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Honored Social Butterfly

HR 6933 - (WEP new formula) Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2018

Here is the SSA Actuary's analysis of the above subject legislation.

"The Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2018,” introduced on September 27, 2018 by Rep Kevin Brady (R-Tx) - the one who has been trying year after year to find a new formula, perhaps one that is more fair.


Even if it passes (doubtful, IMO) some might win a bit but others are still gonna lose.


SSA Analysis of Rep. Kevin Brady's "The Equal Treatment of Public Servants Act of 2018"


The WEP will never be eliminated because the old way was very incorrect in how it determined the benefit - a totally new formula would have to be legislated as all of his proposed legislation has tried to do - even then there will be winners and losers.


The best and easiest way to end this is for civil employees with a pension to begin paying into the SS system.  Most likely, if they still want to get a pension from their government employer, these civil employees will have to pay in both parts to the SS system (employee and employer) because the government employer will not do both - pension and SS match.


It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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I am not a civil servant but I am still caught in the WEP net. I am a Canadian and French citizen and living in the US with a green card. I worked 10 years in Canada and 14 in France (7 years for Carrier) before being shipped to the US where I found myself working for the same company (Carrier) for 19 more years. While in the US I contributed to Social Security but because I didn't contribute while in Canada or France and because I receive pensions from both I am being penalized in the States and my SS pension for which I paid for is been reduced and on top of that, now they ask me to repay 10451 dollars. To me, that is grand larceny. I did not try to cheat or defraud the SS but I am treated as if. What is AARP doing about this? I read that there are 3.9 million retirees affected by this stupid provision. BTW, while reading information on the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) site, it invites people who have worked in other countries to apply for their QPP pension and specify it will not be affected or reduced.
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Honored Social Butterfly

@d197050b wrote:
I am not a civil servant but I am still caught in the WEP net. I am a Canadian and French citizen and living in the US with a green card. I worked 10 years in Canada and 14 in France (7 years for Carrier) before being shipped to the US where I found myself working for the same company (Carrier) for 19 more years. While in the US I contributed to Social Security but because I didn't contribute while in Canada or France and because I receive pensions from both I am being penalized in the States and my SS pension for which I paid for is been reduced and on top of that, now they ask me to repay 10451 dollars. To me, that is grand larceny. I did not try to cheat or defraud the SS but I am treated as if. What is AARP doing about this? I read that there are 3.9 million retirees affected by this stupid provision. BTW, while reading information on the Quebec Pension Plan (QPP) site, it invites people who have worked in other countries to apply for their QPP pension and specify it will not be affected or reduced.

Your situation is not a WEP concern.  The US-SSA has an independent agreement with Canada (CPP)  or Quebec (QPP) on just your situation.  It maybe beneficial for you to review it especially the part about how the benefits are calculated.

Social Security Administration Publication No. 05-10198 August 2017 Agreement Between The United Sta...


It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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