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A new senior travel club could be in the works if an astronaut makes good on my request

I wrote a letter to Astronaut, Doug Hurley about seeing if he wouldn't mind creating a travel club for people aged 55 and over with disabilites.  I sent the letter to the Kennedy Space Center in Houston, TX.  Now I am not sure how they get letters sent into space, but I assume they either load them onto a rocket or space shuttle to truck it up to the space station or they email the astronauts what ever we want to have relayed to them.  Doug is 53 years old and eventhough Bob Behnken is younger, from one video, and it could be the position of a camera, he too looks like he is in his 50s eventhough he is younger than Doug.  I told Doug that I want him to create the travel club and for private transportation that I don't want him to buy a van but to buy a great big motorcoach which is similar to the big buses that Greyhound has.  I hope that he gets a lot of funding for this so that way, I could travel to places like San Antonio, Texas and ride the boats.  

Seniors are just antique people rich with history.
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