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Recognized Social Butterfly

So I hate reposting this but 00:00 UTC

They (AARP) haven't responded to my ask why this continues. This needs to end NOW! Or allow us to leave this "organization" and refund especially lifetime members! 

Social Butterfly


Diana G.


Iโ€™m unhappy with your reply.


There was NOT an opportunity to earn points for the entire 24 hour period beginning Wednesday. Why did you wait until today to respond, after many days of strange 7PM ET resets (to earn points)? If you would like more information then please refer to the other posts in this forum and posts all over the Rewards section of the online community about the 7PM ET resets to earn points and the lack of one on Wednesday.


Several members, other than me, have experienced a short 5 hour window for many days (every evening) prior to this morningโ€™s Midnight reset to earn points.  I can only suppose that your records do not reflect this simple fact.


We have had 1 reset at midnight, after all these days, and you TAG ME in a post to โ€œclarifyโ€?  I watched the clock and missed a day of earning points because there was not a reset to earn points on Wednesday at all.  Why donโ€™t you please clarify what happened on Wednesday? You might be better off apologizing for the rewards program, rather than clarifying A DAY TOO LATE. And, by the way, where are my lost points for Wednesday, please?


โ€œ One day {or one reset} does not make a trendโ€


Social Butterfly

Holy cow, no reset today!?!
It is almost an hour and a half late so far.

Anybody having trouble earning points?

Community Concierge

I can clarify this, @andrewtoo. The calendar day for the AARP Rewards site is based on Eastern Standard Time (ET) from 12 am-11:59 pm ET. Here you can find more information - Diana G.

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Super Contributor

LOL, leave it to AARP tech "support" to take a bad situation and make it worse!  First we could only earn points for a couple of hours in the evening, and now we can't earn points at all.  What's next, we actually start losing points from our accounts?  Seriously though, this is just incredibly offensive, that they think it's OK to treat the members like this.

Trusted Contributor

I should have resest at 7pm and it's still saying I'm maxed out, so I can't earn points or play instant wins.

Community Concierge

@MariaK113398  I'm sorry you're still having trouble! I've sent you a private message. Please let me know from there if it has cleared, or how I can help. Thanks.  Jodee R.  

0 Kudos

I have noticed this and brought it to their attention of course this is the first they ever heard of it and insist they are on ET time.  Maybe they live  and work in ET time but some IT nerd decided what fun it would be to put us all on this UTC clock which would be ok if we could get on today for tomorrow but instead we are getting on today for yesterday.  I have called them every day since this mess and every day they say they are sending it to IT and I tell them if they already have at least 5 (now 7 notices on file and nothing has changed, do you really think they are doing anything?

Recognized Social Butterfly

...first they ever heard of it...


Server times post 2025-01-22.png


(Time shown in date stamp is PT)


Of course they aren't doing anything. The poor folks working as "Consumer Care" are given scripts and can't deviate from them or actually do anything; that must be so frustrating.


Soon they may be class actions regarding fraudulent sweeps and contests, as well as complaints to soon to be even more understaffed Federal agencies...

Trusted Contributor

I wonder what time they will load the extra credit rewards this weekend? 


my guess is since this all started, when I can only log on for today at 4 PM Pacific even though their stupid bot as well as live chat people insist they are on the ET time zone, we will all lose the day.  So if you could get on at midnight ET Friday for Saturday now you cant get on until several hours in, maybe we won't even get the change until Saturday afternoon.

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