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Hartford insurance

 I am more than a little disgusted with the AARP relationship with Hartford Insurance.  I got my annual bill to renew in the mail, and the price increase was ridiculous.  I went on the Hartford site to pare down anything I could from the policy and found a user interface that is only partially useful. I got notice that some of the changes I wanted to make required speaking with an agent, who would contact me within 48 hours.  Nice of them.  I'll hand around waiting for them. I wanted to drop collision on an older vehicle since the premium was nearly what I would receive as compensation for the vehicle even if it were totaled.  No place to do that on the site.  I looked for a phone number, chatbot, email address to no avail.  They clearly want to insure you, but they don't want to have to speak with you. I find it difficult to believe that AARP maintains and thereby recommends doing business with this company. Evidently the days of putting faith or trust in a vendor because of an AARP relationship or endorsement is a thing of the past.


What the **bleep** AARP can’t wait to crap on you   You don’t have the balls to answer

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 Totally agree with this.  Looking around after being with Hartford for 10 to 20 years (don't recall how many, but probably close to 20), and it looks like I'm finally going to switch.

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Please do what a scam

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Community Concierge

@JanisP975883  If you've had trouble with The Hartford, I am sorry to hear it. We are listening and would like the chance to help as soon as possible. Please visit to chat, text, or speak with a representative who can get you in touch with our Member Relations team. Thank you.  Jodee R. 

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Regular Contributor

I switched to Hartford 6 months ago and just renewed as well as taking the AARP driver course and I'm very pleased. Believe me I am the first person to complain when something is not right, (like the rewards program not working properly on a regular basis), but if I'm going to complain when something is right I need to compliment when something is good! So far, both Hartford and AARP have been good with auto insurance and the driver course! 


In addition I would like to commend the last AARP magazine and how they related true stories to help others! This was the first time I actually sat and read the magazine which I enjoyed tremendously! 

Please focus on the positive and keep this up, and you still need some better it people to work on the rewards program! Thank you very much.  Bear Toor

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Totally agree. Price went up for no reason. The True Lane app and tracking is a joke. Wife and I got penalized  for speeding, hard braking, and on phone. We were on vacation and taking Uber. But they charge more if you don’t use it. We probably don’t drive 10,000 miles a year. 

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Sorry  I have not had time to make a moniker  but I want very much to say a few things about Hartford Insurance. They've had a nice ride here on AARP but it is not deserved and it's tiring we are not getting good customer service or a fair deal. I have the  misfortune of having had flood insurance and have  paid for 23 years for it on my home, which is in a preferred zone, so i only have one previous claim. I am not want to file a claim here and there on insurance but we in Tampa went through hell with Hurricane  Milton and I have flood damage. Hartford and its contractor Pilot are a nightmare to deal with. Their only goal is to avoid paying  anything to low ball and the adjuster lies. I think that saying he  is an independent adjuster while on the pilot payroll is definitely misleading. H e also lied about other things from what he told me and told the people who he lies for, Hartford. I also am disgusted with their bullying and belittling actions and doing what I am sure is  illegal. You can't rfuse to honor a policy that has a replacement value with doing whatever the h3ck they want. I am sure that is not legal. I wonder why AARP is in bed with these thieves. I woujld never buy any home owners insurance or flood or car or anything actually. .not a car, not a vacation, nothing. I don't think AARP offers very much at all, and this weak link hangs on to Hartford as the last thing it has with a name  some  recognize. How about bringing in some competition? How about asking people here and there how the service was?  I have  to get  my own adjuster now, and I have to ask FEMA about the legalities of what they are doing. I am so appalled at what these Hartford flood insurance  people are doing  and I am calling on my senator, FEMA,,the agent, and a lawyer. I wonder if anyone can tell me what kind of service or coverage they got?  Wish me luck. No one should break the law with impunity.

Community Concierge

Hello @GinaT33603, I understand your concerns and frustration. This is certainly not the experience we want you to have. We are listening and would like the chance to help as soon as possible. When you get a moment, please send me a private message, so I can help you escalate this to our Member Relations team. They act as liaison for AARP service providers. Here is an article that will show you how to activate private messages: Thank you. - Daniela R. 

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Regular Contributor


@Daniela R.

The tactic of trying, time and again, to get people to go private (hidden, off forum) with Members Relations is counterproductive. People are raising issues here on the community forum and the expectation is that AARP would likewise respond here meaningfully. But sadly this doesn’t happen. I’ve seen no evidence that Member Relations is being helpful in resolving our collective issues with The Hartford. Y’all should transparently engage with us here and not be scripted sounding. Being scripted makes matters worse. 

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Community Concierge

We absolutely do care, @VintageDrummer. We ask that people reach out to us individually in private, so we can gather details about their situation and create a case particular to each situation for our Member Relation liaisons. We want to hear your voice and we appreciate you bringing your concerns to us. Thank you again for bringing these concerns forward. - Diana G.

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You guys need to get a handle on The Hartford. State Farm and Allstate have better rates on auto. Renewed rate Jan 1st with price Hartford sent out. Now sent out another statement with $83 increase. Naturally no one is answering phone or chat. No idea why.  That reflects on you guys and AARP. 

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  Hartford is a rip off.  Their TruLane program is rigged to make sure you don't get the full discount. I have "Trend" scores over 95 and yet may "Overall Score"is less than 80 and when I called they said it is because of the "Type of Roads" that I drive on. When I asked about seeing those scores they could not give me an answer. TOTAL RIP OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Totally agree. We didn’t get the full discount because of speeding, phone use and hard breaking. We were on vacation and riding in Uber. Hartford would t listen. 

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Honored Social Butterfly

@StephenH288565 wrote:

Totally agree. We didn’t get the full discount because of speeding, phone use and hard breaking. We were on vacation and riding in Uber. Hartford would t listen. 



Did you have yourself [manually] marked as a “passenger” in the True Lane app on your phone?  This has to be for the all the people in the transport vehicle that are on the same policy.


If you did - let us all know cause it could be a problem for many technically speaking - if not, that is probably your problem - the app doesn’t know when you are a driver or passenger - unless you tell it.  

Seems like a lot of things to do and to keep up with to save a few bucks - plus I hate surveillance of any sort.  

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Regular Contributor

@unlistedmoniker I share your sentiments about AARP's relationship w/ The Hartford.


From what I can see, it seems AARP simply sits idly by (learned helplessness, in a sense) while its recommended auto insurance vendor engages in what some people might consider price gouging. I easily solved the problem by changing to Progressive (got a comparatively great rate) and saving even more money by dropping my long-standing AARP membership. As a practical matter, AARP should (1) learn how to be much more member-centric; (2) reevaluate who it takes on as a business partner; (3) have two or more endorsed auto insurers to foster competitiveness; and (4) use its several publications to objectively share useful and informative stories about the auto insurance situation, including the role AARP itself plays. Unless and until AARP takes substantial meaningful steps in this direction, I'll remain on the sidelines as to re-upping my multi-year membership. As it currently stands, my trust in the organization is diminished.

Periodic Contributor

I also switched to Progressive a few years ago because Allstate raised my rates even though my wife and I have a perfect driving record and made no claims for many years. However although Progressive offered a very competitive rate for 6 months, come renewal time they raised my rates. I stuck with Progressive for another 6 month term. Then when it came time to renew again they once again raised my rates. Now I was paying more than I was with Allstate! Still with a perfect driving recored and no claims. I now know why they have the name Progress, they progressively raise your rates! Many years ago I was with State Farm for 20 years, each month I didn't submit a claim State Farm would LOWER my rate! Now it seems insurance companies entice you with these initial lower rates and then systematically rase your rates hoping that you will not notice or worse, they hope you will stay with them out of loyalty.

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Community Concierge

We're sorry to hear you’re having trouble with one of our benefit providers. We are listening and would like the chance to help as soon as possible. Please visit to chat, text, or speak with a representative who can get you in touch with our Member Relations team. -Carla S.

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Periodic Contributor

 I did contact member relations and they suggested I post my concerns here.  Kind of circular is it not?


Periodic Contributor

 Our insurance went up 31% as well. I just got off the phone with Hartford and with AARP customer relations.   There is no justification for this kind of increase. Hartford was ecstatic of their financial performance in 2023. How did they respond to their customers? With a record premium increase.  AARP needs to call Hartford on the carpet and demand an immediate response to AARP and its Hartford insured member.  Here is the link to their financial performance.


Hartford raised my auto insurance rate more than $800 (55%) this year. Where is the AARP membership benefit? The Hartford rep I spoke with told me the state rate increased. I called the NC insurance commissioner's office and was told that the state increase was 4.5%, but insurance companies can go as high as 250% according to NC state regulations. The rate bureau sets the rates and lets the insurance companies decide.


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Community Concierge

We're sorry to hear The Hartford raised your premium, @KathieM559007. We would like to get more details about this and connect you to our Member Relations team. Please visit to chat, text, or speak with a representative. - Diana G.

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Regular Contributor


I've seen zero evidence on any AARP community forum posts that connecting with someone from the Member Relations team has produced a satisfying experience in terms of being helpful regarding the rate increases by The Hartford. Why doesn't AARP actually do something publicly visible herein about the egregious problem such as adding additional insurance providers that can compete for AARP members' business? All we see here from AARP is a scripted response across numerous posts about contacting Member Relations (which isn't helping as a practical matter).

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Regular Contributor


I’m so sorry to hear about the horrible rate increase on your insurance by The Hartford. I predict AARP will be completely quiet on this or will reply and attempt to get you to talk to an AARP representative in order to hopefully move your conversation away from community view. 

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Periodic Contributor

I'm in the same boat. The Hartford raised my auto rates by more than $600 per year! I have a perfect driving record and have made NO claims since I switched to The Hartford. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I made a claim with any of my previous insurance carriers as well. Also, The Hartford also raised my home owners insurance by $300 this year as well! It boils down to one thing, corporate GREED !!!

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Community Concierge

Hello @JFStorey, I'm deeply sorry to hear that your Hartford policies have increased. We are listening and would like the chance to help as soon as possible. Can you please send me a private message with more information about your experience. Here is an article that will show you how to activate Private messages: Thank you. - Daniela R. 

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Honored Social Butterfly

Seems there are alternatives - right?  I don’t have The Hartford and mine went up as well - all them - Auto, Home and Umbrella.  

Good thing we have choices.  



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Bronze Conversationalist

29% increase here. Buck up, it's inflation & the cost of doing business.  Hartford & others aren't going to run on less profit. 

Periodic Contributor

 According to Washington DC ... it is not inflation and the economy is great!


If you look at my link you will see hartford had a very successful financial year in 2023. Please take a look and then return to this thread with your comments



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Honored Social Butterfly


Yes,I read that before - so what, insurance companies are in the business to perform a service and they are allowed to make a profit just like other businesses.  I don’t know of a non-profit auto insurance company - I mentioned AMICA somewhere in one these Hartford auto insurance threads - they are owned by their policy holders - in fact you can pick the category of investor/policy holder and get dividends.

AMICA- types of policies - traditional and dividend


CNBC 03/23/2024 - Why auto insurance rates are skyrocketing in the U.S.


ANY consumer can buy a product or service.  Auto Insurance is a service for those that need it - We also have the right to shop around to see if there is a product that meets your needs.


Still too high in premium - take on more of the risk yourself and raise your deductible or drop things you don’t particularly need.


Think about it, EVERYTHING on your statement of cover has gone up -

  • fixing it
  • replacing it
  • replacing what might have been stolen inside the vehicle
  • the cost of towing, if you have that coverage
  •  the same is true if you have a rental for the times when your car is being repairs
  • medical cost have gone up
  • there are many people driving around that a UN-insured or UNDER-insurer and if your have that coverage then it has gone up
  • then there is the “other car” or property that has to be considered too - if the insured is at fault or heck you could just back into something somewhere - without even a ticket attached to the accident - but your car still has to be fixed.

My comment was made to state a truth and a freedom - look for coverage elsewhere.


I have NEVER seen a promise of low (lowest) premiums on any of the AARP branded insurance products of any type.  


Like I have said over and over in these type of gripping post - AARP does not have any oversight or even any pull on one of their branded product pricing - that goes for premiums too on all types of insurance products.  


You might be getting a discount if you buy all the pre-requisite coverage options - but it is hard to see if one does not do an analysis or exactly the same coverage somewhere else.

Who do you think pays for things like 

  • disappearing deductible
  • new car replacement 

The Hartford says that you get a 10% discount for just being an AARP member.  Is that shown on your new policy sheet?

There is an auto insurance calculator on their site - I didn’t look closely at it but it is there.


Just because one has a perfect driving record doesn’t mean that you still don’t get assessed the replacement cost of others that in the pool with you - 


I’m done




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