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AARP Sponsored Advertisement for Space Heater is Deceptive

AAARP runs a video advertisement for a small plug in space heater which clearly contains Deceptive advertising.  The crux of my complaint is that this ad is sponsored on the AARP Site, an organization which is supposed to HELP PROTECT SENIORS from SCAMS and DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING.

The advertisement  implies that this is some new electric heat invention which is much more efficient than other regular electric heaters.  This is DECEPTIVE Advertising at its worst.  As a retired HVAC Engineer it is easily seen that this is just a common Ceramic type electric resistance heater. ALL electric resistance heaters are essentially 100% efficient. They also exaggerate the amount of area that this heater can maintain.  FYI, These plug-in heaters are available all over the internet with multiple branding, and ranging in price from under $10 to as high as $50 (the higher cost is from the advertiser on this site).

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