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Trusted Social Butterfly

What's the New Normal in Your Area?

Hello Rewards Warriors,


Going to the bank with a mask and gloves on, distance tape markers on store floors, clear barriers blocking store products, washing everything daily etc.


What's the new normal for you?


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello Rewards Warriors


I'm in TN and the Governor is opening restaurants, church and retail stores with social distancing on 5/3.


Only 1/4 of the residents in the 2nd largest city in the state have been tested and this is dangerous.  Everyone should at least have to have a negative Corona Virus test document to work or go to church and protection should still be wore.


I will continue to Stay at Home.  What's happening where you are?


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


Honored Social Butterfly

I haven't gone out much to shop. We can get grocery deliveries although they don't always have what we order. I do wipe down all the groceries before putting them away and then disinfect everything like table tops, doors, doorbell.


 I did get gas for the first time in a month and did not want to touch the gas pump at all. 

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @ManicProgressive 


Where are you?  I can get groceries delivered also, but I just have to pick my own food.


I have on mask and gloves when I do go out, which is very seldom. I have a bag of plastic gloves in glove compartment for changing in case of a tear.  I carry a spare set with me at all times.  I sanitize my gloves with 91% alcohol sanitizer after getting in car.


I use gloves for pumping gas and change before getting in vehicle and moving on to next stop.  I try to get everything on my bi-weekly outing.


Have a Blessed & Safe Day




Honored Social Butterfly

@mi4090 wrote:

Hello @ManicProgressive 


Where are you?  I can get groceries delivered also, but I just have to pick my own food.


I have on mask and gloves when I do go out, which is very seldom. I have a bag of plastic gloves in glove compartment for changing in case of a tear.  I carry a spare set with me at all times.  I sanitize my gloves with 91% alcohol sanitizer after getting in car.


I use gloves for pumping gas and change before getting in vehicle and moving on to next stop.  I try to get everything on my bi-weekly outing.


Have a Blessed & Safe Day




I'm in Maryland, just across the DC line.  Our restaurants are allowed to deliver.  I think we are going to make a trip to the grocery store tomorrow because we can't seem to get delivery of a few items my husband really, REALLY wants.  


I did sanitize my hands after using the gas pump.   And then used disifectant wipes on the card, my hands, my door handles, and even my steering wheel and keys, even though I handn't touched them.  At least I don't think I did.  I worry about what I'm touching if I'm not fully paying attention to it.  So I tend to go overboard a bit on the disinfecting.....  

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @ManicProgressive 


Keep staying safe in Maryland😊


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


Periodic Contributor

Groceries Stores have aisles marked in which direction to go (go-with-the-flow), cashiers are marked with spots at least 6ft in between. Also, they fequently send messages through speakers for keep social distancing.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @AlipioC40906 


Thanks for letting us know, where are you?  Stores in my area aren't making announcements to keep social distancing rules😢 


That would be great because many people are acting as if everything is OK, no mask or gloves😢


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


Gold Conversationalist

Same here in Virginia.   We are wearing masks when we go shopping once per week but not on our neighborhood walk.   DH thought I was paranoid when I washed our shoes after the grocery trips until we saw it on TV about tracking the virus in with your shoes.   We wear the gloves but they may not really be helpful.   I brought plastic bags for us to put over our hands when we went to the gas station and then threw them away there after finishing.   Will do the same when we have to go to the ATM.   Our neighbors have been so nice.   One offered to shop for us; another cut down a tree; and a third gave us masks.   She is a professional seamstress who makes costumes for Busch Gardens.  It's closed but she's made 400 that she's sent to New York and around the world.  Is making them for the whole neighborhood!

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @HokiePoq 


Thanks for sharing what's happening in Virginia😊 


Folks here still having gatherings with more than 10 folks and unprotected😢. This want end soon, to many folks not following CDC recommendations.


Stay safe in Virginia 😊


Have a Blessed & Safe Day



With every day, it seems there's new information, some of which contradicts the previous day's information. A week and a half ago — in the grocery store, anyway — everyone seemed to be wearing gloves, some wearing masks. Now, everyone's wearing masks, but fewer are wearing gloves. I've given the gloves the ol' heave-ho myself and just wear a mask, since I'd heard that as long as you use hand sanitizer, don't touch your face, etc., you're okay without the gloves. I wipe down my hands and everything I've touched when I get in the car with rubbing alcohol-soaked baby wipes. And of course I wash my hands thoroughly when I get home. 


But this I've noticed: I live in the west San Fernando Valley, in Los Angeles, California (Los Angeles County, obviously). About 70% of  everyone I see outside around here is wearing a mask. But I do my shopping in Simi Valley, California — maybe ten miles northwest of where I live. That's in Ventura County. In the stores, everyone's wearing masks. But on the streets, walking down sidewalks, few are wearing masks. It doesn't surprise me — Los Angeles and Simi Valley are a bit different.


I've noticed plexiglass barriers separating cashier and customer have gone up very quickly in a number of stores in the last week, in both LA and Ventura Counties. 


One place I went to had plastic wrap covering the keypad and the touch-screen of the credit/debit card reader, which makes no sense. This protects who from what? Unless they were replacing the Saran Wrap with each new customer, we were all jabbing the same smudged, germy plastic film.


...Now to go obsessively wash my hands!

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @AvocadoDog 


Thanks for sharing, and all I can say is "It's Crazy Outside" .  Stay home as much as possible😊


Washing hands every 30 minutes😉


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


Regular Contributor

The new normal in my neighborhood is families out walking, young people riding bikes and dog 🐕 walking. Adorable puppies along side young children being pulled in wagons. A friend and I walk every evening year round, these are people we have never seen before. We want this to stay the normal. 

A women that lives a block and a half away is a teacher, someone put up a yard sign calling her a rockstar teacher and left a gift on her mailbox. A young girl on our block graduated and has a sign with the school colors,  her pictures and  the school and year. That is sad, no prom, no graduation and no senior trip.

My husband had his doctors appointment by video chat, something new to us. Everything went as planned, so old dogs can learn new tricks.

Food trucks are setting up in neighborhoods, a different location each night. Also, heard ice cream trucks in the neighborhood. Have not heard the ice cream trucks music for several years.

So some good things are happening, but I forward to the day I no longer have to wear a mask and restrain myself from petting the friendly dogs and keeping a safe distance from others.




Trusted Social Butterfly

Hello @CherylR914199 


Thanks for sharing, what state are u in?  People seems to be adjusting there😊

I think it's going to get worst, but that's my opinion.


Stay safe and I too look forward to the Old Normal.


Have a Blessed & Safe Day





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Hi Marylin,

I love in the upstate of SC in an older neighborhood with people that we have been neighbors with for years. But as time goes by many older people are downsizing and some needing to move to assistant living. Young people are moving in as the homes are better built and more affordable. 

We still have the same problems the rest of the country has, some people not want to wear masks or giving needed personal space. Lowes has been packed, mostly with men finally having time to do repairs. Young people still want to gather and party.  I force on the positive and bless everyone that we may all be safe. But I agree it will probably get worse before it gets better, there will always be those that seem to lack common sense.

Stay safe, Cheryl 🌹

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Trusted Social Butterfly


Cheryl, young folks seem to be the majority not wearing a mask here.  I hope the country will adhere to rules so we can return to the Old Normal😉


Stay safe in SC😊


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


Regular Contributor


I hope the third time is a charm, as the first two I wrote never showed up. 

I am not around many young people as I usually go out during senior hour. The few I see are not wearing masks nor following the arrows on the aisle. A young women was in the grocery store during senior hour and she wore no mask and came the wrong way down the aisle I was in When I went to get something she got in my space to also reach for the same item. I was not happy, but I repeated to myself the famous words  "let it be". I along can not fix disrespect or  stupid so I try not to get worked up over something I can not control. Sometimes it is hard, but she certainly did not care what I thought.

S.C. Will open the state next Mon. I will not be getting my hair cut, I just try not to look in the mirror but for just a second. Also, we do not eat out nor do take out. Not going back to the gym or doing any shopping, so I guess I will not be adding to the state's income. But, I am aware that the state's are hurting due to lose of taxes and need everyone to shop, I just can not be one of them.

If I remember right, Marylin,  you are from TN? Love Fall Rivers Falls, my friend and I camped there for a week. Reminded me of being out west, definitely on my bucket list to return. Actually, you have many wonderful parks. 

Stay safe and take good care! Cheryl


Social Butterfly

@CherylR914199 @mi4090 

Hi Cheryl & Marylin 

Ditto! Cheryl

Here in NC is in phase 1 Hair salons not opening yet and its taking toll on my hair girl but even if can go in a June I'm not sure I'll be ready to go then... as you are I'm keeping to doing what I've been doing.... no desire to change still feel risk is great and I'm high risk so think be a while b4 I feel like doing anything more than is essential for my needs. 

Y'all take care stay safe

Ginger  :  )

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Hi Ginger,

I love to travel and have enjoyed many trips to the outer banks of N.C., I miss the sand in my toes and ocean waves!

My Granddaughter is a nurse at the children's hospital in Charlotte and I have a daughter living a couple hours from the coast, only sorry I can not visit now. But I try to stay safe so I can travel in the future, but like you I do not know when that will be.

My friend in IN had her hair 💇 yesterday. Said the lady that cut her hair had done 20 haircuts the day before, first day open, and she was number 12 yesterday. My friend joked and said she would probably get it, but at least she would look good. I did not think it was funny, and am concerned for her. Hopefully, she will not get it and the haircut will serve it purpose and make her feel better.

What is everyone else doing to make themself feel better? I work in my yard, bake and take nature walks.

Take good care! Cheryl 








Social Butterfly


Hi Cheryl 

I too hope your friend will be okay.... agree not funny

I've had my hair dyed and highlighted every 6 weeks for over 12+years but don't consider it a priority over my health to have done now.... been over 3 months since went.... kinda feel everyone I know in same boat plus not seeing many folks 


Grateful for your granddaughter's service...Charlotte area one of hardiest hit with pandemic in NC 


Yes, beaches are nice after divorce I moved and lived on Oak Island NC for 2 years.... miss those serene walks... OKI is gorgeous awesome sunsets & lots quieter than other beaches

If you've never been you should visit the area of Southport/Oak Island think you will enjoy


I've had couple dinners with my kids last few weeks, blessing to spend time with them again... just seeing through glass was tough other than that just hanging chilling at home 


Take care  Stay safe

Ginger  ;  )

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I guess I do need to visit Oak Island because I got not only your recommendation, but a post on Trip Advisor with over 300 pictures, both within a few hours. I was looking for a puzzle of the coast of S. C. when  puzzles of Oak Island popped up. First puzzle was of the Curse of Oak Island, a T V show my husband likes to watch. I thought how interesting! Then I remembered you said you lived in NC. The next puzzles were of Oak Island NC, so I googled Oak Island and a young man had posted over 300 pictures of the island. Wow, I am putting it on my bucket list. 

  • While I was checking out a few of his pictures I saw a picture of a street that reminded me of the ocean community I lived in when I lived in San Diego. Amazing that our brains can retrieve a memory from years ago just by glancing at a picture. I do miss the ocean, going to sleep hearing the waves, waking up to salt air, looking for that  perfect shell. Seals playing in the La Jolla cove and sea birds looking for a hand out. Surfers looking for that perfect wave and children building sand castles and making happy memories.

So if you like to do puzzles or just need something fun to do while you stay safe check out the Oak Island ones.

Hope you enjoy the day!  Cheryl




Trusted Social Butterfly


Ginger, I don't think it will end until they develop a vaccine next year.


Stay safe in NC😊


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


Trusted Social Butterfly



Hello Cheryl,


I've also noticed during my twice per month runs that mostly it's the young folks not having protection (i.e. gloves or masks).  They also don't respect the social distancing rules here😢


I don't do carry out either and I'm only making grocery, prescription and household essential runs.  I feel it's still very dangerous because no states have taken mandatory measures to curb the spread of Corona virus and now things are reopening prematurely.


Glad you enjoyed Fall Rivers Falls😊


Stay safe in SC.


Have a Blessed & Safe Day


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