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Xfinity Mobile Fraud and Deceptive Sales Practices

This is a heads up for anyone thinking about doing business with Xfinity. Be extremely careful, even if you had the promises in writing, Xfinity will not honor them. 


My Experience: From July 23, 2022 to Now


1) Promised a TOTAL monthly bill of $ 80.00, being billed $83.18. -  No action taken by xfinity.  Over billing is currently $2.53 for 9/14 bill and $3.18 for 10/14 bill.

2) Promised a $400 gift card and scheduled for a $100 card. - tried to resolve my phone on 10/102022 at  1220  without success.

  1. Also the sales rep promised to immediately deliver the gift card after account activation, did not mention the 90 day hold. 

3) Promised 100 mpbs for $25.00 a month. Was billed $35.00.  After three calls totaling 43 minutes, this has been corrected for two billing cycles by the cable division.

4) Promised $80.00/month for two lines for lifetime -   Will not be honored

5) Sold 5G service for a phone not capable of 5G- I would think the sales rep would know about phones.- No fix for this. BUT I should have known better.

6) There are other misrepresentations thru-out the chat, but not critical enough to fight about. 


All of these promises are in writing in the 7/23/2022 chat of which I print all the screens. Despite having written proof of the promises made by the Xfinity Sales Rep, Xfinity will not honored them. I have went all the way to Comcast Executive Customer Service without any success. 


The above clearly demonstrates that Xfinity engaged in deceptive sales practices if not outright fraud. Be careful.


I was not able to figure out how to post the screen shots here. If you are interested in the written proof, email me at [PERSONAL INFO REMOVED] I will send it to you. 

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