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Periodic Contributor

It's been six weeks since requesting a quote from Hartford and still no duffel bag??

Is there someone here who can tell me how to check on receiving the duffel bag advertised in the Hartford Insurance ad in AARP magazine for requesting an insurance quote?? Please advise and thanks in advance.


I got an auto quote. It was $1,000 more than I pay with State Farm. Misleading advertising. Shame AARP!


Yea, I also did a quote and is still waiting for my free duffel bag. It been several months and I really don't appreciate the dishonesty. Trust is a very important factor here.


Same here. I was told I will get an email with 24-48 hours to confirm my address and it’s been a week and no email. Very misleading information. 

AARP I will never recommend 

Community Concierge

@SunealR129245 I'm so sorry to hear you've had trouble with one of our benefit providers. We are listening and would like the chance to help as soon as possible. Please visit to chat, text, or speak with a representative who can get you in touch with our Member Relations team.  - Janelle M.

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Community Concierge

SherryC298764  I'm sorry to hear you've been waiting so long! I know it has taken 8-12 weeks at times. Although AARP isn't an insurance company, we work with insurance carriers to provide carefully researched and evaluated products. For information about the gift, please contact The Hartford directly at www.thehartforom/aarp, or call 1-888-808-5254. If I can answer anything about membership or benefits, please let me know!  Jodee R.    

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I have done the quote and wife has  and we are still waiting on a duffle bags .  I asked about it in chat and they said we would get an email about claiming my free gift which we have never gotten, have checked junk and spam folders, nothing there, but we sure get the emails with their offers for Hartford Insurance. 

Community Concierge

@DougM759749  Thank you for your interest in The Hartford! It can take up to 12 weeks for the duffle bag to arrive. If it's been longer than that, please reach out to The Hartford directly at: or call them 1-888-808-5254. Take care!  Jodee R.  


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This is such baloney Jodee. This thread goes back four years. I'm still jumping through hoops trying to get the free duffel that AARP allows them to advertise. AARP is obviously aware of this and does nothing to stop it. Please don't tell me to take it up with them. AARP should put a stop to it or cut them loose. Does not make me a raving fan of AARP. 

Honored Social Butterfly

@JeffR536762 wrote - 

AARP should put a stop to it or cut them loose.


Sorry, can’t help with the duffle problem but doubt if they will be cutting loose anytime soon, since they just signed a new agreement in June 2020 

06/02/2020 - The Hartford and AARP Agree to Extend Auto and Home Insurance Program forAARP members 

From the link ~

HARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Hartford announced an extension of its long-standing auto and home insurance program for AARP members until Jan. 1, 2033. The Hartford’s program has been endorsed by AARP for 35 years. It launched in 1984 and since then has developed into a leading affinity program.



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It continues 10/10/23!  How on earth does AARP support the mailer and flyer. Seriously. The Hartford must be paying AARP ALL THE SUPPOSED SAVINGS WE SHOULD RECEIVE AS SAFE DRIVERS MY QUOTE WAS NO DIFFERENT THAN CURRENT!

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Hartford Insurance, which YOU recommend, is my auto insurance carrier. I tried to get rental insurance and they cancelled me because I applied 3 days ago. Evidently, the apt I live in had a theft report 5 years ago (as of yesterday) and I applied and was cancelled! I’ve lived here 2.5 yrs and have had no problems or reports on any of my insurance policies. This is TOTALLY unacceptable and a NEGATIVE report is necessary to all the AARP members! I’m very, VERY dissatisfied with Hartford INSURANCE anyway you can say it…

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Regular Contributor

Hi @crsilver3! I am sorry to hear about your rental insurance cancellation. Were you applying for rental insurance and were denied? If so, was the reason for the denial based on the theft report? If not, were you provided with a reason? 

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I have my auto insurance with Hartford, so I've been getting a lot of emails that I should bundle my rental insurance for extra savings.  OK, I tried. I called on about 10/12/2023 to add rental insurance.  The lady total me that the apt had a theft claim 5 years ago but it would expire on Oct 15th, so apply then.  When I applied on Oct 16th the agent said I WAS DENIED ON OCT 12TH SO I COULDN'T APPLY FOR ANOTHER YEAR!  I couldn't believe it, I didn't really get denied because I was told not to apply until after the 15th!  Anyway, the theft didn't have anything to do with me as I have lived here for about 2.5 yrs, so I had no idea of any problems (it's a gated apt).  I've never had a claim on anything, so I feel I was treated very, very unfairly.  Needless to say, I have a very poor opinion of Hartford Insurance and ALL AARP members should be warned.  It's just that simple.


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Periodic Contributor

Hi @crsilver3, here to help! We certainly understand your concern regarding the issues you experienced with The Hartford. We would be glad to work with the Escalation team at The Hartford to have this investigated for you. If you are still having difficulties with The Hartford, please either give us a call at 1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277) to request an Escalation or send me a private message in the AARP Online Community by clicking this link and entering my username, “AARPMariamaA” into the “Send to” box . Please provide the following details in your message:

  • Full name
  • AARP Membership # (or home address)
  • Phone # and email address to contact you
  • Description of your issue

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!



Mariama A.

0 Kudos

THANK YOU I RECEIVED THE HARTFORD OFFER DUFFEL BAG!  It is adorable mini and useful. I spotted an email a few weeks back saying to reply to it for the duffel bag and it arrived yesterday. And bag aside I am seriously considering trying The Hartford for my insurance needs. Thanks again!



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Community Concierge

I am sorry to read about your experience. You can always contact AARP for help if there's an issue with an AARP provider or questions or suggestions for AARP. Please use this link ( to contact us by phone, chat or text.


  •            Description of your issue and/or suggestion


  •            Mention that you are requesting an escalation


We look forward to hearing from you!

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They're still running the scam in 2022. About all my inquiry received was a slew of spamming calls and emails for auto insurance and NO sign of weekend duffle bag promised in promotion.

Regular Contributor

Typically, the duffel bag is received within about 8 weeks after the quote. If you do not receive the duffel and have difficulties when contacting The Hartford, you can always contact AARP for help and we will be more than happy to reach out to the Hartford on your behalf. Please use this link ( to contact us by phone, chat or text. Please include the following:

  •            Description of your issue
  •            Mention that you are requesting an escalation

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Periodic Contributor

Call AARP and tell them you called Hartford for a quote and they never sent the bag. They'll contact Hartford and have them send it. At least that's what worked for me.

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SAME.. Only here we are in 2022

0 Kudos

I finally rec'd mine after 8 weeks.  It's much smaller than the picture leads you to believe.  It's only 13"x6"x9".  And the material is thin, too.  Not impressed. ☹️


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Periodic Contributor

I had to make an additional phone call or 2 to get mine. It finally arrived. I agree about the size, too small to call a duffel bag. They should call it something else.

0 Kudos

I’m in the same boat. Did you ever get your duffel?

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Retired Moderator

Hi there, here to help. Please call The Hartford at 1-800-684-5518 to check on the status of your duffel bag, or you can submit a request to AARP and we would be glad to help by reaching out to The Hartford on your behalf to investigate and get your bag sent out. To submit a help request to AARP, please use this link (  and include the following:

  • Description of your concern
  • Please mention that you are requesting an escalation

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


BS.  I tried many times.  It's a scam. Sad to see that AARP promotes the scam. 


For the record, I dropped Hartford for Liberty Mutual and will probably drop AARP.

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Periodic Contributor

Hi @billr425016, here to help! We certainly understand your concern regarding the issues you experienced with getting your duffel bag from The Hartford. We are always glad to work with the providers escalation team to have members issues investigated. In the future, if you are experiencing issues with any provider, please either give us a call at 1-888-OUR-AARP (1-888-687-2277) to request an Escalation or send me a private message in the AARP Online Community by clicking this link and entering my username, “AARPMariamaA” into the “Send to” box . Please provide the following details in your message:

  • Full name
  • AARP Membership # (or home address)
  • Phone # and email address to contact you
  • Description of your issue

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate you informing us of your concern. We look forward to hearing from you soon!



Mariama A.

0 Kudos

I am wondering if you ever got your duffel bag.  I went through the quote process and the Hartford price was considerably higher than I am now paying.  Oh well, at least I would get the duffel bag for my time.


They say it can take up to 7 weeks for delivery.  I contacted them at 7 weeks and they say things are delayed due to Covid and I sould allow 2 more weeks. 


End of 2 weeks and I contact them again.  They are sorry and will order the duffel bag to be sent out to me again...  can take up to 7 weeks. 


I am now waiting the 7 weeks. 


Did you ever get the duffel bag?



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Periodic Contributor

I got mine after going through far more trouble than it's worth. It's not a duffel bag, it's a tiny replica of a duffel bag. If you ever get it, you can put it out someplace where it can be easily seen as a reminder of the integrity level of Hartford and AARP.

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No its been a year!

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