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- Re: Fluoride - Demand AARP Take Action
Fluoride - Demand AARP Take Action
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Fluoride - Demand AARP Take Action
“The evidence that fluoride is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming… fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth, and our overall health.” - Dr. Hardy Limeback, former President of Canadian ADA, Head of Preventive Dentistry at Univ of Toronto, 2006 National Research Council Scientist (2007)
The 2006 National Research Council on Fluoride in Drinking Water commented to the EPA that fluoridation at 1 ppm can be anticipated to be harmful for those with reduced renal function and the elderly. The NRC confirmed that fluoride not excreted by kidneys builds up in bones, resulting in arthritic pain and increased brittleness. However, there were no EPA studies on the whole health impacts of fluoridated water on susceptible population such as kidney patients, children, those with prolonged disease or the elderly. There still aren’t.
However, there is mounting science from other sources that “optimally fluoridated” water, which is known to cause varying degrees of dental fluorosis in 58% of Black American adolescents and 36% of White American adolescents, is causing subtle deficits in ability to remember or focus. That same “optimal level” has also been proved in a 2014 study as being nephrotoxic in rats with chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects approximately 15% of Americans, although CKD is quadruple the rate in Black Americans, and predictably worse in older Americans.
Perhaps the most horrifying part of the story of fluoridation is that not only is at least 50% of every drop of fluoride that has passed the lips of a Baby Boomer permanently stored in bones, fluoride isn't the only poison in packages of fluoride that originate as the waste product of aluminum an phosphate industry. 100% of the fluoride sampled in a 2014 study was contaminated with aluminum; arsenic and lead were other common contaminants. In other words, fluoridated water serves as a delivery system for aluminum and lead into our bones and our brains. As we all know, aluminum is associated with Alzheimers in adults, and lead is associated with learning disabilities in children. Approximately 15% of the population who is sensitive to chemicals cite inability to think clearly and overwhelming fatigue as symptoms of exposure to fluoridated water.
Our generation was part of a great human experiment. It may have had noble intentions based on the faulty hypothesis that drinking fluoridated water prevented cavities. It is now known that any perceived benefits of fluoride are from tooth brushing. Our grandchildren are the third generation in this travesty. I suggest we all DEMAND the AARP stand up for us and our grandchildren by issuing a strong position paper calling for the cessation of water fluoridation.
- 2014 in Toxicology. Effect of water fluoridation on the development of medial vascular calcification in uremic rats. (“Optimal levels” worsen kidney function😞
- 2015 in Neurotoxicology and Teratology. Association of lifetime exposure to fluoride and cognitive functions in Chinese children: A pilot study. (Children with visible dental fluorosis perform less well on memory tasks, correlating with the degree of severity of their fluorosis. One of a series of human and animal studies with the same consistent findings.😞
- 2014 in Physiology and Behavior. Fluoride exposure during development affects both cognition and emotion in mice. (Measurable behavioral changes😞
- 2014 in International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. A new perspective on metals and other contaminants in fluoridation chemicals. (All samples of fluoride are contaminated with aluminum, plus other contaminants like arsenic, lead and barium);
- 2014 in Scientific World Journal. Water Fluoridation: A Critical Review of the Physiological Effects of Ingested Fluoride as a Public Health Intervention. (Health risks and cost don't justify minimal and questionable dental benefit.):
Here are three Oct 2014 news articles on the content of the Freedom of Information Act documents. Rev. Andrew Young, former UN ambassador has pursued them with the CDC, but to little effect. Civil Rights leaders have been calling for an end to community water fluoridation (CWF) since 2011.
- 1. Black Americans disproportionately harmed:
- 2. CDC, ADA and Pew inappropriate relationships:
- 3. Kidneys, Civil Rights & Ralph Nader:
There is a legal initiative in Peel, Ontario (pop 1.3m) to remove fluoride from the water supply based on the principle of gross disproportionality, i.e. marginal benefit does not justify great risk of harm. There is also a political effort afoot in Canadian govt to mandate fluoridation and thereby make the legal argument moot. I suggest this document is well-worth printing.
- a. The first 19 pages of this document is about the legal strategy. It includes summary of US legal cases that found water fluoridation harmful to the public, but legal under US "police power" mandate.
- b. Starting on page 20 is a devastating affidavit by Dr. Kathleen Thiessen, NAS/NRC scientist and international expert in risk assessment. Very readable summary of science indicating harm to populations in “optimally” fluoridated communities.
- In excess of 25% of previously healthy Gulf War Veterans have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, which includes sensitivity to fluoride. See:
- EXCERPT: “It is well established that some people are more vulnerable to adverse effects of certain chemicals than others, due to variability in biological processes that neutralize those chemicals, and clear them from the body.” - Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses 2008
- Affidavit of Dr. Hans Moolenburgh:
- Except: “As a summary of our research, we are now convinced that fluoridation of the water supplies causes a low grade intoxication of the whole population, with only the approximately 5% most sensitive persons showing acute symptoms.The whole population being subjected to low grade poisoning means that their immune systems are constantly overtaxed. With all the other poisonous influences in our environment, this can hasten health calamities.”
- PubMed Listed Studies on immune system response:
- a. Fluoride makes allergies worse, rats (1990):
- b. Fluoride makes allergies worse, in vitro (1999):
- c. Immune system of the gut (2010):
- d. ASIA Syndrome, adjuvant impact (2011):
- e. Gene predicts fluoride sensitivity (2015):
- f. Brain has an immune system (2015):
AARP - STAND UP on our behalf!
Solved! Go to Solution.
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Dr. Joel Bohemier’s presentation to the Commissioners of Collier County, FL includes quotes for EPA, CDC and others under oath from TSCA trial depositions. This presentation was part of the Commissioners deliberation that resulted in its unanimous vote to end fluoridation last week:
It is in the hands of Judge Chen, now, but I've got to say that the closing on Feb. 20th was odd.
Not only did Judge Chen pepper both attorneys with questions, the EPA attorneys seemed to admit that fluoride exposure at doses consistent with water concentration of 1.5 ppm, 2 ppm and 4 ppm had been proven to result in lower IQ per studies of mom-child pairs performed in Canadian and other communities across the world. They admitted this despite the official policy of the U.S. EPA stating there is no harm up to 4 ppm (the actionable threshold for remediation) other than mild cosmetic dental fluorosis (tooth staining) at or above 2 ppm. The Canadian government has an actionable threshold of 1.5 ppm which is consistent with the WHO guidelines.
When Judge Chen challenged the EPA that per both plaintiff and defense witnesses, shouldn't there be a protective uncertainty or safety factor of at least ten to protect consumers applied to 2 or 4 which would protect teeth from moderate dental fluorosis which a recent Health Canada is concern at 1.56 ppm and from severe dental fluorosis which the 2006 National Research Council (NRC) said was an adverse health risk at 4 ppm which would also protect brains, EPA Defense attorney said that would be an interesting thought experiment, but Plaintiff attorney didn't argue about dental fluorosis (which by the way is positively associated with lower IQ and learning disabilities) so the judge could not legally do so. Frankly, it almost seemed like the EPA attorneys were threatening the Judge.
Judge Chen pushed back about EPA "Health Protective Assumption" guidelines, but EPA insisted that the Judge must not act based on science or consumer protection, but on strict interpretation of statutory law and the skill of the Plaintiff attorney in proving his case.
On the other hand, Plaintiff attorney was clear that the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) only requires that any specific use of a chemical (fluoridation programs) not pose an "unreasonable risk" to consumers which include susceptible sub-populations like pregnant women and their offspring and bottle-fed babies. All five plaintiff witnesses were quite clear that optimally fluoridated water per CDC guidelines is subtly and permanently damaging the brains of millions of children. Even EPA witnesses and attorneys admitted that there is "something there" in the scientific evidence showing neurotoxic effects at 0.7 ppm, but argued it is not clearly defined enough to identify a "Point of Departure" for the EPA to perform a risk assessment.
Three Benchmark Dose Analyses which are the gold standard for beginning risk assessments and established uncertainty factors have identified that 0.2 mg/L, which is one tenth of 2 ppm, as harmful. This suggests that no fluoride exposure is safe for baby brains and is a scientifically justifiable Point of Departure in anyone's book.
But let's make it even easier for thick-headed fluoridationists to understand:
- No amount of fluoride in water or food is safe for pregnant women and their fetuses; bottle-fed infants and young children; the elderly and any in fragile health, such as diabetics or those with thyroid or kidney disease.
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“Today’s ruling represents an important acknowledgement of a large and growing body of science indicating serious human health risks associated with fluoridated drinking water. This court looked at the science and acted accordingly. Now the EPA must respond by implementing new regulations that adequately protect all Americans – especially our most vulnerable infants and children – from this known health threat.” - Wenonah Hauter, Director of Food & Water Watch in “Historic Court Decision in Fluoridation Toxicity Case Orders EPA to Act” (Sept. 25, 2024)
Well, it as been a busy few weeks!
Not only was the final NTP Systematic Review, "Fluoride Exposure: Neurodevelopment and Cognition" published in August (despite political efforts by HHS/PHS and ADA to scuttle it) after five (or was it six) peer reviews, the Final Findings and Conclusion of Law from a lengthy de novo trial was rendered in September with excellent detail, and the 2024 Cochrane Systematic Review, "Water fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries," published in October repeated that dental fluorosis is an adverse effect of fluoridation, a practice which provides no benefit to adults or lower socio-economic groups. The Cochrane authors also wrote that the very small benefit they were able to document to children from "poor quality" studies at high risk of bias "may not be real."
In other words, community water fluoridation is all risk and no benefit. Fluoridation is dental mythology, a magic potion tooth-fairy tale. The most important thing is that Judge Chen ordered the EPA to take action to eliminate the risk to consumers.
- UNSAFE: p. 2: the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) – the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children.
- HAZARD: p 5: The pooled benchmark dose analysis concluded that a 1-point drop in IQ of a child is to be expected for each 0.28 mg/L of fluoride in a pregnant mother’s urine. This is highly concerning, because maternal urinary fluoride levels for pregnant mothers in the United States range from 0.8 mg/L at the median and 1.89 mg/L depending upon the degree of exposure. Not only is there an insufficient margin between the hazard level and these exposure levels, for many, the exposure levels exceed the hazard level of 0.28 mg/L.
CERTAINTY: p. 77: The scientific literature in the record provides a high level of certainty that a hazard is present; fluoride is associated with reduced IQ. There are uncertainties presented by the underlying data regarding the appropriate point of departure and exposure level to utilize in this risk evaluation. But those uncertainties do not undermine the finding of an unreasonable risk; in every scenario utilizing any of the various possible points of departures, exposure levels and metrics, a risk is present in view of the applicable uncertainty factors that apply.
VULNERABILITY: p. 76: The size of the affected population is vast. Approximately 200 million Americans have fluoride intentionally added to their drinking water at a concentration of 0.7 mg/L. See Dkt. No. 421 at 206-07 (undisputed). Other Americans are indirectly exposed to fluoridated water through consumption of commercial beverages and food manufactured with fluoridated water
SUSCEPTIBILITY: p. 76: Approximately two million pregnant women, and over 300,000 exclusively formula-fed babies are exposed to fluoridated water. The number of pregnant women and formula-fed babies alone who are exposed to water fluoridation each year exceeds entire populations exposed to conditions of use for which EPA has found unreasonable risk; the EPA has found risks unreasonable where the population impacted was less than 500 people.
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'"It is public health malpractice to continue adding fluoride to community water systems." - Dr. Joseph Ladapo MD, PhD Florida Surgeon General (Nov. 22, 2024)
"This is a human rights issue and public health issue, separate from other public health issues." - Dr. Ashley Malin, PhD (Nov. 22, 2024)
The Surgeon General of Florida announced yesterday that he was "appalled" at the evidence of harm caused by fluoridation policy which has been ignored for years. He announced that he was recommending that all water treatment plants(WTP) in Florida end fluoridation. immediately.
Dr. Ladapo also said he always believed fluoridation was "safe and effective" because that was what he was taught, but that after looking closely at the science as a result of the September verdict agains the EPA and Bobby Kennedy's statements, he realizes that fluoridation is anything but safe and effective. He went on to say that he and his family were taking measures to reduce their fluoride exposure.
Yet, what do the fluoridation profiteers and their corporate partners do? They launch more smear campaigns in the media- against Joe Ladapo, Bobby Kennedy, or anyone else who challenges their profitable tooth-fairy tale.
One of the fluoride-lobby claims, which they offered in court, is fluoride consumption might be harmful if the dose is at 1.5 mg/L or above but fluoridation concentrations in water is half that at 0.7 ppm.
Let's make this clear:
1. Not only do some people drink more water than others, fluoride is in foods prepared with fluoridated water or treated with fluoridated agrichemicals. Dose is dependent on intake, not water concentration
- This is why there is supposed to be a 10x safety factor applied to hazards like fluoride, although 100 is more typical. That would reduce the assumed safe concentration to 0.15 or 0.015 ppm.
2. The assumption of a dose of 0.7 mg/L is based on only one liter of fluoridated water consumed (and with a perfectly calibrated fluoride 0.7 ppm concentration)
3. The dose of 1.5 mg/L recognized as unsafe is reached by consuming a couple of mouthfuls over 2 liters of water
4. The rule of thumb medical advice is that a healthy adult should consume at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water daily (8x8), which provides just under 2 liters. A half glass more (or fluoride from another source) will bring you into the red zone.
5. NASEM recommends fluid consumption, primarily water, be:
- About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
- About 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) of fluids a day for women
Go to to see a copy of the verdict and a hyperlinked annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed science published in credible journals since 2015 documenting that fluoridation is DANGEROUS and INEFFECTIVE. and since it affects brains in the womb and is stored in our bones, fluoridation policy poisons us all from womb to tomb.
Then tell the Surgeon General in your state that he should follow Dr. Ladapo's lead.
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Have you watched
The video will jog your mind and raise concerns and provide answers to many of your comments here.
I trust you put the two thoughts together. . . the ADA position on mercury fillings and fluoridation, and the label on mercury and lack of label on fluoride.
The ADA testified under oath to the court that they owe no duty to the public. Think fluoridation. . . the ADA owes no duty to protect the public from harmful effects of fluoridation or excess fluoride exposure for anyone in the public.
Think about the 100+ organizations who mistakenly rely on the ADA for, supposedly unbiased scientific evidence. The evidence they are relying on may not be the best science for the public, but it sure is the best for the dentists' pocket-book. As one of my mentors said, tongue in cheek, "Never let a rational thought stand in the way of a lucrative surgery, policy or theory." Another said, "when scientists agree, hang on to your pocket book."
Money is a huge driving force in health care and science. Think about the scientists supporting the tobacco industry, DDT, dioxins, etc.
Every chemical, especially highly toxic substances classified as poisons by law and exempt when used as a drug have a label, warnings, cautions, etc. . . except fluoride.
Think about the label on the mercury filling materials and keep in mind the lack of fluoridation label mass dispensed without individual consent or label.
Here is the manufacture's label for Dispersally a mercury dental filling material.
2.1 Warnings 1. When mixed and used as designed, this product will contain mercury. Properly mixed Alloy amalgam products contain mercury, which can cause skin sensitization or other allergic reaction. Although the mercury in this product is bound within the amalgam following trituration, proper care should be taken to prevent exposure to mercury. These preventive measures include the wearing of safety glasses and gloves, good ventilation, the use of an enclosed amalgamator, and the use of a mercury absorbing compound in the event of spillage. It has been suggested by the Ad-hoc working group established by the European Commission that the following information, be kept in mind when considering the use of dental amalgams.
- After placement or removal of dental amalgam restorations increased mercury concentration in blood and urine has been observed. According to available scientific knowledge this increase has not been associated with any adverse health effects.
- If placed in close contact with other metal restorations galvanic effects may occur. In most cases they will be of short lasting duration. If the effect persists the user should consider replacement of the dental amalgam filling with another material.
- There are no proven adverse effects on the fetus associated with the placement or presence of dental amalgam fillings in the mother. It is sensible, however, where clinically feasible, to minimize health interventions during pregnancy and avoid any unnecessary chemical exposure of the fetus. This precaution should be observed with the use of all dental materials. It has also been recommended by certain regulatory authorities that consideration be given to the use of amalgam fillings in children and that amalgams not be used in patients with severe renal disease.
- 2. Health Canada Warnings • Non-mercury filling materials should be considered for restoring the primary teeth of children where the mechanical properties of the material are suitable.
- Whenever possible, amalgam fillings should not be placed in or removed from the teeth of pregnant women.
- Amalgam should not be placed in patients with impaired kidney function.
- In placing and removing amalgam fillings, dentists should use techniques and equipment to minimize the exposure of the patient and the dentist to mercury vapor and to prevent amalgam waste from being flushed into municipal sewage systems.
- Dentists should advise individuals who may have allergic hypersensitivity to mercury to avoid the use of amalgam. In patients who have developed hypersensitivity to amalgam, existing amalgam restorations should be replaced with another material where this is recommended by a physician.
- Properly mixed Alloy amalgam products contain mercury, which can cause skin sensitization or other allergic reaction. Proper care should be taken to prevent exposure to mercury.
- Avoid skin Contact with this product by wearing protective safety glasses, clothing and gloves. If contact with skin occurs immediately wipe off and flush with generous amounts of water, then wash well with soap and water after contact. If skin rash, irritation, sensitization or other allergic reaction occurs, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately.
- Avoid eye contact as product may be irritating to eyes. Before using this product wear protective glasses as well as covering the patient’s eyes to protect from excess. The use of an enclosed amalgamator is recommended. In case of accidental contact with eyes, rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.
- Avoid ingestion of this product. Do not swallow or take internally. Whenever possible, the use of protective barriers such as rubber dam isolation and protective mask during placement and removal is recommended. If accidental swallowing occurs, drink lots of water. If nausea or illness develop, seek medical attention immediately. Contact regional Poison Control Center immediately.
- Avoid inhalation as this product may be harmful if vapors are inhaled. Use with adequate ventilation. Whenever possible, the use of protective barriers such as rubber dam isolation, high-volume evacuation and protective mask during placement and removal is recommended. Give oxygen or artificial respiration if necessary.
- This alloy contains Zinc; amalgam made therefrom may show excessive expansion if moisture is introduced during mixing and condensing.
2.2 Precautions 1. This product is intended to be used only as specifically outlined in the Directions for Use. Any use of this product inconsistent with the Directions for Use is at the discretion and sole responsibility of the practitioner.
- Wear suitable protective eyewear, clothing, mask and gloves. Protective eyewear, and whenever possible, barrier techniques such as rubber dam is recommended for patients. (See Warnings)
- Devices marked “single use” on the labeling are intended for single use only. Discard after use. Do not reuse.
- Mercury reacts with and embrittles particular metals and their alloys. Avoid unnecessary contact between mercury and those metals (and their alloys).
- Mercury presents a health hazard if incorrectly handled. Mercury is toxic by vapor inhalation and the effect is cumulative. Spillages of mercury should be removed immediately, including places which are difficult to access. Use a plastic syringe to draw it up. Smaller quantities can be covered by sulfur powder and removed. Individual small droplets can be picked up by tin (i.e. Sn) foil and removed. Avoid inhalation of the vapor. During and after a clean up thoroughly ventilate the area where the spill has occurred. Vacuum cleaners should not be used.
- 6. Regulations for disposal must be observed. Adherence to the American Dental Association’s current “Best Management Practices For Amalgam Waste (BMPs)” and “Dental Mercury Hygiene Recommendations” is strongly recommended. Among these practices:
- • Salvage and store non-contact amalgam scrap in well-sealed containers and recycle.
- Salvage and store contact amalgam pieces from restorations, traps and filters in well-sealed containers and recycle.
- Do not dispose of amalgam scrap, waste or extracted teeth in regulated infectious waste containers that will be incinerated, or in regular garbage.
- Recycle used disposable amalgam capsules. 7. Waste material and all primary containers that have held mercury shall be disposed of following appropriate management practice.
- DISPERSALLOY®ALLOY CONTAINS ZINC; If moisture is introduced into the dental amalgam before it has set, properties such as strength and corrosion resistance can be affected adversely. If the alloy contains zinc, such contamination can result in an excessive expansion (delayed expansion). Use a dry field, whenever it is possible.
- 9. Manufacturer’s variation in amalgamators and differences in local electrical current may necessitate adjusting trituration time to obtain an optimal mix.
- Insufficient data exist to support the use of amalgamators not listed in the chart below. Use of amalgamators other than those listed may result in less than optimally triturated amalgam. The operator must investigate non-listed equipment compatibility and/or consult amalgamator manufacturer for recommendations.
- Do not attempt to place improperly triturated amalgam, or amalgam that has exceeded working time (dry, crumbly)
- Drilling, polishing and grinding dental fillings should always be combined with water-cooling and suction under a vacuum.
- Do not place dental amalgam in direct contact with other types of metals to reduce risk of corrosion and galvanic reaction.
- The following precautions are required by the General Director AFSSAPS (Agence française de sécuité sanitaire des produits de santé – French agency for Sanitary Security of Health Products): • Store amalgam capsules in a cool and ventilated space. • Work in ventilated rooms with decontaminable non-textile surfaces. • Realize shaping and polishing of amalgam always under cooling and suction of the operation field. • Condense amalgam with classical methods (plugger) and do not use ultrasound condensers. • Do not place amalgam in direct proximity of other metallic restorations in order to avoid all risk of corrosion. • Avoid placing and removing amalgam during pregnancy and lactation. • If local reactions, in particular lichoid lesions in the proximity of amalgam, occur, it is justified to remove the filling. 2.3 Adverse reactions (when mixed with mercury as intended) 1. Product may irritate skin, eyes. Skin contact: irritation or possible allergic response. Reddish rashes may be seen on the skin. Eye contact: irritation and possible corneal damage. (See Warnings and Precautions) 2. Inhalation of vapors may cause varying degrees of damage to the affected tissue and also increased susceptibility to respiratory illness. (See Warnings and Precautions) 3. Product may cause neurotoxic, nephrotoxic or other serious health effects if inhaled or ingested. (See Warnings)
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Regarding Mercury fillings which the dental lobby says are safe. Although not safe for the sewer or trash or postal workers. . . . Have you read the Manufacturer's warnings and advice as of January 16, 2024. Dispersalloy-Tablets-Powder-DFU-yldq98l-en-1508.pdf ( My comments in bold
2.1 Warnings 1. When mixed and used as designed, this product will contain mercury. Properly mixed Alloy amalgam products contain mercury, which can cause skin sensitization or other allergic reaction. Although the mercury in this product is bound within the amalgam following trituration, proper care should be taken to prevent exposure to mercury. These preventive measures include the wearing of safety glasses and gloves, good ventilation, (Ventilation for the patient and dentist and team. However, after placement the mercury comes off and the patient does not have ventilation but rather direct inhalation.) the use of an enclosed amalgamator, and the use of a mercury absorbing compound in the event of spillage. It has been suggested by the Ad-hoc working group established by the European Commission that the following information, be kept in mind when considering the use of dental amalgams.
- After placement or removal of dental amalgam restorations increased mercury concentration in blood and urine has been observed. According to available scientific knowledge this increase has not been associated with any adverse health effects.
- If placed in close contact with other metal restorations galvanic effects may occur. (Amalgam buildup under gold crowns or adjacent or opposing is common.) In most cases they will be of short lasting duration. If the effect persists the user should consider replacement of the dental amalgam filling with another material.
- There are no proven adverse effects (proven is a very high bar. Previously, the recommendation was to not place in children or women who are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. The dental lobby had the manufacturer partly back down) on the fetus associated with the placement or presence of dental amalgam fillings in the mother. It is sensible, however, where clinically feasible, to minimize health interventions during pregnancy and avoid any unnecessary chemical exposure of the fetus. This precaution should be observed with the use of all dental materials. It has also been recommended by certain regulatory authorities that consideration be given to the use of amalgam fillings in children and that amalgams not be used in patients with severe renal disease. (What do they mean by "consideration"? Not to use or use for sure?)
- 2. Health Canada Warnings • Non-mercury filling materials should be considered for restoring the primary teeth of children where the mechanical properties of the material are suitable. (Other materials are more suitable in more situations than amalgams.)
- Whenever possible, amalgam fillings should not be placed in or removed from the teeth of pregnant women. (Why? Clearly there is a risk to the fetus.)
- Amalgam should not be placed in patients with impaired kidney function. (Why? did the mercury contribute to the impaired kidney function?)
- In placing and removing amalgam fillings, dentists should use techniques and equipment to minimize the exposure of the patient and the dentist to mercury vapor and to prevent amalgam waste from being flushed into municipal sewage systems. (So it is not safe in the sewer but safe in the patient's mouth? Makes no sense.)
- Dentists should advise individuals who may have allergic hypersensitivity to mercury to avoid the use of amalgam. In patients who have developed hypersensitivity to amalgam, existing amalgam restorations should be replaced with another material where this is recommended by a physician. (Randy, How can a patient or dentist tell if the patient is hypersensitive to the amalgam? What are the indications?)
- Properly mixed Alloy amalgam products contain mercury, which can cause skin sensitization or other allergic reaction. Proper care should be taken to prevent exposure to mercury.
- Avoid skin Contact with this product by wearing protective safety glasses, clothing and gloves. (What kind of safety clothing and gloves should the patient wear to protect them from the implantation of the product in their mouth? No, this is to protect the dentist, not the patient.) If contact with skin occurs immediately wipe off and flush with generous amounts of water, then wash well with soap and water after contact. If skin rash, irritation, sensitization or other allergic reaction occurs, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately.
- Avoid eye contact as product may be irritating to eyes. Before using this product wear protective glasses as well as covering the patient’s eyes to protect from excess. (At least the patient's eyes should be protected, but not their body or swallowing. Makes no sense.) The use of an enclosed amalgamator is recommended. In case of accidental contact with eyes, rinse eyes immediately with plenty of water and seek medical attention.(Constant contact with the eyes during placement and removal)
- Avoid ingestion of this product. (The majority of the mercury comes out of the filling over the next few years. Should the patient never swallow?) Do not swallow or take internally. (And the ADA says these are safe.) Whenever possible, the use of protective barriers such as rubber dam isolation and protective mask during placement and removal is recommended. If accidental swallowing occurs, drink lots of water. If nausea or illness develop, seek medical attention immediately. Contact regional Poison Control Center immediately.
- Avoid inhalation as this product may be harmful if vapors are inhaled. Use with adequate ventilation. Whenever possible, the use of protective barriers such as rubber dam isolation, high-volume evacuation and protective mask during placement and removal is recommended. Give oxygen or artificial respiration if necessary. (The patient's nose is closer than the dentist and they walk out breathing the filling material and swallowing much even with a rubber dam. Much is repeated below and my family is calling me, must go.)
- This alloy contains Zinc; amalgam made therefrom may show excessive expansion if moisture is introduced during mixing and condensing.
2.2 Precautions 1. This product is intended to be used only as specifically outlined in the Directions for Use. Any use of this product inconsistent with the Directions for Use is at the discretion and sole responsibility of the practitioner.
- Wear suitable protective eyewear, clothing, mask and gloves. Protective eyewear, and whenever possible, barrier techniques such as rubber dam is recommended for patients. (See Warnings)
- Devices marked “single use” on the labeling are intended for single use only. Discard after use. Do not reuse.
- Mercury reacts with and embrittles particular metals and their alloys. Avoid unnecessary contact between mercury and those metals (and their alloys).
- Mercury presents a health hazard if incorrectly handled. Mercury is toxic by vapor inhalation and the effect is cumulative. Spillages of mercury should be removed immediately, including places which are difficult to access. Use a plastic syringe to draw it up. Smaller quantities can be covered by sulfur powder and removed. Individual small droplets can be picked up by tin (i.e. Sn) foil and removed. Avoid inhalation of the vapor. During and after a clean up thoroughly ventilate the area where the spill has occurred. Vacuum cleaners should not be used.
- 6. Regulations for disposal must be observed. Adherence to the American Dental Association’s current “Best Management Practices For Amalgam Waste (BMPs)” and “Dental Mercury Hygiene Recommendations” is strongly recommended. Among these practices:
- • Salvage and store non-contact amalgam scrap in well-sealed containers and recycle.
- Salvage and store contact amalgam pieces from restorations, traps and filters in well-sealed containers and recycle.
- Do not dispose of amalgam scrap, waste or extracted teeth in regulated infectious waste containers that will be incinerated, or in regular garbage.
- Recycle used disposable amalgam capsules. 7. Waste material and all primary containers that have held mercury shall be disposed of following appropriate management practice.
- DISPERSALLOY®ALLOY CONTAINS ZINC; If moisture is introduced into the dental amalgam before it has set, properties such as strength and corrosion resistance can be affected adversely. If the alloy contains zinc, such contamination can result in an excessive expansion (delayed expansion). Use a dry field, whenever it is possible.
- 9. Manufacturer’s variation in amalgamators and differences in local electrical current may necessitate adjusting trituration time to obtain an optimal mix.
- Insufficient data exist to support the use of amalgamators not listed in the chart below. Use of amalgamators other than those listed may result in less than optimally triturated amalgam. The operator must investigate non-listed equipment compatibility and/or consult amalgamator manufacturer for recommendations.
- Do not attempt to place improperly triturated amalgam, or amalgam that has exceeded working time (dry, crumbly)
- Drilling, polishing and grinding dental fillings should always be combined with water-cooling and suction under a vacuum.
- Do not place dental amalgam in direct contact with other types of metals to reduce risk of corrosion and galvanic reaction.
- The following precautions are required by the General Director AFSSAPS (Agence française de sécuité sanitaire des produits de santé – French agency for Sanitary Security of Health Products): • Store amalgam capsules in a cool and ventilated space. • Work in ventilated rooms with decontaminable non-textile surfaces. • Realize shaping and polishing of amalgam always under cooling and suction of the operation field. • Condense amalgam with classical methods (plugger) and do not use ultrasound condensers. • Do not place amalgam in direct proximity of other metallic restorations in order to avoid all risk of corrosion. • Avoid placing and removing amalgam during pregnancy and lactation. • If local reactions, in particular lichoid lesions in the proximity of amalgam, occur, it is justified to remove the filling. 2.3 Adverse reactions (when mixed with mercury as intended) 1. Product may irritate skin, eyes. Skin contact: irritation or possible allergic response. Reddish rashes may be seen on the skin. Eye contact: irritation and possible corneal damage. (See Warnings and Precautions) 2. Inhalation of vapors may cause varying degrees of damage to the affected tissue and also increased susceptibility to respiratory illness. (See Warnings and Precautions) 3. Product may cause neurotoxic, nephrotoxic or other serious health effects if inhaled or ingested. (See Warnings)
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Randy, Part C (I did not label parts A or B)
Remember, sodium fluoride is listed in the US Pharmacopeia as a drug and used with intent to prevent disease which means it is a drug. The FDA calls fluoride a drug. Boards of Pharmacy call it a drug. Sodium fluoride is not listed in the Orange Book of approved FDA drugs for ingestion.
Rumsfeld tried to force those in the military to get a vaccine for anthrax. The vaccine was an approved drug, but not to help prevent anthrax.
The Court ruled even under emergency conditions of war the Government cannot force an individual to be medicated with a substance which has not been specifically approved for the purpose and manor it is intended. Case regarding AVA, a non FDA approved anthrax drug. Doe v. Rumsfield 2003 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 22990
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You reference the American Dental Association Code of Conduct. Read it carefully, Randy. That is conduct for dentists, not the ADA itself. When I am able to find a position from sworn testimony, I think that is more "honest" than the advertisements.
Here is the ADA position on Mercury fillings which the ADA had a patent on the product.
The Superior Court of the State of California Case
No. 718228, Demurrer (October 22, 1992).
"The American Dental Association (ADA) owes no legal duty
of care to protect the public form allegedly dangerous products
used by dentists. The ADA did not manufacture, design, supply
or install the mercury-containing amalgams. The ADA does not
control those who do. The ADA's only alleged involvement in
the product was to provide information regarding its use.
Dissemination of information relating to the practice of dentistry
does not create a duty of care to protect the public from potential injury.
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Thank you @WillardO247964 this is VERY interesting and informative.
The ADA is cited often as an authority about Fluoridation, it is necessary to know the actually it is just a "Trade Organization" looking out for their MEMBERS.
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Hi Randy,
Have you watched Fluoride On Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health | Childrens Health Defense?
I promise you, the evidence is troubling.
You mention 100+ organizations which support fluoridation. OK. Fair enough. Now let's look at some of those organizations. At the top is WHO with a reference to the "Community Dental Health" Journal which has a long tradition of fluoridation support and unwillingness to publish any research raising caution or lack of benefit. I do not see a reference you provide to the WHO.
First question: "What country provides the largest contribution financially to the WHO?" I've heard the USA is right up there, as it should be. More people are fluoridated in the USA than all the rest of the world. WHO needs to protect their funding and yet they have said,
"Dental and Public health administrators should be aware of the total fluoride exposure in the population before introducing any additional fluoride program for caries prevention."
WHO (1994). Fluorides and Oral Health. WHO Technical Report Series 846.
What is the total fluoride exposure you are ingesting? Your community and your state? Per person? Has total exposure been measured for you or your community?
The WHO continues:
"Estimation of the amount of fluoride ingested from all environmental and dietary sources is important so that rational and scientifically sound decisions can be made when guidelines for the use of fluorides are reviewed periodically and modified."
Pang D, et al. (1992). Journal of Dental Research 71: 1382-1388.
And what is the estimated exposure from all sources for your community?
Dental fluorosis, a biomarker of excess fluoride has increased to 2 out of 3 children in the USA. When was the last time your community estimated the total exposure and evaluated and modified exposure?
Name one and we can dig into the evidence of their support.
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I definitely have lost my faith in any dentist who supports fluoridation. Most of such dentists know barely anything about fluorine chemistry and have not read any of the science. I have asked many dentists such questions and very few know much anything about fluorides. Yet, they are the experts? What a joke!
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You may have lost faith in any dentist who supports fluoridation, but as a dentist who supported fluoridation for 20 years and have 50 years of clinical experience, you may miss out on a good dentist because of one aspect. The problem is the dental lobby, not individual dentists.
If a dentist tried 10 new products a day, the dentist could not keep up on all the new products introduced into dentistry each year. . . and each new product needs careful repeated long-term evaluation. I tried a product which was alleged by the manufacturer and experts to be fantastic and last long term for baby teeth and so easy to place. Well, it only lasted a few months. . . poor kids had to have work redone.
A dentist trying to keep current has no time to spend hundreds and thousands of hours on what the dental lobby thinks is established science and if the dentist became concerned about ingested fluoride and spoke up with concerns on fluoride exposure, they would be alienated from their peers, loose referrals, judged as a quack, jerked in front of the Boards. Not fun and a big loss of income.
Just tell your dentist and hygienist, no fluoride please.
Fluoride Abundant in Foods, Beverages, Dental Products & More; US Kids Fluoride Over-Exposed: Fluoridation Unnecessary
Whether one is for or against fluoridation, there is no scientifically valid reason to continue it. After 79 years of fluoridation, our food supply is saturated with fluoride - from processing with fluoridated water, from fluoride-containing pesticides and more. Some foods like tea and ocean fish are naturally high in fluoride. There is no dispute between those for and against fluoridation that too much fluoride is a bad for bones and teeth.
Total fluoride intake should be determined before prescribing more, reported former New York State Department of Health Dental Director, J. Kumar, He wrote: “Because of the availability of fluoride from multiple sources, practitioners should prescribe other forms of fluoride therapy based on an understanding of patients’ total exposure to fluoride and the need for it,” (NYS Dental Journal, February 1998). Few dentists, if any including him, heed that advice.
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Sad but Great Comment @sirpac271999 Unfortunately-Some Dentists are so busy they do not have time to follow the new science--Especially because it is censored/hidden --sad we do not have many REAL Journalists--and even if articles are written main stream media is afraid to run the articles with the TRUTH! Sooo some are ignorant-- and unfortunately many make money and they do not want to stop this! And SOME know the truth but they have been supporting the lies for a while (knowingly or not) and even if they want to come out --it is like someone said "how do you get off the back of a tiger" --many just stay on! The Dallas Chairman Bazaldua of the Quality of Life Committee in October talked out against Fluoridation--and in November made a COMPLETE flip Flop! here is a EIN PRESWIRE talking about this and more -Hope you will read and share
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Hi Randy my friend,
Watch the video: Fluoride On Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health | Childrens Health Defense
You may have spent time reading about fluoridation, but you have, at least in the past, been reluctant to read from those opposed.
Consider the common adjectives describing a "Good Scientist."
“Good Scientists:”
Curiosity to Learn, Critical Thinker, a Desire to gain Knowledge, Persistent, Courageous, Honest, Analytical, Open-Minded and free from Bias, Patient, Ethics, Skeptic and Communicator.
Terms such as: Belief, Trusting, Follower, Obedient to Authorities, Traditionalist, cherry picking science, do not fit the concept of a “Good Scientist.”
A Good Public Health Professional, or employee of the dental lobby, required to be obedient to authority, following authority, trusting authority, promoting policy and tradition would be a very frustrated “Good Scientist” and change professions.
Public Health Professionals are by nature, training, and practice obedient to authority on matters of science and resistant to evidence not supporting authorities and policy.
The paradigm shift (for me and probably you) is significant. The new evidence is strong, yet it contradicts our past and some authorities. Each of the streams of evidence must be incorporated and valued appropriately. Some evidence is stronger than others, but each adds to the total picture: Many are being harmed from fluoridation.
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Fluoridation policy is an immoral medical mandate that pollutes a shared resource necessary to life with a toxin that compromises the health of vulnerable populations as well as poses an environmental threat to other species.
Fluoridation is politics pretending to be science. City councils aren’t doctors, water workers aren’t pharmacists and my neighbors don’t have the right to make medical decisions for my family. No one has the moral right to add a drug to my water because he believes it might prevent a cavity in some hypothetical kid.
Fluoridation is medically contraindicated for millions with inflammatory/autoimmune, thyroid/endocrine and kidney diseases. It is also ill-advised for pregnant women & their fetuses, bottle-fed babies & young children, the elderly and any in fragile health.
Despite claims of efficiency, independent sources who have tested filters have not found any that adequately reduce/elminate fluoride for the purported life-span of the filter. Perhaps some of the more expensive types are effective for two to four months of their six months warantee, but short of distilled water (which has other adverse health effects attached), filters are an imperfect remedy. Moreover, water is ubiquitous. When you depend on your filter, that doesn't address foods in restaurants, foods in the grocery, and even food and drink at your friend's house that are prepared with fluoridated water.
I trusted filtered water to my detriment for years. I didn't realize how badly my health was affected. I now use bottled water even to brush my teeth and no longer have kidney or liver issues. My arthritis, IBS, and dizzy spells are also a thing of the past.
Some of the participants on this thread viciously attacked the MIREC study published in JAMA Pediatrics in August 2019 that found lowered IQs in 'optimally' fluoridated Canadian communities and found the result to be 5 IQ points per 1mg/L fluoride in maternal urine - this consistent with dozens of other studies in other populations.
In December 2019, JAMA Pediatrics published the attached pithy rebuke for the specious attacks on Green et al. Increasing numbers of toxicologists and medical doctors are recommending that pregnant women avoid fluoridated water in order not to cause subtle but permant brain damage in their children.
The Canadian studies from the MIREC project are among those using Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS) data which document fluoridation programs as womb to tomb poisoning of the population.
JAMA Pediatrics Dec. 2019
For more, see the references in this 2019 #WeToo letter:
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Thanks Bill. Also understamd that the FDA does not require food or beverage labeling for F content. And i know of no one in my town who is capable of measuring F content in the foods and beverages they consume. Adding F on purpose in all public water supplies which also increases the F level in mamy foods is inane.
A blood level of 1 ppm as in kidney patients who are dialyzed with city water have chronic heart muscle degeneration
Blood levels of about 0.08 or so in F'd water consumers cause chronic bone changes. F blood levels of 3-5 ppm of course as during accidental overfeeds at a time wben one happens to be extremely thirsty is acute poisoning.
Why on God's earth would anyone intentionally add a contaminant like that, which is useless when ingested for its intended purpose, to establish a country's policy wben the FDA does not approve the ingestion of any fluoride? Absolutely idiotic.
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Give us a break from a CDC advertisement please. An upper limit of 1.5 ppm F in water does not protect all consumers from either dental or bone fluorosis. Humans do not live in cages so as to not be exposed to other significant sources that depend on the dietary behaviors among various people. And even if they were caged from other F sources, bone F levels during lifelong consumption cause formation of bone of poor quality. Fluoridation of people is a useless harmful waste.
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Richard, you say:
"An upper limit of 1.5 ppm F in water does not protect all consumers from either dental or bone fluorosis"
That is trivially true as excessive uptake of fluoride can occur from other dietary sources - toothpaste, coal fires, black tea, etc.
But in a normal dietary situation where water is the main source of F this is what research has shown. A normally informed person understands the difference.
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I like the NZ saying, "play the ball not the man."
In the USA we say "shoot the message, not the messenger."
"normally informed person" shots the message. Some are ingesting too much fluoride.
4 ppm EPA MCLG is too high.
1.5 ppm fluoride is too high for the brain, teeth, cancer, mitochondria, etc.
1.0 ppm fluoride in the USA resulted in 2/3rds of kids getting some degree of dental fluorosis.
0.7 ppm is still too ethically and medically high.
The quality of research demonstrating 0.7 ppm fluoride in water prevents dental caries is mythology or speculation and is not supported by science. Endorsements, Randy, are not scientific proof.
Ken, I don't mean to shoot you, seriously asking again because you do not accept the quality of research reporting fluoride's developmental neurotoxicity (and I also want more and better), where is the quality research fluoride prevents dental caries.
Seriously, why are dentists doing so well in fluoridated NZ, AU, USA if dental caries are prevented. Perhaps we should discuss mitigation because we know fluoride does not prevent dental caries. If it did, I would be out of business.
Judgment requires viewing all streams of evidence. I have not heard a robust defense of the benefit of ingesting fluoride.
Bill Osmunson DDS MPH
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Bill, I can understand your specific obsession with the work of Till et al but you should understand that in my criticism of that work I have been consistently making the point that the problems of data dredging, p-hacking and motivated reasoning is a common problem in epidemiological research publications. This problem has become obvious to people in the street who respond to that latest "scientific" recommendation with the mantra - "you can't trust science. They say one thing one day and the opposite the next." See, for example, my article
What Ioannidis (2005) says in "Why most published research findings are false" is truly relevant here.
Of course, the research on dental caries is no different. But the saving grace here is that there is so much of it and a meta-analysis of the results consistently shows a positive effect of community water fluoridation on oral health. In contrast, meta-analyses of things like the effect of wine on cancer tend to show no effect (but one can cherry pick studies to confirm one’s own bias – I cherry pick the study showing the positive effects of wine).
The problem with the studies from the Till group is that they are in effect one study. Even within their papers it is easy to see that, for example:
1: There is absolutely no effect of community water fluoridation of child IQ – the results of Green et al & Till et al agree with those of Broadbent et al (2015): Anti-fluoride activists viciously attacked Broadbent’s study but are strangely silent on the Till studies showing essentially the same result.
2: Within their separate papers their reporting of questionable statistically significant effect is rather rare (which is typical of data dredging and p-hacking as one finds the occasional statistically significant effects even with completely random data). In their recent paper, Cunningham et al (2102) only one of the eight relationships reported is statistically significant (see This form of data dredging and p-hacking means the reported p-values have no meaning because of the consideration of multiple relationships and the cherry picking of one.
3: While all attention is directed to the results from the Till group others are simply ignored – for example like that of Santa-Marina, et al (2019). Fluorinated water consumption in pregnancy and neuropsychological development of children at 14 months and 4 years of age. Environmental Epidemiology, 3. That showed an opposite effect so our meta analysis of the studies from only 2 groups suggest there is no effect.
4: I understand how individual researchers and their institutes will promote even questionable work because it brings them recognition and career advancement. With the Till group this attitude is even worse as they refuse to actually discuss their work and simply attack those who critique it. They seem to be circling the wagons, defending themselves against scientific scrutiny and instead promoting themselves as advisors on oral health. That is very poor science see “When scientists get political: Lead fluoride-IQ researcher launches emotional attack on her scientif...” -
5: One should wait until there is a body of research showing consistent results before launching into the advocacy of regulation. Yet this group is attempting to do just that, simply on the basis of their own flimsy results – they have cherry picked the rather rare relationships for which they claim statistical significance. See Grandjean, et al (2020) Benchmark Dose Analysis for Maternal Pregnancy Urine-Fluoride and IQ in Children Keywords. MedRxiv, 1–20.
And also note that while this pre-publication document was meant to invite discussion, they consistently ignore my contribution to that discussion.
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You responded in regard to 1.5 ppm fluoride in water:
"That is trivially true as excessive uptake of fluoride can occur from other dietary sources - toothpaste, coal fires, black tea, etc.
But in a normal dietary situation where water is the main source of F this is what research has shown. A normally informed person understands the difference."
Makes no sense.
Who is a "normally informed person" when it comes to fluoride exposure. Taken a long time us to even get you to admit some of the sources of fluoride let alone the wide range of fluoride exposure.
And what percentage of the population do you want to protect from excess fluoride? 90th percentile? 50th percentile?
When it comes to lead, arsenic, etc., we try to protect 100% of the population.
When it comes to the 200,000,000 in the USA on fluoridated water, 10% with excess fluoride exposure would be about 20,000,000 people you are saying it is OK to have excess fluoride, you can be harmed, go to hell with your health, because you are not "normally informed" purchasing non-fluoridated water, using nonfluoridated toothpaste, drinking too much tea, or had a general anesthesia, or taking fluoride medications, or eating mechanically deboned meat.
Use some simple judgment Ken, what percentage of the population will you accept to be harmed? Your family? Mine? Your town? My town?
Almost 70 human studies reporting neurologic harm and many more reporting fluoride as a known carcinogen. How many people harmed in your "judgment" before you have a concern?
We are talking judgment, Ken. Yours does not make sense to me, because you don't appear to have an intent to protect everyone to the best of our ability.
Bill Osmunson DDS, MPH
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Nonsense. Informed people understand that the NRC Report data is valid, where consumers living in a 1 ppm fluoridated water region experience elevated PTH and calcitonin, a pathologic effect of fluoride incorporation into bone, and elevated TSH, and also that fluoridation of bone is permanent, and it begins with the first sip, where fluoride alters the crystal structure of bone since it is not exactly the same radius and shape as the hydroxide ion it replaces by ion exchange. Fluoride in bone causes formation of bone of poor quality.
The FDA recognizes all this and ruled just last year that fluoride is a toxic substance at any level and should be regulated as such by the EPA under the Toxic Substances Control Act.
Where have you been? It appears you need to study more.
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There are a finite number of kids afflicted with moderate dental fluorosis in the U.S.. It is named fluorosis because it is a poisoned condition. Although it may be a small % of the population that has cognitive deficiency from fluoridation exposure, it is an unthinkable and disgusting result because F is not a mineral nutrient and has no place in the human diet other than by accident. Fluoridation is an avoidable source of F intake and it must he stopped, not only for healthy nonfluorotic teeth but for nonfluorotic bones as well.
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One of the major findings of the Swedish study (Aggeborn and Öhman, 2017) is that that good dental health is a positive factor on the labour market. Who can argue with that? But good dental health does not depend on swallowing fluoride.
There are many qualifications in the robustness analysis of this report and the opening sentence of the discussion section states, “It is always more difficult to conclude a zero-effect.”
Aggeborn and Öhman conclude, even though they state that their results indicate that the dangerous level is not below 1.5 mg/l, “Future studies should try to establish where the dangerous level of fluoride begins. Since we know that fluoride is lethal and dangerous in high dosages, it is crucial to find the safe limit for fluoride in the drinking water.”
Note the word ‘crucial’.
There are similar precautions offered by Grandjean, Malin, Till and Choi et al.
Shouldn’t we should all take heed?
The safest level, of course, is zero by assuming that there is no threshold below which there is no systemic fluoride effect.
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Ross, that is not the finding of Aggeborn and Öhman. What they actually reported is that fluoride has a positive effect on income and well being in later life as well as on dental health. They actually say:
"Fluoride has positive effects on log income and employment status which could indicate that better dental health is a positive factor on the labor market."
That is, they are offering a hypothesis to explain their findings.
This is from their abstract:
"First, we investigate and conrm the long-established positive relationship between fluoride and dental health. Second, we find precisely estimated zero-effects on cognitive ability, non-cognitive ability and education for fluoride levels below 1.5 mg/l. Third, we find evidence that fluoride improves later labor market outcomes, which indicates that good dental health is a positive factor on the labor market."
They did, however, use some dental repair data to support this hypothesis and commented:
"The estimated effect could be interpreted as a beauty-ffect. Given that we found larger effects for non-academics in the earlier reduced-form analyses, one explanation might be that people working in the service sector { which is not uncommon for this age-group { are more sensitive to bad looking teeth. This is probably not the entire explanation however. Having bad dental
health is probably associated with pain, and individuals with dental problems should on
average be more sick and more absent from work. This could explain why they earn less
and are less likely to be employed."
Yes, it is always more difficult to conclude a zero effect - that is the real only valid criticism of the Dunedin study (and all other studies). But Aggeborn and Öhman had a very large sample size which means their confidence intervals were very small. It would be simply desperate to argue that there really was an IQ effect hiding within that small confidence range.
There is nothing exceptional about fluoride at being dangerous at high concentrations - this is the case for other beneficial microelements as well. An upper limit of 1.5 mg/L seems well established and most authorities argue for a lower optimum level to overcome any risk of dental fluorosis.
None of the work of Grandjean, Malin, Till and Choi et al. would suggest changing that accepted level.
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I agree that the systemic blood level for fluoride should be zero, where F is not a component of normal human blood and is not a nutrient. This however will never be achieved in a country that uses natural fluoride present in some waters as an excuse to fluoridate people with intentionally added industrial fluoride.
There are several million people now in the U.S.with "moderate" fluorosis which means that all their teeth are fluorotic and afflicted with enamel hypoplasia (hypomineralization).. This abnormality is not just unsightly but is a disgusting attribute of a society that forces water distircts to infuse the substance to fluoridate people.
Severe dental fluorosis I suspect is accompanied with significant neurologic impairment. "Moderate" fluorosis may also, where this could be due to one or both factors, neurologic or behavioral.
Mild fluorosis is to me a misnomer since no one should say I have only been "mildly poisoned" when the result is permanent, irreversible, lifelong. Your teeth will never be normal ever again. You have been permanenlty poisoned by fluoridation advocates who could care less and in fact will tell you that you are better off with mild fluorosis, which of course is nonsensical. I have seen many people who feel self-conscious because of "mild" fluorosis and whose job prospects have been lost because of it, especially those who work for the public, in the public eye.
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But it must be pointed out that all cities that intentionally fluoridate their citizens experience increased incidence of dental fluorosis and there are no exceptions. Even fluoridationist Pollick publishes this. The mechanism by which cognitive adverse effects can occur, whether caused by the ion known to enter brain tissue, or caused by dental fluorosis being unsightly, or both, may never be known with absolute certainty. Regardless, impaired cognition due to fluoride exposure in children must be avoided, and abstaining from fluoridating children is an important part of that.
Not fluoridaitng water supplies would then not violate the Safe Drinking Water Act or the Hippocratic Oath, and the lack of government regulation of fluoridation would then be unimportant.
It's a nice goal but apparently won't happen any time soon.
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Richard, any increase in dental fluorosis associated with community water is of only the questionable or very mild form. The more serious moderate and severe forms are associated with excessive F consumption - eating toothpaste etc.
of course, it may not be obvious whether cognitive deficits are caused by toxicants or physiological deficiencies. But it is wrong to restrict one's hypotheses in the way the Granbdjean, Till, Choi group have.
For example, the Swedish research showing a relationship of improved quality of life and income with fluoride concentration in drinking water is an interesting result. It seems to me that a physiological mechanism linking better oral health with success in life (something that I think is obvious) is a more credible mechanism than a claim that increased fluoride somehow magically causes one to earn more in later life.
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KenP - If you didn't co-author the study on sexual abuse, contact PubMed about the misfile.
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