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Honored Social Butterfly


From a personal, not political standpoint, I stand back and watch all the arguments going on in our society from vaccines to everything under the sun and it worries me that our society is breaking apart.


It still needs to change.


America is different than any other society.


We don't have a homogeneous race of people making up the country as some other counties, we don't have a homogeneous geographical area like some other countries, we even don't have an official homogeneous language requirement as does some other countries.


We have done things wrong and still do today as a society.


Slavery and ongoing discrimination to this day affects our Black population......

Religious animus affected and still affects our Catholic and Jewish friends........

Country of origin affected the Irish and affects Haitians and others to this day........

Our removal of Native Americans from their land almost destroyed an advanced society and affects them to this day.....


I thought our society was making impressive advances in these areas but, after hearing discussions taking place throughout the land, I may be wrong.


But then I look at my children and see how they react to our society, see how different it is from how our generation reacted and I know there is hope yet.






Honored Social Butterfly

So what constitutes being political…are symbols or slogans from a political party okay.

And what is off limits for discussion, or reference to…people of color, or slavery…

slavery has been a political issue. 
Where is the line…and if it is fair for one person to post or exhibit, why isn’t it fair for others?

Honored Social Butterfly

I can't answer your question, @williamb39198.

Honored Social Butterfly

Talk about issues and subjects under their AARP forum classification. Off limit?  If discussed properly - probably nothing as long as it relates to the AARP subject board and is discussed properly.  You might note that the list of forum boards has dwindled some.


There is a sticky at the top of most boards posted by the AARP that says (I am paraphrasing cause each one is a little different):  

Welcome to our ______________ forum! Here we hold discussions, answer questions, offer resources  . . . . . ! Our topics range from ___________________ and more. Political discussions are not permitted unless they directly relate to _____________."

OR some may not allow any political discussions at all.


Here ya go - all of these were posted by Admin. on 06/11/2021 - easy to spot cause they have locks on them: 


It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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Thanks everyone. This thread is locked as it is off topic in this area.

Please read the introduction to "Friends and Family, here:


Welcome to Friends & Family 




AARP Politics Forum Sunsetting Frequently Asked Questions 

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Bronze Conversationalist

Society sure gets the blame for everything where is personal responsibity.  This stuff is still a cog from those hippies and their group of drones from the 1960s. What did those love children give us besides  the breaking down of both the family structure and the church. They taught us how to protest and chant they taught us breaking into Gov offices was ok. Yes the 60s were a powder keg of issues and all roads met at Haight and Ashbury the war was the center piece but other groups were starting to speak up. Who can deny that the civil rights movement wasnt necessary the gay community and womans rights were entering the pipeline and our elected Reps had no idea of how to handle the explosiveness of watching cities all across the US burning. We were and still are trying to figure out the correct measures that will bring our country back to the glorious fixture that it once was. The hippies grew up their kids are carrying the torch their  parents started make no mistake the hippy under ground is alive and active. I grew up in the 60s I saw a few friends that were in that movement and it sure is sad watching what their lives became drugs clobbered their minds and bodies but that is another issue or is it?

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Oh, I don't know, @Travis55Chevy  - some of us came out of it pretty much OK once the brain cleared. 😉

Settled into a somewhat off the wall occupation but did just fine. Found a Higher Power that helped me learn how to live.   I am happy, pretty financially secure, love where I live, help others when I can, pay my taxes without too much complaining.  Change the world - well, we did some trying.  Change it today - not me - sometimes i am unclear as to what we are "fightin" for today - seems like it is always a fight cause we are all so very different in who we are, where we live, what we like, what we can afford or not, even the language we speak.  I do wish there was more that glued us together.  The last time I saw a comradery was after 9-11 - for some reason for a short while - there was a "WE".


It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly


It’s not about perfection, but it is about trying to do the morally correct things, at the appropriate times, and in a compassionate way. 
For myself, I think that a lot of problems revolve around honesty…be honest with ourselves, honesty from others, and honesty on a National level. Without it, we will go astray, and fall into an unwanted abyss.  

Regular Social Butterfly

well written! I so hope others become as studious and learned and see what we as a nation should be. Thank you @nctarheel for your sweet and GREAT words! tysvm!



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: “If I’d known I’d live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”
Honored Social Butterfly

@nctarheel wrote:


America is different than any other society.


We don't have a homogeneous race of people making up the country as some other counties, we don't have a homogeneous geographical area like some other countries, we even don't have an official homogeneous language requirement as does some other countries.


From a personal, not political standpoint, I stand back and watch all the arguments going on in our society from vaccines to everything under the sun and it worries me that our society is breaking apart.


It still needs to change.


But then I look at my children and see how they react to our society, see how different it is from how our generation reacted and I know there is hope yet.






I rearranged your paragraphs because I think your description of America as a society has a lot to do with your paragraph of what seems to be breaking us apart.  I would add to your American society differences another factor of income and educational differences.


Your last paragraph does give HOPE - HOW?    Is it because you see that our newest / future generations will melt away the differences or be more accepting of them?


I am asking because . . . . I don't know. 

All I know is, IMO, the differences or our acceptance of these differences is what seems to be creating much of the divide.  We cannot change our race or our ethnicity nor our geographical area differences but we should be able to form what should be an America; a USA.


What joins other countries together - or are they?

The last time I felt like there was a joined together USA was right after 9-11 - for a few weeks, it seemed we had a feeling of "US" - I think that was because we did have a common feeling - WE were attacked - not this group or that group - WE.


Thanks for the thought provoking conversations, @nctarheel  -








It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
0 Kudos
Bronze Conversationalist

@nctarheel What a very well written piece. Thank you! I, also, thank God that my children share the same outrage and feelings that my wife and I share. Compassion for others is a beautiful thing. 

Social Butterfly

@postman29 Compassion is where I  start from.  Treating people with respect, dignity and try to understand where they are coming from. Along with that is setting healthy boundaries to stay safe. Wish more people would practice these principles. 

Trusted Social Butterfly

I think the climate of today has a lot of people saying what they believe some want to hear, whether it's right or not no longer matters.


I also believe that society will always be in need of some change, but not for the reasons mentioned. If people have paid attention and are honest, they know that much advancement has been made over the years.  Many groups of people are just a bunch of spoiled whiny brats, that expect something for nothing.  Or are so darn bored they think up things to moan about.


Personally, I'm tired of the boo hooing for and from a particular group or color of people.  Where is the slavery mentioned that's going on today?  Not in my world, for sure.  I'm a poor white female, I don't blame my government or people of other colors for my position in life.  I simply deal and make the best of it.


Yes there is and has been a lot of division among us for awhile now...but we as thinking individuals have a choice in that division.


Never Look Down on Anybody...Unless You Are Helping Them Up. 🙂
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