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My husband has ischemic (bad blood vessels) cardiomyopathy (heart doesnt pump at full strngth). If he doesnt take his walk every day, he sometimes shows serious confusion. I think this is because of his poor circulation. We had him get an MRI from our internist about 6 years ago, but he doesnt want to go to a neurologist. It would be a major battle to get him to go.
If others have seen this confusion from heart problems, I can avoid at least one battle for now. Thanks for listening.
My brother had cardiomyopathy. He was young when diagnosed - 37 years old.
All his confusion problems came from one or both of (2) things - depleted O2 to his brain when he had to be revived once (compressions for over 45 minutes) and/or some of the meds which he took - not specifically for the heart problem but to counteract side effects which he was getting from all of the other meds he was on.
Now this was back in the early 90's. His daughter has it now (hereditary or familiar factors - they don't know), has been diagnosed for about 12 years - she is also young - currently 39. Meds have improved tremendously and she does not have any confusion and most days functions pretty well with limits to her activities but she is a wife and the mother of (2).
If your husband is older, there could be any number of reason why he may be getting confused and only an exam can determine the cause probably by elimination. You do have to have adequate blood supply to the brain.
He needs to be monitored for cardiac output to see if his organs are being deprived of O2 to rule out a heart connection. You already know that his heart muscle is not working correctly. It may have gotten worse ? ! ?
Perhaps try to get him to go see his cardiologist for some up to date test to rule out the heart connection (or even some of his meds) - echocardiogram, cardiac cath, simulated stress test - whatever will give them a good reading of the heart output. The cardiac doctor might also look at his activity level - too much, too little ?
I'm sorry - I know how it is to watch someone with cardiomyopathy - my brother was the picture of health, real active and then the day he was diagnosed, the cardiologist said - you are now declared permanently and totally disabled - NO more strenuous activity. A total shock. He was on the transplant list but it just didn't come fast enough. He left this world when he was 40 and the last 6 - 8 months being really bad.
However since 1990 - they have discovered a whole lot more about it, new meds, new treatment - defibulators when you need that little jolt (actually it isn't little).
Try to get that hubby to at least see the cardiologist
Good Luck ~
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