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Cell phone based mugging scan in NYC

This happened to my Son (27 yrs), Grad student. We visited him over the weekend and on saturday (July 9th, 2022) we were walking from mid town ferry terming towards Times square and while crossing a street, mon Son found a dropped cell phone (iphone). He picked it to prevent it from run over from vehicles and with in 2 minutes, he gets a call and Son informed him that he found his phone on the street and LUCKILY, the phone died! We went to his appt and he forgot to charge and in the morning he charged and he gets a call. 

He suggested that the come and meet him at the campus police booth. They made up a reason that his mom does not want him to go far and so suggest a place and my son refused and my son researched and identified a place near a police station.

Due to the weirdness of the conversation, my son was uncomfortable(we had left to our home in the morning), he identified a place close to a police station.


He left his wallet etc., back in his appt and went on his bicycle. Two folks approached and they took the phone and started to take swings at him - luckily he ducked in time and the punch hit his helmet and he quickly ran towards the police station and they ran away!


This is yet another way to mug folks I guess and I just wanted to spread the work so that others don't fall prey for this and pay dearly.


Joe Wesley


Social Butterfly



What an awful experience for your son. I'm glad he's okay. He was smart to meet near a police station and leave his valuables at home. Just imagine this, your son is young and strong, and very smart (grad school!). So if this can happen to him it can certainly happen to old guys like me.and to anyone else.

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