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AARP Rewards Holiday Hunt 2022 has launched

We have tucked away five (5) presents around the AARP Rewards site for you to find! Each present has a special offer that you can only get by clicking on the present!

Don't delay, the Holiday Hunt ends Friday, December 9th at 9 am. Offers are only available while supplies last.

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Silver Conversationalist

Hello everyone,

I have to agree with @Jason2020LovesKelly why is the Holiday Hunt labeled 2023 ?  🤔  Its still 2022 and this thing surely is not going to last into the new year, or is it ??  😫😕

WOW, double WOW, In all the years that I have been participating in the AARP Rewards Programs this is the first time I ever saw a TOPIC that stretched into two pages of post for the same day AND had absolutely no positive comments. NONE.

The IT department really missed the boat, and stumbled into the water this time.

Why on earth would they introduce an activity that they never even bothered to test. ????

I challenge all of the AARP moderators, managers, and concierges to do whatever it takes to convince this administrator that this Holiday Hunt was not only mishandled but was totally unfair to the scores of paying members. Somebody needs to do the right thing and have this activity started over again with a sufficient quantity of presents and MEMBERS ONLY offers.This is in no way ranting, but just stating the cold hard truth. 

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@Jason2020LovesKelly   - Oops!  It should be 2022 and is now displaying accurately!  Thanks for your keen eyes!

Bronze Conversationalist

This may be a silly question, but why is it 2023, and not 2022?

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] (☉౪ ⊙)

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Bronze Conversationalist

AARP Rewards>'Connect'. See gift box at bottom of page.

Open to reveal: 22,000 Zappos 10.00.

I think this is the replacement for the 'Sold Out' Amazon. Could be wrong, but I could not locate Amazon any longer.

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] (☉౪ ⊙)

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Periodic Contributor

I can only find 4 holiday hunt icons. Any hints?

Bronze Conversationalist

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The Starbucks card was there earlier today although no way to redeem it. But now that gift is gone from the About page.

Bronze Conversationalist

Just confirmed - Sold Out.



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Try using the drop down menu option on the rewards main page (discover page), there will be one on most of the topics listed there 🙂 including that page if you scroll down far enough! Hope this helps!

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Bronze Conversationalist

No surprise, I am having log-in issues! It's not exactly fair to launch something and nothing works so some people miss out. 🙄

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] (☉౪ ⊙)

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Bronze Conversationalist

It does not seem to be working at all.

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Community Manager
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When you find the holiday boxes on different pages, you click to see that prize. They have all been working and users busy grabbing those deals today. Are you having another issue?

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Bronze Conversationalist

@AARPTeriI am having the same problem. I was logged in and then somehow your site logged me out. It tells me I have come to the right place, but there may be an issue displaying this page. Not the first time this has happened.

Bronze Conversationalist

Yes, same. Although, I can come here and post. Strange happenings.

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] (☉౪ ⊙)

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@shamit - I sent you both private messages to try to help further.

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Regular Contributor

How do you send/receive private messages?

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If you scroll up this page while logged in, you will see an envelope (next to My Profile, My Settings), if you click on this you will see this, additional here is a FAQ in our Help area on it -

Regular Contributor

Got it, Thanks

Bronze Conversationalist

Hi. thanks, Teri. Everything is fine now, I have used a different browser. Appreciate it!

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] (☉౪ ⊙)

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Recognized Social Butterfly

And crazy as it may seem, they were wonky for first 4-5 hours; never able to claim (while at the same time other earn opportunities didn't add up)...

I really suggest AARP use an end-user panel to test this before announcing and failing; please, please consider that?


Bronze Conversationalist

Yes, when watching videos the points would not register, and also the links under Transaction History are non-working. Seems this holiday rewards thing has affected the rest of everything else.

[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] (☉౪ ⊙)

Please cancel my subscription to your issues.
Trusted Contributor

This is nice but if you have already used your 3 Rewards for the month, you can't participate. Pretty much bogus if you ask me!


Amazon GC now has this message:

We’re working to get more inventory

This item is currently out of stock

And, of course, the Amazon GC was available to all -- members as well as the rampaging hordes of freeloading NON-MEMBERS -- so it's no wonder it sold out so rapidly... and if more Amazon cards are acquired, you can bet that they too will disappear in a heartbeat. This is totally unfair to those of us here who pay annually to be MEMBERS and who can't spend all day on the AARP Rewards website ready to pounce on deals when they first become available.

I am strongly advocating that if additional Amazon GC's are made available as part of the Holiday Hunt promotion, that they be allocated to MEMBERS ONLY.

Bronze Conversationalist

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ODM... thanks for the info. But I could've sworn that when I "hunted down" the Amazon GC shortly after noon --- and discovered it was no longer available -- that it didn't have the Members Only banner attached to it. I'll chalk it up to yet another Senior Moment.

Trusted Contributor

You aren't seeing things. I saw it also.

Bronze Conversationalist

some are sold out already


Well, Amazon GCs are sold out, what's the point of displaying empty gift box?

And Starbucks card says: "Purchases of this item are limited to one." and blocks me, although I didn't get any SB this year at all

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