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I haven't been able to find anything on this topic. My daughter received disabled survivor benefits. I am her payee and her benefit goes to my account. Question she eligible for a stimulus check. I haven't been able to find an answer, so I came here. Thanks for any info.
Hello Vernena, I'm browsing topics on "payees", and yours popped up. I noticed you mentioned you are your disabled daughter's Rep. Payee, and that her SS income goes into your bank account. SS guidelines recommend that a beneficiary's income be deposited separately from the Rep. Payee's own funds, even for individual Rep. Payees. Also, the account title must illistrate that the funds belong to the beneficiairy and that the Rep. Payee is the authorized signer (not owner), such as "Mother Jones, Rep. Payee for Daugher Jones" or "Daughter Jones by Mother Jones, Rep. Payee". The word "by" or "for" is required.
Here's a link to the SSA Guide for Representative Payees:
@VernenaR408826 wrote
I forgot to mention that my daughter is 51.
Her age doesn't make any difference -
The only things that matter as to whether or not she will get an Economic Impact Payment (EIP - $1200) is whether or not she is claimed by someone else as a dependent and has her own Social Security Number.
If she is claimed as a dependent on someone elses tax return - she does NOT get one.
If she is NOT claimed as a dependent on someone else's return - she gets ones.
This is pretty new from the SSA -
SSA may 07, 2020 - Economic Impact Payments - Coronavirus - Rep. Payee
from the link ~
Do you have a representative payee or you are a representative payee?
The IRS has not yet determined when payments will be made to someone who did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return and who has a representative payee.. . . .
Social Security Beneficiaries
The IRS has processed most economic impact payments for Social Security (retirement, survivors, disability) beneficiaries whether they did or did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return, except for a beneficiary who did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return who also has a representative payee. If the beneficiary used the IRSโ Non-Filer Tool, the IRS is processing payments weekly, even if the beneficiary may have a representative payee.
How will the IRS send my economic impact payment if I have a representative payee?
Date: May 6, 2020
If you filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return: Your $1,200 economic impact payment (EIP) was or will be sent to the bank account provided on your tax return for an electronic tax refund, or mailed to the address provided on your tax return if a tax refund was mailed or if there was no refund.
If you did NOT file a 2019 or 2018 tax return: The IRS plans to use information provided by SSA to help the IRS generate your EIP. In most cases, the IRS will send your EIP to your representative payee using the same method (direct deposit, Direct Express, or check) the representative payee receives your monthly benefit. The IRS has not determined when these EIPs will be processed.
Does this answer your questions?
As long as your daughter is NOT claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return and she has a valid working Social Security number - she should be eligible for her own $ 1200 Economic Impact payment.
From the Social Security Administration on Representative Payee EIP (Economic Impact Payments)
SSA 05/06/2020 - Coronavirus / Representative Payee
Quote from the above link:
How will the IRS send my economic impact payment if I have a representative payee?
Date: May 6, 2020
"If you filed a 2019 or 2018 tax return: Your $1,200 economic impact payment (EIP) was or will be sent to the bank account provided on your tax return for an electronic tax refund, or mailed to the address provided on your tax return if a tax refund was mailed or if there was no refund.
If you did not file a 2019 or 2018 tax return: The IRS plans to use information provided by SSA to help the IRS generate your EIP. In most cases, the IRS will send your EIP to your representative payee using the same method (direct deposit, Direct Express, or check) the representative payee receives your monthly benefit. The IRS has not determined when these EIPs will be processed."
NOTE it says "In MOST CASES" - sometimes there are other situations that are out of the norm.
There is a few more RP comments at the link but they are more concerning the responsibilities of the RP - general stuff that you probably already know but you can go to the above link and read the rest.
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