day was her birthday. Now I am in crisis 😪

Sharon Page
Social Butterfly


Dear sweet Sista

My heart goes out to you... losing our mom's are so tough & add that you couldn't see her because of virus pandemic shutdowns just adds to your grieving. I pray for you to be given strength and comfort..... Thanks for sharing your story.... through my living a life in recovery programs during my past (divorced 2014) 20+ year marriage one of greatest gifts it taught me was We're not alone & sharing with others helps those folks and ourselves... so please stay in touch and use this wonderful community to help you through your difficult loss.... One day one moment at a time 


I lost my mom Dec 2015 after off & on sickiness/hospitalizations from a fall hit her head 3 years before....I don't think I'll ever get over losing & missing her .... time has helped and I try to focus on our times together and all the joys from many things we did together and so many things we both loved.... bowling, trips, being handywomen, Law & Order shows, creating things... even our fights last month I was in a place and said out loud I'd give anything to have a argument with her. She was my biggest cheerleader also my main source of history of my life..... I'll forever miss her and believe there will always be an ache.... but I accept the pain rather than not having & sharing my life with couldn't hurt so much if it hadn't meant so much...

God bless you and hope you have a great Sunday and find the rainbows amongst the storms

Ginger ;  ) 

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